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ISCApad Archive  »  2019  »  ISCApad #251  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2019-05-12) CfDemos ICASSP 2019, Brighton, UK

ISCApad #251

Sunday, May 12, 2019 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-29 (2019-05-12) CfDemos ICASSP 2019, Brighton, UK

Call for Demo Proposals


ICASSP 2019 has the promotion of Signal Processing Innovation at the very core of its activities and thus cordially welcomes proposals for 'show-and-tell' demonstration sessions (demos). These have been proven to serve both as a natural platform for researchers from academia and industry to demonstrate their groundbreaking prototypes, elucidate innovative signal processing solutions, or as a wider discussion forum.

The theme of ICASSP 2019 is 'Empowering Science and Technology for Humankind', and the organisers of ICASSP 2019 encourage presentations of demos related to any of the technical areas within this over-arching theme and the remit of IEEE SPS, as summarised at Call for Papers page.

A successful demo proposal will be allocated space in the central Reception/Exhibition area and will run in parallel to the standard technical sessions. The full ICASSP program can be found at the Conference Overview page

The ?show-and-tell? presenters will have at their disposal: a table, a board for a poster/banner, and an electrical power connection. It is the responsibility of the presenters to cater for any other equipment, shipping and delivery costs, and care of their exhibit items during the conference.

As a demonstrator, you will need to register for ICASSP, in order to be given a demonstrator's kit. Once at the conference site, please liaise with the local organisers regarding any practical issue, including set-up times and layout of your demonstration space.

The deadline for submission of proposals is March 18, 2019, while the decisions on the successful proposals for presentation will be made by March 25, 2019. To submit your proposal, please visit Demo Proposal Submission Form page

To enquire about any issue related prior to your demo proposal, please contact the TC Chairs of
ICASSP 2019 at
We very much look forward to welcoming you at ICASSP in Brighton, a venue where Signal Processing meets needs of modern humankind.


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