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ISCApad Archive  »  2019  »  ISCApad #248  »  ISCA News

ISCApad #248

Tuesday, February 12, 2019 by Chris Wellekens

2 ISCA News
2-1Message from President Professor John Hansen




Dear ISCA Members Worldwide,

On behalf of the ISCA board, I am sending all best wishes for a Happy an d Prosperous New Year 2019!

As we enter 2019, it is maybe useful to look back and remind ourselves o f memories of past events like the successful INTERSPEECH 2018 in Hyderabad , India (the first time a major speech conference has taken place in India) , and to look forward to our next INTERSPEECH 2019 taking place in Graz, Au stria (; that's Austria, Austria, Austr ia!) . The full paper submission deadline is approaching on March 29, 2019 and we all very much hope to see you in Graz this September 15-19, 2019!

I will also add there are a number of Special Sessions & Challenges which have been recently posted for you to consider in your submissions, so please check these out (the Interspeech-2019 Organizing Committee has rece ived many applications and these are the final selections, which will help shape the technical program for IS-19):

January is also the time for nominations for ISCA Fellow! Please conside r nominating one of your colleagues who has made significant contributions to the field of speech communications – including science and technol ogy domains! Nomination forms and information is available at this location :

We are also encouraging you to consider hosting/inviting one of our ISCA Distinguished Lecturers: Prof. Takayuki Arai (Professor, Sophia University , Japan)  and Dr. Daniel Hirst, (Directeur de Recherche Emeritus, CNRS & Aix-Marseille University, France) to visit your university to give a talk! We especially encourage schools or regions which may not have as man y visitors/conferences in the field of speech communications to send a requ est. More information is located at:

(if you wish to be considered for an ISCA Distinguished Lecturer, the de adline for nominations is Jan. 31st (this week!)

Also, the ISCA Board has been working to strengthen our commitment to di versity, which includes gender, ethnicity, regional, and science/technology . With respect to gender, ISCA is announcing a new initiative for WomenNspe ech ( which we are hopeful will help those organizing workshops/conferences, those seekin g to expand educational support based on Distinguished Lecturers, and final ly those involved in either faculty search for recent graduates or awards r ecognition. Please check out the newly released ISCA website for more infor mation!! (and contact info!).

Finally, we welcome all comments and feedback – as the ISCA Board is here to serve and enhance the speech communication society through our m embership. The ISCA Board encourages you to get involved and actively engag e in the various discussions on how to further improve our association.


My best wishes for a productive, safe, and prosperous year 2019!


John Hansen, ISCA President





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2-2Important information: ACTION REQUIRED

At the start of this new year 2019, we invite you to update your contact and
professional information on the ISCA Membership Portal:


If you are one of the people who have multiple START IDs with different emails, please let us know your preferred username and we will see about cleaning this up.

 We are also updating the reviewer base in anticipation of Interspeech 2019.
 Please think to nominate yourself or your colleagues to serve as reviewers.
 The recommended required experience is for the nominee to have obtained their
 PhD and be first author of at least one journal article or several conference
 papers. If the nominee stopped their studies with a Masters, they should have
 at least 5-7 years of experience and be the first author of at least one or
 two journal articles and several conference papers.

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2-3Call for papers 10th Christian Benoit award.

 Tenth Christian Benoît Award conferred by the International Speech Communication Association  and the Association Francophone de la Communication Parlée
Deadline May 15, 2019
The Christian Benoît Award has been conferred periodically by the Association Christian Benoit until 2017. In 2018, the oversight of this Award was assumed  by ISCA and sponsored jointly by both ISCA and AFCP. It is awarded through a competitive nomination and review process to promising young scientists in the domain of SPEECH COMMUNICATION to further their career in the field. The focus of the award’s research topic may emphasize basic science or applied research projects.
The Award provides the elected scientist with financial support for the development of a personal short-term research project that:  (1) illustrates concretely the achievements of her/his research work; (2) could help in promoting his/her work in the scientific community, institutions and grant agencies in their geographical region/country; (3) gives an overall view of the state of the art in the particular research domain.  The proposed research project can take on the form of a demonstration, a technical product/system, or of a pedagogical multi-media product (movie, website, interactive software…).
The Award is valued at 7,500 Euros(*)
The commitments of the elected scientist who receives the award are: -- to attend the Interspeech-2019 Conference in Graz, Austria -- to deliver the final product of the project within 2 years -- to present her/his results at a future ISCA-endorsed event, specific to the research domain of the applicant.
In the application, the candidate should provide -- a statement of research interests (2 pages max), -- a detailed curriculum vitae including a list of the most relevant publications for the project. -- a description of the proposed short-term research project (5 to 15 pages max). The description should include a presentation of the scientific and/or pedagogical objectives and the methodological aspects, a link to the former research work of the applicant, and a detailed description of the provisional budget.
Applications will be evaluated by an international committee including experts in the field of Speech Communication and representatives of the institutions supporting the award.
Applications should be sent to before Monday May 15, 2019 Electronic submissions are mandatory
The successful candidate will be notified by June 15, 2019. The Award will be conferred at the Interspeech-2019 Conference in Graz, Austria (

* 3,500 Euros will be given immediately; with the remaining 4,000 Euros  available on reception of the multimedia project by the chair of the ISCA Award committee. Travel and registration costs necessary to attend the Interspeech 2019 Conference will have to be paid from this grant.
** For details about the Association Christian Benoît and the past awardees of the Christian Benoît Award see



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2-4Election of members for the Board of ISCA (2019-2023)

Election of members for the Board of ISCA (2019-2023)

We are seeking candidates for the ISCA Board 2019-2023. Would you l ike to get involved?

The ISCA Board currently has 14 members from 8 countries (see full list below). Members are elected to the Board for a period of four years and no member may serve on the Board f or more than two consecutive terms. The following Board member will have se rved for two consecutive terms in August, Satoshi Nakamura, and thus will b e retiring. John Hansen, Sebastian Möller and Torbjørn Svendsen are standing for re-election, Lori Lamel may stand and Kay Berkling is not standing for re-election.

According to the ISCA by-law s, elections to the Board will take place in April-May 2019. We invite nomi nations from the ISCA membership. Each nomination requires the support of t hree members of the Association and agreement from the candidate (e.g., by email). The ISCA statutes specify a maximum of three Board members from any one country. Each ISCA member will be asked to cast a anonymous ballot in the election, via a survey website.

Members elected to the Board will be expected to have one of the areas of responsibility listed below, to commit time to furthering the work of ISCA in their area, to attend the two-day Board meetings that take place at each annual INTERSPEECH conferenc e and to participate in additional virtual meetings during the year (teleco nferences). All candidates should be aware of these obligations and commit themselves to fulfilling them before agreeing to be nominated.

The Board will accept nominations either from proposers or self-nominations, as long as indicatio n of support is provided. Please send your nomination(s) to the ISCA Secret ariat BEFORE March 1st, 2019 ( Friday) with the following information:

Full Name and Title:
Position and Institution:
Research area:
Indication of willingness to serve if elected:
Short biography (one paragraph)
Short statement (one paragraph, describing the work they would intend to do on the Board)
Names and emails of three proposers (ISCA members).

Please provide a photo, for posting on the ballot.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further information about the nomination proc ess or about duties of ISCA Board members.

Best regards,
Kate Knill (ISCA Secretary)

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2-5Call for nominations of ISCA Distinguished Lecturers 2019-2020 and 2020-2021
ISCA Distinguished Lecturers for 2019-20 or 2020-2021 - Call for Nominations




Dear ISCA Member,




We are now open for nominations for ISCA?s Distinguished Lecturers for the periods 2019-20 or 2020-2021   Details of the scheme are available at




Each nomination should include the following information:


 - a short biography of the candidate including selected publications (or a website/resume that provides this information)


 - topics/titles of up to three possible lectures that the nominee could give


 - the intended under-represented region (if known)




Self-nominations are encouraged.  Other nominators must ensure the nominee is willing to serve if selected.  Nominations from previous years will be only considered if updated.




Nominations should be sent to before 31 January 2019.




Thank You




Roger K. Moore


Chair: ISCA Distinguished Lecturers  Selection Committee
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2-6ISCA Distinguished lecturers for 2018-2019

We are pleased to announce the Distinguished Lecturers for 2018-2019:


(1)   Dr. Daniel Hirst, Directeur de Recherche Emeritus, CNRS & Aix-Marseille University, France

(2)  Prof. Takayuki  Arai, Professor, Department of Information and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Sophia University, Japan


Satoshi Nakamura

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2-7Videos of Interspeech and ISCA supported conferences
Video archives are available in 
where keynote speeches from IS 2010 can be seen. You will also find video archives 
of many other conferences.
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2-8Interspeech 2018 photo gallery


The Interspeech 2018 photo gallery is now available here:


 The photographs are representative and to go to the respective albums, please click on the photographs.


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2-9Interspeech 2018, Tutorial slides


Interspeech 2018 tutorial slides are now available on the conference webpage:

Tutorials Committee
Interspeech 2018
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