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ISCApad #275

Thursday, May 13, 2021 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-27 (2021-07-06) 8th International Symposium on End-User Development (IS-EUD 2021): 'Democratizing AI Development', Limassol, Cyprus

*** Last Call for Papers ***

8th International Symposium on End-User Development
(IS-EUD 2021): 'Democratizing AI Development'

July 6-8, 2021, Atlantica Miramare Beach Hotel 4*, Limassol, Cyprus

Extended submision deadlines!

(Proceedings to be published by Springer)

End-user development (EUD) aims at empowering end users to develop and
adapt systems at a level of complexity that is adequate to their expertise,
practices, and skills. EUD may occur along the entire software lifecycle, with
the purpose of making users able to participate in their artifact development,
not only at design time, but also during actual use.

Originally, EUD was conceived as a more general concept than end-user
programming; thus, scholars proposed methods, techniques and tools that
allow end users to modify or extend software artifacts, such as spreadsheets,
web applications, video games, and mobile applications. In the co-called
Internet of Things era, end-user development moved on to address the
problem of defining and modifying the behavior of smart environments,
including smart objects, pervasive displays, smart homes, smart cities, and so
on. Therefore, the term 'end-user development' acquired a broader meaning
covering approaches, frameworks and socio-technical environments that
allow end users to express themselves in crafting digital artifacts that
encompass both software and hardware technology.

Recent research and technological trends like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big
Data, Cyber-Security, Robotics, and Industry 4.0, have contributed to renew
the vision of end-user development, by providing tools and platforms that
allow end users to harness the power of AI to create solutions involving
Computer Vision, Image Processing, Conversational User Interfaces, as well as
solutions for smart environments. Such developments lower the threshold for
creating AI solutions, and expand the programmer base for such solutions,
by extending AI application both for professional and discretionary use.

IS-EUD is a bi-annual event for researchers and practitioners with an
interdisciplinary approach to EUD, including: Human-Computer Interaction,
Software Engineering, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Human-Work
Interaction Design, and related areas.

IS-EUD 2021 Theme: Democratizing AI Development

The 2021 edition of IS-EUD focuses on EUD for AI-based systems, where
end users are called on to become end-user developers of intelligent agents,
digital twins, collaborative and social robots. This edition would like to
discuss the adoption of EUD in new fields, the proposal of novel EUD
paradigms, and the impact of AI-based EUD in terms of user acceptability
and appropriation. One of the most interesting topics in human-AI interaction
is explainability of AI-based systems: research submissions presenting end-
user oriented solutions to this problem will be particularly welcome.
Theoretical and empirical work analyzing pros and cons of this new EUD
wave, identifying requirements for end-user development of AI and
acceptance of related solutions is invited. Software infrastructures and eco-
systems supporting the reuse of solutions and the emergence of meta-
design practices are of particular interest to this community, linking the
challenges relating AI to topics central to the IS-EUD community.

Conference Topics

The conference welcomes contributions that:
• describe new, simple and efficient environments for end-user development
• describe new processes, methods and techniques for empowering users to
create, modify and tailor digital artifacts
• present case studies and design implications on challenges and practices of
end-user development
• develop theoretical concepts and foundations for the field of end-user

Specific topics include (but are not limited to) the following ones:
• User-oriented orchestration of AI-based devices
• Conversational interfaces for end-user development
• End-user development for big data visualization and exploration
• End-user development for collaborative robotics
• End-user development for social robotics
• End-user development in Industry 4.0
• End-user development and explainable AI-based systems
• Cybersecurity and end-user development
• End-user development in daily life
• Technologies and infrastructures for end-user development
• Empirical studies of end-user development
• Recommender systems to support end-user development
• Cultures of participation and meta-design approaches
• Technology acceptance and adoption studies of end-user development technologies
• Evaluation of end-user development technologies
• Supporting creative work through end-user development


We invite two types of paper submissions:
1. Regular papers, up to 16 pages, describing original unpublished research
making a substantial contribution to the research field
2. Short papers, up to 8 pages, describing original unpublished research,
making a small but solid contribution to the field

All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee. The review
process for this category is double-blind, thus submissions must be
anonymized. Accepted papers (both regular and short) will appear in the
archival proceedings of IS-EUD 2021, published by Springer in the Lecture
Notes on Computer Science (LNCS) series, and will be presented in plenary
sessions of the conference.

Workshop proposals are invited (max 6 pages) aligned to the themes of the
conference. Workshops provide an informal setting where participants have
the opportunity to discuss specific topics in an atmosphere that fosters the
active exchange of ideas. Workshops can be half day or one-day long and
will be held on July 6, 2021. Accepted workshop proposals will be included
in the IS-EUD 2021 adjunct proceedings, which will be submitted to for online publication.

Submissions of regular papers, short papers and workshop proposals should
indicate in the title page 'Regular', 'Short' or 'Workshop' respectively.

Demonstration and Work in Progress papers are also welcomed.

A Demonstration paper (max 6 pages) should be structured according to the
• Abstract (150 words maximum)
• Topics to be covered and their relevance to the EUD community
• Detailed description of the planned demonstration activity
• Diagrams or screenshots (if relevant)
• Supporting documentation (e.g., project website)
• References

Work in Progress submissions (max 6 pages) are intended for presenting
preliminary results or tentative findings and position papers. The authors of
accepted contributions will have the opportunity to give an oral presentation
during parallel sessions.

Finally, the IS-EUD Doctoral Consortium is intended to bring together PhD
students working on theory and application of EUD. We particularly encourage
students that are about half-way through their doctoral research to submit
doctoral consortium contributions (max 6 pages) describing the topic of their
PhD, their approach and a summary of their progress.

Demonstration, Work in Progress and Doctoral Consortium submissions
should indicate in the title page “Demo”, “WiP” or “DC” respectively. Accepted
submissions will be included in IS-EUD 2021 adjunct proceedings, which will
be submitted to for online publication.

Submissions of all types should be carefully formatted according to the
Springer LNCS format:
and should be submitted through the Easy Chair system at:

Important Dates (Extended!)

• Regular and Short papers submission: March 22, 2021
• Notification: April 14, 2021
• Camera-ready: May 15, 2021

• Workshop proposal submission: March 8, 2021
• Notification: March 15, 2021
• Camera-ready: May 31, 2021

• Demonstration and Work in Progress submission: April 21, 2021
• Notification: May 15, 2021
• Camera-ready: May 31, 2021

• Doctoral Consortium submission: April 21, 2021
• Notification: May 15, 2021
• Camera-ready: May 31, 2021


General Chairs
• Panos Markopoulos (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
• George A. Papadopoulos (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)

Program Chairs
• Daniela Fogli (University of Brescia, Italy)
• Daniel Tetteroo (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)

Short papers Chairs
• Barbara Rita Barricelli (University of Brescia, Italy)
• Simone Borsci (University of Twente, The Netherlands)

Work in Progress Chairs
• Jelle Van Dijk (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
• Carmen Santoro (ISTI-CNR, Italy)

Demonstration Chair
• Stefano Valtolina (University of Milan, Italy)

Workshop Chairs
• Styliani Kleanthous (Open University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
• Simone Stumpf (City University London, UK)

Doctoral Consortium Chairs
• Monica Maceli (Pratt Institute, USA)
• Antonio Piccinno (University of Bari, Italy)

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