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ISCApad Archive  »  2021  »  ISCApad #279  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2022-01-17) Advanced Language Processing School (ALPS) 2022 ON LINE

ISCApad #279

Friday, September 17, 2021 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-20 (2022-01-17) Advanced Language Processing School (ALPS) 2022 ON LINE
Advanced Language Processing School (ALPS) 2022
Jan, 17-22 2022
Grenoble - France
ALPS2022 will take place entirely ONLINE

University Grenoble Alpes and Naver Labs Europe are announcing the second Advanced Language Processing School (ALPS) 2022.
Important Dates
Application Deadline - Sept, 15th 2021
Notification - Oct 1st 2021
Registration Deadline - Oct, 31st 2021
Winter School - Jan, 17-22 2022
Target Audience
This is a winter school covering advanced topics in NLP, and we are primarily targeting doctoral students and advanced (research) masters. A few slots will also be reserved to academics and persons working in research-heavy positions in industry.
This winter school aims to provide talks of renowned NLP researchers, as well as creating an ideal environment to work together.
Confirmed speakers so far:
 - Kyunghyun Cho (NYU, USA)
 - Yejin Choi (University of Washington and Allen Institute for AI, USA)
 - Graham Neubig (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
 - Colin Raffel (UNC Chapel Hill, USA  and Hugging Face, France)

In addition to the talks, we plan to have several labs (tba) with teacher assistants helping out. Poster sessions will be also organized for participants to present their work and interact with each other. Last year schedule is available on this link.

Website and online application:

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