| IBEREVAL? 2018: Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages
Call for Tasks Proposals
Researchers and practitioners from all areas of Natural Language Processing and related communities are invited to submit proposals for evaluation tasks on computational problems that involve text processing in at least one of the following Iberian languages: Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Basque and Galician. The outcome of accepted tasks will be discussed in the IBEREVAL workshop to be held in conjunction with SEPLN 2018 in Seville (Spain) in September.
Two types of proposals are expected: ? Standard evaluation campaigns in the style of TREC, CLEF, SemEval, NTCIR, or FIRE evaluation exercises. ? More exploratory initiatives that aim to settle the foundations for future evaluation campaigns, discussing tasks, methodologies, metrics, test collections, etc.
Proposals should include the following information: ? Title of the track. ? Name(s) of organizers and contact details, with one?paragraph statements of their research interests, areas of expertise, and experience in organizing related events. ? Brief description of the task goal, including their significance for the field and the expected target audience. ? Arrangements for the organization of the task: who will be responsible for which activities, description of the data or how will data be acquired or created, available funding, proposed schedule, and any other relevant issues.
Proposals must be submitted to [ibereval2018organizers@listserv.uned.es].
We strongly encourage the Latin America NLP research community to organize tasks and participate in IberEval campaigns.
Task Selection
Each submitted proposal will be reviewed by the IBEREVAL steering committee, and decisions will be sent to organizers by January 31, 2017. At least one of the organizers of each accepted track is expected to attend the IBEREVAL workshop and present the results of the track.
Important Dates Task proposals due: January 14, 2017 Notifications of acceptance: January 31, 2018
IBEREVAL Workshop: September, 2018
Steering Committee: Eneko Agirre (UPV?EHU Donostia?San Sebastián, Spain) César Antonio Aguilar (UC Santiago, Chile) Doaa Ahmed Samy (MINETAD Madrid, Spain) Enrique Amigó (UNED Madrid, Spain) Mikhail Alexandrov (RPANEPA Moscow, Russia) Rodrigo Alfaro Arancibia (UCV Valparaiso, Chile) Victoria Arranz (ELDA/ELRA Paris, France) Javier Artiles (SmartNews Palo Alto, U.S.A.) Alexandra Balahur (EC?JRC Varese, Italy) Rafael Banchs (Ins. Infocomm Research, Singapore) Alberto Barron?Cedeno (QCRI, Qatar) Nuria Bel (UPF Barcelona, Spain) Rafael Berlanga (UJI Castellón, Spain) Xavier Carreras (NAVER LABS Meylan, France) Davide Buscaldi (Univ?paris13 Villetaneuse, France) Marcelo Errecalde (UNSL San Luis, Argentina) Miguel Ángel García Cumbreras (UJA Jaén, Spain) Xavier Gómez Guinovart (UVIGO Vigo, Spain) Fabio A. Gonzalez (UNAL Bogota, Colombia) Yoan Gutiérrez (UA Alicante, Spain) Antonio Jimeno (IBM Melbourne, Australia) Martin Krallinguer (CNIO Madrid, Spain) David Losada (USC Santiago de Compostela, Spain) Eugenio Martínez (UGR Granada, Spain) Paloma Martínez (UC3M Leganés, Spain) Patricio Martínez (UA Alicante, Spain) José Eladio Medina (CENATAV Habana, Cuba) Diego Molla?Aliod (MQU Sydney, Australia) Soto Montalvo (URJC Móstoles, Spain) Manuel Montes (INAOEP Puebla, Mexico) Viviane Moreira (UFRGS Porto Alegre, Brazil) Lluis Padró (UPC Barcelona, Spain) Ferrán Pla (UPV Valencia, Spain) David Pinto (BUAP Puebla, Mexico) Jordi Porta (RAE Madrid, Spain) Paulo Quaresma (UE Evora, Portugal) Francisco Manuel Rangel (Autoritas Consulting Valencia, Spain) German Rigau (UPV?EHU Donostia?San Sebastián, Spain) Horacio Saggion (UPF Barcelona, Spain) Marc?Franco Salvador (Symanto Valencia, Spain) Eric San Juan (IUT STID Avignon, France) Grigori Sidorov (IPN Mexico City, Mexico) Thamar Solorio (UH Houston, U.S.A.) Mariona Taulé (UB Barcelona, Spain) Javier Tejada (UCSP Arequipa, Peru) José Antonio Troyano (US Sevilla, Spain) Luis Alfonso Ureña (UJA Jaén, Spain) Antonio Valderrábanos (Bitext Madrid, Spain) Rafael Valencia (UM Murcia, Spain) Juan Velasquez (UCHILE Santiago, Chile) Jesús Vilares (UDC A Coruña, Spain) Manuel Vilares (UVIGO Vigo, Spain) Aline Villavicencio (UFRGS Porto Alegre, Brazil) Julio Villena (MeaningCloud Madrid, Spain) Dina Wonsever (UDELAR Montevideo, Uruguay) |