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ISCApad Archive  »  2022  »  ISCApad #289  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2022-07-11) CfTutos SIGIR 2022, Hybrid mode, Madrid , Spain

ISCApad #289

Sunday, July 10, 2022 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-11 (2022-07-11) CfTutos SIGIR 2022, Hybrid mode, Madrid , Spain
The annual SIGIR conference is the major international forum for the presentation of new research results, and the demonstration of new systems and techniques, in the broad field of Information Retrieval (IR). The 45th ACM SIGIR conference will be held on July 11 to 15, 2022, in a hybrid mode (speakers and attendees will have the option to participate
onsite or online) in Madrid, Spain.

SIGIR 2022 solicits proposals for both half and full-day tutorials covering topics relevant to the field of information retrieval and its applications. Each tutorial should cover a single topic in depth. For example, tutorials may cover an established information retrieval sub-topic, introduce an emerging application of information retrieval technologies, or update the information retrieval community on recent advances in related fields. We are especially interested in the third category of submission.


Time zone: Anywhere on Earth (AoE)
Tutorial proposal due: March 24, 2022
Tutorials notification: April 14, 2022
Camera ready due: April 24, 2022
Tutorial day: Mon, Jul 11, 2022


Submissions should include a cover sheet and an extended abstract. The cover sheet should include the following elements:
* Title and length (either half-day, e.g. 3 hours plus breaks, or full day, e.g., 6 hours plus breaks) of the tutorial.
* Tutorial format, i.e., on-site or online. The presenters should indicate whether or not all / some presenters commit to attend in person. Commitment to on-site tutorials will be a positive point when deciding which tutorials are accepted. If tutorial presenters commit to attend in person but fail to do so, the tutorial might be canceled.
* Intended audience (introductory, intermediate, advanced) and prerequisite knowledge or skills required.
* Detailed contact information of all presenters (and indication of the main contact person).
* Brief biography (max. 2 paragraphs) for each presenter, highlighting relevant experience in presenting tutorials, teaching grad classes, organizing summer schools, etc.

The extended abstract (no longer than 4 pages) should include the following sections:
* Motivation.
* Objectives.
* Relevance to the information retrieval community and reference to tutorials in the same area at SIGIR or related conferences (including WSDM, WWW, KDD, ACL, RecSys, ICML, etc.).
* Format and detailed schedule.
* Type of support materials to be supplied to attendees.

Tutorial proposals should be prepared in the current ACM two-column conference format. Suitable LaTeX, Word, and Overleaf templates are available from the ACM Website (use the ?sigconf? proceedings template).

The submissions will be reviewed by a program committee selected for this purpose, and final decisions will be made at the SIGIR Program Committee meeting.

Proposals should be submitted in PDF through the EasyChair system (tutorial track):

The organizers of accepted tutorials will be invited to submit a camera-ready summary of the tutorial, to be included in the SIGIR 2022 conference proceedings.


* Michael Bendersky, Google Research;
* Maria Maistro, University of Copenhagen.

*** CONTACT ***

For further information, please contact the SIGIR 2022 Tutorial Co-chairs by email:

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