| Call for Papers
*The 10th edition of the Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech (DiSS) workshop will be held in Paris Saint-Denis, on August 25-26, 2021*. It will be followed by *a special day on (dis)fluency in speech and language pathology on August 27, 2021*.
Important dates: - Mid-September 2020: First call for papers - March 15, 2021: Submission deadline - May 10, 2021: Notification of acceptation - August 25-27, 2021: DiSS workshop
Submissions are encouraged within the following fields: disfluency in spontaneous speech, psychology, neuropsychology and neurocognition, psycholinguistics, linguistics, conversation analysis, computational linguistics, speech technology, gesture analysis, dialog systems, pathological speech disfluency, and evolutionary aspects on speech production and perception.
You will find the call for papers and all the details at this URL: http://diss2021.fr/.