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ISCApad Archive  »  2022  »  ISCApad #289  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2022-10-12)French Cross-Domain Dialect Identification (FDI) task @VarDial2022, Gyeongju, South Korea

ISCApad #289

Sunday, July 10, 2022 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-25 (2022-10-12)French Cross-Domain Dialect Identification (FDI) task @VarDial2022, Gyeongju, South Korea
We are organizing the French Cross-Domain Dialect Identification (FDI) task @VarDial2022.

In the 2022 French Dialect Identification (FDI) shared task, participants have to train a model on news samples collected from a set of publication sources and evaluate it on news samples collected from a different set of publication sources. Not only the sources are different, but also the topics. Therefore, participants have to build a model for a cross-domain 4-way classification by dialect task, in which a classification model is required to discriminate between the French (FH), Swiss (CH), Belgian (BE) and Canadian (CA) dialects across different news samples. The corpus is divided into training, validation and test, such that the publication sources and topics are distinct across splits. The training set contains 358,787 samples. The development set is composed of 18,002 samples. Another set of 36,733 samples are kept for the final evaluation.

Important Dates:
- Training set release: May 20, 2022
- Test set release: June 30, 2022
- Submissions due: July 6, 2022

We invite you to participate!
Have a nice day.

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