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ISCApad Archive  »  2022  »  ISCApad #289  »  Academic and Industry Notes  »  Webinars from TAPAS project

ISCApad #289

Sunday, July 10, 2022 by Chris Wellekens

4-16 Webinars from TAPAS project
In the framework of the TAPAS project (, we are delighted to introduce a
series of webinars that will be held every tuesday at 1pm CEST starting on the 3rd of may. TAPAS is a a Horizon 2020 Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Network European Training Network (MSCA-ITN-ETN) project that aims to transform the well being of people with debilitating speech pathologies (e.g., due to stroke, Parkinson's, etc). These groups face communication problems that can lead to social exclusion. They are now being further marginalised by a new wave of speech technology that is increasingly woven into everyday life but which is not robust to atypical speech.
Each one of our ESRs will present 20 minutes + 10 minutes questions about a part of their subject (2 ESRs per slot), trying to overcome challenges encountered by those people .
3rd of may Sebastiao Quintas: Deep learning approaches to assess head and neck cancer voice intelligibility
Yilin Pan: Using Speech Analysis to Detect Onset and Monitor Cognitive Decline
10th of may Srikanth Nallanthighal : Acoustic speech-based monitoring for telehealth and predictive analytics
Julian Fritsch : Learning detection of pathological speech
17th of may Zhengjun Yue: Continous Speech Recognition for People with Dysarthria
Wei Xue: Developing valid measures of pathological speech intelligibility: human ratings and automatic scores
24th of may Juan Camilo Vasquez Correa: Modelling the progression of neurological diseases
Abdessalem hammami: Generating Phonological Feedback for Evidence-Based Speech Therapy
31st of may Thomas Rolland : Developing speech therapy games for children with speech disorder
Bence Halpern : Predicting and synthesizing plausible speech examples after oral cancer treatment
7th of june Zhao Ren : Deep learning techniques for computer audition
Enno Hermann : Rapid development of speech technology for pathological speech
14th of june Viviana Mendoza: Development of a virtual articulation therapist
Tomás Arias-Vergara: Automatic surveying of speech of Cochlear Implant users

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