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ISCApad #242

Friday, August 10, 2018 by Chris Wellekens

3-2-5 (2018-09-08) Satellite Events of INTERSPEECH 2018: Speech Processing in Challenging Environments (SPICE), IISc Bangalore, India

Satellite Events of INTERSPEECH 2018: Speech Processing in Challenging Environments (SPICE)

Date: September 08, 2018
Location: IISc Bangalore, India.

Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore and DRDO are happy to announce this 1st edition of the International Workshop on Speech Processing in Challenging Environments (SPICE) as a part of the Satellite Events of Interspeech 2018. The automatic speech processing techniques for various tasks have matured steadily from being effective under purely under benign conditions towards more challenging ones. Even then, their performance under noisy environments still remains far from those of humans. Not only the environmental noise, but also the effects of noisy transmission channels pose serious challenges in robust processing of such speech signals. Examples of such signals are speech signals transmitted over radio equipment, far-field recordings, recordings collected from open broadcasts and public meetings and battlefield recordings to name a few. Each of such scenarios brings unique challenges in the pre-processing and feature computation from the speech signal to enhance the quality of the signal and make it suitable for the targeted tasks. The aim of the workshop is to bring experts working in the related areas for pedagogic tutorial sessions.


All researchers are welcomed to register! 

The list of speaker and tutorial will be announced in August, 2018

Registration will be opened soon


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