| We are happy to announce a position as a university assistant at the *Institute of Computational Perception* of the *Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz*, Austria: https://www.jku.at/en/institute-of-computational-perception/.
The position in short: Postdoc level; full-time employment; 2.5 years (start: August 2020, end: January 2023); research and teaching
For more details, please see https://bit.ly/2TrtAAW
At the recently founded *Multimedia Mining and Search Group*, we are searching for a highly motivated person who holds a *PhD degree in Computer Science or a closely related discipline* to join our young team. We offer a full-time position, great place to work, embedding in a great team, flexibility in the choice of research topics, competitive salary, and social security provisions.
If you are interested and have a strong background in recommender systems, information retrieval, multimedia, data analytics, machine learning, user modeling, and/or human-computer interaction, please contact Markus Schedl (markus.schedl@jku.at) and include the following documents:
* CV (including teaching experience) * Publication list * Certificates (including English translations) * Short statement of your research interests