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ISCApad Archive  »  2020  »  ISCApad #262  »  Journals  »  Call for special issues in Computer, Speech and Language.

ISCApad #262

Tuesday, April 14, 2020 by Chris Wellekens

7-21 Call for special issues in Computer, Speech and Language.


Computer Speech and Language

Computer Speech & Language publishes reports of original research related to the recognition, understanding, production, coding and mining of speech and language.

The speech and language sciences have a long history, but it is only relatively recently that large-scale implementation of and experimentation with complex models of speech and language processing has become feasible. Such research is often carried out somewhat separately by practitioners of artificial intelligence, computer science, electronic engineering, information retrieval, linguistics, phonetics, or psychology.

The journal provides a focus for this work, and encourages an interdisciplinary approach to speech and language research and technology. Thus contributions from all of the related fields are welcomed in the form of reports of theoretical or experimental studies, tutorials, reviews, and brief correspondence pertaining to models and their implementation, or reports of fundamental research leading to the improvement of such models.

The Editors of Computer Speech and Language are currently seeking high-quality new proposals for special issues. The topic of a special issue should be relevant to the aims and scope of Computer Speech and Language, as detailed above.,

Preparing a Proposal for a Special Issue Those wishing to propose a special issue of Computer Speech and Language should prepare a proposal that:

  • Sets out the importance of the area that the special issue will focus on
  • Explains the anticipated contribution of the special issue in advancing understanding in this area
    1. Identifies papers and authors for possible inclusion in the special issue, with a brief description of each paper. (These papers do not need to have been written at this time, although our assumption is that most will be based on work already in progress.) Where a given author(s) has published extensively on a subject already, it is necessary to indicate the new contribution to be made by the proposed paper
    2. Indicates the schedule in which the special issue could be produced (paper writing, reviewing, submission of final copy to the journal), assuming the proposal is accepted
  • Includes a short biography of all authors and the Guest Editors

Please send proposals to our Special Issues Co-ordinator for initial approval and discussion:


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