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ISCApad Archive  »  2017  »  ISCApad #228  »  Academic and Industry Notes  »  SProSIG Bids for Speech prosody 2018

ISCApad #228

Saturday, June 10, 2017 by Chris Wellekens

4-6 SProSIG Bids for Speech prosody 2018



The purpose of the Speech Prosody Special Interest Group (SProSIG) is to promote interest in Speech Prosody; to provide a means of exchanging news of recent research developments and other matters of interest in Speech Prosody; to sponsor meetings and workshops in Speech Prosody that appear to be timely and worthwhile; and to provide and make available resources relevant to Speech Prosody.  SProSIG is a special interest group of ISCA, and of IPA. Our web page is


Membership in SProSIG is obtained by signing up for the mailing list.  The mailing list is currently housed at


All members of SProSIG are allowed to vote on the location of the Speech Prosody conference.  Bids for Speech Prosody 2018 will be presented orally at Speech Prosody 2016, and in written form during June 2016.


SProSIG is administered by officers under the direction of a Permanent Advisory Committee (PAC).  Officers are nominated biennially in August, and elected in September.  Current officers are Keikichi Hirose, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Hansjörg Mixdorff and Yi Xu.


The founding officers of SProSIG specified services to members including dedicated web pages, an e-mail newsletter, a bibliographic database, workshops and special sessions, and the organization of the international conference Speech Prosody.  The web page has been little updated since 2012, and the newsletter has been dormant far longer; it is our intention to revise both.  Suggestions about content and frequency are welcome, especially if delivered in a friendly tone of voice to any current officer or PAC member at Speech Prosody 2016.

Call for Bids for the hosting of SP9: Speech Prosody 2018


Members of SProSIG with a history of attendance at Speech Prosody conferences are encouraged to submit bids to host SP9: Speech Prosody 2018.  Written bids must be submitted by July 15, 2016 to the SProSIG Secretary, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, at  All written bids received by that date will be posted at  The full membership of SProSIG will then be invited to read the written bids, and an on-line vote will be held to determine the location of SP9.  A written bid may contain any information that you believe is likely to sway the members of SProSIG, but must contain at least the following information:


City and Country in which the conference will be held: 


General Chair (Name, Affiliation, and a list of Speech Prosody conferences that he or she has attended):


Organizing Committee Members (Same information as above):


Proposed conference period: DD/MM/YYYY – DD/MM/YYYY


Expected early registration fee for ISCA members:


Contractor (University, Company, and/or Contractor organizing the conference; this can be changed later if necessary):


Venue (name of hotel, conference center, university etc.  Can be changed later if it necessary):


Access to the venue from the closest major airport  (Is it easy for participants to reach the venue?):


Accommodation (a rough idea on number of near-by hotels and their prices.  If organizers plan to offer university dormitories for participants, please mention with some information.):


Scientific Theme of Speech Prosody 2018 (if any):


Other points to be emphasized (if any):



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