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ISCApad #280

Wednesday, October 06, 2021 by Chris Wellekens

3-3 Other Events
3-3-1(2020-10-20) ACM Multimedia 2020 Workshop on Multimodal Conversational AI

ACM Multimedia 2020 Workshop on Multimodal Conversational AI
20 October 2020

The ACM Multimedia Workshop on Multimodal Conversational AI aims to bring
together researchers and practitioners in the areas of multimodal
conversational AI. We invite you to participate in the workshop and to
enjoy the exciting program that we prepared for you.

Workshop Program

   Conversational AI Efforts within Facebook AI Applied Research
   Alborz Geramifar, Facebook

   Alex Hauptmann, Carnegie Mellon University, USA  (Moderator)

   Zhenzhong Lan, Westlake University, China
   Alex Rudnicky, Carnegie Mellon University, USA 
   Ben Sauer, UK
   Melissa Lim, Farfetch, UK
Project highlights
   CO-ADAPT: Human and Work Station Adaptation Support to aging citizens

   Giulio Jacucci

   iFetch: Multimodal conversational agents for the online fashion marketplace
   Ricardo G. Sousa (Farfetch)

Enriching Responses with Crowd-sourced Knowledge for Task-oriented Dialogues
Lizi Liao (National University of Singapore)*; YINGXU HE (National University of Singapore); Zheng Zhang (Tsinghua University); Tat-Seng Chua (National university of Singapore)

The design of a trust-based game as a conversational component of interactive environment for a human-agent negotiation
Andrey Vlasov (Izmerov Research Institute of Occupational Health)*; Oksana Zinchenko (International Laboratory for Social Neurobiology, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, National Research University Higher School of Economics); Zhenjie Zhao (Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology); Mansur Bakaev (DeMontroyal); Arsenjy Karavaev (DeMontroyal)

Towards a real-time measure of the perception of anthropomorphism in human-robot interaction
Maria Tsfasman (TU Delft)*; Avinash Saravanan (TU Delft); Dekel Viner (TU Delft); Daan Goslinga (TU Delft); Sarah de Wolf (TU Delft); Chirag Raman (Delft University of Technology ); Catholijn M Jonker (Delft University of Technology); Catharine Oertel (TU Delft)

João Magalhães, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.
Alexander Hauptmann, Carnegie Mellon University.
Ricardo G. Sousa, Farfetch.
Carlos Santiago, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade de Lisboa.
ACM Multimedia 2022 General co-Chair 
NOVA LINCS - Laboratory for Computer Science and Informatics
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal
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3-3-2(2021-10-13) 3rd International Workshop on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots (VIHAR-2021), Paris (Virtual only)

3rd International Workshop on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots (VIHAR-2021)

13th-15th October 2021
Paris, France (Virtual Only)

VIHAR-2021 is the third international workshop on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots. Taking place virtually in Paris, France (online only) on 13-15 October 2021, VIHAR-2021 aims to bring together researchers studying vocal-based interaction in-and-between humans, animals and robots from a variety of different fields. This includes speech, animal vocalisations or other acoustic interaction. VIHAR-2021 will provide an opportunity to share and discuss theoretical insights, best practices, tools and methodologies, and to identify common principles underpinning vocal behaviour in a multi-disciplinary environment.

The registration is free but mandatory.

The workshop follows the success of previous International workshops on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots (VIHAR-2017 and VIHAR-2019). If you wish to join the VIHAR community, you can read more about us here, subscribe to our mailing list here, follow  Facebook group.

We invite original submissions of abstracts in all areas of vocal interactivity. Suggested workshop topics may include, but are not limited to the following areas:
  * Physiological and morphological comparisons between vocal systems in animals
  * Properties and functions of animal signals
  * Evolution of vocal interactivity
  * Vocal imitation and learning
  * Conveyance of emotion
  * Comparative analyses of human and animal vocalisations
  * Use of vocalisation
  * Vocal interactivity between non-conspecifics
  * Spoken language systems
  * Technology-based research methods
  * Vocal interaction with robots

To present your work/ideas at VIHAR you will need to submit:

? Title
? Authors (and institutional affiliations)
? Abstract (max 500 words; you are also encouraged to include one image/diagram)
? One sentence stating the relevance to VIHAR
? Does this work relate to: Humans? Animals? Robots? (Multiple selections are certainly permitted!)

The number of proposals from each presenter (?first author?) is limited to two. The number of proposals that a co-author can be involved in is limited to five.

A panel of experts will curate the submissions in order to ensure they belong to the scope of the workshop.

A compilation of the abstracts will be published online on the workshop website in the form of abstracts-only proceedings.

The authors will have the opportunity to submit papers to special issue organized in a journal after the VIHAR workshop.

Submission link: 

Key Dates:
  - Submission deadline - 1st Sep. 2021  8th Sep 2021
  - Notification of acceptance - 22nd Sep 2021
  - Workshop - 13th-15th October 2021 (Virtual)

  - Mohamed Chetouani, Sorbonne Universite, ISIR, CNRS
  - Dan Stowell, Tilburg University / Naturalis Biodiversity Centre
  - Angela Dassow, Carthage College
  - Ricard Marxer, Université de Toulon, Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, LIS
  - Roger K. Moore, University of Sheffield
  - Elodie Briefer, University of Copenhagen
  - Nicolas Obin, IRCAM / Sorbonne University

If you wish to join the VIHAR community, please subscribe to our mailing list by entering your e-mail address at and then responding to the confirmation e-mail that you will receive from the list server.
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3-3-3(2021-10-18) ACM ICMI 2021: Call for Doctoral Consortium, Montreal, Canada

Doctoral Consortium - Call for Contributions

ACM ICMI 2021: Call for Doctoral Consortium
18-22 Oct 2021, Montreal, Canada

The goal of the ACM ICMI Doctoral Consortium (DC) 
is to provide PhD students with an opportunity to present their work to a 
group of mentors and peers from a diverse set of academic and industrial institutions, 
to receive feedback on their doctoral research plan and progress, 
and to build a cohort of young researchers interested in designing 
and developing multimodal interfaces and interaction. 
We invite students from all PhD granting institutions who are in the 
process of forming or carrying out a plan for their PhD research in the area
of designing and developing multimodal interfaces. We expect to provide economic support to most attendees 
that will cover part of their costs (travel, registration, meals etc.).

Who should apply?
While we encourage applications from students at any stage of doctoral training, 
the doctoral consortium will benefit most the students who are in the process of 
forming or developing their doctoral research. These students will have passed their qualifiers or 
have completed the majority of their coursework, will be planning or developing their dissertation research, 
and will not be very close to completing their dissertation research. Students from any PhD granting 
institution whose research falls within designing and developing multimodal interfaces and interaction are encouraged to apply.

Why should you attend?
The DC provides an opportunity to build a social network that includes the cohort of DC students, 
senior students, recent graduates, and senior mentors. Not only is this an opportunity to get feedback 
on research directions, it is also an opportunity to learn more about the process and to understand what comes next. 
We aim to connect you with a mentor who will give specific feedback on your research and whom you can talk to during lunch. 
We specifically aim to create an informal setting where students feel supported in their professional development.

    09:00 - 09:30: Invited talk
    09:30 - 11:00: DC talks 1
    11:00 - 11:30: Coffee break
    11:30 - 13:00: DC talks 2
    13:00 - 14:30: Lunch mentoring session
    14:30 - 15:15: Panel discussion (senior PhD students and recent graduates)
    15:15 - 15:45: Coffee break
    15:45 - 17:00: Table discussions (small group discussions about topics of interest)

Submission Guidelines:
Graduate students pursuing a PhD degree in a field related to designing multimodal interfaces should submit the following materials:
    1. Extended Abstract: A four-page description of your PhD research plan and progress in the ACM SigConf format. 
       Your extended abstract should follow the same outline, details, and format of the ICMI short papers. 
       The submissions will not be anonymous. In particular, it should cover:
        - The key research questions and motivation of your research;
        - Background and related work that informs your research;
        - A statement of hypotheses or a description of the scope of the technical problem;
        - Your research plan, outlining stages of system development or series of studies;
        - The research approach and methodology;
        - Your results to date (if any) and a description of remaining work;
        - A statement of research contributions to date (if any) and expected contributions of your PhD work;
    2. Advisor Letter: A one-page letter of nomination from the student's PhD advisor. This letter is not a letter of support. 
       Instead, it should focus on the student's PhD plan and how the Doctoral 
       Consortium event might contribute to the student's PhD training and research.
    3. CV: A two-page curriculum vitae of the student.

All materials should be prepared in PDF format and submitted through the ICMI submission system. 

Review Process:
The Doctoral Consortium will follow a review process in which submissions will be evaluated  
by a number of factors including 
(1) the quality of the submission, 
(2) the expected benefits of the consortium for the student's PhD research, and 
(3) the student's contribution to the diversity of topics, backgrounds, and institutions, in order of importance. 

More particularly, the quality of the submission will be evaluated based on the potential contributions 
of the research to the field of multimodal interfaces and its impact on the field and beyond. 
Finally, we hope to achieve a diversity of research topics, disciplinary backgrounds, 
methodological approaches, and home institutions in this year's Doctoral Consortium cohort. 
We do not expect more than two students to be invited from each institution to represent a diverse sample. 
Women and other underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.

Financial Support:
The conference is pleased to offer partial financial support for doctoral students participating 
in the Doctoral Consortium and attending the conference. Only students who apply and are accepted 
for participation in the Doctoral Consortium can be considered for financial support. 
The number and size of the offers of financial support are contingent upon the number of invited student participants.

All authors of accepted submissions are expected to attend the Doctoral Consortium 
and the main conference poster session. The attendees will present their PhD work 
as a short talk at the Consortium and as a poster at the conference poster session. 
A detailed program for the Consortium and the participation guidelines for the poster 
session will be available after the camera-ready deadline.

    - Submission format: Four-page extended abstract using the ACM format (
    - Submission system:
    - Selection process: Peer-Reviewed
    - Presentation format: Talk on consortium day and participation in the conference poster session
    - Proceedings: Included in conference proceedings and ACM Digital Library
    - Doctoral Consortium Co-chairs: 
        a) Iolanda Leite (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) and 
        b) Alessandro Vinciarelli (University of Glasgow).

Submission: July 2nd Notification: Camera ready: August 16th 

Important Dates:
Submission deadline         July 2nd, 2021
Notifications August 6th, 2021
Camera-ready August 16th, 2021 

For more information and updates on the ICMI 2021 Doctoral Consortium, 
visit the Doctoral Consortium page of the main conference website (
For further questions, contact the Doctoral Consortium co-chairs:
    - Iolanda Leite (
    - Alessandro Vinciarelli (
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3-3-4(2021-10-18) Call for ICMI 2021 Long and Short Papers (updated)

Call for ICMI 2021 Long and Short Papers

ICMI 2021: Call for Long and Short Papers
18-22 Oct 2021, Montreal, Canada

Call for Long, Short and Blue Sky Papers

The 23rd International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2021) will be held in Montreal, Canada. 
ICMI is the premier international forum for multidisciplinary research on multimodal human-human 
and human-computer interaction, interfaces, and system development. 
The conference focuses on theoretical and empirical foundations, component technologies, 
and combined multimodal processing techniques that define the field of multimodal interaction analysis, 
interface design, and system development.

We are keen to showcase novel input and output modalities and interactions to the ICMI community. 
ICMI 2021 will feature a single-track main conference which includes: keynote speakers, 
technical full and short papers (including oral and poster presentations), 
Blue Sky papers, demonstrations, exhibits, doctoral spotlight papers, and late-breaking papers. 

The conference will also feature workshops and grand challenges. 
The proceedings of ICMI 2021 will be published by ACM as part of their series
of International Conference Proceedings and Digital Library, 
and the adjunct proceedings will feature the workshop papers

We also want to welcome conference papers from behavioral and social sciences. 
These papers allow us to understand how technology can be used to increase our 
scientific knowledge and may focus less on presenting technical or algorithmic novelty. 
For this reason, the 'novelty' criteria used during ICMI 2021 review will be based on 
two sub-criteria (i.e., scientific novelty and technical novelty as described below). 
Accepted papers at ICMI 2021 only need to be novel on one of these sub-criteria. 
In other words, a paper which is strong on scientific knowledge contribution 
but low on algorithmic novelty should be ranked similarly to a paper 
that is high on algorithmic novelty but low on knowledge discovery.

- Scientific Novelty: Papers should bring some new knowledge to the scientific community. 
  For example, discovering new behavioral markers that are predictive of mental health 
  or how new behavioral patterns relate to children's interactions during learning. 
  It is the responsibility of the authors to perform a proper literature review and clearly 
  discuss the novelty in the scientific discoveries made in their paper.

- Technical Novelty: Papers reviewed with this sub-criterion should include novelty in their computational 
  approach for recognizing, generating or modeling data. Examples include: novelty in the learning 
  and prediction algorithms, in the neural architecture, or in the data representation. 
  Novelty can also be associated with new usages of an existing approach.

This year's conference theme: In the past years and specially 2020, the questions of Behavioral Health 
and Virtual Connectivity have become central to our life. 
In particular, COVID-19 has disrupted our normal social life and interactions at work, 
bringing challenges but also opportunities to improve our team sociability and productivity. 
This situation calls for multimodal systems to enhance social and emotional remote interaction 
as well as to increase productivity during remote collaboration. 
Our behavioral health has been severely impacted the past months. 
The needs for non-intrusive sensing technology, smart environments (e.g., elderly home monitoring), 
wearable and assistive devices for rehabilitation, well-being and ageing population 
and multimodal interfaces to support behavioral changes have become a crucial necessity. 
As such, this year, ICMI welcomes contributions on our theme for Behavioral Health and Virtual Connectivity.

Additional topics of interest include but are not limited to:

- Affective computing and interaction
- Cognitive modeling and multimodal interaction
- Gesture, touch and haptics
- Healthcare, assistive technologies
- Human communication dynamics
- Human-robot/agent multimodal interaction
- Interaction with smart environment
- Machine learning for multimodal interaction
- Mobile multimodal systems
- Multimodal behavior generation
- Multimodal datasets and validation
- Multimodal dialogue modeling
- Multimodal fusion and representation
- Multimodal interactive applications
- Speech behaviors in social interaction
- System components and multimodal platforms
- Visual behaviours in social interaction
- Virtual/augmented reality and multimodal interaction

Blue Sky Papers

ICMI 2021 is pleased to partner with the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) to initiate 
a new Blue Sky paper track that emphasizes innovative, visionary, and high-impact contributions. 
This track solicits papers relevant to ICMI content that go beyond the usual research paper 
to present new visions that stimulate the ICMI community to pursue innovative new directions. 
They may challenge existing assumptions and methodologies,or propose new applications or theories. 
The papers are encouraged to present high-risk controversial ideas. Submitted papers are expected 
to represent deep reflection, to argue rigorously, and to present ideas from 
a high-level synthetic viewpoint (e.g., multidisciplinary, based on multiple methodologies). 
Submissions should be 4 pages, independent of references. The CCC will further distribute 
and publicize any papers published in this track, and they will sponsor awards 
to honor the first ($1,000), second ($750), and third ($500) place papers, in the form of travel grants. 
The submission deadline is the same with main conference papers.

Updated ICMI'21 timeline:
June 2 (Extended)       Final paper submission deadline
June 3-5  SPCs bidding period
June 5-10       Reviewer assignment period
July 7         Review completion deadline
July 7-12      Rebuttal period
July 13-18    Reviewer discussion
July 21        Meta-review deadline
July 26     Authors' notification
Camera-ready paper: August 16, 2021
Presenting at main conference: October 18-22, 2021
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3-3-5(2021-10-18) Call for Multimodal Grand Challenges @ ICMI2021, Montreal, Canada
Call for Multimodal Grand Challenges
ICMI 2021: Call for Multimodal Grand Challenges
18-22 Oct 2021, Montreal, Canada

We are calling for teams to propose one or more ICMI Multimodal Grand Challenges.

The International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI) is the premier international forum 
for multidisciplinary research on multimodal human-human and human-computer interaction, interfaces, 
and system development. 
Developing systems that can robustly understand human-human 
communication or respond to human input requires identifying the best algorithms and their failure modes.
 In fields such as computer vision, speech recognition, computational (para-) linguistics and physiological 
signal processing, for example, the availability of datasets and common tasks have led to great progress.
We invite the ICMI community to collectively define and tackle the scientific Grand Challenges in our domain for the next 5 years.
ICMI Multimodal Grand Challenges aim to inspire new ideas in the ICMI community and create momentum for future collaborative work. 
Analysis, synthesis, and interactive tasks are all possible.

Challenge papers will be indexed in the main proceedings of ICMI.

We invite organizers from various fields related to multimodal interaction to propose and run Grand Challenge events. 
We are looking for exciting and stimulating challenges including but not limited to the following categories:

- Dataset-driven challenge: This challenge will provide a dataset that is exemplary of the complexities 
of current and future multimodal problems, and one or more multimodal 
tasks whose performance can be objectively measured and compared in rigorous conditions. 
Participants in the Challenge will evaluate their methods against the challenge data in order to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses.
- Use-case challenge: This challenge will provide an interactive problem system (e.g. dialog-based or non-verbal-based) 
  and the associated resources, which can allow people to participate through the integration 
  of specific modules or alternative full systems. Proposers should also establish systematic evaluation procedures.
- Health challenge: This challenge will provide a dataset that is exemplary 
  of a health related task, whose analysis, diagnosis, treatment or prevention can be aided by Multimodal 
  Interactions. The challenge should focus on exploring the benefits of multimodal (audio, visual, physiological, etc) solutions for the stated task.
- Policy challenge: Legal, ethical, and privacy issues of Multimodal Interaction systems in the age of AI. 
  The challenge could revolve around opinion papers, panels, discussions, etc.

Prospective organizers should submit a five-page maximum proposal containing the following information:

2.Abstract appropriate for possible Web promotion of the Challenge
3.Distinctive topics to be addressed and specific goals
4.Detailed description of the Challenge and its relevance to multimodal interaction
5.Length (full day or half day)
6.Plan for soliciting participation
7.Description of how submissions (challenge?s submissions and papers) will be evaluated, and a list of proposed reviewers
8.Proposed schedule for releasing datasets (if applicable) and/or systems (if applicable) and receiving submissions
9.Short biography of the organizers (preferably from multiple institutions)
10.Funding source (if any) that supports or could support the challenge organization
11.Draft call for papers; affiliations and email address of the organisers; 
        summary of the Grand Challenge; 
        list of potential Technical Program Committee members 
        and their affiliations, important dates

Proposals will be evaluated based on originality, ambition, feasibility, and implementation plan. 
A Challenge with dataset(s) or system(s) that has had pilot results to ensure 
its representativity and suitability to the proposed task will be given preference for acceptance; 
an additional 1 page description must be attached in such case. 
Continuation of or variants on the 2019 challenges are welcome, 
though we ask for submissions of this form to highlight the number 
of participants that attended during the previous year and describe 
what changes (if any) will be made from the previous year.

The ICMI organizers will offer support with basic logistics, 
which includes rooms and equipment to run the Workshop, 
coffee breaks can be offered if synchronised with the main conference.

Important Dates and Contact Details

Proposals due: January 27, 2021
Proposal notification: February 3, 2021
Paper camera-ready: August 17, 2021
Grand challenge date: October 18 or 22, 2021

Proposals should be emailed to both ICMI 2021 Multimodal Grand Challenge Chairs, 
Jean-Marc Odobez and Dirk Heylen via 
Prospective organizers are also encouraged to contact the co-chairs if they have any questions. 
Proposals are due by January 27, 2021. Notifications will be sent on February 3, 2021.

You can unsubscribe for this list at any time through this link:

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3-3-6(2021-10-18) Cf Workshops International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2021), Montreal, Canada

ICMI 2021: Call for Workshops

The online registration portal for ACM ICMI 2021 is now open! 


Please visit for details and to register. 


ICMI-2021 is currently being planned in HYBRID FORM - the conference will happen 


both physically in Montreal and virtually, giving the opportunity to connect 


to all of you that won't be able to make it to Montreal. 


We will have 34 oral presentation, 66 posters, 9 Doctoral Consortium presentation, and 3 Blue Sky presentations.


Please visit for a full list of accepted papers.

The International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2021)
will be held in in Montreal, Canada, October 18-22nd, 2021. ICMI is
the premier international conference for multidisciplinary research on
multimodal human-human and human-computer interaction analysis,
interface design, and system development. ICMI has developed a
tradition of hosting workshops in conjunction with the main conference
to foster discourse on new research, technologies, social science
models and applications. Examples of recent workshops include:

- Media Analytics for Societal Trends
- Neuromanagement and Intelligent Computing
- Multi-sensorial Approaches to Human-Food Interaction
- Multimodal e-Coaches
- Group Interaction Frontiers in Technology
- Modeling Cognitive Processes from Multimodal Data
- Human-Habitat for Health
- Multimodal Analyses enabling Artificial Agents in Human-Machine Interaction
- Investigating Social Interactions with Artificial Agents
- Child Computer Interaction
- Insights on Group & Team Dynamics
- Multimodal Interaction for Education

We are seeking workshop proposals on emerging research areas related
to the main conference topics, and those that focus on
multi-disciplinary research. We would also strongly encourage
workshops that will include a diverse set of keynote speakers (factors
to consider include: gender, ethnic background, institutions, years of
experience, geography, etc.).

The content of accepted workshops are under the control of the
workshop organizers. Workshops may be of a half-day or one day in
duration. Workshop organizers will be expected to manage the workshop
content, solicit submissions, be present to moderate the discussion
and panels, invite experts in the domain, conduct the reviewing
process, and maintain a website for the workshop. Workshop papers will
be indexed by ACM Digital Library in an adjunct proceedings, and a
short workshop summary by the organizers will be published in the main
conference proceedings.


Prospective workshop organizers are invited to submit proposals in PDF
format (Max. 3 pages). Please email proposals to the workshop chairs:
Akane Sano and Emily Mower Provost (
The proposal should include the following:

- Workshop title
- List of organizers including affiliation, email address, and short biographies
- Workshop motivation, expected outcomes and impact
- Tentative list of keynote speakers
- Workshop format (by invitation only, call for papers, etc.),
anticipated number of talks/posters, workshop duration (half-day or
full-day) including tentative program
- Planned advertisement means, website hosting, and estimated participation
- Paper review procedure (single/double-blind, internal/external,
solicited/invited-only, pool of reviewers, etc.)
- Paper submission and acceptance deadlines
- Special space and equipment requests, if any

Important Dates:
Workshop proposal submission: Monday, February 8, 2021
Notification of acceptance: Monday, February 22, 2021
Workshop papers due: End of July, 2021 (suggested)
Workshop Date: October 18-22, 2021

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3-3-7(2021-10-20) 2nd International Workshop on Multimodal Conversational AI at ACM Multimedia 2021, Chengdu, China

2nd International Workshop on Multimodal Conversational AI
@ACM Multimedia 2021, October 20-24, 2021, Chengdu, China

### Deadline: July 30

The ACM Multimedia Workshop on Multimodal Conversational AI aims to bring
together researchers and practitioners in the areas of multimodal
conversational AI.
Recently, conversational systems have seen a significant rise in demand due
to modern commercial applications using systems such as Amazon's Alexa,
Apple's Siri, Microsoft's Cortana and Google Assistant. The research on
multimodal chatbots is a widely underexplored area, where users and the
conversational agent communicate by natural language and visual data.
Conversational agents are now becoming a commodity as a number of companies
push for this technology. The wide use of these conversational agents
exposes the many challenges in achieving more natural, human-like, and
engaging conversational agents. The research community is actively
addressing several of these challenges: how are visual and text data
related in user utterances? How to interpret the user intent? How to encode
multimodal dialog status? What are the ethical and legal aspects of
conversational AI?
The Multimodal Conversational AI workshop will be a forum where researchers
and practitioners share their experiences and brainstorm about success and
failures in the topic. It will also promote collaboration to strengthen the
conversational AI community at ACM Multimedia.

### Topics of Interest

- Visual conversations/dialogs
- Deep learning for multimodal conversational agents
- Preference elicitation in conversational agents
- Conversation state tracking models and online learning
- Recommendations in conversational systems
- Multimodal user intent understanding
- Opinion recommendation in conversational agents
- Supply/demand in conversational agents for e-commerce
- Reinforcement learning in conversational agents
- Resources and datasets
- Design and evaluation of conversational agents
- User-agent legal and ethical issues in conversational systems
- User-Agent experience design
- Conversational systems applications, including, but not limited to,
e-commerce, social-good, music, Web search, healthcare.

### Paper Submission Guidelines

Papers are up to 6 pages in length plus additional pages for references.
Papers will be refereed through double-blind peer review. The
proceedings will be distributed to all delegates at the conference.
All submissions must be written in English and be formatted according to
the ACM templates and guidelines. All papers should be submitted
electronically through the conference submission system.

### Timeline

- Submission: July 30
- Notification: August 26
- Camera-ready copy: September 2
- Workshop: October 20

### Organizers
- Joao Magalhaes, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
- Alexander Hauptmann, Carnegie Mellon University, Language Technologies
- Ricardo G. Sousa, Farfetch, Portugal
- Carlos Santiago, ISR/IST, Portugal

ACM Multimedia 2022 General co-Chair 
NOVA LINCS - Laboratory for Computer Science and Informatics
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal
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3-3-8(2021-10-25) IEEE Workshop L3DAS21 Machine Learnng for 3D Audio Signal Processing, Gold Coast, Australia

IEEE MLSP Data Challenge 2021

Machine Learning for 3D Audio Signal Processing


Scope of the Challenge

The L3DAS21 Challenge for the IEEE MLSP 2021 aims at encouraging and fostering research on machine learning for 3D audio signal processing. In multi-speaker scenarios it is very important to properly understand the nature of a sound event and its position within the environment, what is the content of the sound signal and how to leverage it at best for a specific application (e.g., teleconferencing rather than assistive listening or entertainment, among others). To this end, L3DAS21 Challenge presents two tasks: 3D Speech Enhancement and 3D Sound Event Localization and Detection, both relying on first-order Ambisonics recordings in reverberant office environment.

Each task involves 2 separate tracks: 1-mic and 2-mic recordings, respectively containing sounds acquired by one Ambisonics microphone and by an array of two Ambisonics microphones. The use of two first-order Ambisonics microphones definitely represents one of the main novelties of the L3DAS21 Challenge.

  • Task 1: 3D Speech Enhancement

    The objective of this task is the enhancement of speech signals immersed in the spatial sound field of a reverberant office environment. Here the models are expected to extract the monophonic voice signal from the 3D mixture containing various background noises.The evaluation metric for this task is the sum of the short-time objective intelligibility (STOI) and word error rate (WER).

  • Task 2: 3D Sound Event Localization and Detection

    The aim of this task is to detect the temporal activities of a known set of sound event classes and, in particular, to further locate them in the space.Here the models must predict a list of the active sound events and their respective location at regular intervals of 100 milliseconds. Performance on this task is evaluated according to the location-sensitive detection error, which joins the localization and detection errors.

Besides submitting papers related to L3DAS21 Challenge, authors are encouraged to submit to this special session also papers related to the topic of machine learning for 3D audio signal processing.


  • 27 Mar 2021 ? Release of the training and development sets
  • 10 May 2021 ? Release of the evaluation test set
  • 20 May 2021 ? Deadline for submitting results for both tasks
  • 25 Oct 2021 ? Opening of the IEEE Workshop on MLSP 2021

Challenge Website and Contacts

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3-3-9(2021-11-10) WMT 2021 Shared Task: Machine Translation using Terminologies, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic


WMT 2021 Shared Task: 

Machine Translation using Terminologies

November 10-11 , 2021
Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

Language domains that require very careful use of terminology are abundant. The need to adequately translate within such domains is undeniable, as shown by e.g. the different WMT shared tasks on biomedical translation.

More interestingly, as the abundance of research on domain adaptation shows, such language domains are (a) not adequately covered by existing data and models, while (b) new (or ?surge?) domains arise and models need to be adapted, often with significant downstream implications: consider the new COVID-19 domain and the large efforts for translation of critical information regarding pandemic handling and infection prevention strategies.

In the case of newly developed domains, while parallel data are hard to come by, it is fairly straightforward to create word- or phrase-level terminologies, which can be used to guide professional translators and ensure both accuracy and consistency.

This shared task will replicate such a scenario, and invites participants to explore methods to incorporate terminologies into either the training or the inference process, in order to improve both the accuracy and consistency of MT systems on a new domain.


Release of training data and terminologies    April 2021
Surprise languages announced: June 28, 2021
Test set available July 19, 2021
Submission of translations July 23, 2021
System descriptions due August 5, 2021
Camera-ready for system descriptions September 15, 2021
Conference in Punta Cana November 10-11, 2021


In this shared task, we will distinguish submissions that use the terminology only at inference time (e.g., for constrained decoding or something similar) and submissions that use the terminology at training time (e.g., for data selection, data augmentation, explicit training, etc). Note that basic linguistic tools such as taggers, parsers, or morphological analyzers are allowed in the constrained condition.

The submission report should highlight in which ways participants? methods and data differ from the standard MT approach. They should make clear which tools were used, and which training sets were used.


The shared task will focus on four language pairs, with systems evaluated:
  • English to French
  • English to Chinese
  • Two surprise language pairs English-X (announced 3 weeks before the evaluation deadline)
We will provide training/development data and terminologies for the above language pairs. Test sets will be released at the beginning of the evaluation period. The goal of this setting (with both development and surprise language pairs) is to avoid approaches that overfit on language selection, and instead evaluate the more realistic scenario of needing to tackle the new domain in a new language in a limited amount of time. The surprise language pairs will be announced 3 weeks before the start of the evaluation campaigns. At the same time we will provide training data and terminologies for the surprise language pairs.

You may participate in any or all of the language pairs.


Antonis Anastasopoulos, George Mason University
Md Mahfuz ibn Alam, George Mason University
Laurent Besacier, NAVER
James Cross, Facebook
Georgiana Dinu, AWS
Marcello Federico, AWS
Matthias Gallé, NAVER
Philipp Koehn, Facebook / Johns Hopkins University
Vassilina Nikoulina, NAVER
Kweon Woo Jung, NAVER
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3-3-10(2021-11-17) PerceptiO Perception of the living , U.of Strasbourg France



Perception and the living

La perception et le vivant

University of Strasbourg, France

UR 1339 LiLPa – Linguistics, Languages and Speech Research Unit

Chair of the USIAS Language Sciences – University of Strasbourg, Institute for

Advanced Study

University of Haute-Alsace, France

UR 4363 ILLE – Research Institute for European Languages and Literatures

IdEx Symposium 2021

17-20 November

The University of Strasbourg (France), through its Linguistics, Languages and Speech Research Unit 1339 LiLPa, as well as the USIAS Chair of Language Sciences (University of Strasbourg, Institute for Advanced Study), and the University of Haute-Alsace (France), through its Institute for Research in European Languages and Literatures Re- search Unit 4363 ILLE, will host in Alsace the symposium 'PerceptiO: Perception and the living' from the 17th to the 20th of November, 2021.

Chaired by the Alsatian University duo, the international organising committee of the event will also include in its ranks (in alphabetical order of the partner countries): the Institute for Research in Language Sciences and Technologies – IRSTL of the University of Mons (Belgium), First People’s Hospital in Chengdu, First People’s Hospital in Zigong and Binzhou Medical University (China), the Modern & Classical Languages, Literatures & Cultures Department at the University of Kentucky (United States of America), Chair of French Language of the University of Opole (Poland), Assane Seck University of Ziguinchor (Senegal) and the Department of Romance Studies of Matej Bel University of Banská Bystrica, LICoLab – Language, Information and Communication Laboratory and Department of British and American Studies of the Faculty of Arts of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (Slovakia).

  • Argument

The symposium, which will bring together specialists from all horizons (both in terms of continents and fields of specialisation), will be devoted to perception and the living, a theme that will have to be tackled under its various disci-plinary seams, whether they fall within the commonly accepted classification established since the 20th Century in the Sciences (formal, physical, life, social) or that of the Arts (architecture, sculpture, visual arts, music, literature, perform-ing arts, cinema).

The general objective of the congress will thus entail addressing the question of how (the world of) the living caters for perceptions, both in terms of apprehension, feeling, understanding, analysis, construction, of profiling, of transmis-sion as of reception, to try to uncover the still quite vague outlines of the very notion of perception and related phenom-ena, in order to further the study of known properties and/or specificities or, moreover, to shed light on novel ones. More specifically, the major tack will notably involve, from the observation of how these properties or specificities fit into the living (world), means of highlighting the duality of the ontologies of perception (sensory vs intellectual).

In practice, we shall question, starting from the living (world), in particular the matrices, the molds, the frames, the actants, the circumstances, the ins and outs of perception through, preferably, inter, trans, multi, pluri or intradisciplinary approaches – even if the mono or uni-disciplinary approach will not be excluded. Note that all types of languages, be they natural or artificial, can serve as empirical bases and that, regardless of the approach considered, experimental and/or clinical approaches will be highly appreciated, as well as contrastive ones.

To this end, whether theoretical or applied, systematic or experimental, contextual or independent, synchronic or diachronic, prescriptive, descriptive or programmatic, intra or interdisciplinary, proposals thus requested will fit into at least one pair of disciplines from the Sciences and/or the Arts, such as: mathematics-linguistics, painting-music, biol-ogy-anthropology, medicine-linguistics, anthropology-music, physics-painting, sociology-linguistics, philosophy-mathematics, psychology-anthropology, computer science-linguistics, etc.

Regarding the official classification of the High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (HCERES) disciplinary fields, the symposium includes all disciplines: Mathematics, Physics, Earth and Universe Sci-ences, Chemistry, Engineering Sciences, Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies, Biology, Health, Agronomy, Ecology, Environment, Markets and Organisations, Standards, social institutions and behaviours, Space, environment and societies, Human spirit, language, education, Languages, Texts, Arts and cultures, Ancient and contemporary Worlds.

  • Confirmed plenary speakers (other invitations are pending)

- Professor Alain Berthoz (Collège de France, Chair of Physiology of Perception and Action)

- Professor Luc Fraisse (Institut Universitaire de France & University of Strasbourg)

- Research Director Anne Giersche (University of Strasbourg & Inserm – Cognitive neuropsychology, pathophysiol-ogy of schizophrenia)

- Professor Bernard Harmegnies (Institute for Research in Language Sciences and Technology, University of Mons)

- Professor Karine Lacombe (Sorbonne University, Inserm, Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, St An-toine’s Hospital, Paris)

- Professor David Poeppel (Department of Neuroscience, Max-Planck-Institute Frankfurt & New York University)

- Professor Jean-Pierre Sauvage (University of Strasbourg, Chair of Chemical Topology and Molecular Machines)

- Research Director Jean-Luc Schwartz (GIPSA-Lab, Speech-Cognition Department, Grenoble Alpes University)

  • Useful information

Proposals for papers, based on the PropCom framework below (Annex 1), will be sent simultaneously to Fabrice Marsac ( and Rudolph Sock ( before March 31st, 2021 (indicate 'Symposium Per-ceptiO 2021' as the subject).

Notifications of acceptance or rejection of proposals will be sent to the authors by 30 April 2021 at the latest, and a first provisional programme of the event will follow around 15th of May.

The D-Day, oral communications, organised around the plenary lectures, will not exceed 15 minutes (plus 5 minutes for questions). Poster sessions, which are scientifically equivalent in importance to the oral communications, will also be organised. The language of presentation will be either French or English.

After the symposium, the written contributions selected by the scientific committee will be published in 2023 as volume(s)/thematic volume(s) or varia in international journal(s).

Registration fees (150 € for permanent staff and 50 € for doctoral students) include the gala dinner on the second day (Thursday 18), the traditional paracolloquial activities (including a guided tour of the magnificent Strasbourg and its main cultural and tourist attractions, as well as the European Institutions) and the publication of contributions. Ac-commodation and other catering costs are the sole responsibility of participants.

The meeting will take place at the University of Strasbourg (Accueil – Université de Strasbourg ( and at the Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l’Homme, Alsace – MISHA (Maison des Sciences de l’Homme – Alsace (MISHA)).

Depending on the sanitary context in November 2021, the symposium will be held in praesentia or will be par-tially/completely dematerialised.

  • Scientific committee

Currently being set up, the scientific committee of PerceptiO 2021 will be responsible for both the scientific review of proposals, carried out, as usual, by peers on a double-blind basis, and for reviewing subsequent submitted articles, also conducted on a double-blind basis by peers, in view of their publication in the course of 2023.

  • Organising committee

- Linguistics, Languages and Speech Research Unit UR 1339 LiLPa (University of Strasbourg, France)

- USIAS Chair of Language Sciences (University of Strasbourg, Institute for Advanced Study)

- Institute for Research in European Languages and Literatures Research Unit 4363 ILLE (University of Haute-Alsace, France)

- Institute for Research in Language Sciences and Technologies – IRSTL (University of Mons, Belgium)

- First People’s Hospital in Chengdu (China)

- First People’s Hospital in Zigong (China)

- Binzhou Medical University (China)

- Modern & Classical Languages, Literatures & Cultures Department (University of Kentucky, United States of Amer-ica)

- Chair of French language (University of Opole, Poland)

- Assane Seck University of Ziguinchor (Senegal)

- Department of Romance Studies (Matej Bel University of Banská Bystrica, Slovakia)

- LICoLab – Language, Information and Communication Laboratory & Department of British and American Studies of the Faculty of Arts (Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia)

  • Reminder of key dates

- Submission of proposals: 31st March 2021 (deadline)

- Notification of paper acceptance or refusal: 30th April 2021 (deadline)

- Publication of the programme: around 15th of May 2021 (first provisional programme)

- Symposium: 17-20 November 2021

- Publication of accepted articles: in 2023


  • Annex n° 1: PropCom outline (2 pages maximum)

1. Title of the proposal

2. Object(s) of study, research issues

3. Objective(s), theoretical framework(s) and research hypothesis(es)

4. Methodology

5. Results

6. Five key words

7. References

8. Last name, first name and academic affiliation(s) of the author(s)

9. E-mail address(es) for correspondence

10. Specify if it is a doctoral research (if applicable, indicate the name of the thesis supervisor(s))

  • Annex n° 2: scientific committee (in the process of being set up)

The scientific committee of PerceptiO 2021 will be composed, among other members, of (teacher-)researchers from the various disciplinary fields established by the High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (HCERES).

For the International Organising Committee,

Fabrice MARSAC et Rudolph SOCK

University of Strasbourg, France

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3-3-11(2021-12-01) CfP ACM MULTIMEDIA ASIA 2021, Gold Coast, Australia


1 - 3 Dec, 2021, Gold Coast, Australia


- Workshop/Grand Challenge Proposals Submission: 28 Jun, 2021
- Workshop/Grand Challenge Proposals Notification: 18 July, 2021
- Regular Paper Submission (Full/Applied Track): 19 July, 2021
- Short/Demo/Brave New Idea Paper Submission: 2 Aug, 2021
- Tutorial Proposals Submission: 30 Aug, 2021
- Tutorial Proposals Notification: 15 Sep, 2021
- Regular Paper Notification (Full/Applied Track): 27 Sep, 2021
- Short/Demo/Brave New Idea Paper Notification: 12 Oct, 2021

The submission deadline is at 11:59 p.m. of the stated deadline date Anywhere on Earth.



ACM Multimedia Asia 2021 invites the submission of research papers presenting novel theoretical and algorithmic solutions addressing problems across the domain of multimedia and related applications. The conference also encourages visionary papers on new and emerging topics; papers presenting novel ideas with promising (preliminary) results in realizing these ideas; application-oriented papers that make innovative technical contributions to social good, healthcare, etc.  The topics of interest include but are not limited to:

- Multimedia and Vision
- Multimodal Analysis and Description
- Deep Learning for Multimedia
- Emotional and Social Signals in Multimedia
- Multimedia Search and Recommendation
- Social Multimedia
- Multimedia HCI and Quality of Experience
- Multimedia Art, Entertainment and Culture
- Music and Audio Processing in Multimedia
- Mobile Multimedia
- Multimedia Systems
- Multimedia Transport and Delivery
- Multimedia for Collaboration in Education
- Multimedia Virtual/Augmented Reality
- Multimedia for Social Goods
- Multimedia for HealthCare



- Multimedia for Social Good: ACMMM ASIA2021 recognises high-quality research that showcases the benefit to the general public. The conference brings to the audience practices that are beneficial for the environment, health, aged care, and overall society.
- Inspirations from Collaborations: ACMMM ASIA2021 encourages novel ideas from industry and government partners to identify emerging topics in real-world applications.
- Empowering Women in Technology: ACMMM ASIA2021 focuses on providing networking and learning environment for female researchers in multimedia community at different stages of their careers.
- Twin-City (Gold Coast / Shen Zhen) PhD School: The joint PhD School targets at providing PhD students and ECRs a platform to talk with senior researchers and establish their social networks.



Located within walking distance of Southport’s cutting-edge Health and Knowledge Precinct---including the Gold Coast University Hospital---our world-class Gold Coast campus is home to 21,000 students. As our largest campus, teaching and research span almost all study areas, with a strong focus on medicine, dentistry and health. Centrally based and just minutes from world-famous beaches, you’ll be able to enjoy a vibrant, enviable student lifestyle, with more than 80 student clubs to explore as well as a variety of sporting and fitness amenities, on-campus services, retail outlets, and cafes.



- General Chairs
Chang Wen Chen, SUNY at Buffalo
Helen Huang, The University of Queensland Jun Zhou, Griffith University

- Program Chairs
Tatsuya Harada, The University of Tokyo
Jianfei Cai, Monash University
Wu Liu, JD AI Research
Dong Xu, The University of Sydney

- Local Chairs
Sen Wang, The University of Queensland
Tony Chen, The University of Queensland

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3-3-12(2021-12-02) 2nd International Seminar on the Foundations of Speech (SEFOS II) 2021, Sonderborg, Denmark

2nd International Seminar on the Foundations of Speech (SEFOS II) 2021

Theme: Articulation and Prosody: Between Interface and Integration

Date: 2-4 December 2021, Sonderborg, Denmark


The links between articulation and prosody are a subject of growing interest. It is driven, among other things, by increasingly powerful measurement, analysis and recording techniques, by the discovery of syntagmatic and paradigmatic structures in prosody and the simultaneous undermining of strictly linear-segmental models in articulation, as well as the by rapid rise of speech technology and the associated increasing relevance of the emotions, speaking styles, attitudes, social hierarchies, social-role marking, etc. But, how far have we really come in understanding the links between articulation and prosody?


The 2nd International Seminar on the Foundations of Speech (SEFOS II) will be a forum to discuss these questions. Reflecting the development of the articulation-prosody research and continuing the successful concept of the first SEFOS, SEFOS II shall again be a strongly interdisciplinary event. We therefore cordially invite not only all members of the speech-science community to take part in SEFOS II, but also interested members from related fields such as general linguistics, medicine, audiology, psychology, rhetoric, pedagogy, language/speech technology and engineering sciences.


Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the organizing committee decided to conduct the conference in the form of a HYBRID CONFERENCE combining a live in person event with a virtual component.




Prof. Dr. Cécile Fougeron
Directrice de Recherche
Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie
CNRS-Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle
Paris, France


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Birkholz
Chair of Speech Technology and Cognitive Systems
Institute of Acoustics and Speech Communication
TU Dresden
Dresden, Germany




01 Aug 2021: Full paper submission deadline (will NOT be extended!) 
05 Sep 2021: Notification of acceptance (revised papers can be submitted until after the conference)
03 Oct 2021: Early bird registration deadline 
02-04 Dec 2021: SEFOS II conference 
27 Feb 2022:  Deadline for the resubmission of revised full papers 


NOTE THAT SEFOS II has teamed up with the proceedings branch of deGruyter, 'Sciendo', to publish widely visible (open access) article-length proceedings papers OF UP TO 15 PAGES (ABOUT 10,000 WORDS)



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3-3-13(2021-12-06) 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI) 2021

1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI) 2021

Theme: 'Tone and Intonation in a globalized, digital world'

Date: 6-9 December 2021, Sonderborg, Denmark

The 1st edition of the Tone-and-Intonation (TAI) conference series is proudly hosted by the Centre for Industrial Electronics (CIE) at the University of Southern Denmark. Being a merger of the two former conference series TAL (Tonal Aspects of Languages) and TIE (Tone and Intonation in Europe), TAI 2021 welcomes contributions on phonetic and phonological analyses of prosody including (but not limited to) topics related to the production and perception of prosody and rhythm, the semantics and pragmatics of prosody, the acquisition and teaching of prosody in L1 and L2, and cross-linguistic comparisons of prosody.
In addition, in TAI 2021 two separate special sessions will be dedicated to the challenges and opportunities that globalization and digitization hold for the speech sciences. In this context, we also encourage researchers of neighboring disciplines to submit papers related to tone and intonation to the conference.
Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the organizing committee decided to conduct the conference in the form of a HYBRID CONFERENCE combining a live in person event with a virtual component.
01 May 2021       Online abstract submission opens (EasyChair)
04 Jul 2021          Abstract submission deadline
05 Sep 2021        Notification of abstract acceptance
03 Oct 2021        Early bird registration deadline
6-9 Dec 2021       1st Tone-and-Intonation Conference, Sonderborg, Denmark
27 Feb *2022*    Deadline for the submission of a corrected abstract and an optional 5-page full paper (4 pages of text plus 1 page for references only)
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3-3-14(2021-12-06) GDR LIFT(the Research Group on Computational Linguistics, Field Linguistics and Formal Linguistics, Grenoble, France

 Second Call for contributions

GdR LIFT (the Research Group on Computational Linguistics, Field Linguistics and Formal
Linguistics) presents a two-day meeting to bring together computational linguists,
applied linguists and formal linguists, in order to develop and improve exchanges between
these fields.
A theme is put on the spotlight for this year's gathering: negation.

We invite researchers to present their work by submitting an extended abstract (2 pages
maximum + unlimited references, using the provided template). Selected abstracts will be
presented with either an oral or a poster presentation and will published in the
meeting's proceedings.

# Important dates

- Abstract submission deadline: October 1st, 2021.
- Acceptance notification: November 1st, 2021.
- Camera ready deadline: November 15th, 2021.
- Conference date: December 6th-7th, 2021.

# Topics

Any topic of LIFT, including the following non-exhaustive list:

- machine learning and linguistic modelling;
- linguistics and open science;
- formal and computational linguistic modelling (formal languages, unification grammars,
- computational approaches to the analysis of low-resource and/or unwritten languages;
- opinion pieces;
- feedback about the use or development of computational tools for linguistics;
- contolled language.

We want to encourage this year submissions related to negation in computational
linguistics, field linguistics or formal linguistics, but this theme is not a constraint.

The presentation of alreary published work as well as in-progress work is welcome.
The meeting mainly aims at fostering discussions and initiating potential collaborations.

# Format

Submissions should be 2-page pdf files (without counting the bibliography) following the
Latex or Word template available

The submissions should be uploaded at:

# Venue:

The LIFT scientific meeting will take place at the ground floor of the IMAG building on
Grenoble Alpes University campus.

In case an in-person meeting is impossible due to the pandemic, the meeting will take
place virtually.

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3-3-15(2021-12-13) ASRU, Carthagena, Colombia

A S R U 2021 C a r t a g e n a

December 13rd - 17th


IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop

The IEEE ASRU Workshop is a biennial flagship event of the IEEE Speech

and Language Processing Technical Committee.

The workshop will be held on December 13-17, 2021. Since the global

situation is still uncertain and given the slow vaccination progress

worldwide, it is likely that the workshop will be virtual. We are making

several efforts to make it in-person, but we depend on external

unpredictable factors. In any case appropriate and timely information

will be published in the website and widely distributed using all

possible ways. Even if the workshop is virtual, we hope that sometime

soon we will be able to welcome you all in Cartagena.


All papers related to automatic speech recognition and understanding

are welcome. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Automatic speech recognition

ASR in adverse enviroments

New applications of ASR

Speech-to-speech translation

Spoken document retrieval

Speaker/Language recognition

Speech emotion recognition

Methods and models leveraging

multi-lingual resources

Spoken language understanding

Spoken dialog systems

Text-to-speech systems

Important dates

Paper submission opens: May. 7, 2021

Regular & Challenge paper submission (abstract): Jun 25, 2021

Regular & Challenge paper submission (final paper): Jul 2, 2021

Paper reviews returned: Aug. 18, 2021

Author response due: Aug. 25, 2021

Paper acceptance notification: Sep. 10, 2021

Author registration due: Oct. 8, 2021

Early registration due: Oct. 15, 2021

Demo submission due: Oct. 15, 2021

Demo selection notification: Oct. 29, 2021

ASRU Workshop: Dec. 13-17, 2021



Submission details

Authors are invited to prepare papers of 4-6 pages of content and

figures, plus up to 2 pages containing only references, to the ASRU

2021 website:


This is the link to download the paper submission kit:

Organizing Committee

General Chair:

Elmar Nöth

General Co-Chair:

Juan Rafael Orozco Arroyave

Technical Program Chairs:

Carlos Busso, Ville Hautamäki, Kate Knill, Helen

Meng, Michael Picheny, Bhuvana Ramabhadran,

Dayana Ribas, Korbinian Riedhammer, Isabel


Panel and Invited Speaker Chairs:

Sebastian Möller, Odette Scharenborg

Challenge, Special Session & Demonstration Chairs:

Heidi Christensen, Jesús Francisco Vargas-Bonilla,

Juan Camilo Vásquez Correa

Finance Chairs:

Sofía Aristizabal, Mauricio Correa

Publication Chair:

Tobias Bocklet

Satellite Workshop Chairs:

Carlos Ariel Ferrer, Heidi Christensen, María

Claudia González Rátiva

Publicity Chairs:

Julie Mauclair, Daniela Castaño

SLTC Liaison:

Antonio Texeira

International Liaison:

Sadaoki Furui, Hynek Hermansky, Aline


Sponsorship Chairs:

Jimmy Kunzmann, Mathew Magimai Doss, Richard


Local Arrangement Chairs:

Daniela Castaño, Mauricio Correa, Andrea




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3-3-16(2021-?-?) Call for Participation: The Ninth Dialog System Technology Challenge (DSTC9)

Call for Participation: The Ninth Dialog System Technology Challenge (DSTC9)


The DSTC shared tasks have provided common testbeds for the dialog research community since 2013. From its sixth edition, it has been rebranded as 'Dialog System Technology Challenge' to cover a wider variety of dialog related problems.

 For this year's challenge, we opened the call for track proposals and selected the following four parallel tracks by peer-reviews:
 - Beyond Domain APIs: Task-oriented Conversational Modeling with Unstructured Knowledge Access (Amazon Alexa AI): This track aims to allow users to have requests that are out of the scope of APIs/DB but potentially available in external knowledge sources. Track participants will develop task-oriented dialogue systems to understand relevant domain knowledge, and generate system responses with the relevant selected knowledge. In addition, the track includes evaluation on generalization over unseen domains and modalities (i.e. moving from written to spoken conversations).
 - Multi-domain Task-oriented Dialog Challenge II (Microsoft Research AI & Tsinghua University): This track follows its success in DSTC-8 continuing with the effort of building dialog systems under a multi-domain setting. This time extending the task by incorporating new datasets, creating new sub-tasks, and providing a new development platform. The new task specifically focuses on two aspects of dialog systems: language portability and end-to-end system complexity. 
- Interactive Evaluation of Dialog (CMU & USC): This track targets the creation of systems that can be effectively used in interactive settings by real users. The task is intended to move research beyond datasets, and evaluate models in interactive environments with real users allowing several valuable properties of dialog to be measured: consistency, adaptiveness and user-centric development. DialPort, a platform for interactive assessment with real users will be used for evaluation. 
- SIMMC: Situated Interactive Multi-Modal Conversational AI (Facebook Assistant & Facebook AI): This track aims to tackle grounding dialog in an evolving multi-modal contextual input. Unlike previous multimodal track challenges, where the context from the non-textual modalities (video and audio) remains unchanged as the dialog progresses, this track encompasses a rich, situated multi-modal user context in the form of a shared image or VR environment that evolves fluidly based on the dialog flow.
 Participation is welcomed from any research team (academic, corporate, non-profit, government).
 Important Dates

- Jun 15, 2020: Training data is released

- Sep 21, 2020: Test data is released

- Oct 5, 2020: Entry submission deadline
- Nov 2020: Paper submission deadline
- Spring 2021: DSTC9 workshop (venue: TBD)
 DSTC9 Organizing Committee

- Chulaka Gunasekara - IBM Research AI, USA

- Abhinav Rastogi - Google Research, USA
- Yun-Nung (Vivian) Chen - National Taiwan University, Taiwan 
- Luis Fernando D'Haro - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Seokhwan Kim - Amazon Alexa AI, USA
 DSTC9 Track Organizers
Beyond Domain APIs: Task-oriented Conversational Modeling with Unstructured Knowledge Access 
- Seokhwan Kim, Mihail Eric, Behnam Hedayatnia, Karthik Gopalakrishnan, Yang Liu, Dilek Hakkani-tur (Amazon Alexa AI)
 Multi-domain Task-oriented Dialog Challenge II 
- Baolin Peng, Jianfeng Gao, Jinchao Li, Lars Liden, Minlie Huang, Qi Zhu, Runze Liang, Ryuichi Takanobu, Shahin Shayandeh, Swadheen Shukla, Zheng Zhang (Microsoft Research AI & Tsinghua University)
 Interactive Evaluation of Dialog 
- Shikib Mehri, Carla Gordon, David Traum, Maxine Eskenazi (CMU & USC)
SIMMC: Situated Interactive Multi-Modal Conversational AI 
- Ahmad Beirami, Eunjoon (EJ) Cho, Paul A. Crook, Ankita De, Alborz Geramifard, Satwik Kottur, Seungwhan Moon, Shivani Poddar, Rajen Subba (Facebook Assistant & Facebook AI)
 DSTC Steering Committee

 Koichiro Yoshino - Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan 
- Chiori Hori - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL), USA 
- Rafael E. Banchs - Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore 
- Michel Galley - Microsoft Research AI, USA
 Contact Information
 Join the DSTC mailing list to get the latest updates about DSTC9:
- To join the mailing list: visit!forum/list/join
- To post a message: send your message to
- To leave the mailing list: visit!forum/list/unsubscribe
 For specific enquiries about DSTC9: Please feel free to contact


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3-3-17(2022-01-17) Advanced Language Processing School (ALPS) 2022 ON LINE
Advanced Language Processing School (ALPS) 2022
Jan, 17-22 2022
Grenoble - France
ALPS2022 will take place entirely ONLINE

University Grenoble Alpes and Naver Labs Europe are announcing the second Advanced Language Processing School (ALPS) 2022.
We extended the deadline to Sept 30th.

Important Dates
Application Deadline - Sept, 30th 2021
Notification - Oct 1st 2021
Registration Deadline - Oct, 31st 2021
Winter School - Jan, 17-22 2022
Target Audience
This is a winter school covering advanced topics in NLP, and we are primarily targeting doctoral students and advanced (research) masters. A few slots will also be reserved to academics and persons working in research-heavy positions in industry.
This winter school aims to provide talks of renowned NLP researchers, as well as creating an ideal environment to work together.
Our list of invited speakers has also been updated and it is awesome !
 - Kyunghyun Cho (NYU, USA)
 - Yejin Choi (University of Washington and Allen Institute for AI, USA)
 - Mona Diab (Facebook AI & The George Washington University, USA)
 - Iryna Gurevych and Jonas Pfeiffer (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany)
 - Graham Neubig (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
 - Colin Raffel (UNC Chapel Hill, USA  and Hugging Face, France)
 - Djamé Seddah (Université Paris-Sorbonne ? Paris 4, INRIA/Almanach, France)

In addition to the talks, we plan to have several labs (tba) with teacher assistants helping out. Poster sessions will be also organized for participants to present their work and interact with each other. Last year schedule is available on this link.

Website and online application:
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3-3-18(2022-02-17) 2022 Motor Speech Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, USA



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3-3-19(2022-03-02) 33rd Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV)
33rd Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV)
2-4 March, 2022, Sonderborg, Denmark
Dear colleagues!
We are pleased to announce that the 33rd edition of the Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV) will take place in early March in Sondeborg, DK. The ESSV conference series spans a wide range of fields that concern the creation, analysis, and (digital) processing of speech signals, with a special focus on applied research, i.e. practical applications and technologies. We therefore ask for contributions (in German or English) on the following topics:
- Speech synthesis and speech generation;
- Speech dialogue systems, also multimodal ones;
- Human-robot and human-computer interaction;
- Quality assessment of spoken language and speech technology;
- Speech recognition and natural language comprehension;
- Nonspeech signals related to speech: Music, biosignals and technical signals;
- Applications in medical, nursing, and rehabilitation technology;
- Cognitive and neural systems;
- Speech technology in industrial and home sectors;
- Measurement, processing and modeling of articulation;
- Phonetic, syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic aspects of speech technology;
- Studies and applications of paralinguistics;
- Modeling of speech acquisition processes;
- Acoustic and visual pattern recognition related to speech communication.
Contributions on related topics are also very welcome. We particularly encourage students to submit papers and apply for ESSV's annual ?Best Student Paper Award?, which will be presented on the last day of the conference. In addition, guests from research, industry and public institutions as well as interested students are warmly welcome even without an own conference paper. All accepted papers will be published in a conference volume, which will appear in the series 'Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation' (TUDpress), as well as in the public online archive of the ESSV, see .
Important dates
12 December 2021 Submission deadline for an extended abstract (2 pages)
26 December 2021 Notification of  abstract acceptance
30 January 2022 Camera-ready paper submission deadline      
06 February 2022 Early registration deadline
27 February 2022 Submission deadline for the posters (portrait A0, only if we go for a hybrid or visrtual conference)
We would like to ask you to submit your extended Abstracts by 12 December 2021 via the EasyChair platform that has been created for this purpose:
Paper/abstract template
COVID Regulations
As of today, we are firmly determined to hold 'our' ESSV as a conference in the real world or, alternatively, at least as a hybrid conference. The chances of switching back to the real world for the ESSV are good. You will always find the latest travel and pandemic regulations on the website of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
We will also keep you up to date by email, especially if there are or must be new decisions about how we can hold the conference. If you have any questions about the trip or any other matters relating to the 33rd ESSV, please contact us at ****** at any time!
Have a great autumn time and stay healthy!
Your Danish ESSV organizing team.

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3-3-20(2022-03-??) II Brazilian Prosody Conference, on line

 We are pleased to announce the 'II Brazilian Prosody Conference', supported by the Luso-Brazilian Association of Speech Sciences, to be held in March, 2022, totally online. The event aims to create a space for training and research on Experimental Prosody and its interfaces for students and professionals whose work involves speech, voice, singing, speech communication technologies, speech pathologies, sound production and perception, oral communication, vocal aesthetic, acoustics, language teaching and other related areas.

To better organize the conference and allow the participation of as many people as possible, we created a form that can be accessed through the links below in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
The form is simple and straightforward, so it might take less than 5 minutes to complete.
We would really appreciate it if you could get back to us till May 25th, 2021. 

Thank you very much in advance for your kind collaboration.

Organizing committee
Cristiane Conceição Silva (UFSC) - President
Leila Rechenberg (UFRGS) - Vice-president
Maryualê Malvessi Mittmann (Univali) - Secretary
André Nogueira Xavier (UFPR) - Treasurer

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3-3-21(2022-06-13) JEP2022 - 34e Journées d'Études sur la Parole, Noirmoutier, France

 JEP2022 - 34e Journées d'Études sur la Parole
1er Appel à Communication
**13-17 Juin 2022**, Noirmoutier, France.
[site web en préparation]

Pour recevoir toutes les informations, inscrivez-vous à la liste de
diffusion dédiée :


Les 34e Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP2022) seront organisées
**sur l'île de Noirmoutier (France) du 13 au 17 Juin 2022**, en
présentiel (nous y croyons) et sous un format résidentiel (conférence,
activités sociales, hébergement et repas sur un même lieu).

Les Journées d?Études sur la Parole (JEP) réunissent depuis près de
cinquante ans une centaine de chercheurs de la communauté francophone
en sciences et technologies de la parole venant de différents horizons
scientifiques : linguistique et phonétique, informatique, ingénierie,
technologie, médecine, psychologie, didactique, physique,
neurosciences... Ces Journées visent à diffuser des travaux de
recherche originaux et à activer des échanges entre chercheurs
confirmés et jeunes chercheurs dans ce domaine. Elles ont une vocation
internationale, voulant réunir la communauté francophone au-delà du
territoire français. Pour cette édition, un coloriage thématique sera
proposé sans évidemment exclure les thèmes récurrents accueillis aux

    'Parole, Geste, Musique : des unités à leur organisation'.

Nous aurons le plaisir d'accueillir les conférenciers invités suivants
(liste non exhaustive en cours d'élaboration):

- Christophe d'Alessandro (CNRS, UMR 7190 - Institut Jean le Rond
- Marion Blondel (CNRS, UMR 7023 - Structures Formelles du Langage)
- Barbara Tillman (CNRS, UMR 5292 - Centre de Recherches en
  Neurosciences de Lyon)

Placée sous les auspices de l'AFCP (Association Francophone de la
Communication Parlée,, l'organisation de
la 34e édition des JEP est portée par le Laboratoire de Linguistique
de Nantes (LLING - Université de Nantes / CNRS, UMR 6310) avec le
support de l'équipe EXPRESSION de l'IRISA (UMR 6074) et de l'équipe
LST (_Language and Speech Technology_) du Laboratoire d'Informatique
de l'Université du Mans (LIUM, EA 4023).


Les communications porteront sur la communication parlée et le
traitement de la parole dans leurs différents aspects. Les thèmes de
la conférence incluent, de façon non limitative :

Acoustique de la parole -- Acquisition de la parole et du langage --
Analyse, codage et compression de la parole -- Applications à
composantes orales (dialogue, indexation, etc) -- Apprentissage d'une
langue seconde -- Communication multimodale -- Dialectologie --
Évaluation, corpus et ressources -- Langues en danger -- Modèles de
langage -- Parole audio-visuelle -- Pathologies de la parole --
Phonétique et phonologie -- Phonétique clinique -- Production /
Perception de la parole -- Prosodie -- Psycholinguistique --
Reconnaissance et compréhension de la parole -- Reconnaissance de la
langue -- Reconnaissance du locuteur -- Signaux sociaux,
sociophonétique -- Synthèse de la parole...

**Dates importantes**

* La date limite de soumission des propositions de communication sous
  forme d'articles complets pour la conférence est fixée au
  **20/01/2022** avec une semaine de délai supplémentaire pour
  finaliser le texte de la version soumise ;
* Notification aux auteurs : **21/03/2022** ;
* La date limite de soumission des propositions d'atelier est fixée au
  **30/11/2021** (un appel séparé sera diffusé) ;
* La conférence se tiendra du **Lundi 13 au Vendredi 17 Juin 2022**
  (ateliers la journée du Lundi 13 Juin), avec possibilité d'accueil
  le Dimanche 12 Juin en fin de journée ;

L'île de Noirmoutier et le centre de conférences sont facilement et
régulièrement desservis par les transports publics (autocar) depuis la
gare SNCF de Nantes et l'aéroport Nantes Atlantique.

**Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en Parole**

Les doctorants intéressés par l'organisation d'une 1/2 journée ou
journée dédiée aux étudiants dans le cadre de ces JEP (**RJCP -
Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en Parole**) sont invités à manifester
leur intérêt en nous écrivant à l'adresse


Le comité d'organisation est présidé par Olivier Crouzet et Elisabeth

Adresse électronique de contact :

Liste de diffusion dédiée :

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3-3-22(2022-06-20) LREC 2022 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Marseille, France

LREC 2022 - 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation
Palais du Pharo - Marseille (France)
June 20-25, 2022

Main Conference: June 21-22-23,  2022
Workshops and Tutorials: June 20-24-25, 2022

Conference web site:

Twitter: @LREC2022



The European Language Resources Association (ELRA) is glad to announce the 13th edition of LREC, organised with the support of national and international organisations. We hope to be able to organise a face-to-face conference, otherwise an online or hybrid alternative will be set up.

LREC is the major event on Language Resources (LRs) and Evaluation for Language Technologies (LT). LREC aims to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art, explore new R&D directions and emerging trends, exchange information regarding LRs and their applications, evaluation methodologies and tools, on-going and planned activities, industrial uses and needs, requirements coming from e-science and e-society, with respect to both scientific/technological issues as well as policy and organisational ones.
LREC provides a unique forum for researchers, industrials and funding agencies from across a wide spectrum of areas to discuss issues and opportunities, find new synergies and promote initiatives for international cooperation, in support of investigations in language sciences, progress in language technologies and development of corresponding products, services and applications, and standards.

LREC 2022 invites the submission of papers on original and unpublished research covering all aspects of LRs & Evaluation of LTs, within natural language processing and computational linguistics. The following (in alphabetical order) are the relevant tracks for the conference:

- Applications involving LRs and Evaluation (including applications in specific domains)
- Corpora and Annotation (including Tools, Systems, Treebanks)
- Dialogue, Conversational Systems, Chatbots, Human-Robot Interaction
- Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage
- Discourse and Pragmatics
- Evaluation and Validation Methodologies
- Information Extraction and Information Retrieval (including NER, QA, Text Mining,  Document Classification, Text Categorisation)
- Knowledge Discovery/Representation (including Knowledge Graphs, Linked Data, Terminology, Ontologies)
- Language Resources and Evaluation for Psycho-linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics and Linguistic Theories
- Language Resource Infrastructures, Standards for LRs, Metadata, Policy issues, Ethics, Legal Issues
- Less-Resourced/Endangered Languages
- Lexicons (also WordNet, FrameNet, Multimodal and Sign Language lexicons, etc.)
- Multilinguality and Machine Translation (including Speech-to-Speech translation)
- Multimodality and Cross-modality  (including Sign Languages, Vision and other modalities) and Multimedia
- Natural Language Generation (including Summarization)
- Opinion Mining, Sentiment Analysis, Emotion Recognition/Generation
- Parsing, Tagging, Grammar, Syntax, Morphology
- Reproduction of Research Results in Science and Technology of Language
- Semantics (including Distributional Semantics, Word Sense Disambiguation, Coreference, etc.)
- Social Media Processing
- Speech Resources and Processing (including  Phonetic Databases, Phonology, Prosody)
- Statistical Methods and Machine Learning for Language Technologies (including Language Models)


  • Multilingualism and Language Technology for All
  • Language Resources for Emergency Needs
  • Machine Learning and Multimodality

In addition to describing your LRs in the LRE Map - now a normal step in the submission procedure of many conferences - LREC recognises the importance of sharing resources and making them available to the community.
When submitting a paper, you will be offered the possibility to share your LRs (data, tools, web-services, etc.), uploading them in a special LREC repository set up by ELRA. After LREC, such Language Resources will be made available to the community within the share-LRs repository set-up by ELRA, in compliance with the licenses indicated by right-holders. This effort of sharing LRs, linked to the LRE Map for their description, contributes to creating a common repository where everyone can deposit and share data.


The Scientific Programme will include invited talks, oral,  poster and demo presentations in addition to a keynote address by the winner of the Antonio Zampolli Prize.

An Industrial Track to report on state of the art within industry and commercial achievements, for which there will be a separate Call, will also be organized


  • Main Conference Submission of oral and poster (or poster+demo) papers: 10 January 2022

Submission Site:

LREC2020 asks for full papers from 4 pages to 8 pages (plus more pages for references if needed), which must strictly follow the LREC stylesheet which will be available on the conference website.


  • Workshops and tutorials proposals submission: 29 October 2021

Workshop Proposals Submission Site:
Tutorial Proposals Submission Site:


The Proceedings will include both oral and poster papers, in the same format.
There is no difference in quality between oral and poster presentations. Only the appropriateness of the type of communication to the content of the paper will be considered.

Nicoletta Calzolari - CNR, Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale ?Antonio Zampolli?, Pisa - Italy (Conference chair)
Frédéric Béchet ?- LIS-CNRS, Aix Marseille University - France
Philippe Blache - LPL-CNRS & Aix-Marseille University - France
Khalid Choukri  - ELRA, Paris - France
Christopher Cieri - Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA - USA
Thierry Declerck - DFKI GmbH, Saarbrücken - Germany
Hitoshi Isahara - Toyohashi University of Technology, Toyohashi - Japan
Bente Maegaard  - Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen - Denmark
Joseph Mariani  - LISN, CNRS, University Paris-Saclay, Orsay - France
Jan Odijk  - UIL-OTS, Utrecht - The Netherlands
Stelios Piperidis - Athena Research Center/ILSP, Athens - Greece

Sara Goggi, CNR, Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale Antonio Zampolli, Pisa, Italy
Hélène Mazo, ELDA/ELRA, Paris, France


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3-3-23(2023) 13th International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, Europe?

The ICMR Steering Committee invites interested parties to submit proposals to
host and organize the 13th International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval,
ICMR2023 (sponsored by the ACM SIGMM). ACM ICMR is the premier
scientific conference for multimedia retrieval.  Its mission is
to provide a forum to discuss,  promote and advance the
state-of-the-arts in multimedia retrieval by bringing together
researchers and practitioners in its related field. It is thus essential
to ensure that the conference includes sessions for presenting high-quality
research papers and for sharing practitioner experience.  The list of
previous ICMRs is at
We expect ICMR2023 to be held in Europe.

Parties interested in hosting ICMR2023 are invited to submit  their
proposals (20 pages or less) by Friday, 26 February 2021 by email with
the subject line: ICMR2023 to the steering committee chair.
The details of CFP is at

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