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ISCApad #280

Wednesday, October 06, 2021 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-23 (2020-10-20) ACM Multimedia 2020 Workshop on Multimodal Conversational AI

ACM Multimedia 2020 Workshop on Multimodal Conversational AI
20 October 2020

The ACM Multimedia Workshop on Multimodal Conversational AI aims to bring
together researchers and practitioners in the areas of multimodal
conversational AI. We invite you to participate in the workshop and to
enjoy the exciting program that we prepared for you.

Workshop Program

   Conversational AI Efforts within Facebook AI Applied Research
   Alborz Geramifar, Facebook

   Alex Hauptmann, Carnegie Mellon University, USA  (Moderator)

   Zhenzhong Lan, Westlake University, China
   Alex Rudnicky, Carnegie Mellon University, USA 
   Ben Sauer, UK
   Melissa Lim, Farfetch, UK
Project highlights
   CO-ADAPT: Human and Work Station Adaptation Support to aging citizens

   Giulio Jacucci

   iFetch: Multimodal conversational agents for the online fashion marketplace
   Ricardo G. Sousa (Farfetch)

Enriching Responses with Crowd-sourced Knowledge for Task-oriented Dialogues
Lizi Liao (National University of Singapore)*; YINGXU HE (National University of Singapore); Zheng Zhang (Tsinghua University); Tat-Seng Chua (National university of Singapore)

The design of a trust-based game as a conversational component of interactive environment for a human-agent negotiation
Andrey Vlasov (Izmerov Research Institute of Occupational Health)*; Oksana Zinchenko (International Laboratory for Social Neurobiology, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, National Research University Higher School of Economics); Zhenjie Zhao (Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology); Mansur Bakaev (DeMontroyal); Arsenjy Karavaev (DeMontroyal)

Towards a real-time measure of the perception of anthropomorphism in human-robot interaction
Maria Tsfasman (TU Delft)*; Avinash Saravanan (TU Delft); Dekel Viner (TU Delft); Daan Goslinga (TU Delft); Sarah de Wolf (TU Delft); Chirag Raman (Delft University of Technology ); Catholijn M Jonker (Delft University of Technology); Catharine Oertel (TU Delft)

João Magalhães, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.
Alexander Hauptmann, Carnegie Mellon University.
Ricardo G. Sousa, Farfetch.
Carlos Santiago, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade de Lisboa.
ACM Multimedia 2022 General co-Chair 
NOVA LINCS - Laboratory for Computer Science and Informatics
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal

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