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ISCApad Archive  »  2021  »  ISCApad #281  »  Journals  »  Call for submission TAL Journal

ISCApad #281

Monday, November 08, 2021 by Chris Wellekens

7-10 Call for submission TAL Journal


Call for submission: (page soon available)


TAL Journal: regular issue


2022 Volume 63-1


Editors : Cécile Fabre, Emmanuel Morin, Sophie Rosset and Pascale Sébillot


Deadline for submission: 12/15/2021






The journal Automatic Language Processing has an open call for papers. Submissions may concern theoretical and experimental contributions on all aspects of written, spoken, and signed language processing and computational linguistics, both theoretical and experimental, for example: 


? ? ? ? - Computational models of language 

? ? ? ? - Linguistic resources

? ? ? ? - Statistical learning and modeling

? ? ? ? - Intermodality and multimodality

? ? ? ? - Language multiplicity and diversity

? ? ? ? - Semantics and comprehension

? ? ? ? - Information access and text mining

? ? ? ? - Language production and processing/generation/synthesis

? ? ? ? - Evaluation

? ? ? ? - Explicability and reproducibility

? ? ? ? - NLP in interaction with other disciplines, digital humanities


This list is indicative. On all topics, it is essential that the aspects related to natural language processing are emphasized.


We also welcome position papers and survey papers.? ? ? ?





Manuscripts may be submitted in English or French. Submissions in English are accepted only if one of the co-authors is a non French-speaking person.




TAL ( - Traitement Automatique des Langues / Natural Language Processing) is an international journal published by ATALA (French Association for Natural Language Processing) since 1960 with the support of CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research). It has moved to an electronic mode of publication.




Deadline for submission: 12/15/2021

Notification to authors after first review: 03/15/2022

Notification to authors after second review: 05/31/2022

Publication: October, 2022





Papers should strictly be between 20 and 25 pages long.


TAL performs double-blind review: it is thus necessary to anonymise the manuscript and the name of the pdf file and to avoid self references.


Style sheets are available for download on the Web site of the journal (


Authors who intend to submit a paper are encouraged to upload your contribution via the menu 'Paper submission' (PDF format). To do so, you will need to have an account on the sciencesconf platform. To create an

account, go to the site and click on 'create account' next to the 'Connect' button at the top of the page. To submit, come back to the page (soon available), connect to you account and upload your submission.

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