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ISCApad Archive  »  2020  »  ISCApad #264  »  ISCA News  »  Call for new ISCA reviewers for Interspeech 2020

ISCApad #264

Wednesday, June 10, 2020 by Chris Wellekens

2-2 Call for new ISCA reviewers for Interspeech 2020

Dear ISCA Member,

We are very grateful to everyone who has submitted a paper to INTERSPEECH 2020. The organising committee are working hard to put together a great conference despite the difficulties we are all facing. They need your help - we need more reviewers. We're looking for people with a PhD related to speech communication or at least 7 years research experience.

Potential reviewers can self nominate or be nominated through the ISCA Reviewer Portal where they will be reviewed by the ISCA Technical Committee:

Either: have a previously registered reviewer nominate new reviewers through their reviewer account on the ISCA reviewer portal

Or: sign-up for an account at
and self-nominate

All reviewers must have completed their PhD or have over 7 years of research experience and not be enrolled in a PhD programme.

The following information is required:
 - Username (email address)
 - Last name, First name
 - Gender (M/F/Prefer not to say)
 - Affiliation
 - Website
 - City
 - Country
 - Degree #1
 - Degree #2 (if applicable)
 - Degree #3 (if applicable)
 - Comments: Any additional information to allow the Technical Committee to assess if the nominee meets the requirements to be a reviewer for Interspeech

Thank you for your support.

ISCA Board and INTERSPEECH 2020 Organising Committee

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