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ISCApad Archive  »  2017  »  ISCApad #234  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2018-01-24) Program WIC Midwintermeeting on Deep Learning, 24 January 2018 – v2, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

ISCApad #234

Monday, December 11, 2017 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-32 (2018-01-24) Program WIC Midwintermeeting on Deep Learning, 24 January 2018 – v2, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Program WIC Midwintermeeting on Deep Learning, 24 January 2018 – v2

Venue: Eindhoven University of Technology, Zwarte Doos, Filmzaal

Organizers: Prof.dr. Peter H.N. de With, Dr. Gijs Dubbelman (TU Eindhoven, VCA), (program & titles may change)

10.00 – 10.10 hrs. Opening WIC Chair Dr. Jos Weber (TU Delft) and Prof.dr. Peter HN de With (chair)



10.10 -- 10.50 hrs. Prof.dr. Alfred v Gerwen (Radboud Nijmegen), “Deep Learning in Cognitive Science”.


10.50 – 11.15 hrs. Coffee Break



11.15 – 11.55 hrs. Dr. Cees Snoek (Univ. of Amsterdam), “Developments in Deep Learning”,

11.55 – 12.35 hrs. Prof.dr. Theo Gevers (Univ. of Amsterdam), “Deep Learning and applications in surveillance”



12.35 – 13.35 hrs. Lunch break



13.35 – 14.10 hrs. Dr. Guillaume Barat (nVidia Munich, Germany), “nVidia GPUs applications with Deep Learning”

14.10 – 14.35 hrs. Dr. Bas Boom (CycloMedia Technology, Zaltbommel, NL), “Deep Learning applications in Geo-referenced data”

14.35 – 15.00 hrs. Dr. Rob Wijnhoven (ViNotion BV), “Traffic analysis with Deep Learning”

15.00 – 15.25 hrs. Dr. Gijs Dubbelman (TU Eindhoven, VCA), “Deep Learning R&D with the car industry”


15.25 - 15.50 hrs.  Coffee & Tea, drinks



15.50 – 16.20 hrs. Dr. Javier Olivan Bescos (Philips Healthcare, Best, The Netherlands), “Deep Learning applied in Image Guided Therapy Systems”

16.20 – 16.45 hrs. Dr. Sveta Zinger and Farhad G. Zanjani (TU Eindhoven, VCA), “Deep learning for cancer detection”


16.45 -- 16.55 hrs. Closing  Statements by program chair and WIC chair



--------------- REGISTRATION DETAILS ------------------

- Registration is done by email from a valid affiliation email address. 
- Registration fee is 50 Euro per person, paid in cash upon entrance. 
- Cancelling a registration can be done by email till Sunday 21 January, midnight. After that, the fee is due, even after cancellation because of the reservations made.


Send the following email with 'Registration WIC Midwintermeeting Deep Learning' in the subject line

Fill in and Copy this in an email to   or

------ begin of email text --------


Full Name: ...........................................................

Affiliation: ...........................................................
Address: .............................. Str.Number ..............

Postal Code: ........................ City: ........................

Country: ...............................................................
Phone number (preferably mobile) ........................


I herewith register for the WIC Midwintermeeting on January 24th, 2018 at the Eindhoven University of Technology.  When I do not show up without timely cancellation, I will pay the registration fee by bank transfer after receiving the details in a separate WIC email. This is confirmed by providing my personal details.

------ end of email text ----------


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