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ISCApad Archive  »  2017  »  ISCApad #228  »  Events  »  ISCA Supported Events  »  (2017-07-08) ISCA Supported Summer School on Speaker and Language Recognition, Gandhinagar,India

ISCApad #228

Saturday, June 10, 2017 by Chris Wellekens

3-2-1 (2017-07-08) ISCA Supported Summer School on Speaker and Language Recognition, Gandhinagar,India

Call for Participation for ISCA Supported Summer School on Speaker and Language Recognition, July 08-12, 2017


Dear All,


We are happy to inform you that ISCA supported Summer School on Speaker and Language Recognition is being organized by Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology (DA-IICT), Gandhinagar, India during July 08-12, 2017. It provides a forum for students, researchers and professionals to enhance their background and get exposed to evolving focused research areas in  the field of speech signal processing.




This summer school will have four international experts to present recent  developments in their respective research topics.  The experts are:   Prof. Haizhou Li (NUS, Singapore), Prof. John H. L. Hansen (UT-Dallas,  USA), Prof. Douglas A. Reynolds (MIT Lincoln Labs, USA) and Prof. Kong Aik Lee (I2R, Singapore).


Nine invited speakers from India will also present the invited talks in their areas of expertise. In addition, to  encourage contribution from  young talent, four ISCA members will present talks in Doctoral  Consortium. Furthermore, Ph. D. scholars can  participate in 5 minute Ph. D. Thesis contest in which four best presentations by the scholars will be awarded cash prizes. We are enclosing a poster which describes the outline of the summer school.

I am writing this letter anticipating that you will participate in this  summer school and I am sure, your participation will make this event enriching. I would also request you to encourage your post doctoral fellows, Ph.D. Scholars and M.Tech. students, Research Associates (RA)  and faculty colleagues to submit their application for participation. I am sure, participation at the summer school will help us to get updated  on the latest research in the broad areas of speech excitation source modeling.    


We will appreciate it very much if you can arrange to place the poster on the notice board of your department/institution/R&D lab.


I look forward to hearing from you.


With best regards,

Prof. Hemant A. Patil,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, S4P- 2017, DA-IICT Gandhinagar 



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