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ISCApad Archive  »  2022  »  ISCApad #289  »  Events  »  Other Events

ISCApad #289

Sunday, July 10, 2022 by Chris Wellekens

3-3 Other Events
3-3-1(****-**-**) Deep Voice, Paris, France

Suite au succès de la première édition des Deep Voice, Paris je suis très heureux de vous dévoiler le programme de la deuxième édition qui se tiendra les 15-16-17 juin 2022 avec pour thème la diversité et l’inclusion dans les technologies vocales  ! 

Deep Voice, Paris est l’événement parisien dédié à la voix et à l’intelligence artificielle dont l’objectif est de réunir expertises scientifique et technique, innovation et entrepreneuriat. Pour cette deuxième édition, keynote, discussions et tables rondes se succèderont pour traiter des langues rares, des langues peu dotées, de la langue des signes, des  dialectes et accents, du genre, des biais et des discriminations dans les technologies vocales. Des ateliers techniques - “hands-on” - seront proposés aux participants pour développer leurs compétences dans les domaines du traitement de la parole et du langage naturel. Des moments de rencontres et de réseautage en fin de journée faciliteront les rencontres et l’échange entre les participants en toute décontraction.
Pour cette deuxième édition : 
👉 un line-up exceptionnel avec les meilleurs spécialistes français et internationaux du domaine
👉 plus de discussions, plus de rencontres, plus d’événements
👉 les ateliers de formation technique aux dernières innovations, avec un tarif privilégié pour les étudiants
👉 et des ouvertures culturelle et artistique !
Les présentations sont librement accessibles en présence ou à distance sur inscription. Pour les personnes ne pouvant pas assister à l’évènement (par exemple, les chercheuses et chercheurs en pèlerinage sur l’ile de Noirmoutier), l’intégralité des présentations seront diffusées en ligne, captées, et rendues disponibles en replay.
Deep Voice est un événement co-organisé par l’IrcamSorbonne Université, et le SCAI dans le cadre du festival
ManiFeste 2022.
PS : la thématique de l’année prochaine portera sur la musique et le chant, n’hésitez pas à me contacter dès maintenant si vous êtes intéressé à y participer !

Nicolas Obin
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3-3-2(2022-07-04) Le Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française (CMLF), Orleans, France

Le Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française (CMLF) est la plus grande manifestation biennale consacrée à l’étude scientifique de la langue française. Les propositions de communication se font sous forme d’articles (10 pages minimum, 15 pages maximum) incluant une bibliographie. La gestion des propositions, leur répartition entre comités thématiques et au sein des comités thématiques s'effectue via la plateforme L'évaluation est assurée par des experts au moyen d'une grille unifiée et après anonymisation des soumissions. Les communications retenues, sous réserve de leur présentation effective en conférence, sont publiées en version intégrale dans les actes dès l’ouverture du colloque par edp sciences à l’adresse

Toutes les informations se trouvent dans l'appel à communication que nous vous invitons à consulter.

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3-3-3(2022-07-11) CfTutos SIGIR 2022, Hybrid mode, Madrid , Spain
The annual SIGIR conference is the major international forum for the presentation of new research results, and the demonstration of new systems and techniques, in the broad field of Information Retrieval (IR). The 45th ACM SIGIR conference will be held on July 11 to 15, 2022, in a hybrid mode (speakers and attendees will have the option to participate
onsite or online) in Madrid, Spain.

SIGIR 2022 solicits proposals for both half and full-day tutorials covering topics relevant to the field of information retrieval and its applications. Each tutorial should cover a single topic in depth. For example, tutorials may cover an established information retrieval sub-topic, introduce an emerging application of information retrieval technologies, or update the information retrieval community on recent advances in related fields. We are especially interested in the third category of submission.


Time zone: Anywhere on Earth (AoE)
Tutorial proposal due: March 24, 2022
Tutorials notification: April 14, 2022
Camera ready due: April 24, 2022
Tutorial day: Mon, Jul 11, 2022


Submissions should include a cover sheet and an extended abstract. The cover sheet should include the following elements:
* Title and length (either half-day, e.g. 3 hours plus breaks, or full day, e.g., 6 hours plus breaks) of the tutorial.
* Tutorial format, i.e., on-site or online. The presenters should indicate whether or not all / some presenters commit to attend in person. Commitment to on-site tutorials will be a positive point when deciding which tutorials are accepted. If tutorial presenters commit to attend in person but fail to do so, the tutorial might be canceled.
* Intended audience (introductory, intermediate, advanced) and prerequisite knowledge or skills required.
* Detailed contact information of all presenters (and indication of the main contact person).
* Brief biography (max. 2 paragraphs) for each presenter, highlighting relevant experience in presenting tutorials, teaching grad classes, organizing summer schools, etc.

The extended abstract (no longer than 4 pages) should include the following sections:
* Motivation.
* Objectives.
* Relevance to the information retrieval community and reference to tutorials in the same area at SIGIR or related conferences (including WSDM, WWW, KDD, ACL, RecSys, ICML, etc.).
* Format and detailed schedule.
* Type of support materials to be supplied to attendees.

Tutorial proposals should be prepared in the current ACM two-column conference format. Suitable LaTeX, Word, and Overleaf templates are available from the ACM Website (use the ?sigconf? proceedings template).

The submissions will be reviewed by a program committee selected for this purpose, and final decisions will be made at the SIGIR Program Committee meeting.

Proposals should be submitted in PDF through the EasyChair system (tutorial track):

The organizers of accepted tutorials will be invited to submit a camera-ready summary of the tutorial, to be included in the SIGIR 2022 conference proceedings.


* Michael Bendersky, Google Research;
* Maria Maistro, University of Copenhagen.

*** CONTACT ***

For further information, please contact the SIGIR 2022 Tutorial Co-chairs by email:
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3-3-4(2022-07-14) CfP 19th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, Lisbon, Portugal

19th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications

**Submission Deadline: March 22, 2022**
July 14 - 16, 2022
Lisbon, Portugal

Important Note:
The conference will be held in Lisbon but we are open to accept online presentations in case the participants can't attend the conference.

The purpose of SIGMAP 2022, the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested on information systems and applications, including theory and practice in various heterogeneous and interrelated fields including image, video and audio data processing, new sources of multimodal data (text, social, health, etc.) and Multimedia Applications related to representation, storage, authentication and communication of multimedia information. Multimedia is a research field that includes computing methods in which different modalities are integrated and combined, with the aim to take advantage from each data source.
SIGMAP is organized in 6 major tracks:
1 - Multimedia Networking and Communication
2 - Multimedia Signal Processing
3 - Multimedia Systems and Applications
4 - Multimedia and Deep Learning
5 - Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval
6 - Social Multimedia

Conference Chair(s)
Andrew Sung, University of Southern Mississippi, United States

Program Chair(s)
Simone Santini, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

In the last years, the proceedings have been fully indexed by SCOPUS. Beside this index all the proceedings have also been submitted to Google Scholar, The DBLP Computer Science Bibliography, Semantic Scholar, Engineering Index (EI) and Web of Science / Conference Proceedings Citation Index.

A short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers will be published by Springer in a CCIS Series book.
Also, a short list of best papers will be invited for a post-conference special issue of the Springer Nature Computer Science journal.
All papers presented at the conference venue will also be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library.

Kind regards,
Mónica Saramago
SIGMAP Secretariat

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3-3-5(2022-07-17) International Forensics Summer School (IFOSS), Sicily, Italy

International Forensics Summer School (IFOSS)
Sicily 17-23 July 2022
The first edition of IFOSS aims to provide both an objective and clear overview and an
in-depth analysis of the state-of-the-art research as well as the professional best
practices in Forensics and related fields. The courses will be delivered by world
renowned experts, from either academia, law enforcement and industry, and will cover both
theoretical and practical aspects of real Forensics problems. The school aims to provide
a stimulating opportunity for professionals and young researchers, as well as Ph.D.
students. The participants will benefit from direct interaction and discussions with
world leaders in their specific fields.

Zeno Geradtz - University of Amsterdam, NL
           Forensic Deepfake Detection, Digital Forensics and New Developments

Didier Meuwly - University of Twente, NL
          Applications of Biometric Technology to Forensic Science
         Forensic Evaluation in Court of Biometric Data

Davide Maltoni, University of Bologna, IT
         Fingerprint Recognition: State-of-the-Art And New Directions
         Double-Identity Biometrics

Giovanni Ziccardi, University of Milan, IT
         Digital Forensics Recent Case Law in Italy and Abroad
         Facial Recognition, Discrimination and Law
         Biometrics Regulation in the UE Proposal of Regulation of AI, And Deepfake Regulation
Proposals in US And China

Sebastiano Battiato - University of Catania, Italy
Donatella Curtotti -  University of Foggia, Italy
Aldo Mattei   - Arma dei Carabinieri, Italy

The school will be open to about 50 qualified, motivated and pre-selected candidates. Ph.
D. students, post-docs, young researchers (both academic and industrial), senior
researchers (both academic and industrial) or academic/industrial professionals are
encouraged to apply at:

The expected school fee will be in the order of 400 euros for Master and Phd students
granted by academia, € 600 for other academic positions and € 700 for industrial. Reduced
Fee will be reserved to LEAs, private lawyers and practitioners 250 Euros. The fee will
include all course materials, coffee breaks, bus service from Catania Airport to School
Location and return, WiFi Internet Connection, a guided tour, a social dinner and all the
events scheduled in the programme.

A certain number of scolarship will be available soon depending on sponsorship income.

Applications to attend IFOSS 2022 should be received before 15/5 (EXTENDED).
Applicants will receive notification of acceptance by mid of May.
Late registration can be done with an extra payment of € 50.

IFOSS participants will be hosted at Hotel Village Baia Samuele (school location) at very
special rates. There are no other accommodation options. IFOSS participants must make
reservations for accommodation, using the accommodation reservation form (available soon)
to be sent by directly to Baia Samuele reception.

After a certain date there is no guarantee for reservations in Hotel Village Baia Samuele.
More information will be announced as soon as possible on the web site. Depending on
chosens settings (Single, Double or Triple Room) the overall cost enclosing Breakfast,
Lunch and Dinner should span in the range (550-900 euros) in the period 17(in) to 23
(out) July 2022.

IFOSS 2022 will be hosted by Hotel Village Baia Samuele in Punta Sampieri - Scicli
(Ragusa), Sicily from 17-23 July 2022.
Sicily is one of the most beautiful islands of the Mediterranean. The island is very rich
in archeological sites from various Ancient Civilizations. The sea, weather, food and the
wine are excellent. In particular Punta Sampieri - Scicli (RG) is located in the south
east of Sicily in a late Baroque area called Val di Noto. The Val di Noto area is
included in the Unesco World Heritage List and includes eight nearby towns: Caltagirone,
Militello Val di Catania, Catania, Modica, Noto, Palazzolo, Ragusa and Scicli.
The location of the school rises in the middle of an ample bay delimited on the west from
Sampieri and on the east from a cliff, on which is founded an ancient furnace, rare
example of industrial archaeology. The Hotel Village Baia Samuele stretches in a gentle
slant to the beach: 120 thousand square meters delimited from rows of secular cypresses.
An ultramodern village with an original architecture, pleasant design and all comforts
you can imagine. The frame of plants and flowers, typical of this angle of Sicily, in
front of the island of Malta, completes this gilded dream of the Mediterranean.



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3-3-6(2022-08-02) The Fifth (2022) IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR'22), Virtual conference

The Fifth (2022) IEEE International Conference on
Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR'22)
Taking Place Virtually
August 2 - August 4, 2022
MIPR 2022 highlights

Keynote Speakers
* Philip S. Yu, Professor, University of Illinois Chicago
* Jian Pei, Professor, Simon Fraser University 
* Shih-Fu Chang, Professor, Columbia University 

Innovation Forums
* The Future Trending of Metaverse
  Moderator: Shuxue Quan, Oppo
* Hardware and Software Acceleration for AI Applications
  Moderator: Xin Chen, Intel
* The Future of Media Compression: Deep Learning Approaches
  Moderator: Dong Liu, University of Science and Technology of China
* Computer Vision
  Moderator: Zhou Ren, Wormpex AI Research

New forms of multimedia data (such as text, numbers, tags, networking,
signals, geo-tagged information, graphs/relationships, 3D/VR/AR and
sensor data, etc.)  has emerged in many applications in addition to
traditional multimedia data (image, video, audio). Multimedia has
become the biggest of big data as the foundation of today's
data-driven discoveries. Almost all disciplines of science and
engineering, as well as social sciences, involve multimedia data in
some forms, such as recording experiments, driverless cars, unmanned
aerial vehicles, smart communities, biomedical instruments, security
surveillance.  Some recent events demonstrate the power of real-time
broadcast of unfolding events on social networks. Multimedia data is
not just big in volume, but also multi-modal and mostly
unstructured. Storing, indexing, searching, integrating, and
recognizing from the vast amounts of data create unprecedented
challenges. Even though significant progress has been made processing
multimedia data, today's solutions are inadequate in handling data
from millions of sources simultaneously.

The IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing
and Retrieval (IEEE-MIPR) aims to provide a forum for original
research contributions and practical system design, implementation,
and applications of multimedia information processing and retrieval
for single modality or multiple modalities. The target audiences will
be university researchers, scientists, industry practitioners,
software engineers, and graduate students who need to become
acquainted with technologies for big data analytics, machine
intelligence, information fusion in multimedia information processing
and retrieval.  A collection of keynotes, tutorials, and workshops
will be held, together with paper/poster sessions.  In addition, MIPR
2022 Innovation Forum invites leaders in multimedia society to discuss
the topics covering video compression, AI acceleration, metaverse, and
Computer Vision.

The conference will accept regular papers (6 pages), short papers (4
pages), and demo papers (4 pages). Authors are encouraged to compare
their approaches, qualitatively or quantitatively, with existing work
and explain the strength and weakness of the new approaches. Selected
submissions will be invited to submit to journal special issues.

The conference includes (but not limited) the following topics of
multimedia data processing and retrieval.

Multimedia Retrieval
        Multimedia Search and Recommendation
        Web-Scale Retrieval
        Relevance Feedback, Active/Transfer Learning
        3D and sensor data retrieval
        Multimodal Media (images, videos, texts, graph/relationship)
        High-Level Semantic Multimedia Features
        Machine Learning/Deep Learning/Data Mining
        Deep Learning in Multimedia Data and / or Multimodal Fusion
        Deep Cross-Learning for Novel Features and Feature Selection
        High-Performance Deep Learning (Theories and Infrastructures)
        Spatio-Temporal Data Mining
        Novel Dataset for Learning and Multimedia
        Content Understanding and Analytics
        Multimodal/Multisensor Integration and Analysis
        Effective and Scalable Solution for Big Data Integration
        Affective and Perceptual Multimedia
        Multimedia/Multimodal Interaction Interfaces with humans
        Multimedia and Vision
        Multimedia Telepresence and Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality
        Visual Concept Detection
        Object Detection and Tracking
        3D Modeling, Reconstruction, and Interactive Applications
        Networks for Multimedia Systems
        Internet Scale System Design
        Information Coding for Content Delivery
        Systems and Infrastructures
        Multimedia Systems and Middleware
        Software Infrastructure for Data Analytics
        Distributed Multimedia Systems and Cloud Computing
        Data Management
        Multimedia Data Collections, Modeling, Indexing, or Storage
        Data Integrity, Security, Protection, Privacy
        Standards and Policies for Data Management
        Novel Applications
        Multimedia applications for health and sports
        Multimedia applications for culture and education
        Multimedia applications for fashion and living
        Multimedia applications for security and safety
        Internet of Multimedia Things
        Real-Time Data Processing
        Autonomous Systems such as Driverless Cars, Robots, and Drones
        Mobile and Wearable Multimedia

* IEEE Technical Committee on Multimedia Computing (TCMC) will sponsor
  5-6 student registration scholarships. Preference will be given to
  student authors

Important Dates:
        Regular and Short Paper Submission: March 28, 2022 [Extended]
        Notification of acceptance: May 10, 2022
        Camera ready due: July 1, 2022 
        Conference Date: August 2 - 4, 2022

General Co-Chairs:
        C.-C. Jay Kuo (University of Southern California, USA)
        Klara Nahrstedt (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
        Yong Rui (Lenovo Group, China)
        Guan-Ming Su (Dolby Labs, USA)

Program Co-Chairs:
        Ming-Ching Chang (State University of New York at Albany, USA)
        Abdulmotaleb El Saddik (University of Ottawa, Canada)
        Yan Tong (University of South Carolina, USA)
        Bihan Wen (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

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3-3-7(2022-08-08) AREA 2 - Annotation, Recognition and Evaluation of Actions at ESSLI 2022, Galway, Ireland

AREA 2 - Annotation, Recognition and Evaluation of Actions


Call for Papers

AREA - 2 will be held at the 33nd European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information - ESSLLI 2022 at Galway,

Ireland. AREA- 2 is organized in the first ESSLLI week with plenary talks, posters and demonstrations. AREA - 2 is a

SIGSEM-sponsored workshop. 

Date: 8 - 12 August 2022



AREA - 2 is the follow up on the first AREA meeting at LREC 2018  ( There has recently been increased interest in modeling actions, as described by natural language expressions and gestures, and as depicted by images and videos. Additionally, action modeling has emerged as an important topic in robotics and HCI. The goal of the AREA - 2 workshop is to gather and discuss advances in research areas where actions are paramount e.g., virtual embodied agents, robotics, HRI, human-computer communication, as well as modeling multimodal human-human interactions involving actions. Action modeling is an inherently multi-disciplinary area, involving contributions from computational linguistics, AI, semantics, robotics, psychology, and formal logic.  

While there has been considerable attention in the community paid to the representation and recognition of events (e.g., the development of ISO-TimeML and associated specifications, and the 4 Workshops on “EVENTS: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation”), the goals of this workshop are focused specifically on actions undertaken by embodied agents as opposed to events in the abstract. By concentrating on actions, we hope to attract those researchers working in computational semantics, gesture, dialogue, HCI, robotics, and other areas, in order to develop a community around action as a communicative modality where their work can be communicated and shared. This community will be a venue for the development and evaluation of resources regarding the integration of action recognition and processing in human-computer communication.

We invite submissions on foundational, conceptual, and practical issues involving modeling actions, as described by natural language expressions and gestures, and as depicted by images and videos. Relevant topics include but are not limited to:

- dynamic models of actions

- formal semantic models of actions

- affordance modeling

- manipulation action modeling

- linking multimodal descriptions and presentations of actions (image, text, icon, video)

- automatic action recognition from text, images, and videos

- communicating and performing actions with robots or avatars for joint tasks

- action language grounding

- evaluation of action models



First CfP: 23 December 2021

Final CfP: 6 April 2022

Deadline for paper submission: 8 May 2022

Review deadline: 30 May 2022

Notification of acceptance: 20 June 2022

Deadline for camera-ready version: 29 June 2022

Early registration deadline: TBA 

Workshop Date: 8-19 August 2022



Three types of submissions are invited: 

- Research papers, describing original research; these can be either long (6-8 pages, not including references) or short (3-4 pages, not including references); 

- Project notes, describing recent, ongoing or planned projects (2-4 pages including references);

- Demonstration notes, accompanying demonstration of software, tools, or systems (2-4 pages including references).

We will decide whether to have an oral or poster presentation, depending on reviewer suggestions and the overall workshop schedule. 

Papers should be formatted following the common two-column structure as used by ACL. Please use style templates, which are available as an Overleaf template and can also be downloaded directly (Latex and Word). The templates themselves contain only specific notes (e.g., LaTeX notes in the .tex file). Please follow the paper formatting guidelines general to *ACL conferences available here. Similar to ACL 2022, initial submissions should be fully anonymous to ensure double-blind reviewing. 

Papers should be submitted via Easy chair  the AREA - 2 website ( will provide a link for submitting papers. 



For more information visit the workshop webpage at:

Or contact us at:



Eren Aksoy Karlsruhe Institut fur Technologie

Jan Alexanderson DFKI

Johan Bos University of Groningen

Simon Dobnik University of Gothenburg

Albert Gatt University of Utrecht

Tim Fernando Trinity College Dublin

Kristiina Jokinen AIRC AIST Tokyo Waterfront

Nikhil Krishnawamy Brandeis University

Alex Lascarides University of Edinburgh

Andy Lücking Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Gisela Redeker University of Groningen

Janina Wildfeuer University of Groningen



James Pustejovsky Brandeis University

Ielka van de Sluis University of Groningen


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3-3-8(2022-08-17) 13th Nordic Prosody Conference, Sonderborg, Denmark

13th Nordic Prosody Conference


Sonderborg, Denmark

17-19 August 2022

Topic: Applied and Multimodal Prosody Research

The 13th edition of the Nordic Prosody (NP) conference series is proudly hosted by Centre of Industrial Electronics (CIE) and the CIE Acoustics Lab at the University of Southern Denmark on science campus Alsion, Sonderborg, Denmark. The conference will be held 17-19 August 2022.


The University of Southern Denmark (SDU) is both the third-largest and the third-oldest Danish university. Since the introduction of the ranking systems in 2012, the University of Southern Denmark has consistently been ranked as one of the top 50 young universities in the world by both the Times Higher Education World University Rankings and the QS World University Rankings. The SDU is also among the top 20 universities in Scandinavia.

Nordic Prosody conferences take place every 4 years. The first one was in Lund in 1978, organized by Eva Gårding, Gösta Bruce and Robert Bannert. The 12th Nordic Prosody was in 2016 in Trondheim, Norway. The conference series focuses on the forms and functions of prosodic patterns in Nordic languages and in languages spoken all around the Baltic Sea coastline. Contributions on all the various aspects of phonetics, phonology, and speech typology are welcome. Papers presenting new corpora, methods, or devices can be submitted as well. We also encourage researchers from neighboring disciplines like (second-language) pedagogy, acoustics, human-machine interaction, and voice pathology to submit contributions to the conference.

Keynote Speakers

- David House (KTH Stockholm, Sweden) & Gilbert Ambrazaitis (Linnaeus University, Sweden): The multimodal nature of prominence

- Wim van Dommelen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway): Interactions of segmental and prosodic parameters

- Nicolai Pharao (Copenhagen University, Denmark): Processing prosody – recognizing speakers and recognizing words

Scientific Areas (not exhaustive)

  • Phonology and phonetics of prosody

  • Production and perception of prosody

  • Acquisition, learning and teaching of prosody

  • Assessment of prosody and measures to evaluate prosodic skills

  • Non-native aspects in the production and perception of prosody

  • Socio-phonetic aspects of prosody

  • Prosodic variation in continuous speech

  • Speech processing of and for prosodic patterns

  • Prosody in and for talking machines and robots

  • Psychological and neural mechanisms of prosody

  • Pathologies and therapies related to prosody

  • Resources related to prosody: Speech corpora, annotation systems, tools & methods

  • Cross-linguistic and cross-cultural aspects of prosody

  • Mutimodal signals related to prosody

  • Applied prosody

Conference proceedings will be published in a peer-reviewed volume by Sciendo/de Gruyter.

Important dates:
05 June 2022 Abstract submission deadline (through EasyChair)

01 July 2022 Notification of acceptance
31 July 2022 Early bird registration deadline
17-19 August 2022 13th Nordic Prosody Conference, Sonderborg, Denmark

01 November 2022 Full-paper submission deadline

Registrations are made through the conference website under “Sign up”. Abstracts should be submitted under the following EasyChair link: . Please find the formatting guidelines or template for both the abstract and the full paper below or on the “Download” subpage. Please note that the full-paper after the conference submission is not made through EasyChair. To submit your full paper, please use this link to Sciendo here:

We wish all of you a good start into the new lecture term.

The NP13 organizing committee

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3-3-9(2022-08-24) 11th International Workshop on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design (HAID 2022) , hybrid mode, Queen Mary University, London, UK

We are pleased to announce the 11th International Workshop on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design (HAID 2022) that will be held in hybrid mode on 24–26 August 2022 at Queen Mary University of London in London, UK.


For questions please contact us at


To keep in touch and up to date on news related to the HAID community, please join our Google group ( and follow us on twitter (



===== Call for papers & demos =====


We invite submissions reporting on completed research and live demos at the intersection of haptics, audio, and human-computer interaction. We also welcome papers focusing on one of these fields with applications to the others.


We particularly welcome contributions, both theoretical and empirical, in the following areas: 

- Design of audio and haptic feedback for health & wellbeing

- Musical haptics & augmented instruments


Contributions in the following areas are also welcome:

- Novel haptic and auditory interfaces

- Perception & evaluation of multimodal and cross-sensory interactions

- Design principles for haptic and auditory interfaces

- Design of audio and haptic feedback for entertainment and creative applications 

- Affective and semiotic roles of haptics and audio in interaction

- Leveraging auditory-tactile correspondences in interaction design


Important dates

Papers - submission: 29 April 2022 (11:59 PM AoE)

Papers - acceptance: 30 May 2022 (11:59 PM AoE)

Papers - camera ready: 10 June 2022 (11:59 PM AoE)

Demos - submission: 10 June 2022 (11:59 PM AoE)

Demos - acceptance: 30 June 2022 (11:59 PM AoE)


More information is available here: 



===== Call for work in progress =====


HAID 2022 seeks work in progress submissions, which describe recently completed work or highly relevant results of work in progress in all areas related to haptics, audio, and interaction design. 


We particularly encourage work in progress submissions from “newcomers”—master students or early-stage PhD Students without a supervisor who is part of the HAID community, especially from underrepresented groups.


Important dates:

Submission deadline: 10 June 2022 (11:59 PM AoE)

Acceptance notification: 30 June 2022 (11:59 PM AoE)


More information is available here: 



===== Call for workshops =====


We also invite proposals for workshops to be held during the 1st day of the conference. These proposals may take the form of theoretical or hands-on tutorials on specific HAID topics or forums for discussion and development.


Important dates:

Proposal submission: 8 April 2022 (11:59 PM AoE)

Acceptance notification: 15 April 2022 (11:59 PM AoE)


More information is available here: 

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3-3-10(2022-09-05) CfP Twenty-fifth International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD 2022), Brno, Czech Republic

Twenty-fifth International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD 2022)
              Brno, Czech Republic, 5-9 September 2022


    April 22 2022 ............ Submission of full papers


    Eneko Agirre, Universidad del País Vasco, Spain
    Anna Rogers, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

The conference is organized by the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk
University, Brno, and the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of
West Bohemia, Pilsen.  The conference is supported by International
Speech Communication Association.

Venue: Brno, Czech Republic


Authors are invited to submit a full paper not exceeding 12 pages
formatted in the LNCS style (including references). Those accepted
will be presented either orally or as posters. The decision about the
presentation format will be based on the recommendation of the
reviewers.  Proceedings papers do not distinguish the presentation format.
The authors are asked to submit their papers using the on-line form
accessible from the conference website.

Papers submitted to TSD 2022 must not be under review by any other
conference or publication during the TSD review cycle, and must not be
previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere.

As reviewing will be blind, the paper should not include the authors'
names and affiliations. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the
author's identity, e.g., 'We previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...',
should be avoided. Instead, use citations such as 'Smith previously
showed (Smith, 1991) ...'.  Papers that do not conform to the
requirements above are subject to be rejected without review.

The authors are strongly encouraged to write their papers in TeX or
LaTeX formats. These formats are necessary for the final versions of
the papers that will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes.

The paper format for review has to be in the PDF format with all
required fonts included. Upon notification of acceptance, presenters
will receive further information on submitting their camera-ready and
electronic sources (for detailed instructions on the final paper
format see

Authors are also invited to present actual projects, developed
software or interesting material relevant to the topics of the
conference.  The presenters of demonstrations should provide an
abstract not exceeding one page. The demonstration abstracts will not
appear in the conference proceedings.


TSD series evolved as a prime forum for interaction between researchers in
both spoken and written language processing from all over the world.
Proceedings of TSD form a book published by Springer-Verlag in their
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series. TSD Proceedings
are regularly indexed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation
Index/Web of Science.  Moreover, LNAI series are listed in all major
citation databases such as DBLP, SCOPUS, EI, INSPEC or COMPENDEX.


The TSD 2022 conference will be accompanied by one-day satellite workshops
or project meetings with organizational support by the TSD organizing
committee. The organizing committee can arrange for a meeting room at the
conference venue and prepare a workshop proceedings as a book with ISBN by
a local publisher. The workshop papers that will pass also the standard TSD
review process will appear in the Springer proceedings.  Each workshop is
a subject to proposal that should be sent via the proposal submission form
or discussed via the contact e-mail ahead of the
respective deadline.


Topics of the conference will include (but are not limited to):

    Corpora and Language Resources (monolingual, multilingual,
    text and spoken corpora, large web corpora, disambiguation,
    specialized lexicons, dictionaries)

    Speech Recognition (multilingual, continuous, emotional
    speech, handicapped speaker, out-of-vocabulary words,
    alternative way of feature extraction, new models for
    acoustic and language modelling)

    Tagging, Classification and Parsing of Text and Speech
    (morphological and syntactic analysis, synthesis and
    disambiguation, multilingual processing, sentiment analysis,
    credibility analysis, automatic text labeling, summarization,
    authorship attribution)

    Speech and Spoken Language Generation (multilingual, high
    fidelity speech synthesis, computer singing)

    Semantic Processing of Text and Speech (information
    extraction, information retrieval, data mining, semantic web,
    knowledge representation, inference, ontologies, sense
    disambiguation, plagiarism detection, fake news detection)

    Integrating Applications of Text and Speech Processing
    (machine translation, natural language understanding,
    question-answering strategies, assistive technologies)

    Automatic Dialogue Systems (self-learning, multilingual,
    question-answering systems, dialogue strategies, prosody in

    Multimodal Techniques and Modelling (video processing, facial
    animation, visual speech synthesis, user modelling, emotions
    and personality modelling)

Papers on processing of languages other than English are strongly


    Elmar Noeth, Germany (general chair)
    Rodrigo Agerri, Spain
    Eneko Agirre, Spain
    Vladimir Benko, Slovakia
    Archna Bhatia, USA
    Jan Cernocky, Czech Republic
    Simon Dobrisek, Slovenia
    Kamil Ekstein, Czech Republic
    Karina Evgrafova, Russia
    Yevhen Fedorov, Ukraine
    Volker Fischer, Germany
    Darja Fiser, Slovenia
    Lucie Flek, Germany
    Bjorn Gamback, Norway
    Radovan Garabik, Slovakia
    Alexander Gelbukh, Mexico
    Louise Guthrie, USA
    Tino Haderlein, Germany
    Jan Hajic, Czech Republic
    Eva Hajicova, Czech Republic
    Yannis Haralambous, France
    Hynek Hermansky, USA
    Jaroslava Hlavacova, Czech Republic
    Ales Horak, Czech Republic
    Eduard Hovy, USA
    Denis Jouvet, France
    Maria Khokhlova, Russia
    Aidar Khusainov, Russia
    Daniil Kocharov, Russia
    Miloslav Konopik, Czech Republic
    Ivan Kopecek, Czech Republic
    Valia Kordoni, Germany
    Evgeny Kotelnikov, Russia
    Pavel Kral, Czech Republic
    Siegfried Kunzmann, USA
    Nikola Ljubesic, Croatia
    Natalija Loukachevitch, Russia
    Bernardo Magnini, Italy
    Oleksandr Marchenko, Ukraine
    Vaclav Matousek, Czech Republic
    Roman Moucek, Czech Republic
    Agnieszka Mykowiecka, Poland
    Hermann Ney, Germany
    Joakim Nivre, Sweden
    Juan Rafael Orozco-Arroyave, Colombia
    Karel Pala, Czech Republic
    Maciej Piasecki, Poland
    Josef Psutka, Czech Republic
    James Pustejovsky, USA
    German Rigau, Spain
    Paolo Rosso, Spain
    Leon Rothkrantz, The Netherlands
    Anna Rumshisky, USA
    Milan Rusko, Slovakia
    Pavel Rychly, Czechia
    Mykola Sazhok, Ukraine
    Odette Scharenborg, The Netherlands
    Pavel Skrelin, Russia
    Pavel Smrz, Czech Republic
    Petr Sojka, Czech Republic
    Georg Stemmer, Germany
    Marko Robnik Sikonja, Slovenia
    Marko Tadic, Croatia
    Jan Trmal, Czechia
    Tamas Varadi, Hungary
    Zygmunt Vetulani, Poland
    Aleksander Wawer, Poland
    Pascal Wiggers, The Netherlands
    Marcin Wolinski, Poland
    Alina Wroblewska, Poland
    Victor Zakharov, Russia
    Jerneja Zganec Gros, Slovenia


The conference program will include presentation of invited papers,
oral presentations, and poster/demonstration sessions. Papers will be
presented in plenary or topic oriented sessions. Hopefully, after
two COVID years, the conference can be planned to be held on-site again.

Social events including a trip in the vicinity of Brno will allow
for additional informal interactions.


April 22 2022 ............ Submission of full papers
June 5 2022 .............. Notification of acceptance
June 15 2022 ............. Final papers (camera ready) and registration
August 8 2022 ............ Submission of demonstration abstracts
August 15 2022 ........... Notification of acceptance for
                           demonstrations sent to the authors
September 5-9 2022 ...... Conference date

Submission of abstracts serves for better organization of the review
process only - please submit your abstract as soon as possible.
For the actual review a full paper submission is necessary.

The accepted conference contributions will be published in Springer
proceedings that will be made available to participants at the time
of the conference.


The official language of the conference is English.


The organizing committee will arrange discounts on accommodation in
the 4-star hotel at the conference venue. The current prices of the
accommodation will be available at the conference website.


All correspondence regarding the conference should be
addressed to
    Ales Horak, TSD 2022
    Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University
    Botanicka 68a, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
    phone: +420-5-49 49 18 63
    fax: +420-5-49 49 18 20

The official TSD 2022 homepage is:


Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic with a
population of almost 400.000 and is the country's judiciary and
trade-fair center. Brno is the capital of South Moravia, which is
located in the south-east part of the Czech Republic and is known
for a wide range of cultural, natural, and technical sights.
South Moravia is a traditional wine region. Brno had been a Royal
City since 1347 and with its six universities it forms a cultural
center of the region.

Brno can be reached easily by direct flights from London, and by
trains or buses from Vienna (150 km) or Prague (230 km).

For the participants with some extra time, nearby places may
also be of interest.  Local ones include: Brno Castle now called
Spilberk, Veveri Castle, the Old and New City Halls, the
Augustine Monastery with St. Thomas Church and crypt of Moravian
Margraves, Church of St.  James, Cathedral of St. Peter & Paul,
Cartesian Monastery in Kralovo Pole, the famous Villa Tugendhat
designed by Mies van der Rohe along with other important
buildings of between-war Czech architecture.

For those willing to venture out of Brno, Moravian Karst with
Macocha Chasm and Punkva caves, battlefield of the Battle of
three emperors (Napoleon, Russian Alexander and Austrian Franz
- Battle by Austerlitz), Chateau of Slavkov (Austerlitz),
Pernstejn Castle, Buchlov Castle, Lednice Chateau, Buchlovice
Chateau, Letovice Chateau, Mikulov with one of the largest Jewish
cemeteries in Central Europe, Telc - a town on the UNESCO
heritage list, and many others are all within easy reach.
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3-3-11(2022-09-06) CfP Voices in and out of Place: Misplaced, Replaced and Inrerlaced Voices (on line conference)
Call for Conference Papers and Creative Practice:
Voices in and out of Place: Misplaced, Displaced, Replaced and Interlaced Voices
6-7 September 2022
EXTENDED Submissions Deadline: 13 May 2022
The International Centre for Music Studies at Newcastle University (ICMuS) is hosting the second biennial on-line Vicarious Vocalities, Simulated Songs conference in collaboration with the Centre for Interdisciplinary Voice Studies, now celebrating its tenth year. The theme of this year’s conference is “Voices in and out of Place: Misplaced, Displaced, Replaced and Interlaced Voices”, and is intended to cover both new and longstanding questions around the location or place of the voice with regard to the body AND equally perennial debates around the voice in relation to geographical and temporal place and space.
We are seeking contributions from scholars and creative practitioners engaging with the following questions:
Where/when is the voice? Where/when does it come from and where and when does it go? Where and when does it “belong”? And what happens to it once it leaves the vocal apparatus and travels free?
Through a cross-disciplinary, cross-cultural, and cross-practice approach, this edition of Vicarious Vocalities, Simulated Songs will consider how the voice travels within and without the boundaries of human bodies, societies, geographies, temporalities, and technologies. What are some of the ways we can attempt to map such migrations? What routes can be traced when we consider voices in and out of place?
We talk of finding one’s voice, losing one’s voice; of voices usurped, silenced, or extinct. As listeners, we inhabit songs and other vocalities and form relationships with voices, ‘moving in’ with them, living with them, ageing with them, perhaps leaving them. Such concerns have been amplified, as it were, by the growth of mechanical and digital reproduction and its attendant ability to carry voices out of place and out of time. Nevertheless, the fascination with vocal relocations has a long, multi-cultural history.
Keynote Speaker:
Naomi André
Professor, Department of Afroamerican and African Studies
University of Michigan
Katherine Meizel
Professor, College of Musical Arts
Bowling Green State University
We welcome contributions of all types, including:
  • 20-minute papers
  • panels
  • works in progress
  • artistic works or performances
  • digital posters; etc.
Possible areas of inquiry/creative practice might include, but are by no means limited to:
  • Immigrations and displacements: the voices of home, the voice of the other, nostalgic re-imaginings
  • Vocal appropriations: sampling, plunderphonics, musique concrète, lipsynching
  • Voicing nature: field recordings, anthropomorphic representations, extinctions
  • ‘Thrown’ voices: ventriloquism in practice and culture, the power of the “unseen, offscreen” voice (the acousmatic voice)
  • Matching the “ideal voice” to the “ideal body”: vocal mismatches and television reveals; overdubbing, ghost singing, playback singing across cultures; pop culture recording practices
  • Machine voices: artificial intelligence, “robot” voices, autotune and digital manipulations
  • Vocal fractures: aphasia, dementia, voice rehabilitation, interventions, simulations
  • Voices in deterrence and torture: The “Guantanamo Playlist”, crowd control, public policing
  • Distant encounters and raising the dead: telephony, recording, vocal dis/re-embodiment, spirit mediums
  • God-speak: scripture, glossolalia, the shift of sacred singing styles voicing the secular
  • Vocal overcrowding: social media, “silent” or “vocal” majorities, podcasting
  • Case studies: particular performers, performances, or techniques
Submissions Format:
  • Please send a 300-word abstract describing your paper or creative project along with a 100-word biographical statement to Drs Merrie Snell and Richard Elliott at by 13 May 2022.
  • We will aim to respond to submissions by the beginning of June 2022.
  • We encourage submissions from underrepresented individuals, communities, and identities.
Conference Format: Following previous editions of Vicarious Vocalities, Simulated Songs, the conference will take place online. It will run for two days—6 and 7 September 2022—in plenary mode, with a keynote and an evening event showcasing creative work (audio-visual works, performances, remixes, etc.). A website is also planned to showcase digital posters and creative work.
Vicarious Vocalities, Simulated Songs is organised in collaboration with the Centre for Interdisciplinary Voice Studies. The Centre promotes cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural research and discussion through symposia, publications (including the Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies), performances, and other activities including the Vicarious Vocalities on-line biennial conference, the first of which was hosted by University of Portsmouth in September 2020. The Centre was founded by Ben Macpherson (University of Portsmouth, UK) and Konstantinos Thomaidis (University of Exeter, UK) in 2012.
For further information on the Centre and its activities, see:
You can view the Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies here:

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3-3-12(2022-09-07) The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL 2022), Edinburgh, UK

The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL 2022) will be held as a hybrid conference at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh and online between September 7-9, 2022.

The SIGDIAL venue provides a regular forum for the presentation of cutting edge research in dialogue and discourse to both academic and industry researchers. Continuing a series of 22 successful previous meetings, this conference spans the research interest areas of discourse and dialogue. The conference is sponsored by the SIGdial organization, which serves as the Special Interest Group in discourse and dialogue for both ACL and ISCA.
Topics of Interest
We welcome formal, corpus-based, implementation, experimental, or analytical work on discourse and dialogue including, but not restricted to, the following themes:
  • Discourse Processing: Rhetorical and coherence relations, discourse parsing and discourse connectives. Reference resolution. Event representation and causality in narrative. Argument mining. Quality and style in text. Cross-lingual discourse analysis. Discourse issues in applications such as machine translation, text summarization, essay grading, question answering and information retrieval.
  • Dialogue Systems: Open domain, task oriented dialogue, and chat systems. Knowledge graphs and dialogue. Dialogue state tracking and policy learning. Social and emotional intelligence. Dialogue issues in virtual reality and human-robot interaction. Entrainment, alignment and priming. Generation for dialogue. Style, voice, and personality. Spoken, multi-modal, embedded, situated, and text/web based dialogue systems, their components, evaluation and applications.
  • Corpora, Tools and Methodology: Corpus-based and experimental work on discourse and dialogue, including supporting topics such as annotation tools and schemes, crowdsourcing, evaluation methodology and corpora.
  • Pragmatic and/or Semantic Modeling: Pragmatics or semantics of discourse and dialogue (i.e., beyond a single sentence), e.g., rational speech act, conversation acts, intentions, conversational implicature, presuppositions.
  • Applications of Dialogue and Discourse Processing Technology
The program committee welcomes the submission of long papers, short papers, and demo descriptions. Papers submitted as long papers may be accepted as long papers for oral presentation or long papers for poster presentation. Accepted short papers will be presented as posters.
  • Long paper submissions must describe substantial, original, completed and unpublished work. Wherever appropriate, concrete evaluation and analysis should be included. Long papers must be no longer than 8 pages, including title, text, figures and tables. An unlimited number of pages is allowed for references. Two additional pages are allowed for appendices containing sample discourses/dialogues and algorithms, and an extra page is allowed in the final version to address reviewers’ comments.
  • Short paper submissions must describe original and unpublished work. Please note that a short paper is not a shortened long paper. Instead short papers should have a point that can be made in a few pages, such as a small, focused contribution; a negative result; or an interesting application nugget. Short papers should be no longer than 4 pages including title, text, figures and tables. An unlimited number of pages is allowed for references. One additional page is allowed for sample discourses/dialogues and algorithms, and an extra page is allowed in the final version to address reviewers’ comments.
  • Demo descriptions should be no longer than four pages including title, text, examples, figures, tables and references. A separate one-page document should be provided to the program co-chairs for demo descriptions, specifying furniture and equipment needed for the demo.
Authors are encouraged to also submit additional accompanying materials, such as corpora (or corpus examples), demo code, videos and sound files.
Multiple Submissions
SIGDIAL 2022 cannot accept work for publication or presentation that will be (or has been) published elsewhere and that have been or will be submitted to other meetings or publications whose review periods overlap with that of SIGDIAL. Any questions regarding submissions can be sent to
Blind Review
Building on previous years’ move to anonymous long and short paper submissions, SIGDIAL 2022 will follow the ACL policies for preserving the integrity of double blind review (see author guidelines). Unlike long and short papers, demo descriptions will not be anonymous. Demo descriptions should include the authors’ names and affiliations, and self-references are allowed.
Submission Format
All long, short, and demonstration submissions must follow the two-column ACL format, which are available as an Overleaf template and also downloadable directly (Latex and Word)
Submissions must conform to the official ACL style guidelines, which are contained in these templates. Submissions must be electronic, in PDF format.
Submission Link and Deadline
SIGDIAL will accept regular submissions through the softconf system, as well as commitment of already reviewed papers through the ACL Rolling Review (ARR) system.
Regular submission:
Authors have to fill in the submission form in the START system and upload an initial pdf of their papers before May 11, 2022 (23:59 GMT-11).  Details will be posted at the conference website.
Conference Website: 
For special session long and short papers please select the session for “Submission Type”.
Commitment via ACL Rolling Review (ARR):
Please refer to the ARR Call for Papers for detailed information about submission guidelines to ARR. The commitment deadline for SIGDIAL 2022 (deadline for authors to submit their reviewed papers, reviews, and meta-review to SIGDIAL 2022) is June 18, 2022. Note that the paper needs to be fully reviewed by ARR in order to make a commitment, thus the latest date for ARR submission will be April 15, 2022.
Acceptable submissions that require language (English) or organizational assistance will be flagged for mentoring, and accepted with a recommendation to revise with the help of a mentor. An experienced mentor who has previously published in the SIGDIAL venue will then help the authors of these flagged papers prepare their submissions for publication.
Best Paper Awards
In order to recognize significant advancements in dialogue/discourse science and technology, SIGDIAL 2022 will include best paper awards. All papers at the conference are eligible for the best paper awards. A selection committee consisting of prominent researchers in the fields of interest will select the recipients of the awards.

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3-3-13(2022-09-18) Call for tutorials Interspeech 2022, Incheon, Korea

Call for papers:
Inclusive and Fair Speech Technologies
Special Session at Interspeech 2022

September 18 - 22, 2022
Incheon, South Korea


Automatic speech recognition systems have dramatically improved over the past decade thanks to the advances brought by deep learning and the effort on large-scale data collection. For some groups of people, however, speech technology works less well, maybe because their speech patterns differ significantly from the standard dialect (e.g., because of regional accent), because of intra-group heterogeneity (e.g., speakers of regional African American dialects; second-language learners; and other demographic aspects such as age, gender, or race), or because the speech pattern of each individual in the group exhibits a large variability (e.g., people with severe disabilities).

The goal of this special session is (1) to discuss these biases and propose methods for making speech technologies more useful to heterogeneous populations and (2) to increase academic and industry collaborations to reach these goals.

Such methods include:
  • analysis of performance biases among different social/linguistic groups in speech technology,
  • new methods to mitigate these differences,
  • new approaches for data collection, curation and coding,
  • new algorithmic training criteria,
  • new methods for envisioning speech technology task descriptions and design criteria.
Moreover, the special session aims to foster cross-disciplinary collaboration between fairness and personalization research, which has the potential to both improve customer experiences and algorithm fairness. The special session will bring experts from both fields to advance the cross-disciplinary study between fairness and personalization, e.g., fairness-aware personalization.


Important Dates:
Paper submission deadline: March 21, 2022, 23:59, AoE.
Paper update deadline: March 28, 2022, 23:59, AoE.
Interspeech conference dates: September 18 to 22, 2022.


Author Guidelines:

Papers have to be submitted following the same schedule and procedure as the main conference, and will undergo the same review process.
Submit your papers here: and select the 'Submission Topic' 14.5 to include your work in this session.



Laurent Besacier, Naver Labs Europe, France
Keith Burghardt, USC Information Sciences Institute, USA
Alice Coucke, Sonos Inc., France
Mark Allan Hasegawa-Johnson, University of Illinois, USA
Peng Liu, Amazon Alexa, USA
Anirudh Mani, Amazon Alexa, USA
Mahadeva Prasanna, IIT Dharwad, India
Priyankoo Sarmah, IIT Guwahati, India
Odette Scharenborg, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
Tao Zhang, Amazon Alexa, USA 
Alice Coucke
Head of Machine Learning Research | Sonos Voice Experience
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3-3-15(2022-09-18) CfP Special session on Trustworthy Speech Processing at Interspeech 22


We're organizing a special session on Trustworthy Speech Processing at Interspeech 22, inviting papers exploring topics from trustworthy machine learning (such as privacy, fairness, bias mitigation, etc.) within the realm of speech processing. Can you please include this CFP in your next newsletter, and forward to any relevant lists if possible?



Organizing team:

Anil Ramakrishna, Amazon Inc.

Shrikanth Narayanan, University of Southern California

Rahul Gupta, Amazon Inc.

Isabel Trancoso, University of Lisbon

Rita Singh, Carnegie Mellon University



Call for papers:

Trustworthy Speech Processing (TSP)

Special Session at Interspeech 22

September 18 - 22, 2022

Incheon, South Korea


Given the ubiquity of Machine Learning (ML) systems and their relevance in daily lives, it is important to ensure private and safe handling of data alongside equity in human experience. These considerations have gained considerable interest in recent times under the realm of Trustworthy ML. Speech processing in particular presents a unique set of challenges, given the rich information carried in linguistic and paralinguistic content including speaker trait, interaction and state characteristics. This special session on Trustworthy Speech Processing (TSP) was created to bring together new and experienced researchers working on trustworthy ML and speech processing.


We invite novel and relevant submissions from both academic and industrial research groups showcasing theoretical and empirical advancements in TSP. Topics of interest cover a variety of papers centered on speech processing, including (but not limited to):


* Differential privacy

* Federated learning

* Ethics in speech processing

* Model interpretability

* Quantifying & mitigating bias in speech processing

* New datasets, frameworks and benchmarks for TSP

* Discovery and defense against emerging privacy attacks

* Trustworthy ML in applications of speech processing like ASR



Important Dates:

Paper submission deadline: March 21, 2022, 23:59, Anywhere on Earth.

Paper update deadline: March 28, 2022, 23:59, Anywhere on Earth.

Author notification: June 13, 2022.

Interspeech conference dates: September 18 to 22, 2022.



Author Guidelines:

Submissions for TSP will follow the same schedule and procedure as the main conference. Submit your papers here: (select option #14.13 as the submission topic).


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3-3-16(2022-09-18) CfP Spoofing-Aware Speaker Verification Challenge, Incheon, Korea
We are thrilled to announce the Spoofing-Aware Speaker Verification Challenge. While spoofing countermeasures, promoted within the sphere of the ASVspoof challenge series, can help to protect reliability in the face of spoofing, they have been developed as independent subsystems for a fixed  ASV subsystem. Better performance can be expected when countermeasures and ASV subsystems are both optimised to operate in tandem.
The first Spoofing-Aware Speaker Verification (SASV) 2022 challenge aims to encourage the development of original solutions involving, but not limited to:
- back-end fusion of pre-trained automatic speaker verification and pre-trained audio spoofing countermeasure subsystems;
- integrated spoofing-aware automatic speaker verification systems that have the capacity to reject both non-target and spoofed trials.
We warmly invite the submission of general contributions in this direction. The Interspeech 2022 Spoofing-Aware Automatic Speaker Verification special session also incorporates a challenge ? SASV 2022. Participants are encouraged to evaluate their solutions using the SASV benchmarking framework which comprises a common database, protocol, and evaluation metric. Further details and resources can be found on the SASV challenge website.
 -January 19, 2022: Release of the evaluation plan

- March 10, 2022: Results submission
- March 14, 2022: Release of participant ranks
- March 21, 2022: INTERSPEECH Paper submission deadline
- March 28, 2022: INTERSPEECH Paper update deadline
- June 13, 2022: INTERSPEECH Author notification

- September 18-22, 2022: SASV challenge special session at INTERSPEECH
To participate, please register your interest at
For further information, please contact us at
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
The SASV Challenge 2022 Organisers
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3-3-17(2022-09-23) 2nd Symposium on Security and Privacy in Speech Communication joint with 2nd Challenge Workshop (INTERSPEECH 2022 satellite event)



  • 2nd Symposium on Security and Privacy in Speech Communication joint with 2nd VoicePrivacy Challenge Workshop (INTERSPEECH 2022 satellite event)

  • May 18 – Long paper submission deadline 
  • June 15 – VoicePrivacy Challenge and short paper submission deadline
  • September 23-24 – Workshop


The second edition of the Symposium on Security & Privacy in Speech Communication (SPSC), this year combined with the 2nd VoicePrivacy Challenge workshop, focuses on speech and voice through which we express ourselves. As speech communication can be used to command virtual assistants to transport emotion or to identify oneself, the symposium tries to give answers to the question on how we can strengthen security and privacy for speech representation types in user-centric human/machine interaction? The symposium therefore sees that interdisciplinary exchange is in high demand and aims to bring together researchers and practitioners across multiple disciplines including signal processing, cryptography, security, human-computer interaction, law, and anthropology. The SPSC Symposium addresses interdisciplinary topics.

For more details, see

=== Important dates


  • May 18 – Long paper submission deadline 
  • June 15 – VoicePrivacy Challenge paper submission deadline 
  • June 15 – Short paper submission deadline 
  • July 1 – Author notification
  • July 31 – VoicePrivacy Challenge results and system description submission deadline
  • September 5 – Final paper submission
  • September 23-24 – SPSC Symposium at the Incheon National University, Korea

===  Topics of interest

Topics regarding the technical perspective include:

  • Privacy-preserving speech communication
    • speech recognition and spoken language processing
    • speech perception, production and acquisition
    • speech synthesis and spoken language generation
    • speech coding and enhancement
    • speaker and language identification
    • phonetics, phonology and prosody
    • paralinguistics in speech and language
  • Cybersecurity
    • privacy engineering and secure computation
    • network security and adversarial robustness
    • mobile security
    • cryptography
    • biometrics
  • Machine learning
    • federated learning
    • disentangled representations
    • differential privacy
  • Natural language processing
    • web as corpus, resources and evaluation
    • tagging, summarization, syntax and parsing
    • question answering, discourse and pragmatics
    • machine translation and document analysis
    • linguistic theories and psycholinguistics
    • inference of semantics and information extraction

Topics regarding the humanities’ view include:

  • Human-computer interfaces (speech as medium)
    • usable security and privacy
    • ubiquitous computing
    • pervasive computing and communication
    • cognitive science
  • Ethics and law
    • privacy and data protection
    • media and communication
    • identity management
    • electronic mobile commerce
    • data in digital media
  • Digital humanities
    • acceptance and trust studies
    • user experience research on practice
    • co-development across disciplines
    • data-citizenship
    • situated ethics
    • STS perspectives

We welcome contributions on related topics, as well as progress reports, project disseminations, theoretical discussions, and “work in progress”. There is also a dedicated PhD track. In addition, participants from academia, industry, and public institutions, as well as interested students are welcome to attend the conference without having to make their own contribution. All accepted submissions will appear in the conference proceedings published in ISCA Archive. The workshop will take place mainly in person at the Incheon National University (Korea) with additional support of participants willing to join virtually.

===  Submission

Papers intended for the SPSC Symposium should be up to eight pages of text. The length should be chosen appropriately to present the topic to an interdisciplinary community. Paper submissions must conform to the format defined in the paper preparation guidelines and as detailed in the author’s kit. Papers must be submitted via the online paper submission system. The working language of the conference is English, and papers must be written in English.

===  Reviews

At least three single-blind reviews will be provided, and we aim to obtain feedback from interdisciplinary experts for each submission. The review criteria applied to regular papers will be adapted for VoicePrivacy Challenge papers to be more in keeping with systems descriptions and results.

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3-3-18(2022-09-23) Voice Privacy Challenge, Incheon, South Korea

VoicePrivacy 2022 Challenge

  • Challenge paper submission deadline: 15 June 2022
  • Results and paper description submission deadline: 31 July 2022
  • ISCA workshop (Incheon, Korea in conjunction with INTERSPEECH 2022): 23-24 September 2022


 Dear colleagues,

registration for the VoicePrivacy 2022 Challenge continues!

The task is to develop a voice anonymization system for speech data which conceals the speaker’s voice identity while protecting linguistic content, paralinguistic attributes, intelligibility and naturalness.

The VoicePrivacy 2022 Challenge Evaluation Plan:

VoicePrivacy 2022 is the second edition, which will culminate in a joint workshop held in Incheon, Korea in conjunction with INTERSPEECH 2022 and in cooperation with the ISCA Symposium on Security and Privacy in Speech Communication.

Registration: Participate | VoicePrivacy 2022

Subscription: Participate | VoicePrivacy 2022

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3-3-19(2022-10-10) 5th International Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports (MMSports'22) @ ACM Multimedia, Lisbon, Portugal

Call for Papers


5th International Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports (MMSports'22) @ ACM Multimedia, October 10-14, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal


We'd like to invite you to submit your paper proposals for the 5th International Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports to be held in Lisbon, Portugal together with ACM Multimedia 2022. The ambition of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners from different disciplines to share ideas on current multimedia/multimodal content analysis research in sports. We welcome multimodal-based research contributions as well as best-practice contributions focusing on the following (and similar, but not limited to) topics:


- annotation and indexing in sports 

- tracking people/ athlete and objects in sports

- activity recognition, classification, and evaluation in sports

- event detection and indexing in sports

- performance assessment in sports

- injury analysis and prevention in sports

- data driven analysis in sports

- graphical augmentation and visualization in sports

- automated training assistance in sports

- camera pose and motion tracking in sports

- brave new ideas / extraordinary multimodal solutions in sports

- personal virtual (home) trainers/coaches in sports

- datasets in sports 


Submissions can be of varying length from 4 to 8 pages, plus additional pages for the reference pages. There is no distinction between long and short papers, but the authors may themselves decide on the appropriate length of their paper. All papers will undergo the same review process and review period.


Please refer to the workshop website for further information:



Submission Due:                            July 4, 2022 

Acceptance Notification:             July 29, 2022

Camera Ready Submission:         August 21, 2022 

Workshop Date:                            TBA; either Oct 10 or Oct 14, 2022





This year, MMSports proposes a competition where participants will compete over State-of-the-art problems applied to real-world sport specific data. The competition is made of 4 individual challenges, each of which is sponsored by SportRadar with a US$1,000.00 prize. Each challenge comes with a toolkit describing the task, the dataset and metrics on which participants will be evaluated:

The challenges are hosted on EvalAI where participants will submit the prediction of their model on an evaluation set for which labels are kept secret. Leaderboards will display the ranking for each challenge.

More information can be found at


ACM MMSports’22 Chairs: Thomas Moeslund, Rainer Lienhart and Hideo Saito



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3-3-20(2022-10-12)French Cross-Domain Dialect Identification (FDI) task @VarDial2022, Gyeongju, South Korea
We are organizing the French Cross-Domain Dialect Identification (FDI) task @VarDial2022.

In the 2022 French Dialect Identification (FDI) shared task, participants have to train a model on news samples collected from a set of publication sources and evaluate it on news samples collected from a different set of publication sources. Not only the sources are different, but also the topics. Therefore, participants have to build a model for a cross-domain 4-way classification by dialect task, in which a classification model is required to discriminate between the French (FH), Swiss (CH), Belgian (BE) and Canadian (CA) dialects across different news samples. The corpus is divided into training, validation and test, such that the publication sources and topics are distinct across splits. The training set contains 358,787 samples. The development set is composed of 18,002 samples. Another set of 36,733 samples are kept for the final evaluation.

Important Dates:
- Training set release: May 20, 2022
- Test set release: June 30, 2022
- Submissions due: July 6, 2022

We invite you to participate!
Have a nice day.
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3-3-21(2022-10-17) Cf Posters papers, ISMAR 2022, Singapore


ISMAR 2022, the premier conference for Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR), will be held on October 17-21, 2022. Note that ISMAR offers three distinct calls for journals, papers, and posters. This call is for submission to the conference poster track. See the ISMAR website for more information.

Poster Paper Submission Deadline: June 20th, 2022
Notification: August 15th, 2022
Camera-ready version: August 22nd, 2022
ISMAR is responding to the increasing commercial and research activities related to AR and MR and Virtual Reality (VR) by continuing the expansion of its scope over the past several years. ISMAR 2022 will cover the full range of technologies encompassed by the MR continuum, from interfaces in the real world to fully immersive experiences.

ISMAR invites research contributions that advance AR/VR/MR technologies, collectively referred to as eXtended Reality (XR) technologies, and are relevant to the community.

The poster session is one of the highlights of ISMAR, where the community engages in a discussion about the benefits and challenges of XR in other research and application domains.

We welcome paper submissions from 2-6 pages, including the list of references. Poster papers will be reviewed on the basis of an extended abstract, which can contain smaller contributions, late breaking developments or in-progress work.

Please note that ISMAR further distinguishes poster papers of 2 pages to be non-archival and poster papers of 3 or more pages to be archival. This means that authors of 2 page poster papers can resubmit longer versions of their accepted work, with additional details, at later ISMAR conferences.

All submissions will be accepted or rejected as poster papers.
All accepted papers will be archived in the IEEE Xplore digital library
At least one of the authors must register and attend the ISMAR 2022 conference to present the poster
The Poster track is co-aligned to the Conference Paper track, which may accept some Conference Paper submissions as posters based on the merit of their contribution. Detailed submission and review guidelines are available on the conference website and the Guidelines section.

Note that All paper submissions must be in English.

ISMAR 2022 Poster Chairs

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3-3-22(2022-11-07) 24th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2022), Bengaluru, India (updated)

ICMI 2022
24th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction
7-11 Nov 2022, Bengaluru, India


We invite you to submit your proposals for demonstrations and exhibits to be held during the 24th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2022), located in Bengaluru (Bangalore), India, November 7-11th, 2022. This year’s conference theme is “Intelligent and responsible Embodied Conversational Agents (ECAs) in the multi-lingual real world”.


The ICMI 2022 Demonstrations & Exhibits session is intended to provide a forum to showcase innovative implementations, systems and technologies demonstrating new ideas about interactive multimodal interfaces. It can also serve as a platform to introduce commercial products. Proposals may be of two types: demonstrations or exhibits. The main difference is that demonstrations include a 2-3 page paper in one column, which will be included in the ICMI main proceedings, while the exhibits only need to include a brief outline (no more than two pages in one column; not included in ICMI proceedings). We encourage both the submission of early research prototypes and interesting mature systems. In addition, authors of accepted regular research papers may be invited to participate in the demonstration sessions as well.

Demonstration Submission

Please submit a 2-3 page description of the demonstration in a single column format through the main ICMI conference management system ( Demonstration description(s) must be in PDF format, according to the ACM conference format, of no more than 3 pages in a single column format including references. For instructions and links to the templates, please see the Guidelines for Authors.


Demonstration proposals should include a description with photographs and/or screen captures of the demonstration. Demonstration submissions should be accompanied by a video of the proposed demo (no larger than 200MB), which can include a set of slides (no more than 10 slides) in PowerPoint format.


The demo and exhibit paper submissions are not anonymous. However, all ACM rules and guidelines related to paper submission should be followed (e.g. plagiarism, including self-plagiarism).


The demonstration submissions will be peer reviewed, according to the following criteria: suitability as a demo, scientific or engineering feasibility of the proposed demo system, application, or interactivity, alignment with the conference focus, potential to engage the audience, and overall quality and presentation of the written proposal. Authors are encouraged to address such criteria in their proposals, along with preparing the papers mindful of the quality and rigorous scientific expectations of an ACM publication.


The demo program will include the accepted proposals and may additionally include invited demos from among regular papers accepted for presentation at the conference. Please note that the accepted demos will be included in the ICMI main proceedings.

Exhibit Submission

Exhibit proposals should be submitted following the same guidelines, formatting, and due dates as for demonstration proposals. Exhibit proposals must be shorter in length (up to two pages), and are more suitable for showcasing mature systems. Like demos, submissions for exhibits should be accompanied by a video (no larger than 200MB), which can include a set of slides (no more than 10 slides) in PowerPoint format. Exhibits will not have a paper published in the ICMI 2022 proceedings.


Once accepted, demonstrators and video presenters will be provided with a table, poster board, power outlet and wireless (shared) Internet. Demo and video presenters are expected to bring with them everything else needed for their demo and video presentations, such as hardware, laptops, sensors, PCs, etc. However, if you have special requests such as a larger space, special lighting conditions and so on, we will do our best to arrange them.


Important note for the authors: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.


At least one author of all accepted Demonstrations and Exhibits submissions must register for and attend the conference, including the conference demonstrations and exhibits session(s).

Important Dates

Submission of demo and exhibit proposals

July 26, 2022

Demo and exhibit notification of acceptance

August 1, 2022

Submission of demo final papers

August 15, 2022


For the latest information re: author guidelines, important dates, facilities, attendance requirements, etc., please see


For any further questions, contact the Demonstrations and Exhibits co-chairs: Dan Bohus and Ramanathan Subramanian (




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3-3-23(2022-11-07) Doctoral Consortium at ICMI- Call for Contributions

Doctoral Consortium - Call for Contributions 

The goal of the ICMI Doctoral Consortium (DC) is to provide PhD students with an opportunity to present their work to a group of mentors and peers from a diverse set of academic and industrial institutions, to receive feedback on their doctoral research plan and progress, and to build a cohort of young researchers interested in designing and developing multimodal interfaces and interaction. We invite students from all PhD granting institutions who are in the process of forming or carrying out a plan for their PhD research in the area of designing and developing multimodal interfaces. 

Who should apply? 

While we encourage applications from students at any stage of doctoral training, the doctoral consortium will benefit most the students who are in the process of forming or developing their doctoral research. These students will have passed their qualifiers or have completed the majority of their coursework, will be planning or developing their dissertation research, and will not be very close to completing their dissertation research. Students from any PhD granting institution whose research falls within designing and developing multimodal interfaces and interaction are encouraged to apply. 

Why should you attend? 

The DC provides an opportunity to build a social network that includes the cohort of DC students, senior students, recent graduates, and senior mentors. Not only is this an opportunity to get feedback on research directions, it is also an opportunity to learn more about the process and to understand what comes next. We aim to connect you with a mentor who will give specific feedback on your research. We specifically aim to create an informal setting where students feel supported in their professional development. 

Submission Guidelines 

Graduate students pursuing a PhD degree in a field related to designing multimodal interfaces should submit the following materials: 

  1. Extended Abstract: Please describe your PhD research plan and progress as a seven-page paper in a single column format. The instructions and templates are on the following link: Your extended abstract should follow the same outline, details, and format of the ICMI short papers. The submissions will not be anonymous. In particular, it should cover: 
    • The key research questions and motivation of your research; 
    • Background and related work that informs your research; 
    • A statement of hypotheses or a description of the scope of the technical problem; 
    • Your research plan, outlining stages of system development or series of studies; 
    • The research approach and methodology; 
    • Your results to date (if any) and a description of remaining work; 
    • A statement of research contributions to date (if any) and expected contributions of your PhD work; 
  1. Advisor Letter: A one-page letter of nomination from the student's PhD advisor. This letter is not a letter of support. Instead, it should focus on the student's PhD plan and how the Doctoral Consortium event might contribute to the student's PhD training and research. 
  2. CV: A two-page curriculum vitae of the student. 

All materials should be prepared in a single PDF format and submitted through the ICMI submission system. 

Important Dates 

Submission deadline 

July 1, 2022 


July 29, 2022 


August 12, 2022 

Review Process 

The Doctoral Consortium will follow a review process in which submissions will be evaluated by a number of factors including (1) the quality of the submission, (2) the expected benefits of the consortium for the student's PhD research, and (3) the student's contribution to the diversity of topics, backgrounds, and institutions, in order of importance. More particularly, the quality of the submission will be evaluated based on the potential contributions of the research to the field of multimodal interfaces and its impact on the field and beyond. Finally, we hope to achieve a diversity of research topics, disciplinary backgrounds, methodological approaches, and home institutions in this year's Doctoral Consortium cohort. We do not expect more than two students to be invited from each institution to represent a diverse sample. Women and other underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.


All authors of accepted submissions are expected to attend the Doctoral Consortium and the main conference poster session. The attendees will present their work as a short talk or as a poster at the conference poster session. A detailed program for the Consortium and the participation guidelines will be available after the camera-ready deadline.



For more information and updates on the ICMI 2022 Doctoral Consortium, visit the Doctoral Consortium page of the main conference website (

For further questions, contact the Doctoral Consortium co-chairs: 

  • Theodora Chaspari ( 
  • Tanaya Guha ( 
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3-3-24(2022-11-07) International Workshop on “Voice Assistant Systems in Team Interactions ‒ Implications, Best Practice, Applications, and Future Perspectives” VASTI 2022 @ICMI 2022

International Workshop on “Voice Assistant Systems in Team Interactions ‒ Implications, Best Practice, Applications, and Future Perspectives”
VASTI 2022

co-located with the ICMI 2022

The workshop is encouraging an interdisciplinary exchange of researchers focussing on multimodal interactions in the wide range of group research aspects, linguistic and acoustic perspectives, as well as dialogue management in relation to speech based systems, e.g. voice  assistants. Regarding the mentioned research communities, the interdisciplinary collaboration between these research communities is currently rather loose. Therefore, the workshop aims on bridging the three research communities based on shared interests and provides a platform for detailed discussions.

Generally, human beings are usually interactive and socially engaged, often communicating in either dyads or groups. During such interactions, each communication partner (human or technical) is providing a variety of information, including general information/content, as well as personal and relational information. These communication aspects are in the focus of group interactions or multi-party interactions. In social sciences, areas such as investigating interpersonal relationships of the group members and the dynamics of group interaction, cohesion, and performance, are observed. These aspects are nowadays also considered in computer sciences and linguistics using automatic analyses. Unfortunately, these communities have started to collaborate only recently. In this sense, the workshop aims to strengthen these collaborations.

However, especially the advent of voice assistants and the increased distributions provide an optimal testbed to combine the three communities and encourage interdisciplinary discussions highlighting contributions from each research perspective. Especially, since at a certain level of development, current voice assistance systems seem to set the expectation of human-like linguistic flexibility and complexity, which is disproportionate to the actual skills of the artificial agent. To enable future technical systems to act as a conversational partner and act naturally in group or dyadic multimodal interactions, it is necessary to combine knowledge and research approaches on the fundamental mechanisms of human speech perception and speech production from a cognitive, psycholinguistic point of view as well as insights from interactional linguistics, discourse analysis and sociolinguistics with phonetics, phonology and prosody in the context of spoken interaction with machines. This should be further combined with aspects of dialogue management and social signal processing to allow a holistic consideration of the users and using groups.


  • Voice Assistant Technology

  • Multimodal Interactions in Teams

  • Automatic Team Analyses
  • Multi-Party Interaction
  • Linguistics in Voice Assistance
  • Linguistics in Teams
  • Communication in Teams
  • Human Speech Perception
  • Multimodal Perception

Important dates:
Submission deadline: July 28, 2022
Notification of Acceptance: August 12, 2022
Camera ready: August 19, 2022
Workshop date: November 7, 2022

Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers (8 pages, 7+1
reference) and short papers (5 pages, 4+1 reference) following the ICMI
2022 Latex or Word templates, as specified by ICMI 2021. All submissions
should be anonymous. Accepted papers will be published in the conference

in conjunction with ICMI 2022 (intended to be onsite)

Ronald Böck, University Magdeburg, Germany
Daniel Duran, Leibniz Zentrum für Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft, Germany
Ingo Siegert, University Magdeburg, Germany

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3-3-25(2022-11-14) IberSPEECH 2022, Grenada, Spain

IberSPEECH’2022 will be held in Granada (Spain), from 14 to 16 November 2022. The IberSPEECH event –the sixth of its kind using this name– brings together the XII Jornadas en Tecnologías del Habla and the VIII Iberian SLTech Workshop events.

Following with the tradition of previous editions, IberSPEECH’2022 will be a three-day event, planned to promote interaction and discussion. There will be a wide variety of activities: technical papers presentations, keynote lectures, presentation of projects, laboratories activities, recent PhD thesis, entrepreneurship & discussion panels, and awards to the best thesis and papers.

You can find all the information of this first call for papers at More details will be available soon on this website.


Important Dates

Regular Papers

Submission opens: June 17th, 2022
Submission abstract deadline: July 8th, 2022
Submission full paper deadline: July 15th, 2022
Paper notifications sent: September 16th, 2022
Camera-ready paper due: September 25th, 2022

Special Sessions (Projects, Demos, PhD Theses & Entrepreneurship)

Proposals: October 7th, 2022
Full-Paper: October 14th, 2022

Albayzin Evaluations 2022

Registration deadline: September 4th, 2022.
Release of the evaluation data: September 5th, 2022.
Submission deadline (including system summary): October 16th, 2022.
Results distribution to the participants: October 24th, 2022.
Paper submission deadline: October 30th, 2022.
Iberspeech 2022 Albayzin Evaluations special session in Granada: November 15th, 2022.

Conference IBERSPEECH’2022

Registration opens: September 16th, 2022
Early Registration ends: October 18th, 2022
Conference Starts: Monday, November 14th, 2022
Conference Ends: Wednesday, November 16th, 2022

At least one author of each accepted paper must complete a full early registration for the conference.



The topics of interest regarding processing Iberian languages include, but are not limited to:

1. Speech technology and applications

1. Spoken language generation and synthesis

2. Speech and speaker recognition

3. Speaker diarization

4. Speech enhancement

5. Speech processing and acoustic event detection

6. Spoken language understanding

7. Spoken language interfaces and dialogue systems

8. Systems for information retrieval and information extraction from speech

9. Systems for speech translation

10. Applications for aged and handicapped persons

11. Applications for learning and education

12. Emotions recognition and synthesis

13. Language and dialect identification

14. Applications for learning and education

15. Speech technology and applications: other topics


2. Human speech production, perception, and communication

1. Linguistic, mathematical, and psychological models of language

2. Phonetics, phonology, and morphology

3. Pragmatics, discourse, semantics, syntax, and lexicon

4. Paralinguistic and nonlinguistic cues (e.g. emotion and expression)

5. Human speech production, perception, and communication: other topics


3. Natural language processing (NLP) and applications

1. Natural language generation and understanding

2. Retrieval and categorization of natural language documents

3. Summarization mono and multi-document

4. Extraction and annotation of entities, relations, and properties

5. Creation and processing of ontologies and vocabularies

6. Machine learning for natural language processing

7. Shallow and deep semantic analysis: textual entailment, anaphora resolution, paraphrasing

8. Multi-lingual processing for information retrieval and extraction

9. Natural language processing for information retrieval and extraction

10. Natural language processing (NLP) and applications: other topics


4. Speech, Language and Multimodality

1. Multimodal Interaction

2. Sign Language

3. Handwriting recognition

4. Speech, Language and Multimodality: other topics


5. Resources, standardization, and evaluation

1. Spoken language resources, annotation, and tools

2. Spoken language evaluation and standardization

3. NLP resources, annotation, tools

4. NLP evaluation and standarization

5. Multimodal resources, annotation and tools

6. Multimodal evaluation and standardization

7. Resources, standardization, and evaluation: other topics


Paper Submission

Regular Papers must be written in English and submission will be online. Papers must be submitted in PDF following the Interspeech 2022 format. Paper length is 4 pages and one additional page for references. There is no minimum length requirement for papers of the special sessions project review and demos.

Upon acceptance, at least one author will be required to register (full & early) and present the paper at the conference.


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3-3-26(2022-11-14)) CfP SPECOM 2022, Gurugram, India (updated)




 The conference is relocated in India. 



24th International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM-2022) 
November 14-16, 2022, KIIT Campus, Gurugram, India

The conference is organized by KIIT College of Engineering as a hybrid event in Gurugram/New Delhi, India and online.

SPECOM attracts researchers, linguists and engineers working in the following areas of speech science, speech technology, natural language processing, human-computer interaction: 
Affective computing 
Audio-visual speech processing 
Corpus linguistics 
Computational paralinguistics 
Deep learning for audio processing 
Feature extraction 
Forensic speech investigations 
Human-machine interaction 
Language identification 
Multichannel signal processing 
Multimedia processing 
Multimodal analysis and synthesis 
Sign language processing 
Speaker recognition 
Speech and language resources 
Speech analytics and audio mining 
Speech and voice disorders 
Speech-based applications 
Speech driving systems in robotics 
Speech enhancement 
Speech perception 
Speech recognition and understanding 
Speech synthesis 
Speech translation systems 
Spoken dialogue systems 
Spoken language processing 
Text mining and sentiment analysis 
Virtual and augmented reality 
Voice assistants 

The official language of the event is English. However, papers on processing of languages other than English are strongly encouraged. 

The conference program will include presentation of invited talks, oral presentations, and poster/demonstration sessions. 

Authors are invited to submit full papers of 8-14 pages formatted in the Springer LNCS style. Each paper will be reviewed by at least three independent reviewers (single-blind), and accepted papers will be presented either orally or as posters. Papers submitted to SPECOM must not be under review by any other conference or publication during the SPECOM review cycle, and must not be previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere. The authors are asked to submit their papers using the on-line submission system:

SPECOM Proceedings will be published by Springer as a book in the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI/LNCS) series listed in all major international citation databases. 

July 31, 2022 ...................... Submission of full papers 
September 05, 2022 .......... Notification of acceptance 
September 15, 2022 .......... Camera-ready papers 
September 20, 2022 .......... Early registration 
November 14-16, 2022 .......Conference dates 

Shyam S Agrawal - KIIT, Gurugram
Amita Dev - IGDTUW, Delhi

S.R. Mahadeva Prasanna - IIT Dharwad
Alexey Karpov - SPC RAS
Rodmonga Potapova - MSLU
K. Samudravijaya - KL University

All correspondence regarding the conference should be addressed to SPECOM 2022 Secretariat  


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3-3-27(2022-12-13) CfP 18th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology (SST2022), Canberra, Australia

The Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association is pleased to call for papers for the 18th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology (SST2022). SST is an international interdisciplinary conference designed to foster collaboration among speech scientists, engineers, psycholinguists, audiologists, linguists, speech/language pathologists and industrial partners.

? Location: Canberra, Australia (remote participation options will also be available)
? Dates: 13-16 December 2022
? Host Institution: Australian National University
? Deadline for tutorial and special session proposals: 8 April 2022
? Deadline for submissions: 17 June 2022
? Notification of acceptance: 31 August 2022
? Deadline for upload of revised submissions: 16 September 2022
? Website:

Submissions are invited in all areas of speech science and technology, including:

? Acoustic phonetics
? Analysis of paralinguistics in speech and language
? Applications of speech science and technology
? Audiology
? Computer assisted language learning
? Corpus management and speech tools
? First language acquisition
? Forensic phonetics
? Hearing and hearing impairment
? Languages of Australia and Asia-Pacific (phonetics/phonology)
? Low-resource languages
? Pedagogical technologies for speech
? Second language acquisition
? Sociophonetics
? Speech signal processing, analysis, modelling and enhancement
? Speech pathology
? Speech perception
? Speech production
? Speech prosody, emotional speech, voice quality
? Speech synthesis and speech recognition
? Spoken language processing, translation, information retrieval and summarization
? Speaker and language recognition
? Spoken dialog systems and analysis of conversation
? Voice mechanisms, source-filter interactions

We are inviting two categories of submission: 4-page papers (for oral or poster presentation, and publication in the proceedings), and 1-page detailed abstracts (for poster presentation only). Please follow the author instructions in preparing your submission.

We also invite proposals for tutorials, as 3-hour intensive instructional sessions to be held on the first day of the conference. In addition, we welcome proposals for special sessions, as thematic groupings of papers exploring specific topics or challenges. Interdisciplinary special sessions are particularly encouraged.

For any queries, please contact
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3-3-28(2023) 13th International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, Europe?

The ICMR Steering Committee invites interested parties to submit proposals to
host and organize the 13th International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval,
ICMR2023 (sponsored by the ACM SIGMM). ACM ICMR is the premier
scientific conference for multimedia retrieval.  Its mission is
to provide a forum to discuss,  promote and advance the
state-of-the-arts in multimedia retrieval by bringing together
researchers and practitioners in its related field. It is thus essential
to ensure that the conference includes sessions for presenting high-quality
research papers and for sharing practitioner experience.  The list of
previous ICMRs is at
We expect ICMR2023 to be held in Europe.

Parties interested in hosting ICMR2023 are invited to submit  their
proposals (20 pages or less) by Friday, 26 February 2021 by email with
the subject line: ICMR2023 to the steering committee chair.
The details of CFP is at

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3-3-29(2023-07-15) MLDM 2023 : 18th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining, New York,NY, USA

MLDM 2023 : 18th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining
When    Jul 16, 2023 - Jul 21, 2023
Where    New York, USA
Submission Deadline    Jan 15, 2023
Notification Due    Mar 18, 2023
Final Version Due    Apr 5, 2023
Categories:    machine learning   data mining   pattern recognition   classification
Call For Papers
MLDM 2023
18th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining
July 15 - 19, 2023, New York, USA

The Aim of the Conference
The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers from all over the world who deal with machine learning and data mining in order to discuss the recent status of the research and to direct further developments. Basic research papers as well as application papers are welcome.

Petra Perner Institute of Computer Vision and Applied Computer Sciences IBaI, Germany

Program Committee
Piotr Artiemjew University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland
Sung-Hyuk Cha Pace Universtity, USA
Ming-Ching Chang University of Albany, USA
Mark J. Embrechts Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and CardioMag Imaging, Inc, USA
Robert Haralick City University of New York, USA
Adam Krzyzak Concordia University, Canada
Chengjun Liu New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Krzysztof Pancerz University Rzeszow, Poland
Dan Simovici University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Agnieszka Wosiak Lodz University of Technology, Poland
more to be annouced...

Topics of the conference

Paper submissions should be related but not limited to any of the following topics:

Association Rules
Audio Mining
Autoamtic Semantic Annotation of Media Content
Bayesian Models and Methods
Capability Indices
Case-Based Reasoning and Associative Memory
case-based reasoning and learning
Classification & Prediction
classification and interpretation of images, text, video
Classification and Model Estimation
Cognition and Computer Vision
Conceptional Learning
conceptional learning and clustering
Content-Based Image Retrieval
Control Charts
Decision Trees
Design of Experiment
Deviation and Novelty Detection
Feature Grouping, Discretization, Selection and Transformation
Feature Learning
Frequent Pattern Mining, where it is also possible to register for email notifications concerning the congress.




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3-3-31ICASSP 2022 Education short courses



Register for Education Short Courses at ICASSP 2022! 

New! There is now the opportunity to register for Education Short Courses only at the

2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)!

Participants of Short Courses only do not need to pay the main conference registration fee. 


These short courses provide a deep and multi-sided understanding of a topic including hands-on experience

and include the course materials as well as a professional development certificate. 

About the ICASSP 2022 Education Short Courses

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (IEEE-SPS) Education Board is planning an inaugural education activity

in the form of short courses at ICASSP 2022. The introduction of education-oriented short courses will offer

Professional Development Hours (PDHs) and Continuing Education Units (CEUs) certificates to those who

complete each course.


Education Short Courses: 

Courses SC-1, SC-2, and SC-3 will be held In-Person in Singapore.

  • Speakers will be in-person in Singapore.
  • Attendees will join in-person or virtually.
  • Attendees (in-person) will attend the course in Singapore.
  • Attendees (virtual) will attend via Zoom link and attend live at the same time as being conducted in Singapore.

Courses SC-4, SC-5, and SC-6 will be held virtually.

  • Speakers will conduct course virtually via Zoom.
  • Only Virtual Attendees and they will attend via Zoom link.

Hybrid Conference Format 


IEEE ICASSP 2022 will be held in a tandem-hybrid format. This new conference format is to allow all ICASSP participants to present their papers in a virtual format based on Gather.Town


The main conference site in Singapore will have in-person speakers (plenary talks, industry keynotes, panel sessions, expert sessions, innovation forum, etc.) presenting these highlight events that are of interest to the signal processing society. These main track events will be live broadcasted to all registered attendees, including the virtual audience. 

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