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ISCApad Archive  »  2019  »  ISCApad #255  »  Events  »  ISCA Events  »  (2019-09-19) 'Diversity within ISCA' Brown bag lunch at Interspeech

ISCApad #255

Tuesday, September 10, 2019 by Chris Wellekens

3-1-9 (2019-09-19) 'Diversity within ISCA' Brown bag lunch at Interspeech

Title: 'Diversity within ISCA' Brown bag lunch at Interspeech, Thu Sept 19, 12:15-13:15,
Hall 1

Earlier in 2019, the ISCA Gender Equality Committee (GEC) was created with the task of
increasing gender equality.

During Interspeech 2019, the ISCA-GEC will organise a brown bag lunch at the Interspeech
conference venue on Thursday September 19
Time: 12:15-13:15 (during the lunch break)
Location: Hall 1.

During this meeting, we will
- present numbers related to diversity within ISCA, with a focus on gender diversity
- review the state of scientific research about the causes of the gender gap in science
and technology
- hints and tips for everyone (i.e., males and females!) on what can be done to reduce
this gender gap
- next steps / discussion time

We hope to see many of you there as diversity is an issue for all of us!

Best wishes,
The ISCA Gender Equality Committee

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