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ISCApad Archive  »  2017  »  ISCApad #231  »  Editorial

ISCApad #231

Sunday, September 10, 2017 by Chris Wellekens

1 Editorial

Dear Members, 

Interspeech 2017 Stockholm was a real success regarding the number of participants, the quality of the papers and the very efficient organization. We must congratulate the organizers as well as the participants.

I had a real pleasure to meet many of you during these days and more particularly at the General Assembly of ISCA. I promised to prepare a questionnaire concerning the goals of ISCApad: even when a tool is efficient, it could be improved and your reactions will be  essentials. This questionnaire will reach you at the end of September: please pay some attention to it and react by sending me comments.  ISCApad will be improved according to your wishes...and our possibilities.

Chris Wellekens

ISCApad editor

Professor emeritus Institut Eurecom

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