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ISCApad Archive  »  2021  »  ISCApad #275  »  Academic and Industry Notes

ISCApad #275

Thursday, May 13, 2021 by Chris Wellekens

4 Academic and Industry Notes
4-1M.Sc. Program in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Data Science, Université de Lorraine, Nancy (France)

M.Sc. Program in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Data Science
Université de Lorraine, Nancy (France)

The Institute of Digital Sciences, Management and Cognition
is opening a Masters Program in NLP - ??
Computer Science, Speech, Language and Knowledge Representation


So you want to be a specialist in Neural Networks, Logic, Speech
Processing, Information Retrieval, Knowledge Representation... all
for Natural Language? Well, now's your chance!

Natural Language Processing (NLP) lies at the crossroads of
linguistics, computer science and artificial intelligence. This
Masters Program offers a modern curriculum which combines the
different approaches, and covers both theoretical and applied

In each semester, the program includes a hands-on project.
It ends with a 6-month paid internship in a company or a research
lab. You can find the course description below.

You can apply to directly enter at either the first year (M1) or second year (M2) level.

All courses are taught in English
(except the 'French for non-native speakers' class).

The University of Lorraine is publicly funded and thus offers
tuition-free education for many students including students
from the EU (243 ? cost per year). The tuition fee for students
from other nations arriving in France at the beginning of
the 2019 academic year will be 3.770 ? per year.

Find more information here:

Nancy?s high quality of life goes hand-in-hand with a low cost
of living.

Why Nancy?
Nancy is a center of excellence for NLP. It can boast of:

1/Two important research units:
- LORIA, the computer science research laboratory
- ATILF the linguistic research laboratory

Both research units participate in many national and
international research projects. Their members are highly
visible in the international community and regularly publish
in the most prestigious conferences and journals of the field.

2/ Two Erasmus Mundus Masters funded by the European Union :
- Erasmus Mundus Master Language and Communication
Technology (LCT)
- Erasmus Mundus Master EMLex.

Why NLP?
Natural Language Processing is a rapidly expanding field.

With the proliferation of digital data, there is a massive need
for well-trained engineers and researchers able to exploit this
data for commercial (for example: e-commerce, recommender
systems and translation) and socio-political (for example:
e-learning, opinion mining, and behavioural predictions) purposes.

Start-ups, small firms with strong R&D profiles and large companies
(in France this includes Airbus, Thales, EDF, Orange, etc.) are
looking for scientists and engineers who can contribute to the
development of systems capable of managing and exploiting textual

The GAFAM (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft) also recruit
intensively in both the NLP and the Speech processing domain.

There is also a strong need for Ph.D. candidates in the field, as
demonstrated by the many Ph.D. proposals in both the public and
the industrial domain.

Head of the Master program: Maxime Amblard
Secretary: Karine Weisse

Location of the courses:
        École des Mines (Artem Campus, Tram stop 'Blandan')

Non-European students
Students from most non-UE countries shall apply on
(search Traitement Automatique des Langues Nancy)

Students from other non-EU countries can directly apply with the following file:

European students
The application file for EU students is available here:

Create an account then follow:
        - Offre de formation
        - Institut des sciences du digital, management et cognition
        - Master
        - M1-Traitement Automatique des Langues (TAL) (NANCY) (FI)
        - M2-Traitement Automatique des Langues (TAL) PT Informatique, langue, parole et
connaissances (NANCY) (FI)

More information:

Academic Year 2019-2020
From 3rd to 13th September 2019: Refresher courses in
mathematics (probability theory and statistics) and computer
science (algorithms and programming).

        1st semester from September 2nd to January 10th
        2nd semester from January 13th to June 5th
        1st semester from September 2nd to March 27th
        Internship from February to August

In brief
? A program with strong national and international visibility
? Taught entirely in English
? A high quality research environment with two research centers
covering a wide range of disciplines (linguistics, computer
science, speech and language processing) and applications
(human-machine interfaces, speech processing, knowledge
extraction, statistical machine translation, etc.)
? Studies in a vibrant, human-size city

Course Description
M1 Semester 1
        ? Elementary mathematical tools, statistics, algorithms
        to define and solve artificial intelligence problems
        ? Case study approach towards mastering both theoretical
        and practical aspects of a topic

        ? Written corpora
        ? Speech corpora

        ? Collecting, analysing and formalizing customers' needs
        ? Software design and development
        ? Functional analysis and specifications
        ? Project management

        ? Methods for Natural Language Processing
        ? Phonology
        ? Morphology

        ? Hands-on project
        ? Foreign language (French)

M1 Semester 2
        ? Machine learning theory
        ? Data mining
        ? Knowledge extraction

        ? Logic
        ? Formal languages
        ? Calculability and complexity

        ? Storage and retrieval
        ? Data analysis

        ? Lexicology : lexical units and phraseology
        ? Syntax
        ? Semantics

        ? Hands-on project
        ? Scientific communication
        ? Foreign language (French)

M2 Semester 1
        ? Neural Networks, Deep Neural Networks
        ? Data mining (structured data and text)
        ? Collaborative filtering

        ? Processing Textual Data
        ? Speech processing
        ? Terminology and ontology

        ? Application to text
        ? Computational semantics
        ? Discourse and Dialog modeling

        ? Diachronic and synchronic lexicology
        ? Lexical resources
        ? Syntactic framework

        ? Software project
        ? Law and ethics
        ? Research methods
        ? Professional integration
        ? Foreign language (French)

M2 Semester 2
Paid internship (company or research lab)

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4-2FIAT/IFTA Media Study Grants



FIAT/IFTA Media Study Grants


The Media Studies Commission of the International Federation of Television Archives (FIAT/IFTA) is dedicated to fostering collaboration between research and archive communities and mediating the growth of scholarly expertise that adds value to audiovisual archives by means of innovative research. To this purpose, the Media Studies Commission has set up the Media Studies Grant as a way to promote and ensure the valorization of academic knowledge for archival practice. It is a programme that offers support for research carried out at FIAT/IFTA member archives or is of direct relevance to one or more of our member archives. Priority is given to projects that are relevant for the history of member archive institutions, or promise innovative insights into (digital) media historiography or archival practice in general.


2020 Call for Projects


In 2020, FIAT/IFTA’s Media Studies Commission is looking to commission research that adds value to and helps us understand the role of audiovisual archives in a shifting, converging media environment.


Digitization and digital tools enable novel ways of doing and telling media histories. With it, new possibilities for working with archival material and data in academic research open up. At the same time, new tools for discovery, annotation, visualization now span the possibilities of analyzing cultural heritage with a ‘long data’ and distant reading perspective We welcome studies addressing (but not necessarily limited to) the following areas:


  1. Tools and (digital) methods: Producing new narratives in media history by means of digital tools and experimental methods of research and displaying different ways of doing (digital) media history as a way to redefine the value of historical archival content.


  1. Storytelling: Highlighting new and interactive forms of storytelling that help revisit media history practices in the digital age.


  1. Archives as (big) data: Reconceptualizing archives as (big) data to help us tap into unexplored narratives of media history. Reframing the historical and public value of audiovisual archives with mining and visualization tools.


  1. Archival access in the digital age: Renewing strategies and practices for making archives accessible through different digital spaces, including social media and mobile apps. Addressing archival access strategies in an international context or working with datasets1 from different archives.


  1. Users and use practices: Revisiting approaches for researching users and user practices in relation to digital archives.


Awarded candidated are expected to deliver by the end of their grant period:


  • A written report of their research at the quality standards of a scholarly article.

  • An audiovisual essay, an interactive digital story or a creative demo (depending on the nature of the proposed project). Please make sure there are no copyright restrictions for the archival material you may want to re-use in this type of output.2


All output needs to mention the support of FIAT/IFTA. Successful candidates are required to present their research results at the FIAT/IFTA World Conference in Dublin, 26-29 October 2020.



The Media Studies Grant makes available a maximum of €7000 for original and innovative projects that aim to:


  • help us understand the role of audiovisual archives in a digital environment.

  • unearth new narratives of media history.

  • collect, disseminate and engage with historical sources that complement existing archive collections.

  • conceptualize new ways of doing media history in the digital age.

  • experiment with innovative methods of researching (digital) archives.

  • valorize and disseminate knowledge of archive collections by means of interactive publications, multi-media presentations, digital applications and other creative demos.

  • Produce open-source softwares aimed at a better understanding and exploitation of audiovisual archives.

  • Release open-data corpora that would contribute to help further media studies.


Any questions? Please contact our commission members! For questions pertaining to access, archival collections and datasets made available for reasearch by different archival institutions, you may contact our following members:


Herbert Hayduck (ORF, Austria):
Claude Mussou (INA, France):
Silvia Proscia (RAI, Italy):
Masaya Maéda (NHK, Japan):
Daniela Floris (RAI, Italy):
David Doukhan (INA, France):
Virginia Bazán Gil (RTVE, Spain):
Lisa Kerrigan (BFI, UK):
Bas Agterberg (Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, NL):
Liam Wylie (RTÉ, Ireland):


Questions pertaining to academic research can be addressed to:

Dana Mustata, University of Groningen,
Andy O’Dwyer, University of Luxembourg,



  • Candidates are required to send in their application in PDF format by 15 March 2020.

  • Applications should be emailed to: Herbert Hayduck,

  • Candidates are required to present their findings at the FIAT/IFTA World Conference and deliever all output as agreed upon in the funding agreemenent between FIAT/IFTA and the candidate.

  • All results, publications and presentations derived from the study should mention the support of FIAT/IFTA Media Studies Commission and should be made available to FIAT/IFTA.

  • FIAT/IFTA reserves the right to make accessible the output of funded studies on its own website.

  • Proposed studies can be part of a bigger project (e.g. master thesis, PhD dissertation, book project, etc.) or can be stand-alone research initiatives that the candidate wishes to pursue.



Applicants can ask for a budget of €2500 up to a maximum of €7000 to support their travel and accommodation costs for the purpose of the proposed study, including travel to FIAT/IFTA-event (see below under “output”).


Researchers affiliated to a research institution who also have teaching responsibilities can use (part of) the allocated budget to buy themselves the research time needed for the proposed study. In this case, they should specify the research time that will be charged on the budget.


Senior researchers may use (parts of) the budget to hire interns or student assistants to assist with tasks on the project (e.g, corpus annotation). When third-party personnel is hired on the project, the senior researcher remains in charge of the project and is resonsibible for the final output.




We encourage master and PhD students as well as researchers affiliated to a university to apply for a Media Studies Grant with FIAT/IFTA Media Studies Commission.


Master and PhD students applying for a Study Grant need to send in together with their application a letter from their thesis supervisor showing support for the proposed study.


Awarded studies must be affiliated to a FIAT/IFTA member archive, either by exploring their collection or datasets for research purposes and/or carrying out research that is of direct relevance to a member archive institution.


Applicants should provide a support letter from FIAT/IFTA member‘s representative providing the collections which will be used in the study.


How to apply:

Applicants must send in an application for a Media Studies Grant. The applications should not exceed a maximum of 1000 words and need to include a:


Project description. This should outline the rationale of the project, the main research question(s), a description of the topic being researched, indication of the archival material or dataset to be studied and an explanation of the relevance of the proposed study for the research as well as archive communities. In case the project is part of a larger project, the candidate needs to specify how the proposed study contributes to the overall project.


Output. Candidates should specify the output resulting from the proposed study, including publications, presentations, software development, corpora annotation, and any other forms of knowledge utilization (e.g. virtual exhibitions, video essays, interactive storytelling applications etc.). At the end of their study, successful candidates are required to present their findings at a FIAT/IFTA public event to be agreed between the Media Studies Commission and the successful candidate and send in a written report outlining the research they’ve conducted and the main findings of their research. This report will be made available on the FIAT/IFTA website.


Workplan. Applicants should detail as much as possible all the research activities they plan to carry out as part of the proposed study and the time allocated for each of these activities. Please be aware that the Media Studies Grant only supports small-scale projects of 3-5 months.


Budget. Travel, accommodation and secondment costs can be covered by the Media Studies Grant. The budget can also be used for funding short-term internships, archive annotation campaigns, or paying for transport/accomodation fees required for the interactions with the FIAT archive member. For experimental projects, minimal technical costs may be eligible. In any technical costs are involved, we encourage the applicant to make contact with the Media Studies Commission before submitting their application, to ensure that the costs can be covered by the grant. Applicants should detail how the budget will be used. In case the proposed study is part of a bigger project, the applicant should specify any additional funding he/she may have received. Researchers asking for a secondment grant, should specify how their allocation of teaching and research time is divided and how much research time they wish to allocate to the proposed study and charge on the budget. Senior researchers hiring interns or student assistants to assist with the project, need to provide a statement with the number of hours and the budget allocated to the hired personnel.


Communication and dissemination activities. Applicants should present a communication and dissemination plan of how they intend to publicize and make available the findings of their study for the research and archive communities.


Applications should be sent in PDF format by 15 March 2020 to Herbert Hayduck at:


All applications will be assessed internally by the members of the Media Studies Commission. Selected candidates are expected to present their study at the International FIAT/IFTA World Conference in Dublin.




More about the International Federation of Television Archives (FIAT/IFTA)

FIAT/IFTA provides a forum for exchange of knowledge and experience between its members, to promote the study of any topic relevant to the development and use of audiovisual archives and to establish international standards on key issues regarding all aspects of audiovisual media archive management. Within FIAT/IFTA, the Media Studies Commission promotes academic research that promotes knowledge, understanding and research of holdings of member audiovisual archives.

1 Please check in advance whether any datasets are available for research at the archive institution you’re interested in collaborating with.

2 The candidates carry full responsibility for determining the copyright status of the archival material they may want to re-use their digital output. To avoid copyright infringements, always check with the archive holder on the copyright status of the archival material you’re interested in re-using.

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4-3Speech research and COVID 19 at the Indian Institute or Science, Bangalore
This project, named ''Coswara'' (, attempts to provide a simple tool for diagnostics of Covid-19 based on respiratory, cough and speech sounds. As most of the major symptoms of the disease include respiratory problems, the proposed project aims to detect and quantify the biomarkers of the disease in the acoustics of these sounds. The project requires the participants to perform a recording of breathing sounds, cough sounds, sustained phonation of vowel sounds and a counting exercise. The entire response requires about 5 minutes of recording time. Along with these recordings, the tool also records patient's health status (without any personally identifiable information) as well as age, gender and location. The audio dataset collected will be released for researchers across the world to develop a potential diagnostic tool using signal processing and machine learning methods. The project is in the data collection stage and will go through an experimental validation before the full approval as a potential diagnostic tool. Given the highly simplistic and cost effective nature of the tool, we hypothesize that, even a partial success success for the tool would enable a massive deployment as a first line of diagnostic tool for the pandemic. The project is not aimed to replace the chemical testing or the imaging methods but to merely supplement those with a cost effective, fast and simple technique.  
The webpage for data collection is here.  
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4-4Delphi consensus survey - Developing reading passages for the assessment of speech and voice (update)

The deadline for participating in the first round of this survey has been postponed to the 15th of September, so as to allow those who are not available during the summer holidays to participate.

The information notice and invitation letter (in English and in French), which also contain the survey link, have been updated and are available here:

Please, feel free to contact me at any time for further information.

Thanking you for your consideration and for your help,
Kind regards,

Timothy Pommée
SLP and PhD student in computer science and telecommunications

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a speech & language pathologist and PhD student (IRIT, UT3, Toulouse, France), currently conducting a thesis on the clinical relevance of intelligibility measures. In this context, I am interested in collecting the opinions of a large international panel of speech and voice professionals (both clinicians and researchers in the fields of speech pathology, phoniatrics, phonetics, prosody, speech-related computer sciences…), in order to reach a consensus on what criteria have to be taken into account when creating a standard reading passage specifically designed for speech and voice assessment


For this purpose, I will be using the Delphi methodology, an extensively used group survey methodology that is conducted over several (usually three) consecutive rounds and is quasi-anonymous (the identity of each participant is only known to the main investigator/moderator, participants remain anonymous to each other, which allows for freedom of expression without any social or professional pressure from peers). 


This consensus survey, which will be carried out online on LimeSurvey, will be structured as follows: 

    1) Definitions of speech-related concepts*

    2) Perceptual and objective speech measures*

    3) Criteria for creating standard reading passages

*questions in these sections will only be presented to participants with activities in speech and fluency disorders


Attached to this email, you will find a notice containing more information about the project as well as the invitation letter which contains the link to the online survey.


In order for me to collect as many answers as possible, could I ask you kindly to distribute my request to your affiliates? Or to suggest other contact persons?


The deadline to complete the first questionnaire is currently set to 31 August 2020  September 15th, 2020

Here is a link to the updated information notice and invitation letter (in English and in French) which contain the survey link, as well as to the Ethics Committee Approval: 

I thank you very much for your consideration and for your help. 

Please, feel free to contact me at any time for further information.


Kind regards,


Timothy Pommée

SLP and PhD student in computer science and telecommunications

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The Steering Board of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI) invites proposals to host 25th Annual Conference, to be held between the end of September and mid-November 2023. Priority will be given for proposals hosted in Europe or Africa continents.

Strong proposals from other regions are also welcome. ICMI 2018 was in Boulder, Colorado, USA, ICMI 2019 was in Suzhou, Jiangsu, China, and ICMI 2020 was recently held as a virtual conference (but originally planned to be in Utrecht, the Netherlands). The bidding process is done in two stages. During the first stage, the initial proposals will be reviewed by the steering committee to identify promising bids and request additional information if necessary. During the second stage, the revised proposals will be reviewed and the final selection.


Proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria (unordered):

• Experience and reputation of General Chairs and Program Chairs

• Local multimodal interaction community support

• (Local) government and industry support

• Support and opportunities for students

• Accessibility and attractiveness of proposed site

• Suitability of proposed dates (with list of specific conflicts to avoid)

• Adequacy of conference facilities for the anticipated number of attendees

• Adequacy of accommodations and food services in a range of price categories and close to the conference facilities

• Overall balance of budget projections

• Geographical balance with regard to previous ICMI meetings

All communications, including request for information and bid submission, should be sent to the ICMI Steering Board Chair (Yukiko Nakano,

Important Dates

For ICMI 2023 bids:

January 25, 2021 - Notify intention to submit proposal via email

February 11, 2021 - Draft proposals due

March 1, 2021 - Feedback to bidders

April 5, 2021 - Final bids due

April 26, 2021 - Bid selected

Bid Content

After the notification of intent, the steering board chair will share with you more details, including successful bids from previous years. The following questions have to be answered for the official bid (both draft and final proposals). Text in square brackets [] contains considerations to be taken into account.

1. Describe briefly the conference, including side events

2. Describe briefly the conference site.

3. What date do you consider?

4. What is the nearest (international) airport?

5. Please give price quotes for the cheapest roundtrip to the conference location from Frankfurt, London, New York, San Francisco, Beijing and Tokyo (assume one week of travel with a Saturday overnight stay)

6. What transportation should participants use from the airport to the conference site?

7. Does the conference site both have a large room for a maximum of 300 people and about 5 smaller rooms for a maximum of 30-70 people? Is there wireless connection available for attendees? What about audio-visual facilities?


8. What is the approximate room rate (single and double occupancy)? Is breakfast included? [Often all the attendees of ICMI stay at the same hotel. If this is your case, the conference chair should find a hotel that allows accommodation for the expected number of people. Booking rooms and meals in the same hotel as the conference rooms often helps reducing the overall costs.]

9. Catering, including breaks, receptions, banquet and entertainment. We encourage organizers to provide coffee breaks and lunches in order to promote community building and discussion

10. Which support can your department give for the organization of the conference (e.g., free secretarial assistance, facilities for on-line payment?

11. Which support can your department give during the conference (e.g., free secretarial assistance, PCs / Macs at the conference site)?

12. What are your plans for sponsorship? To which associations / companies / institutions do you plan to apply for financial assistance? What do you realistically expect to receive from them? What are your plans concerning student travel stipend program [A minimum of $5,000 should be reserved from each year's conference budget to support student travel from each of the three major geographic regions (Americas, Europe-Africa, Asia-Pacific), or $15,000 total. For example, if a grant for $15,000 is obtained from NSF to support U.S. student travel but there is no external funding for students from other continents, then an additional $10,000 of you budget should be set aside for students from the other two continents]

13. What actions will you take to make the conference cheaper for students? (e.g., seek financial support from other organizations, provide cheaper rooms)? What reduction do you realistically expect?

14. Provide the names of people who are foreseen or confirmed for the major Conference Committees: General Chairs, Program Chairs, Sponsorship Chair; volunteer labor, registration handling. One of the General Chairs and one of the Program Chairs should be identified as the lead, who will be the main point of contact for the ICMI steering committee. Describe any experience the team has had in organizing previous conferences and the number of participants at those conferences.

15. Local Multimodal Interaction community

16. How do you propose to run the paper reviewing process? Do you see any possible improvements?

17. How will you organize the content of the conference to ensure a high-quality and energetic exchange of information that includes timely topics and stimulating external speakers? Please be specific in your suggestions for how you would organize the main program and workshops/tutorials

18. Any other aspects that you may find relevant for the evaluation of your proposal

Preparing a budget proposal

Based on estimates from previous attendance, one might expect 250 participants to ICMI. Please, provide three budgets, one for 150 participants, a second for 200 participants and the last one for 250. Costs that will have to be covered include:

• Rental of conference space and meeting rooms

• AV equipment

• Coffee breaks and possibly lunch

• Registration desk/technical helpers (e.g., student volunteers)

• Tutorials

• Producing and printing the proceedings

• 10% ACM fee

• 15% contingency fund

• Conference poster and advertising

• Social banquet

• Welcome reception

• Lunch for ICMI board meeting

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4-6New Master curriculum integrating advanced study and research covering all areas of language science,Univ. of Paris, France

The Paris Graduate School of Linguistics (PGSL) is a newly-formed Paris-area graduate program covering all areas of language science.

It offers a comprehensive Master curriculum integrating advanced study and research, in close connection with PhD programs as well as with the Empirical Foundations of Linguistics consortium. 

Research plays a central part in the program, and students also take elective courses to develop an interdisciplinary outlook. Prior knowledge of French is not required.

For more details, please see

New funding opportunity:

 Application deadline : February 1st 2021 (program starting September 1st 2021)

PGSL is funded by Smarts-UP (Student-centered iMproved, Active Research-based Training Strategy at Université de Paris) through the ANR SFRI grant « Grandes universités de recherche » (PIA3) 2020-2029.

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4-7Bids for ICMR 2023

The ICMR Steering Committee invites interested parties to submit proposals to
organize the 13th International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval,
ICMR2023 (sponsored by the ACM SIGMM). ACM ICMR is the premier
scientific conference for multimedia retrieval.  Its mission is
to provide a forum to discuss,  promote and advance the
state-of-the-arts in multimedia retrieval by bringing together
researchers and practitioners in its related field. It is thus essential
to ensure that the conference includes sessions for presenting high-quality
research papers and for sharing practitioner experience.  The list of
previous ICMRs is at
We expect ICMR2023 to be held in Europe.

Parties interested in hosting ICMR2023 are invited to submit  their
proposals (20 pages or less) by Friday, 26 February 2021 by email with
the subject line: ICMR2023 to the steering committee chair.
The details of CFP is at

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4-8ACMMM 2021: Call for Grand Challenge Proposals

ACMMM 2021: Call for Grand Challenge Proposals

ACMMM 2021 is calling for Multimedia Grand Challenge (MGC) Proposals. The purpose of MGC is to engage the multimedia research community by establishing well-defined and objectively judged challenge problems intended to exercise the state-of-the-art methods and inspire future research directions. The key criteria for Grand Challenges are that they should be useful, interesting, and their solution should involve a series of research tasks over a long period of time, with pointers towards longer-term research. First presented in ACMMM 2009, MGC has established itself as a prestigious competition in the multimedia community. This year we emphasize the continuity of the grand challenges, which is important in order to support sustained and substantial progress in the state of the art. Therefore, We ask proposers to express a commitment to run their challenges multiple years in a row.

For MGC proposal guidelines, please see

Submission website: (under the track 'Multimedia Grand Challenge Proposal')

*** Important Dates ****

Submission of Grand Challenge Proposals: 24 January, 2021
Notification of Acceptance: 14 February, 2021
Web Site and Call for Participation Ready: 1 March, 2021
Submission of Grand Challenge Solution Papers: 11 July, 2021

*** Contact ***

For questions regarding the Grand Challenges, please email the MGC Chairs:

Xirong Li (, Renmin University of China, China
Lixin Duan (, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Lu Fang (, Tsinghua University, China
David Brady (, University of Arizona, USA

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4-9Awards nominations for ICMI

The International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI) is the premier international forum for multidisciplinary research on multimodal human-human and human-computer interaction, interfaces, and system development. We are requesting nominations for two awards which will be presented during ICMI 2021 (October 18-22nd, 2021):

  • Sustained Accomplishment Award: This award will be given to a senior scientist who has made innovative, long-lasting, and influential contributions to the field of multimodal interaction, interfaces, and systems. The nominee will have demonstrated vision in shaping the field, had a sustained record of high-impact research, pioneered one or more research directions, and substantially influenced the work of others.
  • Community Service Award: This award will be given to a scientist who has made invaluable social-organizational contributions that have collectively had a major impact on improving the ICMI community and its annual events. Emphasis will be placed on selecting an individual who has made major contributions over a sustained period of five years or longer, including ones that have diversified and built the community, expanded opportunities for student training and participation, and similarly influential contributions.

Nomination Process: The deadline for Nominations in both categories is *May 14, 2021*. The main requirement is a nomination statement, with a maximum length one page, describing the main achievements and impact of the nominee. A pointer to the personal webpage and CV of the nominee can also be submitted. Nominations may be received from any member of the multimodal interaction research community. Nominations should be emailed to the ICMI Steering Board Chair (Yukiko Nakano,

Selection Process: The 2021 Awards Committee will review nominations for each award category, determine whether it is appropriate to give an award for each of the categories, and make a final decision. The Committee might also determine to give more than one award in a given category. Conflict of interest procedures prohibit that any members of the Awards Committee be considered for an award while serving on the committee, or that they participate in evaluating any candidate with whom they have had significant professional collaborations or from whom they have received financial remuneration.

Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions.

Best regards,
Yukiko Nakano
Chair of ICMI Steering Board
Dept. of Computer and Information Science
Seikei University
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