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ISCApad Archive  »  2022  »  ISCApad #290  »  ISCA News  »  Speech Prosody SIG calls for election of officers

ISCApad #290

Saturday, August 06, 2022 by Chris Wellekens

2-14 Speech Prosody SIG calls for election of officers

Dear Fellow Members of SProSIG,


The constitution of the Speech Prosody SIG calls for election of officers once every two years.  Accordingly, acting on behalf of the Permanent Advisory Council (PAC) of SProSIG, I welcome nominations for officers for the 2022 - 2024 term.  The PAC has approved the following schedule and procedure:


July 11 - July 29: Nominations for SProSIG officers may be sent to me, Past President of SProSIG, at (also cc to to prevent mail delivering errors). Please use the nomination form at .  Nominations must be submitted by a SProSIG member (self-nominations are accepted), and must include a 50-200 words statement of qualifications and vision.  The person being nominated must be a SProSIG member, and must agree to hold the position if elected.


July 29 – August 5: The current officers were first elected in 2018 and re-elected in 2020.  They are eligible to be re-elected, and since they have all expressed the willingness to serve another term, if there are no other nominations, the Permanent Advisory Committee will approve the current officers to serve a third term.

The current officers are  Plinio Barbosa, Aoju Chen, Hongwei Ding, Martine Grice, and Nigel Ward (Chair).  Otherwise,


August 5 - August 26. The Permanent Advisory Committee will post the candidates' statements at and an election will be held.  The new officers will then be announced, and decide among themselves their roles.


August 31.  The role of the new officers will be decided after election.



Keikichi Hirose

Past President of SProSIG

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