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ISCApad Archive  »  2018  »  ISCApad #244  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2018-10-22) 8th Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop -AVEC 2018, Seoul Korea

ISCApad #244

Friday, October 12, 2018 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-9 (2018-10-22) 8th Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop -AVEC 2018, Seoul Korea
8th Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop ? AVEC 2018
Co-located with ACM Multimedia 2018 conference, 22-26 October, Seoul, Korea
We are calling for participation in the 8th Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop (AVEC 2018), an ACM MM Challenge Workshop themed around two topics: for the first time in a challenge bipolar disorder and emotion recognition. Bipolar disorder (BD) is a serious mental health disorder, with patients experiencing either manic or depressive episodes. Those with BD tend to live with this long-term. The purpose of the Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop (AVEC) series is to bring together multiple communities from different disciplines, in particular the audio-visual multimedia communities and those in the psychological and social sciences who study expressive behaviour and emotion. The AVEC 2018 challenge theme is on Bipolar disorder and Cross-cultural emotion, and it is the eighth competition event aimed at comparison of multimedia processing and machine learning methods for automatic audio, visual, and audiovisual health and emotion analysis, with all participants competing under strictly the same conditions. It introduces major novelties this year with three separated sub-challenges:
  • Bipolar Disorder Sub-challenge (BDS) ? participants have to classify patients suffering from bipolar disorder into remission, hypo-mania and mania, as defined by the young mania rating scale, from audio-visual recordings of structured interviews (BD corpus); performance is measured by the unweighted average recall over the three classes.
  • Cross-cultural Emotion Sub-challenge (CES) ? participants have to predict the level of three emotional dimensions (arousal, valence, and likability) time-continuously in a cross-cultural setup (German => Hungarian) from audio-visual recordings of dyadic interactions (SEWA corpus); performance is the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) averaged over the dimensions.
  • Gold-standard Emotion Sub-Challenge (GES) ? participants have to generate a gold-standard (i.e., a single time series of emotion labels) from individual ratings of emotional dimensions (arousal, valence) that will be evaluated by a multimodal (audio, video, physiology) emotion recognition system from recordings of dyadic interactions (RECOLA corpus); performance is the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) averaged over the dimensions.
In order to participate in the Challenge, please register your team by following the challenge guidelines.
We encourage both - contributions aiming at highest performance w.r.t. the baselines provided by the organisers, and contributions aiming at finding new and interesting insights w.r.t. these challenges. Besides participation in the challenge, we are also encouraging submissions of original contributions on the following topics (not limited to):
  • Multimodal Affect Sensing
    • Audio-based Health/Emotion Recognition
    • Video-based Health/Emotion Recognition
    • Physiological-based Health/Emotion Recognition
    • Multimodal Representation Learning
    • Semi-supervised and Unsupervised Learning
    • Multi-view learning of Multiple Dimensions
    • Personalised Health/Emotion Recognition
    • Context in Health/Emotion Recognition
    • Multiple Rater Ambiguity and Asynchrony
  • Application
    • Multimedia Coding and Retrieval
    • Mobile and Online Applications 
Important Dates
  • Paper submission: June 30, 2018
  • Notification of acceptance: July 31, 2018
  • Camera ready paper: August 14, 2018
  • Workshop: October 22-26, 2018 (to be communicated)
Fabien Ringeval, Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, France
Björn Schuller, Imperial College London/University of Augsburg, UK/Germany
Michel Valstar, University of Nottingham, UK
Roddy Cowie, Queen?s University Belfast, UK
Maja Pantic, Imperial College London/University of Twente, UK/The Netherlands

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