ISCA - International Speech
Communication Association

ISCApad Archive  »  2022  »  ISCApad #284  »  Events

ISCApad #284

Thursday, February 10, 2022 by Chris Wellekens

3 Events
3-1 ISCA Events
3-1-1(2022-09-18) Interspeech 2022, Incheon, South Korea

Incheon in South Korea will welcome Interspeech 2022.

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3-1-2(2023-08-20) Interspeech 2023, Dublin, Ireland

, ISCA has reached the decision to hold INTERSPEECH-2023 in Dublin, Ireland (Aug. 20-24, 2023)

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3-1-3(2024-09-01) Interspeech 2024, Jerusalem, Israel.

 ISCA conference committee has decided Interspeech 2024 will be held in Jerusalem, Israel from

September 1 till September 5.

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Now's the time of year that seminar programmes get fixed up.. please direct the attention of whoever organises your seminars to the ISCA INTERNATIONAL VIRTUAL SEMINARS scheme (introduction below). There is now a good choice of speakers:  see


A seminar programme is an important part of the life of a research lab, especially for its research students, but it's difficult for scientists to travel to give talks at the moment. However,  presentations may be given on line and, paradoxically, it is thus possible for labs to engage international speakers who they wouldn't normally be able to afford.

ISCA has set up a pool of speakers prepared to give on-line talks. In this way we can enhance the experience of students working in our field, often in difficult conditions. To find details of the speakers,

  • visit
  • Click Distinguished Lecturers in the left panel
  • Online Seminars then appears beneath Distinguished Lecturers: click that.

Speakers may pre-record their talks if they wish, but they don't have to. It is up to the host lab to contact speakers and make the arrangements. Talks can be state-of-the-art, or tutorials.

If you make use of this scheme and arrange a seminar, please send brief details (lab, speaker, date) to

If you wish to join the scheme as a speaker, we need is a title, a short abstract, a 1 paragraph biopic and contact details. Please send them to

PS. The online seminar scheme  is now up and running, with 7 speakers so far:


Jean-Luc Schwartz, Roger Moore, Martin Cooke, Sakriani Sakti, Thomas Hueber, John Hansen and Karen Livescu.

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3-1-5Speech Prosody courses

Dear Speech Prosody SIG Members,

We would like to draw your attention to three upcoming short courses from the Luso-Brazilian Association of Speech Sciences:

- Prosody & Rhythm: applications to teaching rhythm,
  Donna Erickson (Haskins), March 16, 19, 23 and 26

- Prosody, variation and contact,
  Barbara Gili Fivela (University of Salento, Italy), April 19, 21, 23, 26 and 28

- Rhythmic analysis of languages: main challenges,
  Marisa Cruz (University of Lisbon), June 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 10

For details:
Plinio Barbosa and Nigel Ward

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3-2 ISCA Supported Events
3-2-1(2022-05-23) Speech Prosody 2022 - Call for Special Sessions
Speech Prosody 2022 - Call for Special Sessions

Speech Prosody 2022, the eleventh international conference on speech prosody, will be held in Lisbon on 23-26 May, 2022. We invite proposals for special sessions to be held during the conference. We encourage proposals on interdisciplinary topics, under-researched topics and/or important new emerging areas of interest.

Proposals (sent as a pdf file) should include:

? Title of the proposed session

? Names and affiliations of organizers (including brief bio and contact information)

? Justification of interest, fit, and impact for the scope of Speech Prosody conferences (maximum 1 page)

? Tentative list of papers (titles/affiliations /authors), if available

? Additional or non-standard resources (e.g. data, equipment, etc) required for organizing the special session


Submitted proposals will be reviewed by the Technical Program committee in conjunction with the Organizing committee. Each special session is expected to consist of three or four accepted papers. Papers intended for special sessions should be submitted through the regular conference submission system, and the same review procedure and criteria will apply.

E-mail address for submission of proposals: 

Submission deadline: September, 12


For more details on Speech Prosody 2022, please visit

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3-2-2(2022-05-23) Speech Prosody 2022 - Call for Workshops and Tutorials
Speech Prosody 2022 - Call for Workshops and Tutorials

Speech Prosody 2022, the eleventh international conference on speech prosody, will be held in Lisbon on 23-26 May, 2022. Workshops and tutorials co-located with the conference will take place on 27-28 May, 2022. The Speech Prosody organizing committee invites proposals for prosody-related workshops and tutorials. Workshops on under-researched topics are encouraged, as well as tutorials on new methodological approaches and techniques. 

Proposals (sent as a pdf file) should include:

?  Workshop/Tutorial name and acronym

?  Organizers?  (and tutors?) name, brief bio, and contact information

?  Proposed duration of the Workshop/Tutorial, and possible and desired dates

?  Estimated number of participants

?  For Workshops: Invited speakers (if any)

?  For Tutorials: Profile of the expected audience (e.g., young researchers, experienced researchers, expected background and skills)

?  Technical requirements

?  A short description of the workshop/tutorial to be published on the conference web page


E-mail address for submission of proposals for workshop/tutorials:

Submission deadline: September, 12


For more details on Speech Prosody 2022, please visit

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3-2-3(2022-05-23) Speech Prosody 2022, Lisbon, Portugal

 The Speech Prosody 2022 website is now live, at ,?
with the Call for Papers and information on the venue, etc. 

Dear Speech Prosody SIG members,


The organizers have chosen the Special Sessions for Speech Prosody 2022, as follows:  


  • Digital prosodic typology: Machine learning in prosodic typological analysis
  • Measuring, modeling, and training of speaking styles
  • Musical power: The effect of musicality on prosodic development
  • Prosodic marking of information structure in child language: Prosody and beyond
  • Timing and rhythm across languages
  • How prosody bootstraps grammar and the lexicon: A cross-linguistic perspective


For details,  .


Nigel Ward, SProSIG Chair



The deadline for abstract and full paper submission to Speech Prosody 2022 has been extended.



New deadline for Submission of title, author info and 200-word abstract - **8 November**


New deadline for Full paper submission - **19 November**



The Speech Prosody 2022 web site now includes information on the SP 2022 tutorials, workshop and satellite meeting, listed below:












Gradience in intonation: GRIN




Satellite meeting


2nd International Seminar on the Foundations of Speech (SEFOS II) 2022 - Theme: Articulation and Prosody: Between Interface and Integration





Looking forward to seeing you all in Lisbon,



Sónia Frota
Professora catedrática Professor
Coordenadora Científica - CLUL | Scientific Coordinator - CLUL
Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa Center of Linguistics of the University of Lisbon (CLUL) 



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3-2-4(2022-09-07) CfP Special sessions of SIGDIAL, Edinburgh, UK
The Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL) organizers welcome the submission of
special session proposals. We welcome special session proposals on any topic of interest to the discourse and
dialogue communities. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to Role of Discourse in NLP Applications,
Explainable AI, Evaluation, Annotation, End‐to‐end systems, Vision and Language, and Human-Robot Interaction.
A SIGDIAL special session is the length of a regular session at the conference, and may be organized as a
poster session, a panel session, a poster session with panel discussion, or an oral presentation session.
Special sessions may, at the discretion of the SIGDIAL organizers, be held as parallel sessions. The papers
submitted to special sessions are handled by the special session organizers, but for the submitted papers
to be in the SIGDIAL proceedings, they have to undergo the same review process as regular papers.
The reviewers for the special session papers will be taken from the SIGDIAL program committee itself,
taking into account the suggestions of the session organizers, and the program chairs will make acceptance
decisions. In other words, special session organizers decide what appears in the session, while the program
chairs decide what appears in the proceedings and the rest of the conference program.
Those wishing to organize a special session should prepare a two-page proposal containing: a summary of
the topic of the special session; a list of organizers and sponsors; a list of people who may submit and
participate in the session; and a requested format (poster/panel/oral session).
These proposals should be sent to by the special session proposal deadline.
Special session proposals will be reviewed jointly by the general chair and program co‐chairs.
Those wishing to propose a special session may want to look at some of the sessions organized at recent
SIGDIAL meetings.
Important Dates
Mar 12, 2022: Special Session Proposal Deadline
Mar 26, 2022: Special Session Notification


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3-3 Other Events
3-3-1(2022-02-17) 2022 Motor Speech Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, USA



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3-3-2(2022-03-02) 33rd Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV)
33rd Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV)
2-4 March, 2022, Sonderborg, Denmark
Dear colleagues!
We are pleased to announce that the 33rd edition of the Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV) will take place in early March in Sondeborg, DK. The ESSV conference series spans a wide range of fields that concern the creation, analysis, and (digital) processing of speech signals, with a special focus on applied research, i.e. practical applications and technologies. We therefore ask for contributions (in German or English) on the following topics:
- Speech synthesis and speech generation;
- Speech dialogue systems, also multimodal ones;
- Human-robot and human-computer interaction;
- Quality assessment of spoken language and speech technology;
- Speech recognition and natural language comprehension;
- Nonspeech signals related to speech: Music, biosignals and technical signals;
- Applications in medical, nursing, and rehabilitation technology;
- Cognitive and neural systems;
- Speech technology in industrial and home sectors;
- Measurement, processing and modeling of articulation;
- Phonetic, syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic aspects of speech technology;
- Studies and applications of paralinguistics;
- Modeling of speech acquisition processes;
- Acoustic and visual pattern recognition related to speech communication.
Contributions on related topics are also very welcome. We particularly encourage students to submit papers and apply for ESSV's annual ?Best Student Paper Award?, which will be presented on the last day of the conference. In addition, guests from research, industry and public institutions as well as interested students are warmly welcome even without an own conference paper. All accepted papers will be published in a conference volume, which will appear in the series 'Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation' (TUDpress), as well as in the public online archive of the ESSV, see .
Important dates
12 December 2021 Submission deadline for an extended abstract (2 pages)
26 December 2021 Notification of  abstract acceptance
30 January 2022 Camera-ready paper submission deadline      
06 February 2022 Early registration deadline
27 February 2022 Submission deadline for the posters (portrait A0, only if we go for a hybrid or visrtual conference)
We would like to ask you to submit your extended Abstracts by 12 December 2021 via the EasyChair platform that has been created for this purpose:
Paper/abstract template
COVID Regulations
As of today, we are firmly determined to hold 'our' ESSV as a conference in the real world or, alternatively, at least as a hybrid conference. The chances of switching back to the real world for the ESSV are good. You will always find the latest travel and pandemic regulations on the website of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
We will also keep you up to date by email, especially if there are or must be new decisions about how we can hold the conference. If you have any questions about the trip or any other matters relating to the 33rd ESSV, please contact us at ****** at any time!
Have a great autumn time and stay healthy!
Your Danish ESSV organizing team.

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3-3-3(2022-03-??) II Brazilian Prosody Conference, on line

 We are pleased to announce the 'II Brazilian Prosody Conference', supported by the Luso-Brazilian Association of Speech Sciences, to be held in March, 2022, totally online. The event aims to create a space for training and research on Experimental Prosody and its interfaces for students and professionals whose work involves speech, voice, singing, speech communication technologies, speech pathologies, sound production and perception, oral communication, vocal aesthetic, acoustics, language teaching and other related areas.

To better organize the conference and allow the participation of as many people as possible, we created a form that can be accessed through the links below in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
The form is simple and straightforward, so it might take less than 5 minutes to complete.
We would really appreciate it if you could get back to us till May 25th, 2021. 

Thank you very much in advance for your kind collaboration.

Organizing committee
Cristiane Conceição Silva (UFSC) - President
Leila Rechenberg (UFRGS) - Vice-president
Maryualê Malvessi Mittmann (Univali) - Secretary
André Nogueira Xavier (UFPR) - Treasurer

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3-3-4(2022-04-30) Bids to host the 2nd TAI conference, to be held in 2023.

After the successful 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI 2021) <> held at the University of Southern Denmark in Sønderborg last December, the TAI Standing Committee is calling for bids to host the 2nd TAI conference, to be held in 2023.

Being a merger of the TAL (Tonal Aspects of Languages) and TIE (Tone and Intonation in Europe) conference series (2004–2018), the TAI series has inherited features of the two earlier ones. The conference accepts 2-page abstracts, has no parallel sessions and will typically feature some 2 to 6 invited speakers. With a focus on linguistic instead of technological aspects of prosody, it is affiliated both to ISCA and to IPA, and participants may choose to submit their 5-page full papers after the conference to the TAI Proceedings for publication in the ISCA archives. TAI conferences may feature workshops at the same venue outside the conference program, before, after or during the conference. Since all of the TIE conferences were held in Europe, the aim for the new TAI series is to alternate between Europe and other locations, so that TAI 2023 is preferably held outside Europe.

The task of the TAI Standing Committee is to promote the continuation of the series, select the venue of the next conference, evaluate conferences and any proposals for format changes. The current Standing Committee is mostly an amalgam of former TAL/TIE and TAI organizers who have been involved in the creation of the merger. Its members are Amalia Arvaniti, Yiya Chen, Christian DiCanio, Wentao Gu (Chair), Carlos Gussenhoven, Hansjörg Mixdorff, Oliver Niebuhr, Tomas Riad, Allison Wetterlin, Yi Xu, and Margaret Zellers. In the near future, the Standing Committee will generally include two organizers of each of the last four TAI conferences (before the next venue is decided) or the last three TAI conferences plus the upcoming one (after the next venue is decided).

Bids should minimally provide the following information:

- Host institution
- General chair (and any co-organizers)
- Proposed conference dates
- Venue or general location of the venue
- Transportation and accommodation
- Estimated full and student registration fees
- Financial plan (including existing or potential funding sources)
- Plan for a virtual/hybrid mode in case of emergency, with indication of registration fees

Any further information that may support the bid is welcome. This may include a conference insurance fee, perhaps borne by the host institution or the professional company that helps organize the conference.

Bids should be sent to Wentao Gu <> by 30 April 2022, who is also available for more information.

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3-3-5(2022-05-20) 2nd International Seminar on the Foundations of Speech (SEFOS II) 2022 , Sonderborg, DK

2nd International Seminar on the Foundations of Speech (SEFOS II) 2022 

Theme: Articulation and Prosody: Between Interface and Integration 

Date: 20-21 May 2022, Sønderborg, Denmark 


The links between articulation and prosody are a subject of growing interest. The growing interest is, among other things, driven by increasingly powerful measurement, analysis and recording techniques, by the discovery of syntagmatic and paradigmatic structures in prosody and the simultaneous undermining of strictly linear-segmental models in articulation, as well as by the rapid rise of speech technology and the associated increasing relevance of emotions, speaking styles, attitudes, social hierarchies, social-role marking, etc. But, how far have we really come in understanding the links between articulation and prosody?  


As a satellite meeting to the 11th Speech Prosody, the 2nd International Seminar on the Foundations of Speech (SEFOS II) will be a forum to discuss these questions. Continuing the successful concept of the first SEFOS, SEFOS II shall again be a strongly interdisciplinary event. We therefore cordially invite not only all members of the speech-science (and speech-prosody) communities to take part in SEFOS II, but also interested members from related fields such as general linguistics, medicine, audiology, psychology, rhetoric, pedagogy, language/speech technology, and engineering sciences. 







Prof. Dr. Cécile Fougeron
Directrice de Recherche
Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie 

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Birkholz
Chair of Speech Technology and Cognitive Systems
Institute of Acoustics and Speech Communication
TU Dresden
Dresden, Germany 





  • 14 Feb 2022: Deadline for the submission of 2-page abstracts outlining the research to be presented at SEFOS II (full papers can be submitted until after SEFOS II, see below) 
  • 28 Feb 2022: Notification of acceptance for SEFOS II 
  • 04 Apr 2022: Early bird registration deadline 
  • 20-21 May 2022: SEFOS II conference 
  • 03 July 2022: Deadline for the submission of full papers (see below) 


Note that SEFOS II has teamed up with the proceedings branch of deGruyter, 'Sciendo', to be able to publish your contributions as widely visible (open access) proceedings papers in journal-article length (max. 15 pages including figures and references; shorter papers are accepted too, of course). The SEFOS II proceedings will be submitted to major indexing services, such as DOAJ, Publons, Web of Science (CPCI), Semantic Scholar, Google Scholar, etc. 








- Coarticulation within and across the segment-prosody divide
- Inter-individual differences in the production and perception of articulation and prosody 

- Effects speaker-specific features (age, gender,…) on patterns of articulation and prosody
- Cross-linguistic comparisons of patterns of articulation and prosody
- Patterns of articulation of prosody in first and foreign language acquisition
- How environmental/adverse conditions shape articulation and prosody
- (Dis)Entrainment and other conversational effects on articulation and prosody
- Interplay of articulation and prosody in conveying communicative meanings and functions
- Interplay and representation of articulation and prosody in speech technology
- Interplay of articulation and prosody in speech perception
- Articulation and prosody in multimodal communication
- Effects of speaking styles on the production and perception of articulation and prosody
- Articulation and prosody in human-machine interaction
- Corpora, tools, and devices related to (an integrative) articulation and prosody research
- Annotation or analysis methods related to (an integrative) articulation and prosody research 



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3-3-6(2022-05-22) Cf Show and Tell Demo proposals at ICASSP 2022, Singapore




The ICASSP 2022 organization committee is soliciting proposals for a Show & Tell Demo event that

will be held during the conference. Submit your proposals by 1 March 2022.


Call for Show and Tell Demo Proposals


The Show & Tell Demo event includes demonstrations of innovations done by research and engineering

groups in industry, academia and governmental institutes. Show & Tell demonstrations at ICASSP are

attractive and space is limited. 


Proposals should clearly explain in what sense the proposed demonstration is novel and innovative and

how it will appeal to the ICASSP audience. Show & Tell demonstrations should have an interactive

component, which goes beyond demonstrating “simple” simulated graphs on a computer. 


A proposal of around 300 words should be submitted by filling the online template here

For detailed submission guidelines and requirements please visit the Show and Tell Demo webpage 

of the conference.

About ICASSP 2022

The 47th edition of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP)

will be held in Singapore from 22-27 May 2022. The programme will include keynotes by pre-eminent

international speakers, cutting-edge tutorial topics, and forward-looking special sessions. ICASSP also

provides a great networking opportunity with a wide range of like-minded professionals from academia.

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3-3-7(2022-05-22) Challenge at ICASSP 2022 'Synthetic Speech Attribution'

IEEE Signal Processing Cup (SP Cup) 2022
Challenge at ICASSP 2022
'Synthetic Speech Attribution'

The IEEE Signal Processing Society is proud to announce the ninth edition of the Signal Processing Cup:

a forensic challenge related to synthetic speech attribution.


The possibility of manipulating digital multimedia objects is within everyone's reach. For instance, fake

synthetic speech audio tracks can be generated through a wide variety of available methods. These

range from simple cut-and-paste techniques, to complex neural networks. The goal of the challenge

is to design and develop a system for synthetic speech attribution. This means, given an audio recording

representing a synthetically generated speech track, to detect which method among a list of candidate ones

has been used to synthesize the speech.


Any team composed of one faculty member, at most one graduate student and 3 to 10 undergraduate

students is welcomed to join the open competition. At least 3 students must be IEEE Student Members.


A dataset containing audio speech tracks generated with different speech synthesis techniques will be

distributed to the participants.


The three teams with highest performance in the open competition will be selected as finalists and will be

invited to participate in the final competition at ICASSP 2022. The champion team will receive a grand prize

of $5,000. The first and the second runner-up will receive a prize of $2,500 and $1,500, respectively,

in addition to travel grants and complimentary conference registrations.

Important Dates 

January 7, 2022 Competition webpage, Piazza forum and info
January 15, 2022 Dataset available
March 15, 2022 Team registration
March 31, 2022 Team final submission
April 7, 2022 Finalists announced
May 22-27, 2022 Final competition at ICASSP 2022

Additional Information

The challenge description is available in this document

General information and resources are available on Piazza. To set up a free account, use the access code

'spcup2022' to join as a student the “SPCUP 2022: IEEE Signal Processing Cup 2022” class.


The challenge is organized as a joint effort between the Image and Sound Processing Lab (ISPL) of the

Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy) and the Multimedia and Information Security Lab (MISL) of the Drexel

University (Philadelphia, USA).
The ISPL team is represented by Dr. Paolo Bestagini (Assistant Professor), Dr. Fabio Antonacci (Assistant

Professor), Clara Borrelli (Ph.D. Student) and Davide Salvi (Ph.D. Student).
The MISL lab is represented by its founder Dr. Matthew C. Stamm (Associate Professor) and

Brian Hosler (Ph.D. student).




For any questions about the competition, please contact Paolo Bestagini,


SPS Facebook

SPS Twitter

SPS LinkedIn

SPS Youtube

IEEE Signal Processing Society MathWorks
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3-3-8(2022-06-09) Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en sciences du langage, didactique des langues et disciplines transversales, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France

Chères collègues,

Nous avons étendu la date-butoir des propositions de communication pour les prochaines Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en sciences du langage, didactique des langues et disciplines transversales au 6 mars 2022. N’hésitez pas à nous envoyer vos propositions.

Bien cordialement,

Cameron Morin pour le comité d’organisation RJC 2022

25èmes Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs (RJC 2022)

Étudier le langage à l’ère numérique
Sciences du langage, didactique des langues et disciplines transversales

9 et 10 juin 2022

Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 (Maison de la Recherche) 4, rue des Irlandais

75005 PARIS

Créées en 1998, les Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs de l'ED 622 « Sciences du langage » (Université de Paris et Université Sorbonne Nouvelle) offrent la possibilité aux jeunes chercheurs et chercheuses inscrit·es en Doctorat ou en Master Recherche de présenter leurs travaux sous forme de communication orale ou de poster. Chaque année, une sélection de contributions font l’objet d’une publication référencée dans les Actes Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs.

Le thème de cette année s'articule autour du numérique. En tant que ressource et espace nouveaux, le numérique a profondément bouleversé non seulement les objets, mais aussi les pratiques des chercheur·es dans différents domaines des sciences du langage et des disciplines voisines.

Le développement du numérique permet la diffusion de la recherche et des pratiques collaboratives, mais soulève de nouveaux questionnements d’ordre méthodologique et éthique. Ces nouveaux enjeux sont encore plus prégnants dans des contextes politiques et sanitaires inédits.

Trois axes de réflexions sont envisagés pour aborder cette vaste problématique qu’est le numérique dans les sciences du langage à l’époque contemporaine :


1)      Comment les ressources numériques renouvellent-elles les méthodes, les pratiques, et les paradigmes théoriques des chercheur·ses ?

Les outils numériques et leur évolution semblent profondément changer la pratique même d’étudier le langage. On peut penser aux méthodes générées ou améliorées par le numérique, par exemple l’accès à des logiciels puissants de traitement de données et à des échantillons de plus en plus importants. De ce point de vue, le numérique se présente comme un espace de recherche inédit où le·la chercheur·se peut désormais utiliser et analyser des données nouvelles, recruter des participants impliqués à distance, ou effectuer son terrain d’une manière qui repousse les limites traditionnelles de sa discipline. Enfin, ce changement des pratiques a des conséquences majeures sur les théories du langage et sur leur conceptualisation : on pense notamment à un « tournant quantitatif » évoqué par Kortmann (2021), selon qui nous avons ouvert une nouvelle époque de théorisation linguistique grâce à une approche empiriste et centrée sur l’usage qui n’était pas au cœur du paradigme génératif des cinquante dernières années. Les chercheur·es sont ainsi invité·es à discuter de la façon dont les ressources numériques renouvellent les aspects théoriques et pratiques de leur discipline.



2)      Dans quelle mesure les limites du numérique impactent-elles les pratiques des chercheur·ses ?

Si le numérique est devenu un allié certain de la recherche, il engendre de nouvelles contraintes auxquelles les chercheur·ses doivent faire face. En effet, l’appropriation et l’usage du numérique nécessitent aujourd’hui de prendre en considération des questions juridiques et éthiques (en particulier lors de la collecte, du traitement et de la conservation des données), et de répondre à des réglementations précises (Dolbeau-Blandin et al., 2016 ; Nevejans, 2021). Ces réglementations ont encouragé la mise en place de nouveaux standards et de nouvelles normes (DOI, FAIR, PGD, etc.) auxquels les chercheur·es doivent désormais se conformer pour assurer une diffusion et une réutilisation adéquate des données (Ginouvès et Gras, 2018). Au-delà des contraintes légales et éthiques, le développement des outils numériques soulève la question de leur égalité d’accès (technique, financière, etc.) et de leur facilité de prise en main par les chercheur·ses (Cocco et al., 2018). Or, les conditions de collecte ou d’analyse de données ne permettent pas toujours un accès équitable à ces ressources en tout temps et en tout lieu (connexion internet instable ou inexistante, nombre de licences limité, peu de ressources pour se former, frais d’abonnement, etc.). En ce sens, nous invitons les chercheur·ses à partager leurs expériences, en discutant de la manière dont ces limites ont pu impacter leurs choix méthodologiques.


3) Dans quelle mesure les espaces numériques remettent-ils en jeu les notions d’oralité, de scripturalité et de multimodalité ?

L’apparition des supports numériques semble contribuer à la disparition des frontières traditionnelles entre le langage oral et le langage écrit. De nouvelles opportunités de recherche se matérialisent alors pour aborder ces nouvelles formes d’expressivité langagière émergeant à travers l’analyse de nouveaux éléments discursifs (cf. emoji, ponctuation, GIF, etc.) (McCulloch, 2020), et l’apparition de nouveaux enjeux de communication multimodale (cf. traduction/sous-titrage automatique, messages audio/vidéo, réseaux sociaux, outils de collaboration professionnelle, etc.), en lien avec les pratiques numériques contemporaines (Sierra, 2021). De plus, les manifestations langagières — qu’elles soient individuelles ou collectives — des usagers du numérique constituent un corpus qui permet de mobiliser les notions d'instantanéité et de pérennité du discours (Koch & Oesterreicher, 2001). Les chercheur·ses sont ainsi invité·es à discuter de faits langagiers émanant — de près ou de loin — de l’espace numérique et à situer leur analyse au prisme des concepts de scripturalité, d’oralité et de multimodalité.


Les axes proposés ne sont pas exhaustifs, nous encourageons toutes autres interventions portant sur l’étude du langage à l’ère numérique.



Références citées 

Cocco, C., Dessart, G., & Serbaeva, O. (2018). Potentialités et difficultés d’un projet en humanités numériques (DH) : confrontation aux outils et réorientations de recherche. Digital Humanities Quarterly 12.1 : 1‑16.

Dolbeau-Bandin, C., Proulx, S. & Rivron, V. (2016). De la nécessité d’adopter une posture scientifique et critique au temps du numérique. Terminal. Technologie de l’information, culture & société, 119.

Ginouvès, V & Isabelle, G. (2018). La diffusion numérique des données en SHS. Guide des bonnes pratiques éthiques et juridiques. Presses Universitaires de Provence.

Koch, P. & Oesterreicher, W. (2001). Langage oral et langage écrit. In : Holtus, G., Metzeltin, M., & Schmitt, C. (éds), Lexikon der romanistischen Linguistik. Band I, 2 : Methodologie. Tübingen : Max Niemeyer Verlag, 584-627.

Kortmann, B. (2021). Reflecting on the quantitative turn in linguistics. Linguistics 59, 5 : 1207‑1226.

McCulloch, G. (2020). Because internet: Understanding the new rules of language. Riverhead Books.

Nevejans, N. (2021). Données et technologies numériques : approches juridique, scientifique et éthique. Droit & science politique. Le Kremlin-Bicêtre : Les Éditions Mare et Martin.

Sierra, S. (2021). Millennials talking media: shifting epistemic frames, creating intertextual identities in everyday talk. New York: Oxford University Press.


Soumission & informations pratiques

Toute personne souhaitant réaliser une communication est invitée à soumettre un résumé anonyme d’un maximum de 3000 caractères espaces compris (hors figure(s) et bibliographie) en français jusqu’au 06 mars 2022 à 19h (heure de Paris) dans l’espace Easy Chair disponible à l’adresse suivante :

La langue du colloque est le français. Les communications orales durent chacune 20 minutes suivies de 10 minutes de discussion.

Un mode hybride sera mis en place et il sera donc possible de communiquer en présence ou à distance. Le nom de la plateforme et le lien seront communiqués ultérieurement. Le colloque est ouvert à tous : masterant·es, doctorant·es, jeunes chercheur·ses. Une attestation de présence sera remise aux participant·es.




Comité scientifique



Comité d’organisation 

Alessandro Basile, Maud Bénard, Marie Bouchet, Coline Caillol, Clémence Guieu-Grandsire, Andres Lara, Hermelind Le Doeuff, Cameron Morin, Sara Salmi, Aleksandra Savenkova, Moisés Velásquez, Chenyang Zhao.




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3-3-9(2022-06-13) CF Workshops- JEP2022 - 34e Journées d'Études sur la Parole , Noirmoutier, France

JEP2022 - 34e Journées d'Études sur la Parole (13-17 Juin 2022)
1er Appel à Ateliers
**13 Juin 2022**, Noirmoutier, France.

Pour recevoir toutes les informations, inscrivez-vous à la liste de
diffusion dédiée :


**EXTENSION de la date limite de dépôt des propositions de

* **28/01/2022 minuit** - EXTENSION de la date limite de soumission des
  propositions de communication sous forme d'articles complets pour la
  conférence fixée au **28/01/2022 minuit** (auteur(s) + titre +
  mots-clés + résumé) - au lieu du 20/01;

ATTENTION : À la date du 28/01/2022, vous devez absolument avoir créé
votre proposition de communication en indiquant a minima le / la / les
auteurs / le titre / les mots-clés / le résumé de l'article, ce qui
nous permettra de commencer la répartition aux relecteurs ;

* **04/02/2022** - EXTENSION de la date limite pour le dépôt final de
  l'article (format PDF) fixée au **04/02/2022** - au lieu du 28/01;

Dans le cadre de la 34eme édition des Journées d’études sur la Parole,
qui sera organisée en mode résidentiel (conférence, activités sociales,
hébergement et repas sur un même lieu) sur l’île de Noirmoutier du 13
au 17 juin 2022, nous sollicitons des **propositions d’ateliers**.

Ceux-ci doivent porter sur des thématiques propres aux JEP (Acoustique
de la parole — Acquisition de la parole et du langage — Analyse, codage
et compression de la parole — Applications à composantes orales
(dialogue, indexation, etc) — Apprentissage d’une langue seconde —
Communication multimodale — Dialectologie — Évaluation, corpus et
ressources — Langues en danger — Modèles de langage — Parole
audio-visuelle — Pathologies de la parole — Phonétique et phonologie —
Phonétique clinique — Production / Perception de la parole — Prosodie —
Psycholinguistique — Reconnaissance et compréhension de la parole —
Reconnaissance de la langue — Reconnaissance du locuteur — Signaux
sociaux, sociophonétique — Synthèse de la parole, etc. )

Chaque atelier a sa propre présidence et son propre comité de
programme. Le(s) responsable(s) de l’atelier est/sont chargé(s) de la
communication sur celui-ci, et, le cas échéant, de l’appel à
soumissions, de sa diffusion, et du choix du programme. Pour les
aspects organisationnels, le(s) responsable(s) d’atelier sera/seront en
liaison avec les organisateurs des JEPs, et ces derniers auront en
charge la partie logistique (gestion des salles, pauses café, diffusion
des résumés et documents en lien avec l’atelier).

**Dates importantes**

Les ateliers auront lieu en parallèle le lundi 13 juin 2022 à partir de
9H30 sur le lieu de la conférence. Ils pourront durer une demi-journée
(3h environ) ou une journée (2 x 3h environ).

- Date limite de soumission de proposition d’atelier : Mercredi 15
décembre 2021
- Notification aux candidats de la réponse aux propositions d’atelier :
lundi 17 janvier 2022

**Modalités de soumission des propositions d’Ateliers**

Les propositions doivent comprendre :

- le nom et l’acronyme éventuel de l’atelier,
- une description synthétique (au plus 1 page A4 en format PDF) du
  thème de l’atelier, • le comité de programme/ d’organisation (2
  à 3 personnes maximum) • la durée souhaitée pour la réalisation
  de l’atelier (1/2 ou 1 journée).

Elles devront être envoyées à l’adresse email
**avant le 15 décembre 2021**.

**Modalités de sélection**

JEP2022 - 34e Journées d'Études sur la Parole
2e Appel à Communication
**13-17 Juin 2022**, Île de Noirmoutier, France.

Une version de cet appel est consultable en ligne :

Télécharger le kit auteur :

Toutes nos excuses pour les réceptions multiples. N'hésitez pas à
diffuser cet appel à vos contacts.
Date d'envoi : 02/12/2021

Pour recevoir toutes les informations, inscrivez-vous à la liste de
diffusion dédiée :


Les 34e Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP2022) seront organisées
**sur l'île de Noirmoutier (France) du 13 au 17 Juin 2022**, en
présentiel (nous y croyons) et sous un format résidentiel (conférence,
activités sociales, hébergement et repas sur un même lieu).

Les Journées d’Études sur la Parole (JEP) réunissent depuis près de
cinquante ans une centaine de chercheurs de la communauté francophone
en sciences et technologies de la parole venant de différents horizons
scientifiques : linguistique et phonétique, informatique, ingénierie,
technologie, médecine, psychologie, didactique, physique,
neurosciences... Ces Journées visent à diffuser des travaux de
recherche originaux et à activer des échanges entre chercheurs
confirmés et jeunes chercheurs dans ce domaine. Elles ont une vocation
internationale, voulant réunir la communauté francophone au-delà du
territoire français. Pour cette édition, un coloriage thématique sera
proposé sans évidemment exclure les thèmes récurrents accueillis aux

    'Parole, Geste, Musique : des unités à leur organisation'.

Nous aurons le plaisir d'accueillir les conférenciers invités suivants :

- Christophe d'Alessandro (CNRS, UMR 7190 - Institut Jean le Rond
- Corine Astesano ((Université Toulouse – Jean Jaurès, Laboratoire de
  NeuroPsychoLinguistique, EA 4156 – LNPL)
- Marion Blondel (CNRS, UMR 7023 - Structures Formelles du Langage)
- Barbara Tillman (CNRS, UMR 5292 - Centre de Recherches en
  Neurosciences de Lyon)

Placée sous les auspices de l'AFCP (Association Francophone de la
Communication Parlée,, l'organisation de
la 34e édition des JEP est portée par le Laboratoire de Linguistique
de Nantes (LLING - Université de Nantes / CNRS, UMR 6310) avec le
support de l'équipe EXPRESSION de l'IRISA (UMR 6074) et de l'équipe
LST (_Language and Speech Technology_) du Laboratoire d'Informatique
de l'Université du Mans (LIUM, EA 4023).


Les communications porteront sur la communication parlée et le

*** Call for papers ***
* Paper submission due: March 14, 2022
* Acceptance notification: April 29, 2022
* Camera-ready papers due: May 14, 2022
* Workshop @ COMM 2022: June 16-18 (TBD), 2022

High expansion of urban population and recent world events
complemented by the alarming increase of the number of threats to
infrastructure safety have mobilized Authorities to redesign societal
security concepts. Law Enforcement Authorities are focusing and aiming
consistently their actions at preventing crimes and protecting people,
properties, and critical infrastructures.

With the accelerated advances of communications and storage
technologies, access to critical information acquired from various
sensors and sources, e.g., land cameras, satellite data, drones,
personal devices, has been significantly eased. Manipulation and
processing of such a high amount of diverse data is still a steady
challenge, and most of the existing solutions involve the use of human
resources. However, threats are now hybrid and at a very large scale,
requiring very different security solutions which can make use of
interdisciplinary approaches. In this context, computer-assisted or
automated technologies are now becoming more and more attractive to
substitute expensive human resources in the decision systems.

RISS 2022 focuses on discussing solutions provided by Intelligent
Systems to the challenges. It aims to bring together researchers from
academia and industry, end-users, law-enforcing agencies, and citizen
groups to share experiences and explore multi- and inter-disciplinary
areas where additional research and development are needed, identify
possible collaboration and consider the societal impact of such

Authors are invited to submit original, previously unpublished work,
reporting on novel and significant research contributions, on-going
research projects, experimental results and recent developments
related to Intelligent Techniques for Secure Societies on the
following topics (but not limited to):
- Computer vision (e.g., crowd monitoring, scene understanding)
- Multimedia information retrieval (e.g., indexing, searching, and
browsing, Big Data)
- Information fusion from various sensors (e.g., visual, infrared, depth, sound)
- Machine learning (e.g., very large-scale deep learning, neural networks)
- Embedded systems, IoT, and low energy footprint computing
- Social media, cybercrimes, and fake news
- Surveillance systems and interactive solutions
- Forensics and crime scene reconstruction
- Unmanned aerial, terrestrial, underwater vehicles, and robots
- Biometric systems and algorithms (e.g., body, fingerprint, gesture,
voice recognition)
- Case studies, practical systems, and testbeds
- Ethics, data protection, privacy protection, civil liberties, and
social exclusion issues
- Benchmarking, evaluation, and data sets

*** Submission guidelines ***
Prospective authors are invited to submit original, previously
unpublished technical papers for presentation in the conference
sections and for publication in the COMM2022 Conference Proceedings.
Since 2010, the papers presented at the conference have been published
in IEEEXplore and ISI database. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a
paper from distribution after the conference, including IEEE Xplore®
Digital Library, if the paper is not presented by the author at the
conference. To submit your contribution, please adhere strictly to the
conference guidelines available here

*** Organizing committee ***
Bogdan Ionescu, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania
Cristian Molder, Ferdinand I Military Technical Academy, Romania
Dragos Sburlan, Ovidius University of Constan?a, Romania
Razvan Roman, Protection and Guard Service, Romania

On behalf of the organizers,

Bogdan Ionescu


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3-3-12(2022-06-20) LREC 2022 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Marseille, France

LREC 2022 - 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation
Palais du Pharo - Marseille (France)
June 20-25, 2022

Main Conference: June 21-22-23,  2022
Workshops and Tutorials: June 20-24-25, 2022

Conference web site:

Twitter: @LREC2022



The European Language Resources Association (ELRA) is glad to announce the 13th edition of LREC, organised with the support of national and international organisations. We hope to be able to organise a face-to-face conference, otherwise an online or hybrid alternative will be set up.

LREC is the major event on Language Resources (LRs) and Evaluation for Language Technologies (LT). LREC aims to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art, explore new R&D directions and emerging trends, exchange information regarding LRs and their applications, evaluation methodologies and tools, on-going and planned activities, industrial uses and needs, requirements coming from e-science and e-society, with respect to both scientific/technological issues as well as policy and organisational ones.
LREC provides a unique forum for researchers, industrials and funding agencies from across a wide spectrum of areas to discuss issues and opportunities, find new synergies and promote initiatives for international cooperation, in support of investigations in language sciences, progress in language technologies and development of corresponding products, services and applications, and standards.

LREC 2022 invites the submission of papers on original and unpublished research covering all aspects of LRs & Evaluation of LTs, within natural language processing and computational linguistics. The following (in alphabetical order) are the relevant tracks for the conference:

- Applications involving LRs and Evaluation (including applications in specific domains)
- Corpora and Annotation (including Tools, Systems, Treebanks)
- Dialogue, Conversational Systems, Chatbots, Human-Robot Interaction
- Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage
- Discourse and Pragmatics
- Evaluation and Validation Methodologies
- Information Extraction and Information Retrieval (including NER, QA, Text Mining,  Document Classification, Text Categorisation)
- Knowledge Discovery/Representation (including Knowledge Graphs, Linked Data, Terminology, Ontologies)
- Language Resources and Evaluation for Psycho-linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics and Linguistic Theories
- Language Resource Infrastructures, Standards for LRs, Metadata, Policy issues, Ethics, Legal Issues
- Less-Resourced/Endangered Languages
- Lexicons (also WordNet, FrameNet, Multimodal and Sign Language lexicons, etc.)
- Multilinguality and Machine Translation (including Speech-to-Speech translation)
- Multimodality and Cross-modality  (including Sign Languages, Vision and other modalities) and Multimedia
- Natural Language Generation (including Summarization)
- Opinion Mining, Sentiment Analysis, Emotion Recognition/Generation
- Parsing, Tagging, Grammar, Syntax, Morphology
- Reproduction of Research Results in Science and Technology of Language
- Semantics (including Distributional Semantics, Word Sense Disambiguation, Coreference, etc.)
- Social Media Processing
- Speech Resources and Processing (including  Phonetic Databases, Phonology, Prosody)
- Statistical Methods and Machine Learning for Language Technologies (including Language Models)


  • Multilingualism and Language Technology for All
  • Language Resources for Emergency Needs
  • Machine Learning and Multimodality

In addition to describing your LRs in the LRE Map - now a normal step in the submission procedure of many conferences - LREC recognises the importance of sharing resources and making them available to the community.
When submitting a paper, you will be offered the possibility to share your LRs (data, tools, web-services, etc.), uploading them in a special LREC repository set up by ELRA. After LREC, such Language Resources will be made available to the community within the share-LRs repository set-up by ELRA, in compliance with the licenses indicated by right-holders. This effort of sharing LRs, linked to the LRE Map for their description, contributes to creating a common repository where everyone can deposit and share data.


The Scientific Programme will include invited talks, oral,  poster and demo presentations in addition to a keynote address by the winner of the Antonio Zampolli Prize.

An Industrial Track to report on state of the art within industry and commercial achievements, for which there will be a separate Call, will also be organized


  • Main Conference Submission of oral and poster (or poster+demo) 
  • papers: 17 January 202(23:59 GMT+1)

Submission Site:

LREC2020 asks for full papers from 4 pages to 8 pages (plus more pages for references if needed), which must strictly follow the LREC stylesheet which will be available on the conference website.


  • Workshops and tutorials proposals submission:

The submission deadline for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals is

extended to November 5, 2021 (23:59 GMT+1).

Both links to the Workshop and Tutorial submission pages remain:


The Proceedings will include both oral and poster papers, in the same format.
There is no difference in quality between oral and poster presentations. Only the appropriateness of the type of communication to the content of the paper will be considered.

Nicoletta Calzolari - CNR, Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale ?Antonio Zampolli?, Pisa - Italy (Conference chair)
Frédéric Béchet ?- LIS-CNRS, Aix Marseille University - France
Philippe Blache - LPL-CNRS & Aix-Marseille University - France
Khalid Choukri  - ELRA, Paris - France
Christopher Cieri - Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA - USA
Thierry Declerck - DFKI GmbH, Saarbrücken - Germany
Hitoshi Isahara - Toyohashi University of Technology, Toyohashi - Japan
Bente Maegaard  - Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen - Denmark
Joseph Mariani  - LISN, CNRS, University Paris-Saclay, Orsay - France
Jan Odijk  - UIL-OTS, Utrecht - The Netherlands
Stelios Piperidis - Athena Research Center/ILSP, Athens - Greece

Sara Goggi, CNR, Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale Antonio Zampolli, Pisa, Italy
Hélène Mazo, ELDA/ELRA, Paris, France


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3-3-13(2022-06-24) FNP-2022 Shared Task: “FINTOC’4 -Table Of Content extraction from Financial Documents”, Lancaster, UK

Call for participation


FNP-2022 Shared Task: “FINTOC’4 -Table Of Content extraction from Financial Documents”

To be held as part of The 4th Financial Narrative Processing Workshop (FNP 2022), To be held at 13th Edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2022).

Lancaster, United Kingdom [online] on 24 June 2022. A free 1 day event.



Shared Task URL:    

Workshop URL:

Participation Form:



Awards and Prizes:


The winning team for FinTOC 2022 shared task will receive an achievement certificate and a money prize which will be announced shortly.

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3-3-14(2022-06-27) 1er Appel TALN 2022 / RECITAL 2022 Avignon, France

1er Appel TALN 2022 / RECITAL 2022 à Avignon du 27 juin au 1er juillet 2022

Le LIA et le LIS organisent du 27 juin au 1er juillet 2022 sur le campus
Hannah Arendt d'Avignon Université la 29ème édition de la conférence sur le
Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN) et la 24ème Rencontre des
Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des
Langues (RÉCITAL).

Après une période sanitaire qui a fortement limité les échanges, cette édition
aura pour objectif majeur de réunir la communauté du TALN en présentiel.

Tout en conservant un niveau d'exigence scientifique conséquent, cette édition
continuera la politique de ces dernières années qui consiste, en plus de la
sélection de publications scientifiques francophones originales, à offrir la
possibilité de soumettre des versions traduites d'articles scientifiques
publiés très récemment dans des conférences majeures anglophones ou en cours
de soumissions dans une conférence anglophones.

Plus de détails seront bientôt donnés dans le prochain appel.

En attendant, prenez date !

Les dates importantes :

- Soumission des articles longs et courts : 18 février 2022

- Notification aux auteurs : 8 avril 2022

- Date de la conférence  : 27 juin au 1er juillet 2022 à Avignon

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3-3-15(2022-06-27) 2ème Appel à ateliers de TALN 2022, Avignon, France

2ème Appel à ateliers de TALN 2022

Conférence TALN 2022 | RÉCITAL 2022
27 juin – 1er juillet 2022
Avignon, France

Date limite de soumission de propositions d’ateliers : 4 février 2022
Site web :

Les laboratoires organisateurs d’Avignon et Marseille (LIA & LIS) travaillant, entre autres, dans les domaines du traitement automatique des langues écrites et signées, organisent du 27 juin au 1er juillet 2022 sur le campus d'Avignon Université
la 29e édition de la conférence TALN-RECITAL.

Dans le cadre de la conférence jointe TALN-RECITAL 2022, nous sollicitons des propositions d’ateliers. Les ateliers doivent porter sur des thématiques propres à TALN-RECITAL. Une ou deux journées seront dédiées à ces ateliers scientifiques.

Chaque atelier disposera de sa propre présidence et son propre comité de programme. Le responsable de l’atelier est chargé de la communication sur celui-ci, de l’appel à soumissions et de sa diffusion, et de la coordination de son comité de programme. Pour les aspects organisationnels, le responsable d’atelier sera en liaison avec les organisateurs de TALN-RECITAL, et ces derniers auront en charge la partie logistique (gestion des salles, pauses café et diffusion des articles).

Dates importantes
Les ateliers auront lieu en session parallèle, les 27 et 28 juin 2022, sur le lieu de conférence à Avignon. Ils pourront durer une demi-journée ou une journée.
   • Date limite de soumission de proposition d’atelier : 4 février 2022
   • Notification aux candidats de la réponse aux propositions d’atelier : 11 février 2022
   • Remise des versions finales des articles acceptés dans les ateliers (pour la publication dans les actes) : 13 mai 2022
   • Date des ateliers : 27 et 28 juin 2022

Modalités de soumission des propositions
Les propositions d’ateliers devront être soumises sous forme électronique sur le site

Elles comprendront :
   • le nom et l’acronyme de l’atelier,
   • une description synthétique (1 page A4 en format PDF) du thème de l’atelier,
   • le comité de programme (2 à 3 personnes chargées de la sélection finale des articles)
   • la durée souhaitée pour la réalisation de l’atelier (1/2 ou 1 journée).

Modalités de sélection
Les propositions d’atelier seront examinées par des membres des comités de programme de TALN et le CPERM de l’ATALA. Les critères suivants seront considérés pour l’acceptation :
   • l’adéquation aux thèmes de la conférence,
   • l’originalité de la proposition.
On veillera à ce que les membres du comité de programme (lors de la soumission) puis du comité de lecture soient équilibrés en termes de genre et d’affiliation.

Les conférences auront lieu en français ou en anglais pour intervenants non francophones.
Les articles soumis devront suivre le format de TALN 2022 (nombre de pages à la discrétion du comité de programme de l’atelier)
La soumission d’articles sera effectuée sur le site web de soumission de la conférence, dans la catégorie dédiée.

Contactsème Appel à ateliers de TALN 2022

Conférence TALN 2022 | RÉCITAL 2022
27 juin – 1er juillet 2022
Avignon, France

Date limite de soumission de propositions d’ateliers : 4 février 2022
Site web :

Les laboratoires organisateurs d’Avignon et Marseille (LIA & LIS) travaillant, entre autres, dans les domaines du traitement automatique des langues écrites et signées, organisent du 27 juin au 1er juillet 2022 sur le campus d'Avignon Université
la 29e édition de la conférence TALN-RECITAL.

Dans le cadre de la conférence jointe TALN-RECITAL 2022, nous sollicitons des propositions d’ateliers. Les ateliers doivent porter sur des thématiques propres à TALN-RECITAL. Une ou deux journées seront dédiées à ces ateliers scientifiques.

Chaque atelier disposera de sa propre présidence et son propre comité de programme. Le responsable de l’atelier est chargé de la communication sur celui-ci, de l’appel à soumissions et de sa diffusion, et de la coordination de son comité de programme. Pour les aspects organisationnels, le responsable d’atelier sera en liaison avec les organisateurs de TALN-RECITAL, et ces derniers auront en charge la partie logistique (gestion des salles, pauses café et diffusion des articles).

Dates importantes
Les ateliers auront lieu en session parallèle, les 27 et 28 juin 2022, sur le lieu de conférence à Avignon. Ils pourront durer une demi-journée ou une journée.
   • Date limite de soumission de proposition d’atelier : 4 février 2022
   • Notification aux candidats de la réponse aux propositions d’atelier : 11 février 2022
   • Remise des versions finales des articles acceptés dans les ateliers (pour la publication dans les actes) : 13 mai 2022
   • Date des ateliers : 27 et 28 juin 2022.



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3-3-16(2022-06-27) Cf Workshops ICMR 2022, Newark,NJ, USA

ACM ICMR 2022 ( is calling for high quality Workshops addressing innovative research in multimedia retrieval and its related broad fields.

The main scope of the conference is not only search and retrieval of multimedia data but also analysis and understanding of multimedia contents including:
-Community-contributed social data,
-Lifelogging data and automatically generated sensor data,
-Integration of diverse multimodal data,
-Deep learning-based methodology and practical multimedia applications 

The Workshops will contain both:
-Long research papers which should present complete work with evaluations on topics related to the Conference. They will have both oral and poster presentations at the conference.
-Short research papers should present preliminary results or more focused contributions. They will be presented as posters at the conference.

Important Dates
Proposal Submission Due: 30/12/2021 AOE
Proposal Notification of Acceptance: 06/01/2022

Please submit your proposals to the Workshop Chairs:

For any question regarding workshop submissions, please visit the conference website ( or email the Workshop Chairs:
-Herman Engelbrecht, Stellenbosch University, South Africa (
-Jenny Benois-Pineau University of Bordeaux, France (

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3-3-17(2022-06-27) CfP ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR) 2022, Newark, NJ, USA (Hybrid)

                        Call for Papers
ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR) 2022
           June 27-30, 2022 @ Newark, NJ, USA (Hybrid)

Effectively and efficiently retrieving information based on user needs is one of the most exciting areas in multimedia research. The Annual ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR) offers a great opportunity for exchanging leading-edge multimedia retrieval ideas among researchers, practitioners and other potential users of multimedia retrieval systems.This annual conference, which puts together the long-lasting experiences of the former ACM CIVR (International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval) and ACM MIR (International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval) series, was set up in 2011 to illuminate the state of the arts in multimedia (e.g., text, image, video, audio, sensor data, 3D) retrieval. Following the successful previous editions of ICMR; Trento, Italy 2011, Hong Kong, China 2012, Dallas, USA 2013, Glasgow, UK 2014, Shanghai, China 2015, New York, USA 2016, Bucharest, Romania 2017, Yokohama, Japan 2018, Ottawa, Canada 2019, Dublin, Ireland 2020, and Taipei, Taiwan 2021.

ACM ICMR 2022 is calling for papers presenting significant and innovative research in multimedia retrieval and related fields. Papers should extend the state of the art by addressing new problems or proposing insightful solutions. The scope of the conference includes core topics in multimedia retrieval and recommendation, as well as the broader set of topics that must be addressed to ensure that multimedia retrieval technologies are of practical use in real-world use cases. Special emphasis is placed on topics related to large-scale indexing, mixed reality user interaction, exploiting diverse and multimodal data, and domain-specific challenges.

[Important Dates]
- January 30, 2022      Deadline for Full/Short/Special Session
  (Extended!)           Submission

- February 10, 2022     Deadline for Brave New Idea Paper

- February 17, 2022     Deadline for Tutorial Proposal Submission

- February 17, 2022     Deadline for Doctoral Symposium Paper

- February 17, 2022     Deadline for Workshop Paper Submission

- February 24, 2022     Deadline for Demonstration Paper

- February 28, 2022     Acceptance Notification of Tutorial

- March 30, 2022        Acceptance Notification of Full / Short
                        / Special Session / Demonstration
                        / Doctoral Symposium Papers


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3-3-18(2022-06-27) Special sessions-ICMR 2022, Newark, NJ, USA

Special Session Proposals
ACM ICMR 2022 ( will include one or more Special Sessions on innovative and frontier topics in the field of multimedia retrieval. Special sessions differentiate from the regular sessions in the sense that they address very specific problems or very focused communities. They should attract the presentation of innovative contributions in the targeted narrow domain. The special session papers will appear in the ACM ICMR 2022 proceedings and will be presented at the conference in a dedicated oral session.

Important Dates
?- Proposal Submission Due: 20/12/2021
?- Proposal Notification of Acceptance: 30/12/2021
?- SS Paper Submission Due: the same as the main conference

Submission Instructions
Proposals should be submitted by email to the Special Session Chairs, in PDF format. Please include the following information:
?- Title of the proposed special session,
?- Description of the importance of the topic and the rationale for the proposal,
?- Identification of the target audience and how is related to ACM ICMR,
?- A brief bio and contact information for the organizers,
?- A tentative/confirmed list of invited papers (title / authors / affiliations),
?- Information about any supporting projects (if the case).

Evaluation of the Proposals
Proposals will be evaluated based on topic appropriateness for ACM ICMR, its relevance and potential impact in the targeted field, the experience of the organizers, the potential in attracting high quality submissions, and the overall quality of the written proposal.

For any questions regarding special session submissions, please visit the conference website ( or email the Special Session Chairs:
-Pradeep K Atrey, University at Albany, SUNY, USA (
-Xirong Li, Renmin University of China, China (
-Yoko Yamakata, The University of Tokyo, Japan (

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3-3-19(2022-06-27) TALN 2022, Avignon, France

2ème Appel TALN 2022

Conférence TALN 2022 | RÉCITAL 2022
Du 27 juin au 1er juillet 2022
Avignon, France

Site web :

Date limite de soumission des articles longs et courts : 18 février 2022

Le LIA et le LIS organisent du 27 juin au 1er juillet 2022 sur le campus Hannah Arendt d'Avignon Université la 29ème édition de la conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN) et la 24ème Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (RÉCITAL).

Après une période sanitaire qui a fortement limité les échanges, cette édition aura pour objectif majeur de réunir la communauté du TALN en présentiel.

Tout en conservant un niveau d'exigence scientifique conséquent, cette édition continuera la politique de ces dernières années qui consiste, en plus de la sélection de publications scientifiques francophones originales, à offrir la possibilité de soumettre des versions traduites d'articles scientifiques publiés très récemment dans des conférences majeures anglophones ou en cours de soumissions dans une conférence anglophone.

La thématique spéciale choisie pour donner un fil rouge à cette édition est l'inclusion : vers un TAL inclusif ! 
Bien entendu nous attendons des soumissions en dehors de cette thématique spéciale.

Dates importantes

- Soumission des articles longs et courts : 18 février 2022
- Notification aux auteurs : 8 avril 2022
- Date de la conférence  : 27 juin au 1er juillet 2022 à Avignon

Les thématiques de la conférence s?inscrivent dans les catégories suivantes, sans y être limitées pour autant :

- Phonétique, phonologie, morphologie, étiquetage morphosyntaxique
- Syntaxe, grammaires, analyse syntaxique, chunking
- Sémantique, pragmatique, discours
- Sémantique lexicale et distributionnelle
- Aspects linguistiques et psycholinguistiques du TAL
- Ressources pour le TAL
- Méthodes d?évaluation pour le TAL
- Applications du TAL (recherche et extraction d?information, question-réponse, traduction, génération, résumé, dialogue, analyse d?opinions, simplification, etc.)
- TAL et multimodalité (parole, vision, etc.)
- TAL et multilinguisme
- TAL pour le Web et les réseaux sociaux
- TAL et langues peu dotées
- TAL et langue des signes
- Implications sociales et éthiques du TAL
- TAL et linguistique de corpus
- TAL et Humanités numériques

La thématique spéciale de la conférence est l'inclusion : vers un TAL inclusif !

Types de soumissions et de communications
La conférence propose plusieurs types de soumissions (détaillés ici : :

1. Travaux de recherche originaux non publiés dans d?autres conférences. Ce type de soumission peut donner lieu à des articles longs ou courts dans la version finale ;
2. Prises de position présentant un point de vue sur l?état des recherches en TAL. Ce type de soumission peut donner lieu à des articles longs ou courts dans la version finale ;
3. Travaux en cours de soumission à des conférences internationales. Il s?agit de traductions de ces soumissions en français. Ce type de soumission peut donner lieu à des articles courts uniquement ;
4. Travaux déjà publiés dans les conférences internationales récentes, dont la liste est indiquée plus bas. Ce type de soumission peut donner lieu à des résumés dans les actes uniquement.
Le format de soumission est le même, quel que soit le type de soumission visé (un article de 6 pages + un nombre illimité de pages de références), sauf pour les travaux déjà publiés (un résumé en français et anglais).

Si tous les auteurs sont francophones, les articles doivent être écrits en français. Si l?un des auteurs n?est pas francophone, les articles peuvent être rédigés en anglais.

Tous les articles acceptés seront publiés dans les actes de la conférence. Notez par ailleurs que les actes de la conférence sont indexés dans l?ACL Anthology.

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3-3-20(2022-06-29) Colloque en phonétique FLE organisé à l’ICT, Toulouse, France

 Colloque en phonétique FLE organisé à l’ICT en juin 2022 :

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3-3-21(2022-07-04) Le Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française (CMLF), Orleans, France

Le Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française (CMLF) est la plus grande manifestation biennale consacrée à l’étude scientifique de la langue française. Les propositions de communication se font sous forme d’articles (10 pages minimum, 15 pages maximum) incluant une bibliographie. La gestion des propositions, leur répartition entre comités thématiques et au sein des comités thématiques s'effectue via la plateforme L'évaluation est assurée par des experts au moyen d'une grille unifiée et après anonymisation des soumissions. Les communications retenues, sous réserve de leur présentation effective en conférence, sont publiées en version intégrale dans les actes dès l’ouverture du colloque par edp sciences à l’adresse

Toutes les informations se trouvent dans l'appel à communication que nous vous invitons à consulter.

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3-3-22(2022-08-08) CfP AREA 2 - Annotation, Recognition and Evaluation of Actions , Galway, Irland

  =========================================Call for Papers

AREA 2 - Annotation, Recognition and Evaluation of Actions  

AREA - 2 will be held at the 33nd European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information - ESSLLI 2022 at Galway, Ireland. AREA- 2 is organized in the first ESSLLI week with plenary talks, posters and demonstrations. AREA - 2 is a SIGSEM-sponsored workshop. 


Date: 8 - 12 August 2022



AREA - 2 is the follow up on the first AREA meeting at LREC 2018  ( There has recently been increased interest in modeling actions, as described by natural language expressions and gestures, and as depicted by images and videos. Additionally, action modeling has emerged as an important topic in robotics and HCI. The goal of the AREA - 2 workshop is to gather and discuss advances in research areas where actions are paramount e.g., virtual embodied agents, robotics, HRI, human-computer communication, as well as modeling multimodal human-human interactions involving actions. Action modeling is an inherently multi-disciplinary area, involving contributions from computational linguistics, AI, semantics, robotics, psychology, and formal logic.  


While there has been considerable attention in the community paid to the representation and recognition of events (e.g., the development of ISO-TimeML and associated specifications, and the 4 Workshops on “EVENTS: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation”), the goals of this workshop are focused specifically on actions undertaken by embodied agents as opposed to events in the abstract. By concentrating on actions, we hope to attract those researchers working in computational semantics, gesture, dialogue, HCI, robotics, and other areas, in order to develop a community around action as a communicative modality where their work can be communicated and shared. This community will be a venue for the development and evaluation of resources regarding the integration of action recognition and processing in human-computer communication.


We invite submissions on foundational, conceptual, and practical issues involving modeling actions, as described by natural language expressions and gestures, and as depicted by images and videos. Relevant topics include but are not limited to:

- dynamic models of actions

- formal semantic models of actions

- affordance modeling

- manipulation action modeling

- linking multimodal descriptions and presentations of actions (image, text, icon, video)

- automatic action recognition from text, images, and videos

- communicating and performing actions with robots or avatars for joint tasks

- action language grounding

- evaluation of action models



First CfP: 23 December 2021

Final CfP: 6 April 2022

Deadline for paper submission: 28 April 2022

Review deadline: 25 May 2022

Notification of acceptance: 15 June 2022

Deadline for camera-ready version: 29 June 2022

Early registration deadline: TBA 

Workshop Date: 8-19 August 2022



Three types of submissions are invited: 

- Research papers, describing original research; these can be either long (6-8 pages, not including references) or short (3-4 pages, not including references); 

- Project notes, describing recent, ongoing or planned projects (2-4 pages including references);

- Demonstration notes, accompanying demonstration of software, tools, or systems (2-4 pages including references).


We will decide whether to have an oral or poster presentation, depending on reviewer suggestions and the overall workshop schedule. 


Papers should be formatted following the common two-column structure as used by ACL. Please use style templates, which are available as an Overleaf template and can also be downloaded directly (Latex and Word). The templates themselves contain only specific notes (e.g., LaTeX notes in the .tex file). Please follow the paper formatting guidelines general to *ACL conferences available here. Similar to ACL 2022, initial submissions should be fully anonymous to ensure double-blind reviewing. 

Papers should be submitted via Easy chair  the AREA - 2 website ( will provide a link for submitting papers. 



For more information visit the workshop webpage at:

Or contact us at:




Eren Aksoy Karlsruhe Institut fur Technologie


Jan Alexanderson DFKI


Johan Bos University of Groningen


Simon Dobnik University of Gothenburg


Albert Gatt University of Utrecht


Tim Fernando Trinity College Dublin


Kristiina Jokinen AIRC AIST Tokyo Waterfront


Nikhil Krishnawamy Brandeis University


Alex Lascarides University of Edinburgh


Andy Lücking Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main


Gisela Redeker University of Groningen


Janina Wildfeuer University of Groningen



James Pustejovsky Brandeis University

Ielka van de Sluis University of Groningen

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3-3-23(2022-10-03) CfP SPECOM 2022, St Petersburg, Russia





24th International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM-2022)

October 3-6, 2022, St. Petersburg, Russia




The conference is organized by the St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPC RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia) in cooperation with the Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU, Moscow, Russia).



SPECOM attracts researchers, linguists and engineers working in the following areas of speech science, speech technology, natural language processing, human-computer interaction:

Affective computing

Audio-visual speech processing

Corpus linguistics

Computational paralinguistics

Deep learning for audio processing

Feature extraction

Forensic speech investigations

Human-machine interaction

Language identification

Multichannel signal processing

Multimedia processing

Multimodal analysis and synthesis

Sign language processing

Speaker recognition

Speech and language resources

Speech analytics and audio mining

Speech and voice disorders

Speech-based applications

Speech driving systems in robotics

Speech enhancement

Speech perception

Speech recognition and understanding

Speech synthesis

Speech translation systems

Spoken dialogue systems

Spoken language processing

Text mining and sentiment analysis

Virtual and augmented reality

Voice assistants



The official language of the event is English. However, papers on processing of languages other than English are strongly encouraged.



The conference program will include presentation of invited talks, oral/poster presentations, and demonstrations.



Authors are invited to submit full papers of 8-14 pages formatted in the Springer LNCS style. Each paper will be reviewed by at least three independent reviewers (single-blind), and accepted papers will be presented either orally or as posters. Papers submitted to SPECOM must not be under review by any other conference or publication during the SPECOM review cycle, and must not be previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere. The authors are asked to submit their papers using the on-line submission system:



SPECOM Proceedings will be published by Springer as a book in the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI/LNCS) series listed in all major international citation databases.



June 28, 2022 ............ Submission of full papers

Aug 01, 2022 ........... Notification of acceptance

Aug 10, 2022 ........... Camera-ready papers

Aug 15, 2022 ........... Early registration

Oct 3-6, 2022 ........ Conference dates



Alexey Karpov - SPIIRAS, SPC RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia

Rodmonga Potapova - MSLU, Moscow, Russia



All correspondence regarding the conference should be addressed to SPECOM Secretariat



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3-3-24(2022-11-07) ICMI ACM, Bangalore
 As announced in Montreal, the 24th edition of ICMI
will be in Bangalore (a.k.a Bengaluru) between 
Nov 7-11, 2022
The webpage should be updated soon, so please 
watch out for all the action here: 
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3-3-25(2023) 13th International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, Europe?

The ICMR Steering Committee invites interested parties to submit proposals to
host and organize the 13th International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval,
ICMR2023 (sponsored by the ACM SIGMM). ACM ICMR is the premier
scientific conference for multimedia retrieval.  Its mission is
to provide a forum to discuss,  promote and advance the
state-of-the-arts in multimedia retrieval by bringing together
researchers and practitioners in its related field. It is thus essential
to ensure that the conference includes sessions for presenting high-quality
research papers and for sharing practitioner experience.  The list of
previous ICMRs is at
We expect ICMR2023 to be held in Europe.

Parties interested in hosting ICMR2023 are invited to submit  their
proposals (20 pages or less) by Friday, 26 February 2021 by email with
the subject line: ICMR2023 to the steering committee chair.
The details of CFP is at

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