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ISCApad Archive  »  2021  »  ISCApad #279  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2021-10-13) 3rd International Workshop on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots (VIHAR-2021), Paris (Virtual only)

ISCApad #279

Friday, September 17, 2021 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-22 (2021-10-13) 3rd International Workshop on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots (VIHAR-2021), Paris (Virtual only)

3rd International Workshop on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots (VIHAR-2021)

13th-15th October 2021
Paris, France (Virtual Only)

VIHAR-2021 is the third international workshop on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots. Taking place virtually in Paris, France (online only) on 13-15 October 2021, VIHAR-2021 aims to bring together researchers studying vocal-based interaction in-and-between humans, animals and robots from a variety of different fields. This includes speech, animal vocalisations or other acoustic interaction. VIHAR-2021 will provide an opportunity to share and discuss theoretical insights, best practices, tools and methodologies, and to identify common principles underpinning vocal behaviour in a multi-disciplinary environment.

The registration is free but mandatory.

The workshop follows the success of previous International workshops on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots (VIHAR-2017 and VIHAR-2019). If you wish to join the VIHAR community, you can read more about us here, subscribe to our mailing list here, follow  Facebook group.

We invite original submissions of abstracts in all areas of vocal interactivity. Suggested workshop topics may include, but are not limited to the following areas:
  * Physiological and morphological comparisons between vocal systems in animals
  * Properties and functions of animal signals
  * Evolution of vocal interactivity
  * Vocal imitation and learning
  * Conveyance of emotion
  * Comparative analyses of human and animal vocalisations
  * Use of vocalisation
  * Vocal interactivity between non-conspecifics
  * Spoken language systems
  * Technology-based research methods
  * Vocal interaction with robots

To present your work/ideas at VIHAR you will need to submit:

? Title
? Authors (and institutional affiliations)
? Abstract (max 500 words; you are also encouraged to include one image/diagram)
? One sentence stating the relevance to VIHAR
? Does this work relate to: Humans? Animals? Robots? (Multiple selections are certainly permitted!)

The number of proposals from each presenter (?first author?) is limited to two. The number of proposals that a co-author can be involved in is limited to five.

A panel of experts will curate the submissions in order to ensure they belong to the scope of the workshop.

A compilation of the abstracts will be published online on the workshop website in the form of abstracts-only proceedings.

The authors will have the opportunity to submit papers to special issue organized in a journal after the VIHAR workshop.

Submission link: 

Key Dates:
  - Submission deadline - 1st Sep. 2021  8th Sep 2021
  - Notification of acceptance - 22nd Sep 2021
  - Workshop - 13th-15th October 2021 (Virtual)

  - Mohamed Chetouani, Sorbonne Universite, ISIR, CNRS
  - Dan Stowell, Tilburg University / Naturalis Biodiversity Centre
  - Angela Dassow, Carthage College
  - Ricard Marxer, Université de Toulon, Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, LIS
  - Roger K. Moore, University of Sheffield
  - Elodie Briefer, University of Copenhagen
  - Nicolas Obin, IRCAM / Sorbonne University

If you wish to join the VIHAR community, please subscribe to our mailing list by entering your e-mail address at and then responding to the confirmation e-mail that you will receive from the list server.

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