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ISCApad Archive  »  2018  »  ISCApad #241  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2018-08-13) UEF SUMMER SCHOOL 2018: Machine Learning Applied to Speech Technology and Autonomous Agents, Joensuu campus, Finland

ISCApad #241

Tuesday, July 10, 2018 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-29 (2018-08-13) UEF SUMMER SCHOOL 2018: Machine Learning Applied to Speech Technology and Autonomous Agents, Joensuu campus, Finland

Machine Learning Applied to Speech Technology and Autonomous Agents

JOENSUU campus, Finland
August 13-24, 2018

Registration (deadline: June 15)



Associate Prof. Tomi Kinnunen, UEF
Dr. Ville Hautamäki, UEF


Prof. Ville Kyrki, Aalto Univ. (autonomous agents)
Dr. Ali Ghadirzadeh, Aalto Univ. & KTH Royal Inst. Tech. (autonomous agents)
Dr. Md Sahidullah, INRIA (speech)
Dr. Cemal Hanilci, Bursa Tech. Univ. (speech)
Dr. Dayana Ribas, Univ. of Zaragoza (speech)
Prof. Lauri Mehtätalo, UEF (statistics)
Dr. Akihiro Kato, UEF (speech)
Dr. Rosa Gonzalez Hautamäki, UEF (speech)
Dr. Abraham Woubie, UEF (speech)


University of Eastern Finland (UEF) hosts a number of different summer
courses in August 2018. The course on Machine Learning Applied to
Speech Technology and Autonomous Agents is co-organized by the School
of Computing of the UEF and  Department of Automation and Systems
Technology of Aalto University. Contact teaching takes place from
August 13th to 17th, 2018. Individual optional project work is from
August 20th to 24th, 2018.

The course is intended to be self-contained with limited or no prior
knowledge of machine learning required. It gives a brief overview of
the relevant machine learning concepts and their applications to
speech technology and autonomous agents. Despite the two different
application themes, there are no parallel sessions but the
participants learn about both topics.

The first day includes course introduction, introduction to machine
learning, linear mixed models and basics of deep learning for modeling
sequential data. The next two days focus on audio topics (speaker &
speech recognition, speaker diarization, speech enhancement, audio
steganography), while the last two lecture days focus on reinforcement
learning and autonomous software and physical agents (robots). The
teaching takes place at the Joensuu campus of the UEF.

The speech portion of the course is especially recommended for PhD
students (and MSc students close to graduation) who might be already
familiar with the basics of signal processing and are interested in
obtaining a brief overview of basic principles, state-of-the-art
techniques and selected emerging trends, especially in speaker and
language recognition.

The reinforcement portion of the course gives basics of how autonomous
agents, whether physicsal (robots) or software, can be designed and
trained in end-to-end fashion. Portion of the course is useful for any
PhD or MSc students close to graduation, who is interested to learn
more about the state-of-the-art in artificial intelligence (AI).


Language of the course is English. The primary target group are PhD
and MSc students. The course amounts to either 2 ECTS or 5 ECTS,
depending on the mode:

A. Lectures + learning diary (August 13 - 17), total 2 ECTS
B. + additional individual project (August 20 - 24), total 5 ECTS

The course contains 5 days of lectures, hands on practicals, project
work (1 week) and learning diary. The course will be assessed as
pass/fail. Students who pass the course will receive a course


The course involves social programme organized by the UEF (details
TBA). The activities will mostly be included in your course fee, but
some of them may have a small participation fee.


Course content related matters: and

General course matters:


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