ISCA - International Speech
Communication Association

ISCApad Archive  »  2018  »  ISCApad #245  »  Editorial

ISCApad #245

Saturday, November 10, 2018 by Chris Wellekens

1 Editorial

Dear ISCA Members,

The aim of ISCApad is at being a living link between ISCA members:  board decisions, conferences, books, journals, jobs, industry and academic notes are monthly reported in ISCApad whose new issues are announced to the members with a circular mail (push action).Be sure my mailing address is not rejected for security reasons by your mail manager!

In order to be efficient, the informations should be delivered on time: conferences calls should give time to authors to prepare a paper, job applications should be announced several months before the  submission deadline, attendance at conferences may require a long preparation time (travel organisation, passports and visas applications, funding...). Please pay attention to this slight but essential constraint.

Some sections have been open on request like industry notes (extended later into academic and industry notes) or recent theses. Please use them: our SAC section has been contacted to strenghten the link with ISCApad.

In section Vademecum (just after this editorial), you will find how to  efficiently collaborate.

I remain at the service of our community.

Prof.em.Christian Wellekens

Institut Eurecom

Sophia Antipolis


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ISCApad is the  monthly newspaper of ISCA. It is edited independantly of ISCA web but in collaboration with ISCA secretariat: ISCApad and ISCA web are thus complementary.

All announcements are free: it is a service to the community. They must be sent to the editor at before the 5th of each month to be included in the issue of this month (tentatively posted on the web on  the 10th of the month).

The member mailing list is used to inform the members as soon as a new issue is posted on the web. Members should check whether the mailing is not blocked by the server of their company. ISCA member mailing list is never used by the editor for other reason but  on special request of urgency to the editor (cancellation of a conference or modification of its venue or dates).

All sections are regularly updated but not at the same frequencies.

Section devoted to events (ISCA events or others) are updated each month: event announcements are kept posted up to their date. Only events related to speech science and technology are accepted. The date in front of the title is the first day of the event. organizers who want to modify a deadline between two ISCApad issues should send a personal message to the editor who will modify 'on the fly'.

Section announcing new positions is open to every announcer of a speech job; of course disciplines strongly related to speech are also considered like deep and machine learning or to speech applications (medical, robotics, man-machine communication,...).  Announcements are deleted after six months but a premature cancellation asked by the announcer. The date in front of the title is the date of the reception of the announcement by the editor. Be attentive: announcers are sometimes employment agencies.

Section on ressources is updated at the request of ressource providers (LDC, ELRA, Speechocean,...). Softwares and databases proposed by individual researchers are usually free of charge. They are just announced  and ISCA will never serve as an intermediate for a commercial transaction.

Section on new books is open to recently published books in speech science. It is not intented to write any comments on them. They are announced together with the introduction (4th cover page) by the book publisher. Usually book announcements are kept on line for one year...

Future Journal issues are withdrawn at the tentative publication date or if not known, at the final version deadline.

Young PhD's are heartly welcome to announce the title of their recent thesis along the format they can mimic from the current ISCApad issue.  'Old' theses will be skipped after a 'reasonable' delay.

July 2018

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