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ISCApad Archive  »  2019  »  ISCApad #255  »  ISCA News  »  Letter to INTERSPEECH 2019 participants

ISCApad #255

Tuesday, September 10, 2019 by Chris Wellekens

2-2 Letter to INTERSPEECH 2019 participants


Dear registered Participants and Exhibitors,

This is the last email you receive before INTERSPEECH 2019 starts, it is a long mail but it contains a wealth of useful information, so we strongly recommend to read it carefully so as to optimize your conference experience!

1. Before leaving home - make your online purchase of a weekly pass @ 15.20 EUR for public transport in Graz and print it! Details are given here. If you bring the printed ticket with you, even the trip from the airport to the city centre will be included.

2. Speaking of which - be smart and register on Sunday already, even if you do not attend a tutorial! Avoid the Monday morning queues, the desk will be held open on Sunday from 8:00 to 18:00! General registration desk opening times can be found here. Be sure to bring your registration and payment confirmation when picking up your badge and other conference materials. We have printed different faces of Austrian scientists on the badge to encode the various options you have selected, like Printed Abstract Book, Admission to Tutorials, Social Events etc. So no additional tickets - but it is important that you always keep your badge visible to get access to all included services!

3. We have received tremendous support from our sponsoring partners which has allowed us to keep registration fees lower than in past years while adding a lot of value for you. We take this opportunity to thank our sponsoring partners for their generosity and we believe that many of you will be interested to enrich their conference experience by interacting directly with them. To get in contact with them, we provide you with email addresses of those partners who have provided us with such a point of contact, see the following list:


     Facebook artificial intelligence:

Yahoo! JAPAN:    

By writing to them, you will receive further information about any special opportunities offered by a partner during the conference. Please note that due to the General Data Protection Regulation we must not forward any personal data directly to a third party.

4. You can download our conference app right now. It is availabable for iOS and Android devices (and a simplified web browser version), please follow this link or type 'interspeech2019' in the Google Play or Apple iOS App Stores.

5. Finally, some practicalities:

- Here are the access data for the WLAN at the conference centre:

  SSID: Interspeech2019
  PW:   Graz2019

- For lunch options, please have a look at the food guide on our website.

We are looking forward to welcoming you all in Graz and enjoy a wonderful week with you. Please join us in making this a most memorable event!

The INTERSPEECH 2019 Organizing Committee

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