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ISCApad Archive  »  2021  »  ISCApad #279  »  Events  »  ISCA Supported Events  »  (2022-05-23) Speech Prosody 2022 - Call for Workshops and Tutorials

ISCApad #279

Friday, September 17, 2021 by Chris Wellekens

3-2-4 (2022-05-23) Speech Prosody 2022 - Call for Workshops and Tutorials
Speech Prosody 2022 - Call for Workshops and Tutorials

Speech Prosody 2022, the eleventh international conference on speech prosody, will be held in Lisbon on 23-26 May, 2022. Workshops and tutorials co-located with the conference will take place on 27-28 May, 2022. The Speech Prosody organizing committee invites proposals for prosody-related workshops and tutorials. Workshops on under-researched topics are encouraged, as well as tutorials on new methodological approaches and techniques. 

Proposals (sent as a pdf file) should include:

?  Workshop/Tutorial name and acronym

?  Organizers?  (and tutors?) name, brief bio, and contact information

?  Proposed duration of the Workshop/Tutorial, and possible and desired dates

?  Estimated number of participants

?  For Workshops: Invited speakers (if any)

?  For Tutorials: Profile of the expected audience (e.g., young researchers, experienced researchers, expected background and skills)

?  Technical requirements

?  A short description of the workshop/tutorial to be published on the conference web page


E-mail address for submission of proposals for workshop/tutorials:

Submission deadline: September, 12


For more details on Speech Prosody 2022, please visit

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