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ISCApad #290

Saturday, August 06, 2022 by Chris Wellekens

3-1 ISCA Events
3-1-1(2022-09-18) Call for Mentors for One-to-one Mentoring at Interspeech 2022

Call for Mentors for One-to-one Mentoring at Interspeech 2022
An initiative of the ISCA Mentoring Committee and ISCA-SAC

The ISCA Mentoring Committee and ISCA-SAC are happy to announce that one-to-one mentoring sessions are to return to Interspeech this year. The ISCA Mentoring Committee, in collaboration with ISCA-SAC, are inviting registrations from senior and mid-career speech researchers to act as mentors for students and early career researchers.

One-to-one mentoring was piloted in Brno last year with great success and this year in Incheon, there will be another great opportunity to connect with researchers from various backgrounds and experience levels, and engage in meaningful conversations.

Once registered, we will introduce you to your mentee during Interspeech (online or in-person) and let you arrange the best time/place for your conversation. This is intended to be a one-time session of approximately 40 minutes, although it is up to you and the participant whether you need more or less time for your discussion. Sessions can be conducted online or face-to-face, so delegates attending in-person and virtually can take part.

If you feel that you would be able to give meaningful advice and answer questions from participants, we warmly invite you to register as a mentor via our registration form.

Please also share this call in your networks if you know someone who would make a good mentor.

If you have any questions, do get in touch (, &

We look forward to meeting you at Interspeech 2022!

Warm regards,
The ISCA Mentoring Committee & ISCA-SAC

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3-1-2(2022-09-18) INTERSPEECH 2022 HUMAN AND HUMANIZING SPEECH TECHNOLOGY, Incheon Songdo Convensia, Korea.


September 18-22, 2022
Incheon Songdo Convensia, Korea

INTERSPEECH 2022 will be held in Incheon, Korea on September 18-22, 2022. INTERSPEECH is the world's largest and most comprehensive conference on the science and technology of spoken language processing. INTERSPEECH conferences emphasize interdisciplinary approaches addressing all aspects of speech science and technology, ranging from basic theories to advanced applications.

The theme of INTERSPEECH 2022 is 'Human and Humanizing Speech Technology'. Over the history of mankind, human's ability to formulate thoughts and complex feelings, and communication has been evolved by basically talking to the people around them. However, as machines become ever more present in our daily lives, so grows our need for realizing natural interaction with them. With the rapid progress in AI on speech and language applications over the 5G network services provided worldwide, we are at the onset of building our vision of creating a full ecosystem of natural speech and language technology applications. The conference theme of 'Human and Humanizing Speech Technology' formulates the vision of the scientific and industrial community to commit endeavors to continue the effort in speech science toward humanizing the spoken language technology, so the impact becomes a game changer that goes beyond the current state-of-the-art we serve, and ultimately the society as a whole experie nce the benefits.

The paper submission has been opened on January 21, 2022. Submit your papers by March 21, 2022 to be considered!

Call for Papers

INTERSPEECH 2022 seeks original, novel and innovative papers covering all aspects of speech science and technology, ranging from basic theories to advanced applications. Papers addressing scientific area topics related to the conference theme should be submitted electronically through the START V2 system. The working language of the conference is English, and papers must be written in English. The paper length should be up to four pages in two columns. An additional page can be used for references only. Paper submissions must conform to the format defined in the paper preparation guidelines as instructed in the author's kit on the conference webpage. Submissions may also be accompanied by additional files such as multimedia files. Authors must declare that their contributions are original and have not been submitted elsewhere for publication. Contributed papers will be in the rigorous peer-review process. Each paper will be evaluated on the basis of these criteria; novelty and origin ality, technical correctness, clarity of presentation, key strength, and quality of references.

Scientific Areas and Topics

INTERSPEECH 2022 embraces a broad range of science and technology in speech, language and communication areas, including the following topics, but not limited to:

  • Speech Perception, Production and Acquisition
  • Phonetics, Phonology, and Prosody
  • Analysis of Paralinguistics in Speech and Language
  • Speaker and Language Identification
  • Analysis of Speech and Audio Signals
  • Speech Coding and Enhancement
  • Speech Synthesis and Spoken Language Generation
  • Speech Recognition - Signal Processing, Acoustic Modeling, Robustness, Adaptation
  • Speech Recognition - Architecture, Search, and Linguistic Components
  • Speech Recognition - Technologies and Systems for New Applications
  • Spoken Dialog Systems and Analysis of Conversation
  • Spoken Language Processing - Translation, Information Retrieval, Summarization, Resources and Evaluation
  • Speech, voice, and hearing disorders


Technical Program Committee Chairs

Kyogu Lee | Seoul National University, Korea (
Lori Lamel | CNRS-LISN, France, France (
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson | University of Illinois, UC, USA (
Karen Livescu | TTIC-University of Chicago, USA (
Okim Kang | Northern Arizona University, USA (

Paper Submission

Important Dates for INTERSPEECH 2022

Paper Submission Deadline: March 21, 2022
Paper Update Deadline: March 28, 2022
Paper Notification: June 08, 2022
Author Notification: June 13, 2022
Final Paper Upload: June 23, 2022

Visit the INTERSPEECH 2022 Website for More Information

Website: / E-mail:

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3-1-3(2023-08-20) Interspeech 2023, Dublin, Ireland

, ISCA has reached the decision to hold INTERSPEECH-2023 in Dublin, Ireland (Aug. 20-24, 2023)

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3-1-4(2024-07-02) 12th Speech Prosody Conference @Leiden, The Netherlands

Dear Speech Prosody SIG Members,


Professor Barbosa and I are very pleased to announce that the 12th Speech Prosody Conference will take place in Leiden, the Netherlands, July 2-5, 2024, and will be organized by Professors Yiya Chen, Amalia Arvaniti, and Aoju Chen.  (Of the 303 votes cast, 225 were for Leiden, 64 for Shanghai, and 14 indicated no preference.) 


Also I'd like to remind everyone that nominations for SProSIG officers for 2022-2024 are being accepted still this week, using the form at, to Professor Keikichi Hirose.  If you are considering nominating someone, including yourself, feel free to contact me or any current officer to discuss what's involved and what help is most needed.


Nigel Ward, SProSIG Chair

Professor of Computer Science, University of Texas at El Paso

CCSB 3.0408,  +1-915-747-6827   



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3-1-5(2024-09-01) Interspeech 2024, Jerusalem, Israel.

 ISCA conference committee has decided Interspeech 2024 will be held in

Jerusalem, Israel from

September 1 till September 5

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3-1-69th Students meet Experts at Interspeech 2022

9th Students meet Experts at Interspeech 2022

Date:  Wednesday, September 21th, from 16h to 17h KST (Korean time)

Location: Incheon, South Korea and online (tentative)

Panel of Experts: To be confirmed


After successful editions in Lyon (2013), Singapore (2014), San Francisco (2016), Stockholm (2017), Hyderabad (2018), Graz (2019), virtually in both Shanghai (2020) and Brno (2021), we are excited to announce that the Students Meet Experts event is now coming to Interspeech 2022 in Incheon, South Korea. We will have a panel discussion with experts from academia and industry in a hybrid format.


We encourage you to submit questions before the event. A selection of the submitted questions will be answered from the panel of experts. Please keep in mind that the experts and the audience are coming from different fields, so field specific and technical questions are less likely to be presented to the panel. To submit your questions and/or register for this event, we ask you to fill in the form, which will be announced soon. 


Registration and question form: 



Thomas Rolland:

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3-1-79th Students meet Experts at Interspeech 2022

9th Students meet Experts at Interspeech 2022

Date:  Wednesday, September 21th, from 16h to 17h KST (Korean time)

Location: Incheon, South Korea and online (tentative)

Panel of Experts: To be confirmed


After successful editions in Lyon (2013), Singapore (2014), San Francisco (2016), Stockholm (2017), Hyderabad (2018), Graz (2019), virtually in both Shanghai (2020) and Brno (2021), we are excited to announce that the Students Meet Experts event is now coming to Interspeech 2022 in Incheon, South Korea. We will have a panel discussion with experts from academia and industry in a hybrid format.


We encourage you to submit questions before the event. A selection of the submitted questions will be answered from the panel of experts. Please keep in mind that the experts and the audience are coming from different fields, so field specific and technical questions are less likely to be presented to the panel. To submit your questions and/or register for this event, we ask you to fill in the form, which will be announced soon. 


Registration and question form: 



Thomas Rolland:

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Now's the time of year that seminar programmes get fixed up.. please direct the attention of whoever organises your seminars to the ISCA INTERNATIONAL VIRTUAL SEMINARS scheme (introduction below). There is now a good choice of speakers:  see


A seminar programme is an important part of the life of a research lab, especially for its research students, but it's difficult for scientists to travel to give talks at the moment. However,  presentations may be given on line and, paradoxically, it is thus possible for labs to engage international speakers who they wouldn't normally be able to afford.

ISCA has set up a pool of speakers prepared to give on-line talks. In this way we can enhance the experience of students working in our field, often in difficult conditions. To find details of the speakers,

  • visit
  • Click Distinguished Lecturers in the left panel
  • Online Seminars then appears beneath Distinguished Lecturers: click that.

Speakers may pre-record their talks if they wish, but they don't have to. It is up to the host lab to contact speakers and make the arrangements. Talks can be state-of-the-art, or tutorials.

If you make use of this scheme and arrange a seminar, please send brief details (lab, speaker, date) to

If you wish to join the scheme as a speaker, we need is a title, a short abstract, a 1 paragraph biopic and contact details. Please send them to

PS. The online seminar scheme  is now up and running, with 7 speakers so far:


Jean-Luc Schwartz, Roger Moore, Martin Cooke, Sakriani Sakti, Thomas Hueber, John Hansen and Karen Livescu.

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3-1-9Speech Prosody courses

Dear Speech Prosody SIG Members,

We would like to draw your attention to three upcoming short courses from the Luso-Brazilian Association of Speech Sciences:

- Prosody & Rhythm: applications to teaching rhythm,
  Donna Erickson (Haskins), March 16, 19, 23 and 26

- Prosody, variation and contact,
  Barbara Gili Fivela (University of Salento, Italy), April 19, 21, 23, 26 and 28

- Rhythmic analysis of languages: main challenges,
  Marisa Cruz (University of Lisbon), June 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 10

For details:
Plinio Barbosa and Nigel Ward

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