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ISCApad Archive  »  2019  »  ISCApad #258  »  Jobs  »  (2019-07-29) PhD position, Vrij Universiteit Berussels, Belgkium

ISCApad #258

Tuesday, December 10, 2019 by Chris Wellekens

6-16 (2019-07-29) PhD position, Vrij Universiteit Berussels, Belgkium

PhD position in

Agent Based Modeling of

Cognitively Plausible Emergent Behavior


In the context of seed funding for AI research in Flanders prof. Bart de Boer is looking for a PhD student for the origins of language group of the AI-lab of the Vrije Universiteit Brussels.


PhD position offered

We offer a four year PhD position funded by a scholarship with a yearly bench fee. The PhD work will consist of building an agent-based simulation in which we can investigate emergence of behavior in a cognitively realistic setting. This means that the agents are not fully rational and that they show behavior similar to that of humans, and that interests of agents are not necessarily always aligned. The modeling will primarily focus on emergence of speech, but the simulation should be general enough that it can be easily adapted to other areas, such as traffic or economic interactions.


What we are looking for

We are looking for an enthusiastic student with a degree in artificial intelligence, cognitive science, linguistics or equivalent and who has experience programming agent-based or cognitive models, preferably in Python or C++. Knowledge of speech and speech processing is a bonus. The starting date is negotiable, but preferably no later than September 2019.


How to apply

Send a recent CV, detailing your academic record and your programming experience as well as a letter of motivation to prof. Bart de Boer. At this stage we ask you not to send copies of your diplomas or letters of reference. These we will request directly if we decide to further pursue your application, If you have any questions please email prof. Bart de Boer.




Email Bart de Boer:

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