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ISCApad Archive  »  2019  »  ISCApad #257  »  Events  »  ISCA Supported Events

ISCApad #257

Tuesday, November 12, 2019 by Chris Wellekens

3-2 ISCA Supported Events
3-2-1(2020-05-10)Joint SLTU and CCURL workshops, Marseille,France

LREC 2020 Satellite Event

1st Joint SLTU (Spoken Language Technologies for Underresourced

languages) and CCURL (Collaboration and

Computing for Under-Resourced Languages) Workshop.

(*subject to acceptance by LREC Workshop committee)

Marseille, France – May 10th-12th 2020


This year SLTU and CCURL workshops will have a shared event as a satellite of LREC 2020

in Marseille (France). Organized by SIGUL, a joint Special Interest Group of the European

Language Resources Association (ELRA) and of the International Speech Communication

Association (ISCA), this joint workshop will gather researchers working on speech processing

and NLP for low resourced languages.

Important Dates

Paper submission: January 31st 2020

Notification of Acceptance: February 28th 2020

Workshop: 10-12 May 2020


Dorothee Beermann (NTNU, Norway)

Laurent Besacier (LIG, Grenoble, France)

Sakriani Sakti (NAIST, Nara, Japan)

Claudia Soria (CNR-ILC, Pisa, Italy)


The workshop is organized by SIGUL, a joint Special Interest Group of the European

Language Resources Association (ELRA) and of the International Speech Communication

Association (ISCA).

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3-2-2(2020-05-24) SProSIG conference, Tokyo, Japan

Dear SProSIG members,


As previously announced, the next speech prosody conference will be

held from May 24 to 28, 2020 at the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.


The deadline for proposals for workshops, tutorials, and special sessions

is Sep 15. If you have any interest in organizing such an activity, please

send your proposal to


We appreciate if you can circulate this also to your domestic speech prosody

mailing lists.


Best wishes,


SP2020 chair

Nobuaki MINEMATSU @ UTokyo

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3-2-3(2020-08-16) 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI), Sonderborg, Denmark


1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI)

'Tone and Intonation in a globalized, digital world'

Sonderborg, Denmark

16-20 August 2020

The 1st edition of the Tone-and-Intonation (TAI) conference series is proudly hosted by the Centre of Industrial Electronics (CIE) at the University of Southern Denmark. Being a merger of the two former conference series TAL (Tonal Aspects of Languages) and TIE (Tone and Intonation in Europe), TAI 2020 welcomes contributions on phonetic and phonological analyses of prosody including (but not limited to) topics related to the production and perception of prosody and rhythm, the semantics and pragmatics of prosody, the acquisition and teaching of prosody in L1 and L2, and cross-linguistic comparisons of prosody.  In addition, in TAI 2020 a number of sessions will be dedicated to the conference theme of globalization and digitization. In this context, we also encourage researchers of neighboring disciplines to submit papers related to tone and intonation to the conference.

Globalization poses increasing challenges to both societies and individuals in terms of language contact and language acquisition. Digitization opens up new ways of human-human and human-machine interaction. In both contexts, tone and intonation are special linguistic, technical and didactic hurdles. Their better understanding not only has the potential for deeper insights into the nature of speech communication but can also decisively shape the communication of tomorrow.


Centre of Industrial Electronics (CIE) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) on science campus Alsion, Sonderborg, Denmark ( The SDU is both the third-largest and the third-oldest Danish university. Since the introduction of the ranking systems in 2012, the University of Southern Denmark has consistently been ranked as one of the top 50 young universities in the world by both the Times Higher Education World University Rankings and the QS World University Rankings. The SDU is also among the top 20 universities in Scandinavia.


- Mariapaola D'Imperio (Rutgers University, USA)

- Peggy Mok (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)

- Stefan Baumann (University of Cologne, Germany)

- Hans Basböll (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)


01 March 2020 Online abstract submission opens
19 April 2020 Abstract submission deadline
31 May 2020 Notification of acceptance
21 June 2020 Early bird registration deadline
16-20 August 2020 1st Tone-and-Intonation Conference, Sonderborg, Denmark

01 November 2020 Deadline for the submission of a revised abstract and an optional 5-page full paper (4 pages of text plus 1 page for references only)

Registrations are made through the conference website. Abstract and paper submission will be handled via the EasyChair platform. More detailed information about the submission procedure and about the abstract/paper formatting requirements will be available on the conference website soon.

TAI 2020 is co-sponsored by ISCA (International Speech Communication Association) and the IPA (International Phonetic Association). We are pleased to offer 5 IPA Student Awards that will cover the early bird student registration fee. Further ISCA-sponsored grants (max. 3) might be added soon. Please check the website for further information on how to apply.

Oliver Niebuhr

Associate Professor of Communication & Innovation

SDU Electrical Engineering

CIE - Centre for Industrial Electronics

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