ISCA has a responsibility to help and encourage students to enter the Speech Communication area. This responsibility is important because the multidisciplinary nature of speech research raises problems for how students are introduced to our field. ISCA has developed an outreach and education project which addresses that problem. An on-line portal on the ISCA website, SCOOT, will jump-start newcomers to the field and guide them along sequenced learning pathways towards active research questions. SCOOT stands for Speech COmmunication On line Training. The goal is to provide students in speech communication with up-to date learning resources which they can browse according to their individual needs. SCOOT uses only material which is already freely available on the internet. The first version of SCOOT will be launched at Interspeech18 in Hyderabad. Of course, it will never be finished and we will set up a mechanism by which people can add to it and refine it.