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ISCApad #238

Friday, April 13, 2018 by Chris Wellekens

5-2-24 The International Standard Language Resource Number (ISLRN) assigned to LRE Map 2016 Language Resources

Press Release ? Immediate



Paris, France, June 8, 2017



The International Standard Language Resource Number (ISLRN) assigned to LRE Map 2016 Language Resources



As a follow-up of the LRE Map 2016 initiative, ELRA has processed the information on existing and newly-created Language Resources provided by the authors submitting at LREC 2016 Conference ( In order to increase the visibility of these resources, ELRA has allocated ISLRNs to 106 submitted languages resources. They distribute as follows:



  • 73 Corpora (ca. written, spoken, multimodal)
  • 30 Lexicons (including ontologies)
  • 3 Evaluation Data



The meta-information for these language resources is also available on the ISLRN website with a broad international audience.






As part of an international effort to document and archive the various language resource development efforts around the world, a system of assigning ISLRNs was established in November 2013. The ISLRN is a unique persistent identifier to be assigned to each language resource. The establishment of ISLRNs was a major step in the networked and shared world of human language technologies. Unique resources must be identified as they are, and meta-catalogues require a common identification format to manage data correctly. Therefore, language resources should carry identical identification schemes independent of their representations, whatever their types and wherever their physical locations (on hard drives, internet or intranet). Visit:



About LRE Map



Initiated by ELRA and FlareNet at LREC 2010 (, the LRE Map is a mechanism intended to monitor the use and creation of language resources by collecting information on both existing and newly-created resources during the submission process. Apart from providing a portrait of the resources behind the community, of their uses and usability, the LRE Map intends to be a measuring instrument for monitoring the field of language resources. The feature has been so successful that it has been implemented also at other major conferences like COLING, IJCNLP, Interspeech, LTC, ACLHT, O-COCOSDA, RANLP, in addition to the LRE Journal. Visit:



About ELRA



The European Language Resources Association (ELRA) is a non-profit-making organisation founded by the European Commission in 1995, with the mission of providing a clearing house for language resources and promoting human language technologies.



To find out more about ELRA, please visit the website:




The International Standard Language Resource Number (ISLRN) is becoming an increasingly widespread persistent identifier


Since the deployment of ISLRN, 3 years ago, the number of Language Resources which were allocated an ISLRN has grown significantly to reach 2500+. These LRs include raw and annotated corpora, lexicons and dictionaries, speech resources (conversational, synthesis, etc.), evaluation sets and multimodal resources, and cover 219 distinct languages (including sign languages).


In the first place, the ISLRN system has been endorsed by two large data centers, namely ELRA (European Language Resources Association) and LDC (Linguistic Data Consortium) which team up to maintain jointly the assignment process. Other significant contributions come from institutions like the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the Resource Management Agency (RMA), the Institute for Applied Linguistics (IULA) at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF).


Moreover, authors are invited to quote the ISLRN of each Language Resource they are referring to in the paper(s) they are submitting to LREC Conferences, which makes the persistent identifier a key factor of the LR citation process.






As part of an international effort to document and archive the various Language Resource development efforts around the world, a system assigning ISLRNs was established in November 2013 and deployed in April 2014. The ISLRN is a unique persistent identifier to be assigned to each Language Resource. The establishment of ISLRNs was a major step in the networked and shared world of Human Language Technologies. Unique resources must be identified as they are, and meta-catalogues require a common identification format to manage data correctly. Therefore, Language Resources should carry identical identification schemes regardless their representations, their types and their storage place (hard drives, internet or intranet) (


About ELRA


The European Language Resources Association (ELRA) is a non-profit-making organisation founded by the European Commission in 1995, with the mission of providing a clearing house for Language Resources and promoting Human Language Technologies.


To find out more about ELRA, please visit the website:










UPF:  and


LREC Conferences:




Read also: Valérie Mapelli, Vladimir Popescu, Lin Liu and Khalid Choukri, Language Resource Citation: the ISLRN Dissemination and Further Developments, in Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portoro?, Slovenia:





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