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ISCApad Archive  »  2020  »  ISCApad #265  »  Jobs  »  (2020-06-22) PhD grant, Université de Toulouse, France

ISCApad #265

Friday, July 10, 2020 by Chris Wellekens

6-40 (2020-06-22) PhD grant, Université de Toulouse, France

Subject: “MOTRYLANG – The role of motor rhythm in language development and

language disorders”

Supervisors: Corine Astésano, Jessica Tallet

Host Laboratories:

U.R.I Octogone-Lordat (EA 4156), Université de Toulouse II

Laboratoire ToNIC (UMR 1214), Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III

Discipline: Linguistics

Doctoral School: Comportement, Langage, Education, Socialisation, Cognition (CLESCO)

Scientific description of the research project:

The project aims to address a series of scientific and clinical questions regarding the place of

motor activity in child language development and its rehabilitation.

Typical development comes with the implementation of rhythm in speech production

(prosodic accenting) and also in movement production (tapping, walking, sensorimotor

synchronisation…). Interestingly, the tempo of linguistic and motor rhythms is similar in

healthy adults (around 700 ms or 1,4 Hz).

The present project aims to (1) investigate the existence of a link between motor & linguistic

rhythms and associated neural correlates (ElectroEncephaloGraphy) in children with and

without linguistic disorders; (2) evaluate the impact of motor training on linguistic

performances, and (3) create, computerize and test a language rehabilitation program based on

the use of motor rhythm in children with language acquisition disorders.

This project will have scientific repercussions in linguistic and movement sciences as well as

in the field of rehabilitation.

The selected candidate will benefit from a stimulating scientific environment: (s)he will

integrate the Interdisciplinary Research Unit Octogone-Lordat (Toulouse II: and will be co-supervised by Corine Astésano, linguistphonetician

specializing in prosody, and by Jessica Tallet, specialist in rhythmic motor skills

and learning at ToNIC laboratory, Toulouse NeuroImaging Center (Toulouse III: The research will be integrated in a work group on Language,

Rhythm and Motor skills, which encompasses PhD students, professionals in rehabilitation

and collaborators from other universities.

Required skills:

- Master in linguistics, human movement sciences, cognitive sciences, health sciences

or equivalent

- A speech therapist’s profile would be a plus

- Experience in experimental phonetics and/or linguistics, neuro-psycho-linguistics

(speech disorders)

- Skills in linguistic data processing and analysis

- Skills in evaluating speech neurological disorders and in the running of linguistic

remediation programs

- Autonomy and motivation for learning new skills (for eg. EEG …)

- Good knowledge of the French language; good writing and oral skills in both French

and English


- 1768.55 monthly gross, 3 year contract


- Sending of applications: 6th july 2020

- Audition of selected candidates: 15th july 2020

- Start of contract: 1rst october 2020

Applications must be sent to Corine Astésano (corine.astesano at and will


- A detailed CV, with list of publications if applicable

- A copy of the grades for the Master’s degree

- A summary of the Master’s dissertation and a pdf file of the Master’s dissertation

- A cover letter / letter of interest and/or scientific project (1 page max)

- A letter of recommendation from a referent scientific personality/supervisor

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