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ISCApad Archive  »  2019  »  ISCApad #251  »  Jobs  »  (2019-02-27) Postdoctoral position at IRISA Rennes France

ISCApad #251

Sunday, May 12, 2019 by Chris Wellekens

6-52 (2019-02-27) Postdoctoral position at IRISA Rennes France

Postdoctoral researcher


Job description
CONTEXT IRISA ( is the largest research laboratory dedicated to computer science in France, hosting more than 800 people and 40 research teams. Its activities spans all the fields of computer science. It is located in Rennes, Lannion, and Vannes. The Expression team ( focuses on natural language processing (NLP), be it through texts, speech or gestures. In particular, it has internationally recognized expertise in textto-speech (TTS). The opened position is part of a project aimed at the synthesis of the Breton language. The recruited person will collaborate with other researchers and engineers implied in NLP and TTS.
TASKS Development of NLP modules for Breton and integration in a TTS pipeline, i.e.:

1. Phonetization, grapheme-to-phoneme conversion.

2. Text normalization.

3. POS tagging and chunking ;

4. Adaptation of the team’s TTS engine. The position also includes data management and project monitoring tasks.

• PhD in computer science

• Recent skills in natural language processing

• Recent skills in machine learning

• Top academic and publication records

• Good communication skills

• Team work experience


• 18 month, full time.

• Campus of Lannion (22).

• Competitive salary, depending on the experience.

• Starting as soon as possible.


Please send a cover letter and resume to :

• Gwénolé Lecorvé,

• Damien Lolive,

Application deadline: 31th March 2019.

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