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ISCApad Archive  »  2020  »  ISCApad #269  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2020-11-26) 56th LINGUISTICS COLLOQUIUM (on line and free)

ISCApad #269

Thursday, November 12, 2020 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-13 (2020-11-26) 56th LINGUISTICS COLLOQUIUM (on line and free)
November 26 to 28, 2020
International conference comprising all fields of linguistics
For the first time taking place as a free online event
Special theme: Translation, Multilinguality and Cognition
Submission of abstracts: September 30, 2020
Submission of full papers: February 28, 2021
Website: (English and German)
Keynote speaker: Philipp Koehn, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Since its inception in 1966, the Linguistics Colloquium has been held annually without interruption in a total of 18 European countries. Its long term continuity is ensured by a large international committee consisting of its previous organizers. The Colloquium is devoted to research in all areas of linguistics. It is open to different theoretical approaches and aims to create friendly and inspiring conditions for the fruitful exchange of ideas and results. It is also appreciated for its welcoming atmosphere and cooperative discussion culture open to scientists of all ages and nationalities.
Traditionally, authors submit an abstract which, upon acceptance,  is presented and discussed at the conference. Afterwards, a full paper has to be submitted, taking into account the outcome of the scientific discussion. As usually, also this year we plan to publish the  proceedings as a hardcover book in the series 'Linguistik International' of the Peter Lang publishing house.
Like many other conferences, this year, for the first time in its history, the Linguistics Colloquium will be organized as an online event. As, despite regular attendance from overseas, the Colloquium has been a mostly European event so far, we hope that colleagues from other continents will see this as an opportunity to get to know the friendly and co-operative spirit of the colloquium. To further encourage this and because an online event requires less funding, as a novelty this year we decided to completely waive registration fees.

The special theme of this year's conference is 'Translation, Multilinguality and Cognition'. But contributions from all areas of linguistics are welcome, including but not limited to:
* Theory of linguistics
* Historical linguistics
* Diachronic linguistics
* Corpus linguistics, text mining
* Computational linguistics, natural language processing
* Neural languague processing and machine learning
* Comparative & contrastive linguistics, typology
* Applied linguistics, language learning
* Neuro- and psycholinguistics
* Sociolinguistics
* Lexicology, lexicography
* Phonology, phonetics
* Morphology
* Syntax
* Semantics
* Pragmatics
* Text, discourse
* Semiotics

Sept. 30, 2020: Submission of abstracts
Oct. 15, 2020: Notification of acceptance
Oct. 30, 2020: Registration for presenters (free of charge)
Nov. 14, 2020: Zoom trial session (test session to identify technical problems)
Nov. 22, 2020: Registration for participants without presentation (free of charge)
Nov. 26 to 28, 2020: Conference dates
Feb. 28, 2021: Submission of full papers

See the long version of the call for papers at

As in previous years, we plan to publish post-conference proceedings as a hardcover book in the series Linguistik International ( of the Peter Lang publisher (

Conference languages are English and German. Although the Linguistics Colloquium supports linguistic diversity, for organizational reasons we are not able to provide for more languages. To avoid problems for delegates not speaking both languages, attention will be placed on parallelizing programme sessions in such a way that, as far as possible, there is always a choice of language.

Please send all correspondence relating to the 56th Linguistics Colloquium 2020 by e-mail to lingcoll(at)

Reinhard Rapp (Coordinator), Athena R.C., Greece; Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences and University of Mainz, Germany
George Tambouratzis, Athena R.C., Greece
Gisela Zunker-Rapp, University of Tübingen, Germany
Haruko Miyakoda, Tsuda University, Tokyo, Japan
Christiane Zehrer, Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, Germany

See the long version of the call for papers at

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