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ISCApad Archive  »  2018  »  ISCApad #242  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2018-09-07) 5th Machine Learning in Speech and Language Processing Workshop (MLSLP-2018), Hyderabad, India

ISCApad #242

Friday, August 10, 2018 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-28 (2018-09-07) 5th Machine Learning in Speech and Language Processing Workshop (MLSLP-2018), Hyderabad, India
MLSLP-2018, Hyderabad, India, September 7, 2018

5th Machine Learning in Speech and Language Processing Workshop (MLSLP-2018)
Satellite workshop of Interspeech 2018, Hyderabad, India

== Important Dates:
- Abstracts due: 2 July 2018
- Notification of acceptance: 16 July 2018
- Final abstract/paper deadline: 30 July 2018
- Registration deadline: 30 July 2018 (Registration is free for all attendees!)
- Workshop date: 7 September 2018

== Topic:

MLSLP is a recurring workshop, often joint with machine learning or speech/natural language processing conferences. While research in speech and language processing has always involved machine learning, current research is benefiting from even closer interaction between these fields. Speech and language processing is continually mining new ideas from machine learning (ML) and ML, in turn, is devoting more interest to speech and language applications. This workshop aims to be a venue for identifying and incubating the next waves of research directions for interaction and collaboration. The workshop will not be yet another venue for applications of deep learning to speech and language processing, as this is already well covered by major conferences. It will, however, include new directions for deep learning in speech/language, as well as other emerging ideas. In general, the workshop will (1) discuss the emerging research ideas with potential for impact in speech/language and (2) bring together relevant researchers from ML and speech/language who may not regularly interact at conferences. MLSLP is a workshop of SIGML, the Special Interest Group on machine learning in speech and language processing of ISCA (the International Speech Communication Association).

== Call for Participation

Abstracts should be submitted electronically via the following submission site:

Abstracts are limited to 2 pages of text, plus one page (maximum) for references only. Please use the main Interspeech two-column format, with the 2-page limit. Submissions that exceed the page limit or do not conform to the guidelines will be rejected without review. Submissions must be submitted in PDF format.

Submitted abstracts may include new work and/or a summary of the authors' work that has been recently published or is under review in another conference or journal. In the interest of spurring discussion, we also encourage authors to submit work in progress with only preliminary results.

== Preliminary Program:

The workshop will include the following events:
* A series of talks by senior researchers in the field of speech and language processing
* A series of short talks by postdoctoral scholars/graduate students
* A poster session for workshop attendees to present their own research
* A lunch for all the attendees

== Organizing committee:

Preethi Jyothi (general chair) / Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Rohit Prabhavalkar (general chair) / Google Inc.
Liang Lu (program chair) / Microsoft Inc.
Tara Sainath (program chair) / Google Inc.

== Scientific committee:

Yossi Adi / Bar-Ilan University
Ebru Arisoy / MEF University
Nancy Chen / Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR
Sriram Ganapathy / Indian Institute of Science
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson / UIUC
Yanzhang (Ryan) He / Google Inc.
Karen Livescu / TTI Chicago
Michael Mandel / Brooklyn College CUNY
Vimal Manohar / Johns Hopkins University
Petr Motlicek / Idiap Research Institute
Arun Narayanan / Google Inc.
Anton Ragni / University of Cambridge
Hao Tang / MIT

For further details, please visit: or email at

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