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ISCApad Archive  »  2020  »  ISCApad #264  »  ISCA News  »  Message from ISCA President Prof. John Hansen

ISCApad #264

Wednesday, June 10, 2020 by Chris Wellekens

2-1 Message from ISCA President Prof. John Hansen



Dear ISCA members:


Welcome to the next installment of ISCApad for June 2020!   As always, this edition has a number of updates from the community including upcoming meetings, job openings, theses, and announcements.


COVID-19/Coronavirus outbreak is still the in the news and impacting the world – as well as many of our ISCA colleagues, researchers and friends. So, I ask that we all continue to practice safe social distancing – and stay safe and healthy! We know COVID-19 is impacting many logistics for conference/workshops worldwide including INTERSPEECH, as well as all forms of human engagement – including speech communication & interaction.


Unfortunately, other events are also in the news. Here in the USA in recent days, there has been an outpouring of support for protestors who are speaking out for racial justice and police reform. Violence and hate, the use of excessive force, the inequality perpetuated toward people of color and many other communities, must end. If there is to be a better future, especially for our children, this begins with open and continuous communications and striving to recognize and understand all people should be treated with respect and dignity. The ISCA Community recognizes that no person should experience discrimination or be treated unfairly. As teachers, educators, and researchers in the field of speech communication, let’s all bring our compassion, openness, and commitment to promote equal respect for all – both now and those for our next generation.


INTERSPEECH-2020: [] (Oct. 26-29, 2020), will still take place in Shanghai, China. The ISCA Board, as well as INTERSPEECH-2020 Organizing Committee continue to monitor and track developments of COVID-19, in an effort to ensure all attendees for IS-2020 as well as satellite workshops are safe and able to participate.

With respect to the INTERSPEECH-2020 Technical Program, more than 2200 papers were submitted by the deadline, and the IS-2020 Technical Committee is currently working on the next phase for reviewing and collecting feedback. I ask that if you have been invited to serve as a reviewer, that you please try to complete your reviews on time. Many on the IS-2020 Technical Committee are working extensively to achieve an effective, fair, and comprehensive review process for this conference. If you are reviewing, please provide fair and constructive comments for the authors!


Again, INTERSPEECH will still take place this fall in Shanghai, China. We will keep all updated via emails, postings on ISCA Facebook & Twitter feeds. For this month, we do not have any new information, other than to say that as we move forward with the INTERSPEECH-2020 technical program, all options are being explored and considered. The conference will currently take place on Oct. 26-29, 2020, with tutorials on Oct. 25. The review process timeline is as follows:

  • July 24, 2020 Paper acceptance/rejection notification

  • Aug 10, 2020 Notification about ISCA Travel Grants

  • Aug 24, 2020 Early-bird registration deadline

  • Sep 23, 2020 Standard registration deadline

Authors who have a paper accepted to INTERSPEECH-2020 will have the option either to attend physically, or to attend remotely. Remote attendance would also be associated with a reduced registration fee.

INTERSPEECH-2020 PROCEEDINGS: In the event that the ISCA INTERSPEECH-2020 physical conference would need to be canceled due to COVID-19, ALL accepted papers will be published in the standard format in the Proceedings of INTERSPEECH-2020 as usual (i.e., including release on ISCA Archive).



We again recognize the recipient of the ISCA Medal for Scientific Achievement:

Prof. Janet Pierrehumbert (Oxford e-Research Centre; Oxford Univ.)! This is the highest ISCA award for science achievement, and certainly well deserved for the remarkable contributions Prof. Pierrehumbert has made to the field of speech communications, and in particular to Phonology.


2020 ISCA FELLOWS Announced:

Again, we recognize and congratulate the following six distinguished researchers will be elevated to the status of ISCA FELLOW for 2020. Their citations as well as affiliations are highlighted below. Please join me in congratulating these well deserving colleagues for their research contributions to the field of speech communications! All will be recognized at ISCA INTERSPEECH-2020 this fall.

  • Prof. Paavo Alku (Finland) For contributions in voice source analysis and its applications.”


  • Prof. Catherine Best (Australia) For contributions to non-native speech perception, bilingualism, and language acquisition.”             



  • Prof. Martin Cooke (Spain) “For contributions to speech perception modelling, robust speech recognition and objective intelligibility models.”  


  • Prof. Thomas Hain (United Kingdom) “For leadership in the field of automatic speech recognition.”


  • Prof. Satoshi Nakamura (Japan)  “For contributions to research on multi-lingual and cross-lingual spoken language communication systems”



  • Prof. Bjorn Schuller  (United Kingdom) “For contributions to computational paralinguistics, and research and leadership in the speech processing community.”




Dublin, Ireland:“Inclusion in Speech & Language Research – does your solution work for me?”

The ISCA Conference Sub-Committee has been working extensively this spring 2020 to collect, review and assess a number of extremely competitive bids, following the call for bids for INTERSPEECH-2023. After extensive discussions, multiple rounds of voting and more discussion, ISCA has reached the decision to hold INTERSPEECH-2023 in Dublin, Ireland (Aug. 20-24, 2023). We are excited to see Interspeech come to Ireland, and are particularly pleased at the overwhelming participation from the country of Ireland, as well as the high quality, diverse, and internationally recognized members of the organizing committee who brought this bid to ISCA. We congratulate the IS-2023 Organizing Team, and look forward to their success as we move forward.

Latest Updates: Please keep informed of the latest events on the ISCA Webpage, INTERSPEECH-2020 webpage, and ISCA Facebook and Twitter feeds (@ISCAFOX). The Board and the IS-20 Organizers will continue to monitor the situation and will communicate any further changes as soon as possible. Our goal is to ensure a safe and technologically invigorating conference experience.

We look forward to your participation in ISCA and INTERSPEECH-2020! Until the next ISCApad, be safe and stay connected to our community!

John H.L. Hansen (ISCA President)

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