ISCA - International Speech
Communication Association

ISCApad Archive  »  2020  »  ISCApad #262  »  Journals

ISCApad #262

Tuesday, April 14, 2020 by Chris Wellekens

7 Journals
7-1IEEE JSTSP Special Issue on Compact Deep Neural Networks with Industrial Applications (updated)

IEEE JSTSP Special Issue on

Compact Deep Neural Networks with
Industrial Applications

Artificial neural networks have been adopted for a broad range of tasks in areas like multimedia analysis and processing, media coding, data analytics, etc. Their recent success is based on the feasibility of processing much larger and complex deep neural networks (DNNs) than in the past, and the availability of large-scale training data sets. As a consequence, the large memory footprint of trained neural networks and the high computational complexity of performing inference cannot be neglected. Many applications require the deployment of a particular trained network instance, potentially to a larger number of devices, which may have limitations in terms of processing power and memory e.g., for mobile devices or Internet of Things (IoT) devices. For such applications, compact representations of neural networks are of increasing relevance.

This special issue aims to feature recent work related to techniques and applications of compact and efficient neural network representations. It is expected that these works will be of interest to both academic researchers and industrial practitioners, in the fields of machine learning, computer vision and pattern recognition, media data processing, as well as fields such as AI hardware design etc. In spite of active research in the area, there are still open questions to be clarified concerning, for example, how to train neural networks with optimal performance while achieving compact representations, and how to achieve representations that do not only allow for compact transmission, but also for efficient inference.  This special issue therefore solicits original and innovative works to address these open questions in, but not limited to, following topics:

  • Sparsification, binarization, quantization, pruning, thresholding and coding of neural networks
  • Efficient computation and acceleration of deep convolutional neural networks
  • Deep neural network computation for low power consumption applications
  • Exchange formats and industrial standardization of compact & efficient neural networks
  • Applications e.g. video & media compression methods using compressed DNNs
  • Performance evaluation and benchmarking of compressed DNNs

Prospective authors should follow the instructions given on the IEEE JSTSP webpages and submit their manuscript to the web submission system.

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: 1 July 2019
  • First Review: 1 August 2019
  • Revisions due: 1 October 2019
  • Second Review: 15 November 2019
  • Final Manuscripts: 10 January 2020
  • Publication: March 2020 

Guest Editors

  • Diana Marculescu, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
  • Lixin Fan, JD.COM, Silicon Valley Labs, USA (Lead GE)
  • Werner Bailer, Joanneum Research, Austria
  • Yurong Chen, Intel Labs China, China

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7-2ACM Transactions on Internet Technology-Special Section on Computational Modeling and Understanding of Emotions in Conflictual Social Interactions

ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT)

Special Section on Computational Modeling and Understanding of Emotions in Conflictual Social Interactions 


Call for Papers:

Paper Submission Deadline: 31st March 2019

Author Guidelines and Templates: 

Paper Submission Website: 


The expression of social, cultural and political opinions in social media often features a strong affective component, especially when it occurs in highly-polarized contexts (e.g., in discussions on political elections, migrants, civil rights, and so on). In particular, hate speech is recognized as an extreme, yet typical, expression of opinion, and it is increasingly intertwined with the spread of defamatory, false stories. Current approaches for monitoring and circumscribing the spread of these phenomena mostly rely on simple affective models that do not account for emotions as complex cognitive, social and cultural constructs behind linguistic behavior. 

In particular, moral emotions possess a potential for advancing sentiment analysis in social media, especially since they provide insights on the motivations behind hate speech. Understanding these affective dynamics is important also for modelling human behavior in social settings that involve other people and artificial agents, as well as for designing socially-aware artificial systems.

How can we include finer grained accounts of emotions in computational models of interpersonal and social interactions, with the goal of monitoring and dealing with conflicts in social media and agent interactions? How can we leverage the recent advances in machine learning and reasoning techniques to design more effective computational models of interpersonal and social conflict? We invite contributions that address the foregoing questions by presenting enhanced computational models and processing methods.




Computational models of emotions 

Moral emotions (e.g. contempt, anger and disgust) in conflictual social interactions

Affective dynamics in human-human and human-agent conflictual interactions 

Interplay of emotions in conflictual interactions

Dimensional and categorical emotion models in conflict representation


Automatic processing of affect in polarized debates on social media

Stance and hate speech detection

Affect in online virality and fake news detection

Opinions and arguments on highly controversial topics

Linguistic and multimodal corpora for affect analysis in conflictual interactions

Figurative and rhetorical devices in social contrasts



Conflict detection and hate speech monitoring in political debates

Conflict-aware and conflict-oriented conversational agents

Integration of social cues in human-agent interaction strategies 

Conflict-aware agents in pedagogical and coaching applications 




Author guidelines for preparation of manuscript and submission instructions can be found at: 

Please select ?Computational Modeling and Understanding of Emotions in Conflictual Social Interactions? under Manuscript Type dropdown in the Manuscript Central website.


Submission: 31 Mar 2019

First decision: 1 July 2019

Revision: 15 Aug 2019

Final decision: 1 Oct  2019

Final manuscript:  1 Nov  2019

Publication date: 1 Mar  2020




Chloé Clavel, Institut-Mines-Telecom, Telecom-ParisTech, LTCI,  France

Rossana Damiano, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy

Viviana Patti, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy

Paolo Rosso, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain


ACM TOIT Editor-in-Chief


Ling Liu, Department of Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology




Please send any queries about this CfP to

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7-3Computer, Speech and Language: Special Issue on Speech & Dementia

Special Issue on Speech & Dementia,

Computer Speech and Language.

The CfP is online here:


Heidi Christensen (University of Sheffield, GBR),

Frank Rudzicz (University of Toronto, CAN),

Johannes Schröder (University Heidelberg, DEU)

Tanja Schultz (University of Bremen, CDEU)

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7-4TIPA- Special issue 'How the Body Contributes to Discourse and Meaning?


Call for papers – TIPA journal vol. 36, 2020

Call for papers

(Interdisciplinary work on speech and language)

TIPA is a journal on open access on the online journal platform 'OpenEdition Journals' and free of charge for submission and publication. The Evaluation Procedure is a double-blind evaluation by a scientific committee.


Coordination: Brahim AZAOUI (Montpellier University, LIRDEF) & Marion TELLIER (Aix-Marseille University, LPL)


Research on the body, taken in a broad sense (gaze, manual gestures, proxemics, etc.), has recently experienced a renewed interest in various fields in human sciences. Since the praxeological shift in linguistics in the 1950s with the theories of speech acts in particular, interactional linguistics (Mondada, 2004, 2007; Kerbrat-Orecchioni, 2004) has given it a certain place in its work. Similarly, didactics has gradually recognized its importance in the teaching and learning process (Sime, 2001, 2006; Tellier, 2014 & 2016) thanks in particular to the numerous studies carried out in social semiotics (Jewitt, 2008; Kress et al, 2001), in education sciences (Pujade-Renaud, 1983), psychology and cognitive sciences (Stam, 2013) or linguistics (Aden, 2017, Colletta, 2004; Tellier 2008, 2014; Azaoui, 2015, 2019; Gullberg, 2010).

However, if this field of study is gaining in interest, as shown by the number of articles, books and PhD dissertations dedicated to it, it must be noted that few French journals have devoted an issue to it.

This issue of TIPA journal seeks to contribute to the understanding and dissemination of this theme by collecting various contributions to answer the following question: how does the body of speakers co-constructs discourse and meaning in didactic speech? The term 'didactic speech' will refer to any situation where the discourse of the interlocutors aims to make somebody know/learn. This conception is inspired by Moirand's work on the notion of didacticity (1993), which makes it possible to distinguish discourses whose primary intention is didactic, such as those produced in school situations, from those which are not didactic but have a didactic intent. Therefore, these speeches can take place in contexts other than the classroom, whether in face-to-face or distant interactions (e. g. videoconferencing) or in asymmetric interactions in which an expert must adapt his or her speech to explain to or convince a non-expert (doctor/patient, parent/child, professional/client, political speech...).

The various articles proposed will pertain to a theoretical framework that considers speech and the body as being in constant interaction, the study and understanding of one makes the functioning of the other explicit, or as part of the same cognitive process (McNeill, 2005; Kendon, 2004). The authors will indicate which of the following three areas their contribution will focus on:

1. Epistemology

Didactic discourse including interactions outside the school context, to what extent is it possible to consider a continuum of pedagogical gestures (Azaoui, 2014, 2015; Tellier 2015) and to qualify gestures made outside the classroom context as pedagogical (Azaoui, 2015)? The work of McNeill or Kendon has made it possible to highlight the coverbal dimension of certain gestures carried out in an interaction situation, what about other non-verbal phenomena? To what extent could proxemics be described as coverbal (Azaoui, 2019a)? How do facial signals (eyebrow movements, eye or lip movements) contribute to the construction of meaning in an exchange (by reporting understanding or non-understanding for example) (Allwood & Cerrato, 2003)? How does recent work on motion capture shed new light on discourse and the construction of meaning?

2. Analysis of practices

Most of our knowledge about the use of gestures and the body in general is the product of work based on the analysis of practices of teachers and other professionals (Tellier & Cadet, 2014; Azaoui, 2016; Mondada, 2013; Saubesty and Tellier, 2015) or learners (Colletta, 2004; Stam, 2013; Gullberg, 2010). The analysis can be considered from the point of view of the recipients of the multimodal discourse by focusing on their verbal comments on the gestures (or the body in general) or on their meta-gestural activity, these gestures made to 'talk' about the observed gestures (Azaoui, 2019b).

Contributions in this perspective of analysis will help to increase our understanding of the link between bodily activity and speech. These proposals could focus in particular on the way in which the body participates in the organisation of exchanges, speaking or moments of meaning construction in explanatory sequences or the resolution of sequences of misunderstanding, for example, by showing how the body's movements are articulated with speech (or not) to explain or to give feedback to an interlocutor on his speech.

3. Training in/through bodily activity?

The relationship between body and speech can finally be considered from the point of view of training. For the past thirty years or so, a call for training in bodily activity has been made (Calbris & Porcher, 1989) and subsequently adopted by a number of researchers (Cadet & Tellier, 2007 and Tellier & Cadet, 2014; Azaoui, 2014; Tellier and Yerian 2018). If the hands of apprentices are said to be intelligent (Fililettaz, St Georges & Duc, 2008), it seems that – to a certain extent - all professionals use their body to organise or carry out their activity. Therefore, training in and through kinaesthetics is necessary, if only to raise awareness. But can we train in kinaesthetics? If so, how?

Some of the work is based on self-confrontation interviews, leaving room for teachers to verbalize gestural or kinaesthetic practices more generally (Gadoni & Tellier, 2014 and 2015; Azaoui, 2014, 2015). Papers may focus on this process of awareness raising through video (used as stimulated recall). In addition, papers analysing the implementation and/or impact of training schemes for the use of the teaching profession are also included in this issue. These proposals may concern any professional field in which interaction is asymmetrical, such as: doctor-patient relations, communication with young children, communication with people with comprehension difficulties (pathological or not), professional and client relations, etc.


April 1st, 2019: first call for papers

June 3rd, 2019: second call for papers

August 31st, 2019: submission of the paper (version 1)

November 15th, 2019: Notification to authors: acceptance, proposal for amendments (of version 1) or refusal

January 15th, 2020: submission of the amended version (version 2)

March 15th, 2020: Committee feedback (regarding the final version)

April 15th, 2020: publication

Instructions for authors

Please send 3 files in electronic form to:,,

- a .doc file containing, in addition to the body of the article, the title, name and affiliation of the author(s)

- two anonymous files, one in .doc format and the other in .pdf format.

For more details, please visit the 'instructions to authors' page at

Selected bibliography

Azaoui, B. (2015). Polyfocal classroom interactions and teaching gestures. An analysis of non verbal orchestration. Proceedings “Gestures and speech in interaction (GESPIN)”, Nantes, 2-4 septembre 2015.

Azaoui, B. (2019b). Ce que les élèves voient et disent du corps de leur enseignant: analyse multimodale de leur discours. Dans V. Rivière & N. Blanc (dirs.), Observer l’activité multimodale en situations éducatives : circulations entre recherche et formation. Lyon : ENS Editions.

Calbris, G. & Porcher, L. (1989). Geste et communication. Paris : Didier.

Colletta, J.-M. (2004). Le développement de la parole chez l’enfant âge de 6 à 11 ans. Liège : Mardaga.

Fililettaz, L. ; St Georges, I. & Duc, B. (dirs., 2008). Cahiers de la section des sciences de l’éducation, no 117, « Vos mains sont intelligentes ! Interactions en formation professionnelle initiale ». Université de Genève : Faculté de psychologie et des sciences de l’éducation.

Jewitt, T. (2008). Multimodality and literacy in school classrooms. Review of research in education, 32, 241–267.

Kendon, A. (2004). Gesture. Visible action as utterance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

McNeill, D. (2005). Gesture and thought. Chicago, USA: University of Chicago Press.

Mondada, L. (2013). Embodied and Spatial Resources for Turn-Taking in Institutional Multi-Party Interactions: Participatory Democracy Debates. Journal of Pragmatics, 46, 39-68.

Stam, G. (2013). Second language acquisition and gesture. In C. A. Chapelle (Ed.), The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Oxford, England: Blackwell.

Tellier, M. & Cadet, L. (2014). Le corps et la voix de l’enseignant : théorie et pratique. Paris : Maison des langues.

Tellier, M. & Yerian, K. (2018). Mettre du corps à l’ouvrage : Travailler sur la mise en scène du corps du jeune enseignant en formation universitaire. Les Cahiers de l’APLIUT, n°37(2).


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7-5special issue of Language and Speech

Special issue of Language and Speech


The goal of this special issue of Language and Speech is to highlight recent work exploring sociolinguistic variation in prosody. The papers will be based in part on talks and poster presentations from the recent “Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Prosody” conference (ETAP4, which featured a special theme entitled: “Sociolectal and dialectal variability in prosody.” Note, however, that this is an open call and submissions are not restricted to papers presented at the conference.


As in many language fields, studies of prosody have focused on majority languages and dialects and on speakers who hold power in social structures. The goal of this special issue is to diversify prosody research in terms of the languages and dialects being investigated, as well as the social structures that influence prosodic variation. The issue brings together prosody researchers and researchers exploring sociological variation in prosody, with a focus on the prosody of marginalized dialects and prosodic differences based on gender and sexuality.


We invite proposals for papers that will:

• Establish the broad questions in sociolinguistics that would especially benefit from prosodic research

• Address the theoretical and methodological challenges and opportunities that come with studying sociolinguistic prosodic variation

• Share best practices for engaging in prosodic research of understudied languages and social groups to address linguistic bias

We especially encourage proposals for papers that focus on the prosody of marginalized dialects and prosodic differences based on gender and sexuality.


The editors of the special issue will be Meghan Armstrong-Abrami, Mara Breen, Shelome Gooden, Erez Levon, and Kristine Yu.  The editors will review submitted paper proposals and then invite authors of selected proposals to submit full papers. Each invited paper will be handled by one of the editors and reviewed by 2-3 additional reviewers. Based on the reviews, the editors plan to accept 10-12 papers for publication in this special issue. Please note that publication is not guaranteed in this special issue. Invited papers will undergo the standard Language and Speech review process and be subject to Language and Speech author guidelines ( Invited papers can be short reports or full reports (see author guidelines, section 1.2).


Paper proposals in PDF file format must be sent to by May 15, 2019. Proposals must not be more than 1 page (with an additional page allowed for figures, examples, and references). Authors of selected proposals will be invited to submit their full papers, which will be due by 12/15/19. Acceptance/rejection notifications will be sent in early 2020 with editorial comments. We are hoping to submit our final proofs to the journal by summer 2020.


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7-6IT-Information Technology, Special Issue: Affective Computing, Deep Learning & Health

IT-Information Technology

Call for papers

Special Issue:

Affective Computing, Deep Learning & Health

Scope of the Journal: IT - Information Technology is a strictly peer-reviewed scientific journal. It is the oldest German journal in the field of information technology. Today, the major aim of IT - Information Technology is highlighting issues on ongoing newsworthy areas in information technology and informatics and their application. It aims at presenting the topics with a holistic view It addresses scientists, graduate students, and experts in industrial research and development.

Aim of the Special Issue:
Analysis of human behaviours and emotions based on affective computing techniques have received considerable attention in the relevant literature in recent years. The main aim of this interest is to endow computers with the human traits of adequately recognising and responding to emotion or affect. One particularly interesting field of applying affective computing technologies is in healthcare scenarios. In clinical psychology and psychotherapy settings, affective computing can be used to provide objective diagnostic information, accurately track changes in patients? mood or emotion regulations in therapy, or enable Virtual Therapists to have the ability to empathise and appropriately respond to their patients' needs. As in most areas based heavily on Artificial Intelligence, deep learning solutions are the pre-eminent approach in many affective computing applications.

This special issue aims to solicit papers which contribute ideas, methods and case studies for how affective computing technologies can aid healthcare. In particular, these include, but are not limited to, solutions utilising:

  • State-of-the-art deep learning techniques
  • Adversarial training paradigms
  • Attention models
  • End-to-end learning
  • Explainable AI
  • Multitask learning
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Longer-term user adaptation
  • Transfer learning

Authors are asked to kindly submit their manuscript online at:

The style guide for preparing the manuscript (Word or Latex) is listed there. A step by step guide through the submission process will be provided after registration.

Language: Publication language is English.

Length: The length of a contribution to the special issue should be at most eight printed pages
Important Dates:
  • First Submission: May 31st, 2019
  • First Notification: July 12th, 2019
  • Second Submission: August 9th, 2019
  • Second Notification: September 6th, 2019
  • Camera-ready Version of Papers: September 20th, 2019
Special Issue Editors
  • Björn Schuller, Imperial College London
  • Nicholas Cummins, University of Augsbug
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7-7CfP. Special issue Speech Communication: Pluricentric Languages in Speech Technology

Call for papers: Pluricentric Languages in Speech Technology

Pluricentric languages (PLCLs) are a common type among the languages of the world. Presently 43 languages have been identified to belong to this category. Languages like English, Spanish, Portuguese, Bengali, Hindi, Urdu etc. fall into this category. A language is identified as pluricentric if it is being used in at least two nations where it is also having an official function and if it is forming national varieties of their own with specific linguistic and pragmatic features. In addition to the variation on the level of national standard varieties, there is also so called “second level variation” on a regional and local level that is often being used in diglossic speech situations where code switching is a salient feature with two or more varieties being used within the same utterance. The amount of linguistic variation in pluricentric languages is considerable and poses a challenge for speech recognition in particular and human language technology in general.

The topic of pluricentric languages overlaps in some aspects with the topic of low-resourced languages. In contrast to “low-resourced” languages, pluricentric languages may already have plenty of resources (e.g., English, French, German), but variant sensitive or variant-independent technology is likely to be absent. In contrast to activities in the field of dialect recognition, the “non-dominant” varieties of pluricentric languages are the standard language in the respective countries and thus are also printed and spoken in media, parliaments and juridical texts.

The motivation for this special issue is the observation that pluricentric languages have so far mainly been described linguistically but not sufficiently been dealt with in the field of speech technology. This is particularly the case with the so-called “non-dominant varieties”. Given the current state of research in the field, we are especially interested in contributions which:

investigate methods for creating speech and language resources, with a special focus on “non-dominant varieties” (e.g., Scots, Saami, Karelian Finnish, Tadczik, Frisian as well as diverse American and African languages: Aymara, Bamabara, Fulfulde, Tuareg, etc.).

develop speech technologies such as speech recognition, text-to-speech and speech-to-speech for the national varieties of pluricentric languages; on the level of standard varieties and on the level of so-called “informal speech”.

investigate novel statistical methods for speech and language technology needed to deal with small data sets.

study the (automatic) processing of speech for code-switched speech in national varieties of pluricentric languages.

investigate methods on how to use speech technology to aid sociolinguistic studies.

present empirical perception and production studies on the phonetics and phonology of national varieties of pluricentric languages.

present empirical perception and production studies on learning a pluricentric language as a second language and on developing computer aided language learning (CALL) tools for pluricentric languages.

study effects on speech technology on language change for pluricentric languages (e.g., compare developments of non-dominant varieties in comparison of dominant varieties for which speech and language technologies are available).

This special issue is inspired by the Sattelite Workshop of Interspeech “Pluricentric Languages in Speech Technology” to be held in Graz on September 14, 2019 ( The special issue invites contributions from participants of the workshop as well as from others working in related areas. Papers of interdisciplinary nature are especially welcome! Manuscript submission to this Virtual Special Issue is possible between December 1, 2019 and November 30, 2020.




Rudolf Muhr (University of Graz, Austria),

Barbara schuppler (Graz University of Technology, Austria),

Tania Habib (University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan),

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7-8CfP: Special issue of Computer, Speech and Language on Advances in Automatic Speaker Verification Anti-spoofing

Call for Papers: Special issue on Advances in Automatic Speaker Verification Anti-spoofing

Computer Speech and Language Special issue on Advances in Automatic Speaker Verification Anti-spoofing 

The performance of voice biometrics systems based on automatic speaker verification (ASV) technology degrades significantly in the presence of spoofing attacks. Over the past few years considerable progress has been made in the field of ASV anti-spoofing. This includes the development of new speech corpora, common evaluation protocols and advancements in front-end feature extraction and back-end classifiers. The ASVspoof initiative was launched to promote the development of countermeasures which aim to protect ASV from spoofing attacks. ASVspoof 2015, the first edition, focused on the detection of synthetic speech created with voice conversion (VC) and text-to-speech (TTS) methods. The second edition, ASVspoof 2017, focused on the detection of replayed speech.

ASVspoof 2019, the latest edition included two sub-challenges geared towards 'logical access' (LA) and 'physical access' (PA) scenarios. The LA scenario relates to the detection of synthetic speech created with advanced VC and TTS methods developed by academic and non-academic organizations. The PA scenario promotes the develop of countermeasures for the detection of replayed speech signals. More than 60 academic and industrial teams participated in the ASVspoof 2019 challenge. Preliminary results indicate considerable performance improvements in terms of two evaluation metrics adopted for the challenge. The top-ranking teams applied different machine learning algorithms suitable for the discrimination of natural and spoofed speech.

This special issue will feature articles describing top-performing techniques and detailed analyses of some of the systems reported in recent years by leading anti-spoofing researchers. The special issue will also consist of an overview article which covers ASVspoof 2019 challenge results, and meta analyses. The scope of the special issue is, however, not limited to work performed using the ASVspoof challenge datasets; studies conducted with other datasets are also welcome.

Please contact at if you have any questions about the relevance of your work for this special issue.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

-Speaker verification anti-spoofing on ASVspoof 2019 
-Datasets for speaker verification anti-spoofing 
-Deep learning for spoofing and anti-spoofing  
-Joint evaluation of countermeasures and speaker verification  
-Evaluation methodology for speaker verification anti-spoofing  
-Voice conversion for spoofing speaker verification systems  
-Text-to-speech for spoofing speaker verification systems  
-Robust spoofing countermeasures  
-Generalized spoofing countermeasures  
-Audio watermarking for spoofing countermeasures  
-Acoustic fingerprinting for spoofing countermeasures 
-Knowledge-based approaches for spoofing countermeasures 
-Open source toolkit for speaker verification anti-spoofing

Important Dates:

Submission open: June 1, 2019
Submission deadline: September 30, 2019
Acceptance deadline: February 10, 2020
Publication: March, 2020

Guest Editors:

Andreas Nautsch, EURECOM, France
Hector Delgado, Nuance Communications, Spain
Massimiliano Todisco, EURECOM, France
Md Sahidullah, Inria, France
Ville Vestman, UEF, Finland
Xin Wang, NII, Japan

Advisory Committee:

Junichi Yamagishi, NII, Japan
Kong-Aik Lee, NEC Corp, Japan
Nicolas Evans, EURECOM, France
Tomi Kinnunen, UEF, Finland
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7-9CfP : Journal of Phonetics: Special Issue on Vocal Accommodation in Speech Communication

We would like to announce  the Call for Papers for a Special Issue on Vocal Accommodation
in Speech Communication in Journal of Phonetics, co-edited by Jennifer Pardo, Elisa
Pellegrino, Volker Dellwo and Bernd Möbius.

We especially invite contributions which:

- examine and ideally compare instances of vocal accommodation in human-human and
human-computer interactions according to their underlying mechanism (e.g. automatic
perception production link) and social functions (e.g. to signal social closeness or
distance; to become more intelligible; to sound dominant, trustworthy or attractive);

- investigate the effect of task-specific and talker-specific characteristics (gender,
age, personality, linguistic and cultural background, role in interaction) in degree and
direction of convergence towards human and computer interlocutors;

- integrate articulatory and/or perceptual/neurocognitive/multimodal data to the analysis
of vocal accommodation in interactive and non-interactive speech tasks;

- investigate the contribution of short/long-term accommodation in human-human and
human-computer interactions to the diffusion of linguistic innovation and ultimately
language variation and change;

- explore the implications of accommodation for human and machine speaker recognition,
language learning technologies, and speech rehabilitation.

Important Dates and Timeline

Deadline for submission of 1-page abstract: 31 July 2019

Invitation for full paper submission: 31 August 2019

Deadline for submission of full paper: 31 December 2019

Further information With best wishes from the

Jennifer Pardo ( <;), Elisa Pellegrino
( <;), Volker Dellwo
( <;), Bernd Möbius
( <;)

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7-10JSTSP special issue on Deeep Learning for Multi-modal Ingtelligence across Speech, Language, Vision, and Heterogeneous Signals

Call for Papers
IEEE JSTSP Special Issue on

Deep Learning for Multi-modal Intelligence across
Speech, Language, Vision, and Heterogeneous Signals

In the past years, thanks to the disruptive advances in deep learning, significant progress has been made in speech processing, language processing, computer vision, and applications across multiple modalities. Despite the superior empirical results, however, there remain important issues to be addressed. Both theoretical and empirical advancements are expected to drive further performance improvements, which in turn would generate new opportunities for in-depth studies of emerging novel learning and modeling methodologies. Moreover, many problems in artificial intelligence involve more than one modality, such as language, vision, speech and heterogeneous signals. Techniques developed for different modalities can often be successfully cross-fertilized. Therefore, it is of great interest to study multimodal modeling and learning approaches across more than one modality. The goal of this special issue is to bring together a diverse but complementary set of contributions on emerging deep learning methods for problems across multiple modalities. The topics of this special issue include but not limit to the following:

Topics of interest in this special issue include (but are not limited to):

  • Fundamental problems and methods for processing multi-modality data including language, speech, image, video, and heterogeneous signals
  • Pre-training, representation learning, multitask learning, low-shot learning, and reinforcement learning of multimodal problems across natural language, speech, image, and video
  • Deep learning methods and applications for cross-modalities, such as image captioning, visual question answering, visual story-telling, text-to-image synthesis, vision-language navigation, etc.
  • Evaluation metrics of multimodal applications

Prospective authors should follow the instructions given on the IEEE JSTSP webpages and submit their manuscript to the web submission system.


Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: 1 September 2019
  • First review: 1 November 2019
  • Revised manuscript due: 15 December 2019
  • Second Review: 1 February 2020
  • Final Manuscripts: 15 March 2020


Guest Editors

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7-11CfP IEEE SPM Special issue: Non-Convex Optimization for Signal Processing and Machine Learning


IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Special Issue on

Non-Convex Optimization for Signal Processing and Machine Learning


Optimization is now widely reckoned as an indispensable tool in signal processing and machine learning. Although convex optimization remains a powerful, and is by far the most extensively used, paradigm for tackling signal processing and machine learning applications, we have witnessed a shift in interest to non-convex optimization techniques over the last few years. On one hand, many signal processing and machine learning applications-such as dictionary recovery, low-rank matrix recovery, phase retrieval, and source localization-give rise to well-structured non-convex formulations that exhibit properties akin to those of convex optimization problems and can be solved to optimality more efficiently than their convex reformulations or approximations.

On the other hand, for some contemporary signal processing and machine learning applications-such as deep learning and sparse regression-the use of convex optimization techniques may not be adequate or even desirable. Given the rapidly-growing yet scattered literature on the subject, there is a clear need for a special issue that introduces the essential elements of non-convex optimization to the broader signal processing and machine learning communities, provides insights into how structures of the non-convex formulations of various practical problems can be exploited in algorithm design, showcases some notable successes in this line of study, and identifies important research issues that are motivated by existing or emerging applications. This special issue aims to address the aforementioned needs by soliciting tutorial-style articles with pointers to available software whenever possible. 

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
  • optimization fundamentals, including algorithm design and analysis techniques for generic and structured problems (e.g., difference-of-convex optimization, mixed-integer optimization, non-convex non- Lipschitz optimization, non-convex non-smooth optimization), parallel and distributed non-convex methods, and software toolboxes
  • big data analytics
  • blind demixing and deconvolution
  • computer vision and image processing applications
  • deep learning
  • localization
  • massive MIMO
  • phase retrieval
  • statistical estimation
  • structured matrix/tensor decomposition, such as low-rank matrix recovery and non-negative matrix/tensor factorization, with applications
Submission Process:

To enhance readability and appeal for a broad audience, prospective authors are encouraged to use an intuitive approach in their presentation; e.g., by using simple instructive examples, considering special cases that show insights into the ideas, and using illustrations as far as practicable.

Prospective authors should submit their white papers through the ScholarOne ManuscriptsTM system. Further guidelines and information on paper submission can be found on the SPS website.

Important Dates:  

White paper due: August 1, 2019
Invitation notification: September 1, 2019
Manuscript due: November 1, 2019
First review to authors: January 1, 2020

Guest Editors:

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7-12Call for submission:TAL journal

 Call for submission :

TAL Journal: regular issue

2020 Volume 61-1

Editors : Cécile Fabre, Emmanuel Morin, Sophie Rosset and Pascale Sébillot

Deadline for submission: 15/11/2019



The TAL journal launches a call for papers for an open issue of the
journal. We invite papers in any field of natural language processing,

- lexicon, syntax, semantics, discourse and pragmatics;
- morphology, phonology and phonetics;
- spoken and written language analysis and generation;
- logical, symbolic and statistical models of language;
- information extraction and text mining;
- multilingual processing, machine translation and translation tools;
- natural language interfaces and dialogue systems;
- multimodal interfaces with language components;
- language tools and resources;
- system evaluation;
- terminology, knowledge acquisition from texts;
- information retrieval;
- corpus linguistics;
- use of NLP tools for linguistic modeling;
- computer assisted language learning;
- applications of natural language processing.

Whatever the topic, papers must stress the natural language processing

'Position statement' or 'State of the art' papers are welcome.


Manuscripts may be submitted in English or French. Submissions in
English are accepted only if one of the co-authors is a non French-speaking


TAL ( - Traitement Automatique des Langues
/ Natural Language Processing) is an international journal
published by ATALA (French Association for Natural Language Processing) since 1960
with the support of CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research). It
has moved to an electronic mode of publication, with printing on


Deadline for submission: 15/11/2019
Notification to authors after first review: 29/02/2020
Notification to authors after second review: 2/05/2020
Publication: September 2020


Papers should strictly be between 20 and 25 pages long.

TAL performs double-blind review: it is thus necessary to anonymise the manuscript and the name of the pdf file and to avoid self references.

Style sheets are available for download on the Web site of the journal

Authors who intend to submit a paper are encouraged to upload your
contribution via the menu 'Paper submission' (PDF format). To do so, you
will need to have an account on the sciencesconf platform. To create an
account, go to the site and click on 'create
account' next to the 'Connect' button at the top of the page. To
submit, come back to the page (soon available),
connect to you account and upload your submission.

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7-13IEEE STSP Special issue: Deep Learning for Multi-modal Intelligence across Speech, Language, Vision, and Heterogeneous Signals (extended deadline)

Call for Papers
IEEE JSTSP Special Issue on

Deep Learning for Multi-modal Intelligence across
Speech, Language, Vision, and Heterogeneous Signals


Extended deadline to September 15th

In the past years, thanks to the disruptive advances in deep learning, significant progress has been made in speech processing, language processing, computer vision, and applications across multiple modalities. Despite the superior empirical results, however, there remain important issues to be addressed. Both theoretical and empirical advancements are expected to drive further performance improvements, which in turn would generate new opportunities for in-depth studies of emerging novel learning and modeling methodologies. Moreover, many problems in artificial intelligence involve more than one modality, such as language, vision, speech and heterogeneous signals. Techniques developed for different modalities can often be successfully cross-fertilized. Therefore, it is of great interest to study multimodal modeling and learning approaches across more than one modality. The goal of this special issue is to bring together a diverse but complementary set of contributions on emerging deep learning methods for problems across multiple modalities. The topics of this special issue include but not limit to the following:

Topics of interest in this special issue include (but are not limited to):

  • Fundamental problems and methods for processing multi-modality data including language, speech, image, video, and heterogeneous signals
  • Pre-training, representation learning, multitask learning, low-shot learning, and reinforcement learning of multimodal problems across natural language, speech, image, and video
  • Deep learning methods and applications for cross-modalities, such as image captioning, visual question answering, visual story-telling, text-to-image synthesis, vision-language navigation, etc.
  • Evaluation metrics of multimodal applications

Prospective authors should follow the instructions given on the IEEE JSTSP webpages and submit their manuscript to the web submission system.

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7-14Special issue of the TAL journal on 'NLP and health'
Special issue of the TAL journal on 'NLP and health'

The medical application domain and the discipline of Natural Language Processing have been interacting for a good half century now, to mutual benefit. NLP techniques have helped in medical knowledge discovery and clinical practice improvements.  At the same time, the medical field has contributed meaningful tasks, sizeable document collections (e.g., MIMIC for patient records, MEDLINE for scientific abstracts), and detailed lexical resources (UMLS), and these have helped advancements in the discipline of NLP in general.

Language is prevalent throughout the care process. It is used to encode institutional knowledge and health information, patient language productions can be analyzed for diagnosis (speech and/or voice disorders, language disorders, mental illnesses), it conveys patient and health professional interactions (consultations, consensus meetings), and also encodes clinical descriptions of pathologies and their management from the perspective of patients and health professionals (social networks, patient records). These language productions all address the specialiazed theme of health while exhibiting great diversity in terms of medium (written or spoken language), register (written material published in journals, professional note-taking in clinical documents, spontaneous production on social networks), language (English for literature, any language for other types of documents), etc.

As computer science goes through rapid changes (deep learning, big data, internet of things), and the medical field is seeing its own opportunities (precision medicine, drug discovery) and pressures (chronic diseases, an aging population), interactions between these fields are more relevant than ever.

This special issue of TAL aims to provide an overview of current NLP research on all aspects of health, including fundamental work and applications.

Authors are invited to submit papers on all aspects of NLP for health, in particular regarding, but not limited
to, the following issues and tasks:

- general vs. in-domain pre-trained language models
- general pre-trained vs. in-domain embeddings
- analytics of social media related to health
- analysis of speech for medical purposes: speech pathology, interactions between medical professionals and patients
- accessibility of health information: NLP for improving text comprehension, text simplification, machine translation, systematic review support
- Automatic processing in the context of speech and language impairment: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) solutions (from or to speech, text, symbols, sign language), Automatic characterization of disorders, assessment of their severity, decision support
- Conversational Agents (CA) in health and medical care (e-learning, virtual assistants, ...)

We particularly welcome submissions reporting work on languages other than English and inclusive of vulnerable groups.


- Submission deadline: March 15, 2020?
- Notification to the authors after the first review May 30 2020
- Notification to the authors after the second review: mid-July 2020
- Final version: October 2020
- Publication: December 2020


Manuscripts may be submitted in English or French. French-speaking authors are requested to submit their contributions in French.


Traitement Automatique des Langues is an international journal published since 1960 by ATALA (Association pour le traitement automatique des langues) the French association for NLP with the support of CNRS. It is now published online, with an immediate open access to published papers, and annual print on demand. This does not
change its editorial and reviewing process.


Papers must be between 20 and 25 pages, references and appendices included (no length exemptions are possible). Authors who intend to submit a paper are encouraged to click the menu item 'Paper submission' (PDF format). To do so, they will need to have an account, or create it, on the sciencesconf platform (go to and click on 'create account' next to the 'Connect' button at the top of the page). To submit, come back to the page, connect to the account and upload the submission.

From now on, TAL will perform double-blind review: it is thus necessary to anonymize the manuscript and the name of the pdf file. Style sheets are available for download on the Web site of the journal (


Guest editors:
- Aurélie Névéol, LIMSI-CNRS/Université Paris-Saclay, France
- Berry de Bruijn, Conseil national de recherches Canada
- Corinne Fredouille, LIA/Avignon Université, France

- Asma Ben Abacha, National Library of Medicine, États-Unis
- Gabriel Bernier-Colborne, Conseil national de recherches Canada
- Sandra Bringay, LIRMM, Université de Montpellier, France
- Leonardo Campillos Llanos, Universidad de Madrid, Espagne
- Jérôme Farinas, IRIT, Université de Toulouse, France
- Graciela Gonzalez-Hernandez, University of Pennsylvania, États-Unis
- Natalia Grabar, STL-CNRS, Université de Lille, France
- Julia Ive, King’s College, London, Royaume-Uni
- Svetlana Kiritchenko, Conseil national de recherches Canada
- Hongfang Liu, Mayo Clinic, États-Unis
- Stan Matwin, Dalhousie University, Halifax NS, Canada
- Timothy Miller, Harvard University,  États-Unis
- Maite Oronoz, Universidad del País Vasco, Espagne
- François Portet, LIG, Université de Grenoble, France
- Laurianne Sitbon, Queensland University of Technology, Australie
- Sumithra Vellupilai, King’s College, London, Royaume-Uni
- Meliha Yetisgen, University of Washington, États-Unis


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7-15CfP IEEE JSTSP Special Issue on Tensor Decomposition for Signal Processing and Machine Learning

Call for Papers
IEEE JSTSP Special Issue on

Tensor Decomposition for Signal Processing
and Machine Learning


Tensor decomposition, also called tensor factorization, is very useful for representing and analyzing multidimensional data. Tensor decomposition has been applied in signal processing (speech, audio, communications, radar, biomedicine), machine learning (clustering, dimensionality reduction, latent factor models, subspace learning), and beyond. Tensor decomposition helps us to learn a variety of models, including community models, probabilistic context-free-grammars, the Gaussian mixture model, and two-layer neural networks.
The multidimensional nature of the signals and even ?bigger? data provide a good opportunity to exploit tensor-based models and tensor network, with the aim of meeting the strong requirements on flexibility, convergence, and efficiency. Although considerable research has been done on this subject, there are many challenges still outstanding that need to be explored, like high computational cost of algorithms, tensor deflation, massive tensor decomposition, etc. The goal of this special issue is to attract high quality papers containing original research on tensor methods, tensor decompositions for signal processing and machine learning, and their applications in big data, social network, biomedical and healthcare, advanced data-driven information and communication technology (ICT) systems and others.

Potential topics include but are not limited to:

  • New tensor decompositions and uniqueness issues of tensor models
  • Low-rank approximations
  • Fast and robust tensor decompositions
  • Novel algorithms for existing tensor decomposition models
  • Optimization problems related to tensor models
  • Tensor-based detection and parameter estimation
  • Tensor decomposition for 5G/B5G wireless communications
  • Tensor-based data-driven networking
  • Tensor processing and analysis in social networks
  • Tensor decomposition for industry internet of things
  • Spatial temporal data via tensor factorization
  • Computer vision with tensor method
  • Biomedical, healthcare, and audio signal processing with tensors
  • Pattern recognition and neural networks with tensor decomposition

Submission Guidelines

Prospective authors should follow the instructions given on the IEEE JSTSP webpages and submit their manuscript to the web submission system.

Important Dates

  • Manuscript submissions due: July 1, 2020
  • First review due: September 1, 2020
  • Revised manuscript due: November 1, 2020
  • Second review due: December 15, 2020
  • Final manuscript due: January 15, 2021

Guest Editors


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7-16Special issue of the TAL journal on 'NLP and health'

Special issue of the TAL journal on 'NLP and health'

The medical application domain and the discipline of Natural Language Processing have been interacting for a good half century now, to mutual benefit. NLP techniques have helped in medical knowledge discovery and clinical practice improvements.  At the same time, the medical field has contributed meaningful tasks, sizeable document collections (e.g., MIMIC for patient records, MEDLINE for scientific abstracts), and detailed lexical resources (UMLS), and these have helped advancements in the discipline of NLP in general.

Language is prevalent throughout the care process. It is used to encode institutional knowledge and health information, patient language productions can be analyzed for diagnosis (speech and/or voice disorders, language disorders, mental illnesses), it conveys patient and health professional interactions (consultations, consensus meetings), and also encodes clinical descriptions of pathologies and their management from the perspective of patients and health professionals (social networks, patient records). These language productions all address the specialiazed theme of health while exhibiting great diversity in terms of medium (written or spoken language), register (written material published in journals, professional note-taking in clinical documents, spontaneous production on social networks), language (English for literature, any language for other types of documents), etc.

As computer science goes through rapid changes (deep learning, big data, internet of things), and the medical field is seeing its own opportunities (precision medicine, drug discovery) and pressures (chronic diseases, an aging population), interactions between these fields are more relevant than ever.

This special issue of TAL aims to provide an overview of current NLP research on all aspects of health, including fundamental work and applications.

Authors are invited to submit papers on all aspects of NLP for health, in particular regarding, but not limited
to, the following issues and tasks:

- general vs. in-domain pre-trained language models
- general pre-trained vs. in-domain embeddings
- analytics of social media related to health
- analysis of speech for medical purposes: speech pathology, interactions between medical professionals and patients
- accessibility of health information: NLP for improving text comprehension, text simplification, machine translation, systematic review support
- Automatic processing in the context of speech and language impairment: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) solutions (from or to speech, text, symbols, sign language), Automatic characterization of disorders, assessment of their severity, decision support
- Conversational Agents (CA) in health and medical care (e-learning, virtual assistants, ...)

We particularly welcome submissions reporting work on languages other than English and inclusive of vulnerable groups.


- Submission deadline: March 15, 2020?
- Notification to the authors after the first review May 30 2020
- Notification to the authors after the second review: mid-July 2020
- Final version: October 2020
- Publication: December 2020


Manuscripts may be submitted in English or French. French-speaking authors are requested to submit their contributions in French.


Traitement Automatique des Langues is an international journal published since 1960 by ATALA (Association pour le traitement automatique des langues) the French association for NLP with the support of CNRS. It is now published online, with an immediate open access to published papers, and annual print on demand. This does not
change its editorial and reviewing process.


Papers must be between 20 and 25 pages, references and appendices included (no length exemptions are possible). Authors who intend to submit a paper are encouraged to click the menu item 'Paper submission' (PDF format). To do so, they will need to have an account, or create it, on the sciencesconf platform (go to and click on 'create account' next to the 'Connect' button at the top of the page). To submit, come back to the page, connect to the account and upload the submission.

From now on, TAL will perform double-blind review: it is thus necessary to anonymize the manuscript and the name of the pdf file. Style sheets are available for download on the Web site of the journal (


Guest editors:
- Aurélie Névéol, LIMSI-CNRS/Université Paris-Saclay, France
- Berry de Bruijn, Conseil national de recherches Canada
- Corinne Fredouille, LIA/Avignon Université, France


- Asma Ben Abacha, National Library of Medicine, États-Unis
- Gabriel Bernier-Colborne, Conseil national de recherches Canada
- Sandra Bringay, LIRMM, Université de Montpellier, France
- Leonardo Campillos Llanos, Universidad de Madrid, Espagne
- Jérôme Farinas, IRIT, Université de Toulouse, France
- Graciela Gonzalez-Hernandez, University of Pennsylvania, États-Unis
- Natalia Grabar, STL-CNRS, Université de Lille, France
- Julia Ive, King?s College, London, Royaume-Uni
- Svetlana Kiritchenko, Conseil national de recherches Canada
- Hongfang Liu, Mayo Clinic, États-Unis
- Stan Matwin, Dalhousie University, Halifax NS, Canada
- Timothy Miller, Harvard University,  États-Unis
- Maite Oronoz, Universidad del País Vasco, Espagne
- François Portet, LIG, Université de Grenoble, France
- Laurianne Sitbon, Queensland University of Technology, Australie
- Sumithra Vellupilai, King?s College, London, Royaume-Uni
- Meliha Yetisgen, University of Washington, États-Unis


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7-17Neural Networks: Special issue on Advances in Deep Learning Based Speech Processing
Special issue on
Advances in Deep Learning Based Speech Processing
Deadline: June 30, 2020
Deep learning has triggered a revolution in speech processing. The revolution started from the successful application of deep neural networks to automatic speech recognition, and quickly spread to other topics of speech processing, including speech analysis, speech denoising and separation, speaker and language recognition, speech synthesis, and spoken language understanding. This tremendous success has been achieved thanks to the advances in neural network technologies as well as the explosion of speech data and fast development of computing power.

Despite this success, deep learning based speech processing still faces many challenges for real-world wide deployment. For example, when the distance between a speaker and a microphone array is larger than 10 meters, the word error rate of a speech recognizer may be as high as over 50%; end-to-end deep learning based speech processing systems have shown potential advantages over hybrid systems, however, they require large-scale labelled speech data; deep learning based speech synthesis has been highly competitive with human-sounding speech and much better than traditional methods, however, the models are not stable, lack controllability and are still too large and slow to be deployed onto mobile and IoT devices.

Therefore, new methods and algorithms in deep learning and speech processing are needed to tackle the above challenges, as well as to yield novel insights into new directions and applications.

This special issue aims to accelerate research progress by providing a forum for researchers and practitioners to present their latest contributions that advance theoretical and practical aspects of deep learning based speech processing techniques. The special issue will feature theoretical articles with novel new insights, creative solutions to key research challenges, and state-of-the-art speech processing algorithms/systems that demonstrate competitive performance with potential industrial impacts. The ideas addressing emerging problems and directions are also welcome.


Topics of interest for this special issue include, but are not limited to:
?   Speaker separation
?   Speech denoising
?   Speech recognition
?   Speaker and language recognition
?   Speech synthesis
?   Audio and speech analysis
?   Multimodal speech processing
Submission instructions: 
Prospective authors should follow the standard author instructions for Neural Networks, and submit manuscripts online at
Authors should select ?VSI: Speech Based on DL' when they reach the 'Article Type' step and the 'Request Editor' step in the submission process.

Important dates: 
June 30, 2020 - Submission deadline
September 30, 2020 - First decision notification
November 30, 2020 - Revised version deadline
December 31, 2020 - Final decision notification
March, 2021 - Publication
Guest Editors: 

Xiao-Lei Zhang, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Lei Xie, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Eric Fosler-Lussier, Ohio State University, USA
Emmanuel Vincent, Inria, France

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7-18Special issue of the TAL journal on 'NLP and health'

Special issue of the TAL journal on 'NLP and health'

The medical application domain and the discipline of Natural Language
Processing have been interacting for a good half century now, to mutual
benefit. NLP techniques have helped in medical knowledge discovery and
clinical practice improvements.  At the same time, the medical field has
contributed meaningful tasks, sizeable document collections (e.g., MIMIC
for patient records, MEDLINE for scientific abstracts), and detailed
lexical resources (UMLS), and these have helped advancements in the
discipline of NLP in general.

Language is prevalent throughout the care process. It is used to encode
institutional knowledge and health information, patient language
productions can be analyzed for diagnosis (speech and/or voice
disorders, language disorders, mental illnesses), it conveys patient and
health professional interactions (consultations, consensus meetings),
and also encodes clinical descriptions of pathologies and their
management from the perspective of patients and health professionals
(social networks, patient records). These language productions all
address the specialiazed theme of health while exhibiting great
diversity in terms of medium (written or spoken language), register
(written material published in journals, professional note-taking in
clinical documents, spontaneous production on social networks), language
(English for literature, any language for other types of documents),

As computer science goes through rapid changes (deep learning, big data,
internet of things), and the medical field is seeing its own
opportunities (precision medicine, drug discovery) and pressures
(chronic diseases, an aging population), interactions between these
fields are more relevant than ever.

This special issue of TAL aims to provide an overview of current NLP
research on all aspects of health, including fundamental work and

Authors are invited to submit papers on all aspects of NLP for health,
in particular regarding, but not limited to, the following issues and

- general vs. in-domain pre-trained language models
- general pre-trained vs. in-domain embeddings

- representation of health information using termino-ontologies
or annotated corpora
- analytics of social media related to health
- analysis of speech for medical purposes: speech pathology,
  interactions between medical professionals and patients
- accessibility of health information: NLP for improving text
  comprehension, text simplification, machine translation, systematic
  review support
- Automatic processing in the context of speech and language impairment:
  Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) solutions (from or to
  speech, text, symbols, sign language), Automatic characterization of
  disorders, assessment of their severity, decision support
- Conversational Agents (CA) in health and medical care (e-learning,
  virtual assistants, ...)

We particularly welcome submissions reporting work on languages other
than English and inclusive of vulnerable groups.


- Submission deadline: May 15, 2020
- Notification to the authors after the first review July 31 2020
- Notification to the authors after the second review: mid-September 2020 
- Final version: December 2020
- Publication: January 31 2021 


Manuscripts may be submitted in English or French. French-speaking
authors are requested to submit their contributions in French.


Traitement Automatique des Langues is an international journal published
since 1960 by ATALA (Association pour le traitement automatique des
langues) the French association for NLP with the support of CNRS. It is
now published online, with an immediate open access to published papers,
and annual print on demand. This does not change its editorial and
reviewing process.


Papers must be between 20 and 25 pages, references and appendices
included (no length exemptions are possible). Authors who intend to
submit a paper are encouraged to click the menu item 'Paper submission'
(PDF format). To do so, they will need to have an account, or create it,
on the sciencesconf platform (go to and
click on 'create account' next to the 'Connect' button at the top of the
page). To submit, come back to the page, connect to the account and upload the

From now on, TAL will perform double-blind review: it is thus necessary
to anonymize the manuscript and the name of the pdf file. Style sheets
are available for download on the Web site of the journal


Guest editors:
- Aurélie Névéol, LIMSI-CNRS/Université Paris-Saclay, France
- Berry de Bruijn, Conseil national de recherches Canada
- Corinne Fredouille, LIA/Avignon Université, France

- Asma Ben Abacha, National Library of Medicine, USA
- Gabriel Bernier-Colborne, Conseil national de recherches Canada
- Sandra Bringay, LIRMM, Université de Montpellier, France
- Leonardo Campillos Llanos, Universidad de Madrid, Spain
- Jérôme Farinas, IRIT, Université de Toulouse, France
- Graciela Gonzalez-Hernandez, University of Pennsylvania, USA
- Natalia Grabar, STL-CNRS, Université de Lille, France
- Julia Ive, King?s College, London, UK
- Svetlana Kiritchenko, Conseil national de recherches Canada
- Hongfang Liu, Mayo Clinic, USA
- Stan Matwin, Dalhousie University, Halifax NS, Canada
- Timothy Miller, Harvard University,  USA
- Maite Oronoz, Universidad del País Vasco, Spain
- François Portet, LIG, Université de Grenoble, France
- Laurianne Sitbon, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
- Sumithra Vellupilai, King?s College, London, UK
- Meliha Yetisgen, University of Washington, USA
Back  Top

7-19IEEE JSTSP Special issue on Reconstruction of Audio from Incomplete or Highly Degraded Observations

Call for Papers
IEEE JSTSP Special Issue on

Reconstruction of Audio from Incomplete
or Highly Degraded Observations

Deadline Extended: May 1, 2020

The restoration of audio content, in particular speech and music from degraded observations, is a challenging and long-standing problem in audio processing. In particular this holds for severe degradations and incomplete observations. Traditional restoration techniques are often not applicable or perform poorly in this case. The advent of sparse signal processing in the beginning of this century and, even more recently, of (deep) machine learning has opened wide new research and design opportunities for audio restoration, among many other signal processing problems. With the aid of such contemporary tools, researchers have recently been able to achieve unprecedented success in recovering or significantly improving quality of severely degraded audio. As the field advances very quickly, the potential for improvement, as well as exploration, is hardly exhausted.

Audio restoration addresses a large number of important degradation scenarios. Further, audio restoration can be performed with varied tools. The proposed issue will serve both as a comprehensive primer on the state-of-the-art, and a showcase of current developments within the field, targeting newcomers as well as already experienced researchers.

Topics of interest in this special issue include (but are not limited to):

  • Restoration problems:
    packet loss concealment; inpainting; declipping; dequantization; phase recovery; bandwidth extension; coding artifact removal; compressive sampling recovery; dynamic range decompression; reconstructing audio signals from features,
  • Methodological frameworks:
    time-frequency representations; (non-)convex optimization; operator and dictionary learning; nonnegative matrix/tensor factorization; (end-to-end) artificial neural networks; generative networks (e.g., generative adversarial nets and variational autoencoders); graph signal processing; psychoacoustics.

Excellent articles that cannot be accommodated in the special issue will be automatically transferred (without re-submission) and considered for regular publication in IEEE/ACM TASLP.
This special issue encourages reproducible research: authors are invited to provide their code and data, to use available material for benchmarking (e.g. SMALL dataset), and to contribute by any means (e.g., high-quality datasets and code, challenges) to the sustainability, the reproducibility and the reliability of the research works in the proposed topics.

Accepted articles are immediately published as Early Access and do not wait until the entire special issue is closed.

Prospective authors should follow the instructions given on the IEEE JSTSP webpages and submit their manuscript to the web submission system.


Important Dates


  • Manuscript submission:  May 1, 2020 (Extended)

  • Decision notification:  July 1, 2020

  • Revised manuscript due:  August 1, 2020

  • Second reviews completed:  September 15, 2020

  • Final manuscript due:  November 1, 2020


Guest Editors


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7-20CFP: Special Issue of JMUI on 'Behavior and Usability Analysis for Multimodal User Interfaces' i

CFP: Special Issue on ?Behavior and Usability Analysis for Multimodal User Interfaces? in JMUI

Joint analysis of different modalities of user inputs such as text, speech, voice, facial expressions, gesture, and physiological signals, is an important area of research, and highly beneficial in more natural and effective forms of intelligent human computer interaction. With the recent dramatic advances in machine learning, signal processing, computer vision, and natural language processing, variety of multimodal applications increases every day. Application areas include healthcare, autonomous driving, robotics, sports analytics, neuromarketing, psychological and physiological assessment, surveillance, gaming, and augmented/virtual reality. Consequently, in the era of intelligent systems, reliable interpretation of human behavior and detailed analysis of usability for multimodal user interfaces gain further importance.  

We solicit contributions to a special issue of the Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces on ?Behavior and Usability Analysis for Multimodal User Interfaces.? For this special issue, we welcome technical and empirical studies that focus on (a) interpretation and modeling of behavioral patterns, and (b) analysis and assessment of usability for multimodal human computer interaction. The topics include, but are not restricted to:

- Usability analysis
- User-centered interaction
- Human activity analysis
- Social signal processing
- Facial expression and gesture recognition
- Face and body tracking
- Speech recognition and voice analysis
- Text analysis
- Psychological and physiological assessment
- Multimodal fusion
- Spatio-temporal dynamics of actions and behavior
- Benchmarking studies on novel databases

Submissions must represent original material. Papers are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has been neither submitted to, nor published in, another journal or conference. All manuscripts will undergo a rigorous review process. Please indicate in your cover letter that you are submitting to the special issue. The authors are required to follow the Submission Guidelines of the Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces:

Deadline for paper submission: 10 May 2020
Notification of review outcome: 5 July 2020
Camera-ready version of accepted papers: 9 August 2020
Estimated publication date: Autumn 2020  

Jean-Claude Martin, LIMSI/CNRS - University Paris South XI

Hamdi Dibeklioglu, Bilkent University
Elif Surer, Middle East Technical University
Albert Ali Salah, Utrecht University
Thierry Dutoit, University of Mons

To submit a manuscript, visit

For more information contact:
Asst. Prof. Dr. Hamdi Dibeklioglu
Department of Computer Engineering,
Bilkent University
06800 Bilkent - Ankara, Turkey
phone: +90 (312) 290 1187
Back  Top

7-21Call for special issues in Computer, Speech and Language.


Computer Speech and Language

Computer Speech & Language publishes reports of original research related to the recognition, understanding, production, coding and mining of speech and language.

The speech and language sciences have a long history, but it is only relatively recently that large-scale implementation of and experimentation with complex models of speech and language processing has become feasible. Such research is often carried out somewhat separately by practitioners of artificial intelligence, computer science, electronic engineering, information retrieval, linguistics, phonetics, or psychology.

The journal provides a focus for this work, and encourages an interdisciplinary approach to speech and language research and technology. Thus contributions from all of the related fields are welcomed in the form of reports of theoretical or experimental studies, tutorials, reviews, and brief correspondence pertaining to models and their implementation, or reports of fundamental research leading to the improvement of such models.

The Editors of Computer Speech and Language are currently seeking high-quality new proposals for special issues. The topic of a special issue should be relevant to the aims and scope of Computer Speech and Language, as detailed above.,

Preparing a Proposal for a Special Issue Those wishing to propose a special issue of Computer Speech and Language should prepare a proposal that:

  • Sets out the importance of the area that the special issue will focus on
  • Explains the anticipated contribution of the special issue in advancing understanding in this area
    1. Identifies papers and authors for possible inclusion in the special issue, with a brief description of each paper. (These papers do not need to have been written at this time, although our assumption is that most will be based on work already in progress.) Where a given author(s) has published extensively on a subject already, it is necessary to indicate the new contribution to be made by the proposed paper
    2. Indicates the schedule in which the special issue could be produced (paper writing, reviewing, submission of final copy to the journal), assuming the proposal is accepted
  • Includes a short biography of all authors and the Guest Editors

Please send proposals to our Special Issues Co-ordinator for initial approval and discussion:


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