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ISCApad Archive  »  2018  »  ISCApad #242  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2018-09-04) CfP Special Session on Analysis of Multimedia Data for Medicine and Health, CBMI 2018, La Rochelle, France

ISCApad #242

Friday, August 10, 2018 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-21 (2018-09-04) CfP Special Session on Analysis of Multimedia Data for Medicine and Health, CBMI 2018, La Rochelle, France
Call for papers: Special Session on Analysis of Multimedia Data for Medicine and Health
CBMI 2018 - La Rochelle, France 4-6 Sept 2018

* Important dates:
Paper submission:              May 18, 2018
Notification of acceptance:    June 29, 2018
Camera-ready papers due:       July 13, 2018

* Organizers:
- Klaus Schoeffmann, Klagenfurt University, Austria,
- Cathal Gurrin, Dublin City University, Ireland,
- Stefanos Vrochidis, ITI, CERTH, Greece,
- Oge Marques, Florida Atlantic University, FL, USA,

* Call for papers:
Within the last decade we have observed the emergence of multimedia data
analysis and indexing in many new domains, including medicine and
personal health. For example, in the field of medical surgery,
interventional videos are nowadays recorded and stored in a long-term
archive, in order to analyze and use them for post-procedural scenarios,
such as operation documentation, surgical error analysis, as well as
training and teaching surgery techniques. Similarly, in the field of
personal health, images from lifelogging cameras are used to track
sports activities, to compute calories consumption, and to create
memories for elderly people with dementia, for example. Other relevant
lines of research include analysis of medical images for diagnosis
decision support, multimedia analysis and multimodal interaction with
social agents for basic care, video monitoring and multimedia fusion for
remote management of patients. This special session aims to bring
together researchers working on analysis and indexing of multimedia data
in the field of medicine and health and to provide them a venue for
sharing novel ideas and discussing their most-recent works.

* Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Medical image analysis/indexing
- Medical video analysis/indexing (e.g., endoscopic videos, microscopic
medical videos, OR-videos)
- Surgical Quality Assessment (e.g., error analysis through images or videos)
- Image and video analysis from personal sensors (e.g., lifelogging cameras)
for the purpose of health
- Lifelog data analysis in general
- Personal experiences of long-term health/wellness studies
- Multimedia analysis and retrieval for multimodal interaction in the health domain
- Multimodal conversation and dialogue systems for social companion agents
- Speech and audio analysis and retrieval for health applications
- Facial analysis and gesture recognition of patients
- Fusion of multimedia information for health and care-giving applications
- Semantic web approaches for multimedia health applications
- Visual analytics for human machine interaction in the health domain

* Submission:
Authors are invited to submit full length papers (6 pages in IEEE
double-column format) via the EasyChair system of CBMI 2018. Each
submission will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 PC members
(single-blind). *** Important note: The title and the header of the paper should include
the mention ?Submitted to Special Session on Analysis of Multimedia Data for Medicine and
Health? (e.g., as sub-title) to avoid any misclassification.

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