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ISCApad Archive  »  2022  »  ISCApad #283  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2022-06-27) ACM ICMR 2022, Newark, NJ, USA

ISCApad #283

Monday, January 10, 2022 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-15 (2022-06-27) ACM ICMR 2022, Newark, NJ, USA

Call for Regular Papers
ACM ICMR 2022 ( is calling for high quality original papers addressing innovative research in multimedia retrieval and its related broad fields. The main scope of the conference is not only search and retrieval of multimedia data but also analysis and understanding of multimedia contents including community-contributed social data, lifelogging data and automatically generated sensor data, integration of diverse multimodal data, deep learning-based methodology and practical multimedia applications.
Long research papers are up to 8 pages, plus additional pages for the list of references. These types of papers will have oral and poster presentations at the conference. Authors of the best papers will be asked to extend their work for a Special Issue in Springer's International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval.
Short research papers and demonstrations are up to 4 pages, plus additional pages for the list of references. These types of papers will have only poster presentations at the conference. Papers submitted to a special session or brave new ideas track are limited to six pages per paper, plus references. Doctoral symposium papers are limited to four pages in length. Topics of Interest ICMR 2021 is a premier conference to display scientific achievements and innovative industrial products in the field of multimedia retrieval. We are seeking original high-quality submissions addressing innovative research in the field. Contributions addressing the challenges of large-scale search and user behavior analysis are especially welcome.

Topics of Interest
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Multimedia content-based search and retrieval,
- Multimedia-content-based (or hybrid) recommender systems,
- Large-scale and web-scale multimedia retrieval,
- Multimedia content extraction, analysis, and indexing,
- Multimedia analytics and knowledge discovery,
- Multimedia machine learning, deep learning, and neural nets,
- Relevance feedback, active learning, and transfer learning,
- Zero-shot learning and fine-grained retrieval for multimedia,
- Event-based indexing and multimedia understanding,
- Semantic descriptors and novel high- or mid-level features,
- Crowdsourcing, community contributions, and social multimedia,
- Multimedia retrieval leveraging quality, production cues, style, framing, affect;
- Narrative generation and narrative analysis;
- User intent and human perception in multimedia retrieval;
- Query processing and relevance feedback;
- Multimedia browsing, summarization, and visualization;
- Multimedia beyond video, including 3D data and sensor data;
- Mobile multimedia browsing and search;
- Multimedia analysis/search acceleration, e.g., GPU, FPGA;
- Benchmarks and evaluation methodologies for multimedia analysis/search;
- Applications of multimedia retrieval, e.g., medicine, sports, commerce, lifelogs, travel, security, environment.

Maximum Length of a Paper
Long research paper (Full Paper): Each long research paper should not be longer than 8 pages, plus additional pages for the list of references.
Short research paper: Each short research paper should not be longer than 4 pages, plus additional pages for the list of references.

Important Dates
-Paper Submission Due: Jan. 20, 2022
-Notification of Acceptance: Mar. 30, 2022
-Camera-Ready Papers Due: TBD

Double-Blind Review
ACM ICMR follows a double-blind review process for full paper selection. Authors should not know the names of the reviewers of their papers, and reviewers should not know the name(s) of the author(s). Please prepare your paper in a way that preserves anonymity of the authors:
-Do not put your names under the title,
-Avoid using phrases such as ?our previous work? when referring to earlier publications by the authors,
-Remove information that may identify the authors in the acknowledgments (e.g., co-workers and grant IDs),
-Check supplemental material for information that may identify the authors? identity,
-Avoid providing links to Websites that identify the authors.

Abstract and Keywords
The abstract and the keywords form the primary source for assigning papers to reviewers. So make sure that they form a concise and complete summary of your paper with sufficient information to let someone who has not read the full paper know what it is about.

Submission Instructions
See the Paper Submission section:

For any question regarding full and short paper submissions, please visit the conference website ( or email the Technical Program Chairs:
-Wen-Huang Cheng, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (
-Ichiro Ide, Nagoya University, Japan (
-Vivek Singh, Rutgers University, USA (

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