ISCA - International Speech
Communication Association

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ISCApad #228

Saturday, June 10, 2017 by Chris Wellekens

3 Events
3-1 ISCA Events
3-1-1(2017-08-20) Call for Paper INTERSPEECH 2017 Special session on Digital Revolution for Under-resourced Languages (DigRev-URL)

Call for Paper INTERSPEECH 2017 Special session on 
?Digital Revolution for Under-resourced Languages (DigRev-URL) ?

The digital revolution is having an increasingly large impact on many aspects of our daily lives, 
and creating a new way of communication and socialization. There is no doubt that speech and 
language technology (i.e., speech recognition, speech translation, etc) is one of the key enabling 
technologies in the digital revolution. However, despite all the hype about how digital revolution 
could connect the world, currently, it only covers about five percent of the world's languages. 
This is because most of those activities have been conducted only in several languages where 
large resources are available. There are however more than 6000 languages and most of them 
have not been covered yet. And even languages with millions of speakers can lack the resources 
needed to construct spoken and language technologies.

This Interspeech 2017 special session on 'Digital Revolution for  Under-resourced Languages 
(DigRev-URL)' provides a forum for linguistic and speech  technology researchers, as well as 
academic and industrial counterparts to share achievements and challenges in all areas related to 
natural language processing and spoken language processing of under-resourced languages (mainly 
used in South, Southeast and West Asia; Africa and Northern and Eastern Europe). Particularly, as 
Interspeech 2017 will be held in Sweden, we highly encourage any submissions on under-resourced 
languages from Nordic, Uralic, and Slavic regions.

The theme of this special session will focus on digital revolution for under-resourced languages, 
including but not limited to:
- Linguistic and cognitive studies
- Resource acquisition of text and speech corpora
- Zero resource speech technologies
- Cross-lingual/multi-lingual acoustic and lexical modeling
- Code-switched lexical modeling
- Speech-to-text and speech-to-speech translation
- Speech recognition, text-to-speech synthesis, and dialog systems
- Applications of spoken language technologies for under-resourced languages

At the end of the session, the plan would be to have a panel discussion as a continuation from the
panel discussion at SLTU 2016, in which various institutions that have been working on under-resourced 
languages will come and sit together to discuss the ?Digital Revolution for Under-Resourced Languages?. 
The main objective of this panel discussion is to provide an opportunity to initiate collaboration that 
could provide a better future for under-resourced languages.

We invite you to submit original papers on any of the research themes listed above. When submitting 
papers, please make sure that you select scientific area topic: [12.24] Special Session on 'Digital Revolution 
for Under-resourced Languages' in the INTERSPEECH 2017 submission system.

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3-1-2(2017-08-20) CfP INTERSPEECH 2017, Stockholm, Sweden



The 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2017) will be held August 20–24, 2017 on the campus of Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden. INTERSPEECH is the world’s largest and most comprehensive conference on the science and technology of spoken language processing. INTERSPEECH emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach covering all aspects of speech science and technology, spanning basic theories to clinical and technological applications.


INTERSPEECH 2017 will be organized around the theme SITUATED INTERACTION. Face-to-face interaction is the primary use of speech, and arguably also the richest, most effective and most prevalent kind of speech communication. The situation, context and human behaviors are intrinsic parts that continuously shape and form the interaction. In attempting to understand this situated interaction, we face a fruitful and real challenge for the speech communication community: To investigate what kinds of situational awareness, social sensibilities and conversational abilities we should endow machines with for them to engage in conversations with humans on human terms. Contributions to all other aspects of speech science and technology are also welcome.


In addition to regular oral and poster sessions, the conference will also feature plenary talks by internationally renowned experts, tutorials, special sessions, show & tell sessions, and exhibits. A number of satellite events will take place immediately before and after the conference. INTERSPEECH papers get digital object identifiers (DOI) and they are indexed in ISI, Engineering Index, Scopus, and Google Scholar.


The Calls for INTERSPEECH 2017 papers, special sessions & challenges, tutorials, and satellite workshops, are now open. Please follow the details of these and other news at the conference website



Thursday, 1 December 2016  Satellite Workshops proposals deadline
Thursday, 8 December 2016 Special Sessions and Challenges proposals deadline
Friday, 16 December 2016 Notification of pre-selection of Special Sessions
Wednesday, 1 February 2017  Tutorial proposals submission deadline
Wednesday, 1 March 2017 Tutorial notification of acceptance
Tuesday, 14 March 2017 Paper submission deadline
Tuesday, 21 March 2017 Final paper submission PDF upload
Monday, 22 May 2017 Paper notification of acceptance
Monday, 5 June 2017 Camera-ready paper due
Wednesday, 21 June 2017 Early registration deadline
20-24 August 2017 Conference in Stockholm, Sweden



Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length original papers in any related area, including but not limited to:

1 Speech Perception, Production and Acquisition
2 Phonetics, Phonology, and Prosody
3 Analysis of Paralinguistics in Speech and Language
4 Speaker and Language Identification
5 Analysis of Speech and Audio Signals
6 Speech Coding and Enhancement
7 Speech Synthesis and Spoken Language Generation
8 Speech Recognition: Signal Processing, Acoustic Modeling, Robustness, Adaptation
9 Speech Recognition -Architecture, Search, and Linguistic Components
10 Speech Recognition -Technologies and Systems for New Applications
11 Spoken dialog systems and conversational analysis
12 Spoken Language Processing: Translation, Information Retrieval, Summarization, Resources and Evaluation

Papers for the INTERSPEECH 2017 proceedings should be up to 4 pages of text, plus one page (maximum) for references only. Paper submissions must conform to the format defined in the INTERSPEECH 2017 Author’s Kit (available now). Paper submission will open in late January 2017, and the Paper submission deadline is Tuesday, 14 March 2017. See for further details.



We encourage proposals for tutorials addressing introductory topics or advanced topics in an introductory style, and tutorials targeting experienced researchers who want to dig deeper into a given new topic. Tutorials may introduce an emerging area of speech-related research, or present an overview of an established area of research. Tutorials will be held on Sunday, 20 August 2017. Brief proposals should be submitted by Wednesday, 1 February 2017. See for further details.



We encourage proposals for special sessions & challenges, covering interdisciplinary topics and/or important new emerging areas of interest related to the main conference topics. Submissions related to the special focus of the conference, Situated Interaction, are particularly welcome. Apart from supporting a particular theme, special sessions may also have a format that is different from a regular session. Brief proposals should be submitted by Thursday, 8 December 2016. See for further details.



We encourage proposals for Satellite Workshops, to be held in proximity to the main conference. The Organizing Committee will work to facilitate the organization of such satellite workshops, to stimulate discussion in research areas related to speech and language, at locations in Europe, and around the same time as INTERSPEECH 2017. We are particularly looking forward to proposals from neighboring countries. The (extended) deadline for Satellite Workshops proposals is Thursday, 1 December 2016. See for further details.



We look forward to welcoming you in Stockholm next summer!


The Organizing Committee of INTERSPEECH 2017

For more information please visit the conference website: 

Academic Conferences - universities in cooperation | Karolinska Institutet, SLU and Uppsala University | Tel: 018-67 10 03 |

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3-1-3(2017-08-20) Interspeech 2017 update

The preparations for Interspeech 2017 are in full swing!

As you may have noticed, we had a serious virus attack to Interspeech 2017 website and it too us a while to restore it. The website is now up and running again, although with still some issues concerning links that are not yet completely operational, at this time.

We have received a good number of proposals for Satellite Workshops as well as for Special Sessions and Challenges and we are working on the schedules and logistic details. We can announce that co-registration will be possible. Participants will be able to select participation in Satellite Workshops and pay the registration fee in connection with the registration for Interspeech 2017. The organizers of satellite events will be in touch with our PCO to get information on the registered participants and the universities involved in the satellite events will request from our PCO transfers of the events’ registration amounts. Except for the credit card fee (about 2 %), we do not expect any other costs for the organizers of the satellite events.

Sponsorships and exhibition requests are dropping in, which is a very good sign. We have started a Facebook page and taken over a Twitter account for Interspeech 2017. There is still some work to be done to activate properly those social media but we are working on it.

The three main Interspeech 2017 partners, Stockholm University, KTH and Karolinska Institute are coordinating efforts to make the conference a success and are deeply involved in the planning. To the good news, we can add that Stockholm University will not be charging Interspeech 2017 for the lecture halls or use of other spaces at the university and KTH/TMH will be hosting the Technical Committee meeting in May. Meanwhile, we are having regular planning meetings involving Stockholm University’s representatives of various infrastructures, like wifi, media services, restaurants and cafeterias, security, etc. and working hard to make sure that Interspeech 2017 will flow as smoothly and effectively as possible.

See you in Stockholm in August!

Francisco Lacerda
General Chair for Interspeech 2017

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3-1-4(2017-08-20) Satellite Workshops and Events at Interspeech 2017


HSCR 2017: Second International Workshop on the HISTORY OF SPEECH COMMUNICATION RESEARCH

Dates: 18–19 August 2017

Location: University Main Building in the City Center Campus, Helsinki, Finland


Names and affiliation of organizers:

  • Martti Vainio, Chair, Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Reijo Aulanko, Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Jurai Šimco, Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Mona Lehtinen, Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki, Finland



Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech, DiSS 2017

Dates: 18–19 August 2017

Location: Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden


Names and affiliation of organizers: 

  • Robert Eklund, Linköping University, Sweden
  • Robin Lickley, Queen Margaret University, Edinburg, UK



MMC 2017: The 12th Workshop on Multimodal Corpora

Dates: 19 August 2017

Location: Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden


Names and affiliation of organizers: 

  • Jens Edlund, Chair, Speech, Music and Hearing, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden
  • Dirk Heylen, Human Media Interaction, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
  • Patricia Paggio, Center for Sprogteknologi, University of Copenhagen, Denmark



1st International Workshop on Challenges in Hearing Assistive Technology (CHAT-2017)

Dates: 19 August 2017

Location: Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden


Names and affiliation of organizers: 

  • Jon Barker, University of Sheffeld, UK
  • John Culling, University of Cardiff, UK
  • John Hansen, University of Texas, Dallas, US
  • Amir Hussain, University of Stirling, UK
  • Peter Nordqvist (local contact), Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden



The 3rd International Workshop on Affective Social Multimedia Computing ASMMC 2017

Dates: 25 August 2017

Location: Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden


Names and affiliation of organizers: 

  • Dong-Yan Huang, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
  • Björn Schuller, University of Passau, Germany
  • Jianhua Tao, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
  • Lei Xie, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
  • Jie Yang, National Science Foundation, Arlington, USA
  • Sven Bölte (local contact), Karolinska Institutet, KIND, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Dongmei Jiang, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
  • Haizhou Li, National University of Singapore.



Grounding Language Understanding GLU2017

Dates: 25 August 2017

Location: Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden


Names and affiliation of organizers: 

  • Giampiero Salvi, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden
  • Jean Rouat, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada

And supported by the CHIST-ERA IGLU consortium



AVSP 2017: International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing

Dates: 25–26 August 2017

Location: Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden


Names and affiliation of organizers: 

  • Christopher Davis, University of Western Sydney, Australia
  • Jonas Beskow, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden
  • Slim Ouni , University of Lorraine, France
  • Alexandra Jesse, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA



SLaTE 2017: The seventh ISCA workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education

Dates: 25–26 August 2017

Location: Stockholm archipelago, Sweden


Names and affiliation of organizers: 

  • Olov Engwall, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Iolanda Leite, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (from January 2017, presently Disney Research)
  • Helmer Strik, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands



Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots (VIHAR-2017)

Dates: 25–26 August 2017

Location: University of Skövde, Sweden


Names and affiliation of organizers: 

  • Robert Eklund, Linköping University, Sweden
  • Angela Dassow, Carthage College, Kenosha, USA
  • Ricard Marxer, University of Sheffield, UK
  • Roger K. Moore, University of Sheffield, UK
  • Bhiksha Raj, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
  • Rita Singh, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
  • Serge Thill (local contact), University of Skövde, Sweden
  • Benjamin Weiss, Technical University of Berlin, Germany



GESPIN 2017: 5th Gesture and Speech in Interaction conference

Dates: 25–27 August 2017

Location: Collegium Novum, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland


Names and affiliation of organizers: 

  • Maciej Karpiński, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
  • Małgorzata Fabiszak, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
  • Ewa Jarmołowicz-Nowikow, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
  • Anna Jelec, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
  • Konrad Juszczyk, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
  • Katarzyna Klessa, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland



LTLT 2017: Language Teaching, Learning and Technology

Dates: 26–30 August 2017

Location: Alto University Campus, Helsinki, Finland


Names and affiliation of organizers: 

  • Kay Berkling, Cooperative State University, Karlsruhe, Germany
  • Fabian Zener, German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF), Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • Keelan Evanini, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ., USA
  • Mikko Kurimo, Alto University, Helsinki, Finland



20th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue / TSD 2017

Dates: 27–31 August 2017

Location: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic


Names and affiliation of organizers: 

  • Václav Matoušek, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
  • Kamil Ekštein, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
  • Miloslav Konopík, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
  • Roman Mouček, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
  • Tomáš Hercig, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
  • Eva Hajičová, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
  • Markéta Lopatková, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
  • Anna Kotěšovcová, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
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3-1-5(2017-08-25) 7th ISCA (International Speech Communication Association) Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE),Stockholm, Sweden

the Seventh ISCA (International Speech Communication Association) Workshop on Speech and
Language Technology in Education (SLaTE).

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3-1-6(2018-09-02) Interspeech 2018, Hyderabad, India

                                                           INTERSPEECH 2018

               Speech Research for Emerging Markets in Multilingual Societies

                                                2-6 September 2018

                                                    Hyderabad, India



Gen. Chair: B. Yegnanarayama

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3-1-7(2019) Interspeech 2019, Graz, Austria

Interspeech 2019 will be held in Graz, Austria.

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3-1-8Interspeech 2017 Update 2017-06-05

The Stockholm team continues preparing for InterSpeech 2017 in August 20-24. Following on the TPC’s intensive review work to handle the 1532 submissions to InterSpeech 2017, we are now dealing with the logistics of scheduling the 797 accepted regular contributions as well as about 40 additional Show & Tell presentations.

Registration for InterSpeech 2017 requires an ISCA membership valid during the conference (i.e. 20-24 August 2017) and “InterSpeech 2017 + ISCA membership packages” will be updated within the next couple of days. It will offer integrated options for the simultaneous payment of both registration and ISCA membership fees.

Renewing the ISCA membership via the InterSpeech 2017 website is already possible but we are working to make the payment process smoother. Note however, that all the payments must be in SEK and that they will include a service fee.

Short announcements and updates concerning InterSpeech 2017 are also published via and linked to Facebook, Twitter and Google +

Welcome to Stockholm!











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3-2 ISCA Supported Events
3-2-1(2017-07-08) ISCA Supported Summer School on Speaker and Language Recognition, Gandhinagar,India

Call for Participation for ISCA Supported Summer School on Speaker and Language Recognition, July 08-12, 2017


Dear All,


We are happy to inform you that ISCA supported Summer School on Speaker and Language Recognition is being organized by Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology (DA-IICT), Gandhinagar, India during July 08-12, 2017. It provides a forum for students, researchers and professionals to enhance their background and get exposed to evolving focused research areas in  the field of speech signal processing.




This summer school will have four international experts to present recent  developments in their respective research topics.  The experts are:   Prof. Haizhou Li (NUS, Singapore), Prof. John H. L. Hansen (UT-Dallas,  USA), Prof. Douglas A. Reynolds (MIT Lincoln Labs, USA) and Prof. Kong Aik Lee (I2R, Singapore).


Nine invited speakers from India will also present the invited talks in their areas of expertise. In addition, to  encourage contribution from  young talent, four ISCA members will present talks in Doctoral  Consortium. Furthermore, Ph. D. scholars can  participate in 5 minute Ph. D. Thesis contest in which four best presentations by the scholars will be awarded cash prizes. We are enclosing a poster which describes the outline of the summer school.

I am writing this letter anticipating that you will participate in this  summer school and I am sure, your participation will make this event enriching. I would also request you to encourage your post doctoral fellows, Ph.D. Scholars and M.Tech. students, Research Associates (RA)  and faculty colleagues to submit their application for participation. I am sure, participation at the summer school will help us to get updated  on the latest research in the broad areas of speech excitation source modeling.    


We will appreciate it very much if you can arrange to place the poster on the notice board of your department/institution/R&D lab.


I look forward to hearing from you.


With best regards,

Prof. Hemant A. Patil,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, S4P- 2017, DA-IICT Gandhinagar 



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3-2-2ISCA Tutorial and Research workshops and supported events

Forthcoming ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshops (ITRWs) & Sponsored Events

  • DiSS 2017 : Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech 2017
    18-19 August 2017, KTH, Stockholm (Colocated with Interspeech 2017)

  • CHAT-2017 : 1st International Workshop on Challenges in Hearing Assistive Technology
    19 August 2017, Stockholm, August 19th, (Colocated with Interspeech 2017)

  • HSCR 2017 : Second International Workshop on the HISTORY OF SPEECH COMMUNICATION RESEARCH —
    18-19 August 2017, Center Campus of the University of Helsinki (Colocated with Interspeech 2017)

  • YFRSW2017 : A Workshop for Young Female Researchers in Speech Science & Technology
    20 August 2017, Stockholm, Sweden (Collocated with Interspeech 2017)

  • GLU2017 : International Workshop on Grounding Language Understanding
    25 August 2017, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (Colocated with Interspeech 2017)

  • AVSP2017 : The 14th International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing
    25-26 August 2017, Stockholm, Sweden (Colocated with Interspeech 2017)

  • SLaTE 2017 : Seventh ISCA Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education
    25-26 August 2017, Djuronaset, Stockholm, Sweden (Colocated with Interspeech 2017)

  • GESPIN 2017 : Gesture and Speech in Interaction
    25-27 August 2017, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Colocated with Interspeech 2017)

Forthcoming ISCA Supported Events

  • YRRSDS 2017 : Young Researchers’ Roundtable on Spoken Dialog Systems
    13-14 August 2017, Saarbrücken, Germany (Colocated with Interspeech 2017 and SIGDIAL)

  • SIGDIAL 2017 : The 18th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue
    15-17 August 2017, Saarbrücken, Germany (Colocated with Interspeech 2017)

  • Blizzard 2017 : The Blizzard Challenge 2017 Workshop
    25 August 2017, Sweden (TBD) (Colocated with Interspeech 2017)

  • ASMMC 2017 : The 3rd International workshop on Affective Social Multimedia Computing
    25 August 2017, Stockholm, Sweden (Colocated with Interspeech 2017)

  • VIHAR 2017 : 1st international workshop on Vocal interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots
    25-26 August 2017, University of Skövde, Sweden (Colocated with Interspeech 2017)

  • LTLT : The 3rd Workshop on Language Teaching, Learning and Technology -colocated with SLaTE and Interspeech)
    27-29 August 2017, Aalto University, Finland (Colocated with Interspeech 2017)

  • TSD 2017 : 20Th International Conference Text, Speech and Dialogue
    27-31 August 2017, PRAGUE, CZECHIA (Colocated with Interspeech 2017)

  • SPECOM 2017 : 19th International Conference on Speech and Computer
    12-16 September 2017, Hertfordshire, UK
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3-3 Other Events
3-3-1(2017-06-12) CfP Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2017, Cologne, Germany

*First Call for Papers and Workshops: Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2017*

University of Cologne, 12-14 June 2017

The Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE) conference is an interdisciplinary forum
bringing together researchers interested in all areas of phonetics and phonology, both
theoretical and applied, with a special focus on Laboratory Phonology. The series covers
a wide variety of topics including tone and intonation, phonological theory, language
acquisition, linguistic typology, and methodologies from fields as diverse as
psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics and speech technology.

The Cologne PaPE conference, scheduled for June 12-14 2017, complements this broad
mission with a more specific scientific aim, namely to contribute towards a fundamental
integration of the fields of phonetics and phonology, highlighting the intrinsic
relationship between the two. Submissions in any area of phonetics and phonology are
welcome with special consideration given to papers addressing the conference's
integrative goal.

Confirmed keynote speakers

Jonathan Barnes (Boston University)

Bettina Braun (Universität Konstanz)

Mirjam Ernestus (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen)

Maria Josep Solé (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Satellite workshops will be held on June 11 (whole day) and June 14 (afternoon) 2017.

Conference web site:

Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: December 9, 2016
Notification of acceptance: January 21, 2017
Submission of revised abstracts: February 25, 2017
PaPE 2017 Conference: June 12-14, 2017

Submission Information
Abstracts should be written in English and not exceed one page of text (A4). In addition,
references, examples and/or figures can optionally be included on a second page.
Abstracts can be submitted from November 1 until December 9, 2016, using the EasyChair
link that will be provided on the conference website. Abstracts may be submitted either
for a 'talk/poster', or as a 'poster only'. Authors may submit one abstract as first
author and up to three abstracts as a co-author.

Call for Satellite Workshop proposals

University of Cologne, June 11 (whole day) and June 14 (afternoon) 2017

The PaPE 2017 Organizing Committee invites proposals for workshops to be held in
conjunction with the conference. There is no restriction regarding topics, as long as
there is a clear relevance to phonetics and phonology. Rooms for the workshops will be
The workshop proposal should be sent to by October 1 and should
not exceed two A4 pages and include information on the topic, the organizers (including
affiliation and e-mail address) and the paper selection process.

PaPE Organization
Martine Grice, Stefan Baumann, Francesco Cangemi, Anna Bruggeman (University of Cologne)

For enquiries please contact us at

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3-3-2(2017-06-19) 2017 Jelinek Memorial Summer School and Workshop on Speech and Language Technology (JSALT) at CMU.
2017 Jelinek Memorial Summer School and Workshop on Speech and Language Technology (JSALT) at CMU.

The 2017 Annual Jelinek Memorial Workshop on Speech and Language Technology will be held at Carnegie Mellon University's Language Technologies Institute in Pittsburgh, PA. It is a continuation of the Johns Hopkins University CLSP summer workshop series from 1995-2016. Please see for more information.

Workshop (June 19-August 11, 2017):

This year's topics and research teams will be:

* Neural Machine Translation with Minimal Parallel Resources (Leader: George Foster and Reza Haffari)

* Enhancement and Analysis of Conversational Speech (Leader: Mark Liberman and Ken Church)

* The Speaking Rosetta Stone - Discovering Grounded Linguistic Units for Languages without Orthography (Leader: Emmanuel Dupoux and Odette Scharenborg)

Summer School (June 19-30, 2017):

The summer school is meant to be an introduction to the state-of-the-art research in the speech and language technology area for graduate and undergraduate students. It also contains an introduction to this year's workshop research topics. View the program details and register at
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3-3-3(2017-06-19) CfP CBMI 2017, 15th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing , Firenze, Italy

CBMI 2017, June 19-21, Firenze, Italy
15th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing
Last Call for Papers - Extended deadline

CBMI aims at bringing together the various communities involved in all aspects of content-based multimedia indexing for retrieval, browsing, management, visualization and analytics.

The 15th edition of CBMI will be organized in Firenze, Italy, 19-21 June 2017.
The scientific program will include invited keynote talks and regular, special and demo sessions.

Authors are encouraged to submit previously unpublished research papers in the broad field of content-based multimedia indexing and applications. We wish to highlight significant contributions addressing the main problem of search and retrieval but also the related and equally important issues of multimedia content management, user interaction, large-scale search, learning in retrieval, social media indexing and retrieval. Additional special sessions ( are planned in Deep Learning for Multimedia indexing, Multimedia for Cultural Heritage, Sparse Data Machine Learning for Domains in Multimedia and Synergetic media production architecture.

The CBMI proceedings are traditionally indexed and distributed by IEEE Xplore and ACM DL. In addition, authors of the best papers of the conference will be invited to submit extended versions of their contributions to a special issue of Multimedia Tools and Applications journal ( (MTAP).
An additional MTAP special issue will accept extended versions of CBMI 2017 papers (

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Audio and visual and multimedia indexing;
* Multimodal and cross-modal indexing;
* Deep learning for multimedia indexing;
* Visual content extraction;
* Audio (speech, music, etc) content extraction;
* Identification and tracking of semantic regions and events;
* Social media analysis;
* Metadata generation, coding and transformation;
* Multimedia information retrieval (image, audio, video, text);
* Mobile media retrieval;
* Event-based media processing and retrieval;
* Affective/emotional interaction or interfaces for multimedia retrieval;
* Multimedia data mining and analytics;
* Multimedia recommendation;
* Large scale multimedia database management;
* Summarization, browsing and organization of multimedia content;
* Personalization and content adaptation;
* User interaction and relevance feedback;
* Multimedia interfaces, presentation and visualization tools;
* Evaluation and benchmarking of multimedia retrieval systems;
* Applications of multimedia retrieval, e.g., medicine, lifelogs, satellite imagery, video surveillance;
* Cultural heritage applications.

Paper submission
Authors are invited to submit full-length and special session papers of 6 pages and short (poster) and demo papers of 4 pages maximum. The submissions are peer reviewed in single blind process. The language of the workshop is English.
Important dates
* Full/short paper submission deadline: extended to March 14, 2017
* Demo paper submission deadline: extended to March 14, 2017
* Special Session paper submission deadline: extended to March 14, 2017
* Notification of acceptance: April 28, 2017
* Camera-ready papers due: May 9, 2017
* MTAP special issue paper submission: October 15, 2017 (tentative)

Technical Program Chairs
Rita Cucchiara, Univ. of Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
Tao Mei, Microsoft Research Asia, China

Details on the conference are available on the website:

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3-3-4(2017-06-21) International Conference Subsidia: Tools and Resources for Speech Sciences, Málaga (Costa del Sol, Spain).

The Phonetics Laboratory of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the University of Málaga are happy to announce the upcoming celebration of the International Conference SubsidiaTools and Resources for Speech Sciences, which will take place on June 21-23, 2017, in the city of Málaga (Costa del Sol, Spain).
During this quarter of 2016 we will be sending further information concerning the Conference, as well as its website address.
If you have any questions, please contact Juana Gil:, or José

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3-3-5(2017-06-24) HackaTAL 2017, Orléans, France
HackaTAL 2017
(hackathon dans le domaine du TAL)

La seconde édition du HackaTAL, le hackathon pour le TAL (Traitement Automatique des Langues) aura lieu en juin 2017 dans le cadre de la conférence TALN-RECITAL. L'évènement réunit des personnes d'horizons variés et propose de relever des défis en consacrant le weekend à échanger, concevoir, modéliser, prototyper, expérimenter, coder, tester, évaluer, comparer, critiquer, améliorer, etc. - en interaction et par équipes.

L'année dernière, nous étions accueillis dans les locaux de Google France, cette année nous vous proposons d'investir le Lab'O, incubateur numérique, le temps d'un weekend, dans une ambiance décontractée :)

Deux défis vous seront proposés : comment générer des descriptions de produits à partir des commentaires / comment prédire les brevets déposés selon un historique et des tendances. L'événement est ouvert à tous, ne nécessite pas de préparation particulière (amenez juste votre portable... et une bonne dose de créativité) et ne requiert pas de compétences spécifiques aux tâches proposées : tout le monde est bienvenu !

Tâches : résumé d?avis et commentaires / prédiction de brevets
Site web :
Dates : 24 au 26 juin 2017
Lieu : Lab?O, 1 Avenue du Champ de Mars, Orléans, (AR Paris-Orléans : ~1h / ~15?)
Inscrivez-vous (gratuit mais obligatoire) :


Dans le cadre de la conférence TALN-RECITAL 2017, sera organisée la seconde édition du HackaTAL, le hackathon dédié à des problématiques liées au TAL. L?objectif est de réunir la communauté autour de défis à relever à l?aide de données et briques logicielles, en consacrant le weekend à modéliser, prototyper, coder, expérimenter, développer, tester, évaluer, comparer, échanger, etc. - par équipes et dans une ambiance décontractée :)

Les tâches proposées concernent cette année le résumé automatique de description de produits à partir de leurs commentaires et la prédiction automatique de la brevetabilité de termes liés à des technologies selon leur historique. L?événement est ouvert à tous, ne nécessite pas de préparation particulière (sauf d?amener sa machine) et ne requiert pas de compétences spécifiques aux tâches que nous proposons : tout le monde est bienvenu !


1. Résumé automatique de commentaires sur des produits en ligne


Dans le cadre de la promotion de produits sur les plateformes en ligne, l?appréciation peut être analysée à partir des retours utilisateurs (User Generated Content). Ces derniers peuvent se présenter : notes, étoiles, mais aussi avis et commentaires textuels. Les notes n?étant pas toujours en adéquation avec les contenus textuels, de plus en plus d?acteurs cherchent à qualifier l?opinion des utilisateurs et à déterminer quels sont leurs arguments.

La thématique est orientée sur les avis et commentaires concernant l?offre de logements en région centre (particuliers, auberges, hôtels, luxe, etc.). Il s?agira de construire un résumé automatique des commentaires, à partir des arguments détectés dans ces derniers, à comparer aux notes et/ou à la description. Ce résumé orienté devra être séparé en deux champs principaux : points positifs et points négatifs sur des critères communs : accueil, confort, services, propreté, accessibilité, etc. D?autres champs peuvent être proposés par les participants selon les arguments extraits à partir des commentaires.

Sous tâches
- Traitement / débruitage de données UGC
- Détection et extraction d?arguments
- Agrégation des valeurs par produits
- Détection et résolution de contradictions
- Résumé automatique d?opinions sur les aspects

Données et évaluation

Collection de données représentant chaque produit en ligne (champs de description du produit, notes ou étoiles, liste des commentaires associés) en français et en anglais. Les données seront fournies sous-forme de corpus (pour le corpus collecté sur Internet) et/ou via des liens à télécharger (pour les données fournies par les partenaires, à préciser).

L?évaluation portera sur la capacité à calculer automatiquement les scores pour chaque catégorie d?évaluation du produit (accueil, propreté, emplacement, etc.). Pour chacun de ces scores, un argumentaire résumé automatiquement devra être fourni qui pourra faire l?objet d?évaluation qualitatives.

2.  Identification des tendances stratégiques liées aux brevets


La stratégie de dépôt de brevets par des entreprises ou des individus représente un enjeu considérable, qui a donné lieu à des affaires mondialement connues (Apple vs Samsung, Microsoft vs Google). Cet outil juridique reste cependant difficilement accessible pour les entreprises de petite taille ou les individus. En particulier, il n?est pas évident de déterminer quelles technologies vont avoir tendance à être l?objet de brevets, dans une optique de veille ou de préservation de la propriété intellectuelle.

La tâche proposée vise à mieux modéliser les mécanismes qui permettent de prédire l?apparition de brevets pour des technologies en essor, par utilisation de méthodes d?IA et de TAL (terminologie et expressions multi-mots, catégorisation des brevets, évolution des termes et des n-grams, prédiction de tendances). L?objectif est de déterminer, au regard des données collectées sur des brevets (par ex. distribution des termes entre 2001 et 2009), quels brevets seront déposés (par ex. en 2010). Pour illustration : si 'tactile' est recensé avec une grande montée en 2010, pouvait-on prédire cette montée en exploitant les données de la décennie précédente ?

Sous tâches
- Prétraitement du langage et de la structure des brevets
- Extraction de terminologies liées aux technologies
- Comparaison des termes des brevets avec les sites technologiques
- Détection de signaux faibles
- Analyse et prédiction de tendances


Seront mis à disposition :
- Brevets de classes A/G/H en français 2001 - 2016 (descriptions, revendications)
- Google n-gram du français
- Corpus de sites technologiques (aspirés et nettoyés)

Deux évaluations seront proposées :
- Quantitative : quel système prédit le mieux la liste conjointe de tous les termes établie par les différents groupes qui participe à la tâche ?
- Qualitative : quel système d'interrogation et de visualisation des données est le plus pertinent et le plus ergonomique ?

Planning prévisionnel

Samedi 24 juin (au Lab?O)
- 14h-15h : présentation du hackathon, café
- 15h-16h : échanges, constitution des équipes, précisions sur les objectifs
- 16h-20h : développements en équipes
- 20h-21h : pause repas
- 21h-... : développements en équipes

Dimanche 25 juin (au Lab?O)
- 09h-10h : accueil, café
- 10h-12h : développements en équipes
- 12h-13h : pause repas
- 13h-14h : présentation des premiers résultats
- 14h-19h : développements en équipes

Lundi 26 juin (à TALN, campus d'Orléans)
- 14h-17h : présentation des résultats, discussions, remise du prix

Organisation pratique

BYOD (amenez votre ordinateur)
Pas de critères pour participer, HackaTAL est ouvert à tous !
Aucune préparation n?est requise de la part des participants en amont de l?évènement
Données et briques logicielles seront en ligne :


Julien Borderieux (LLL)
Victor Brandao (Lab?O)
Patrice Frutos (INPI)
Renaud Garat (Questel)
Kim Gerdes (Paris 3,
Loïc Grobol (LaTTiCe)
Gaël Guibon (LSIS, Caléa Solutions)
Anaïs Lefeuvre-Halftermeyer (LIFO)
Pierre-Edouard Lieb (Recast.AI)
Gilles Mary (Lab?O)
Djamel Mostefa (SYSTRAN)
Gilles Moyse (Récital)
Damien Nouvel (ERTIM)
Namrata Patel (Viseo)
Paul Renvoise (Recast.AI)
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3-3-6(2017-06-28) Journée de formation AFCP: 'Statistique et données phonétiques atypiques', Paris

Journée de Formation AFCP - 1er appel.

'Statistique et données phonétiques atypiques', le 28 Juin 2017 à Paris
(lieu à confirmer).

Dans le cadre de ses 'Journées de Formation', l'Association Francophone
pour la Communication Parlée ( organise une
première journée de formation à la Statistique en lien avec les
Journées de Phonétique Clinique qui auront lieu à Paris les 29 et 30
Juin 2017 (JPC,


L'objectif de cette formation est d'illustrer les approches actuelles
de l'analyse de données phonétiques, en particulier pour le traitement
de données non-standard (données non-Gaussiennes, petits échantillons,
'single-case' studies, comparaison de points dans le temps, mesures

Si les outils qui seront abordés sont particulièrement adaptés aux
problématiques rencontrées en phonétique clinique, ils sont applicables
à d'autres données de parole. Toutes les personnes intéressées par la
mise en oeuvre d?analyses statistiques aux données de parole peuvent
donc y trouver un intérêt (voir le programme) et seront les bienvenues.

L'inscription est gratuite mais obligatoire.

Jusqu'au 01/05/2017, les places sont réservées prioritairement aux
membres de l'AFCP ainsi qu'aux participants aux 7èmes Journées de
Phonétique Clinique. Passée cette date, les inscriptions seront
ouvertes à tous dans la limite des places disponibles. Que vous soyiez
prioritaire ou pas, n'hésitez pas à vous inscrire dès maintenant et
nous vous donnerons une réponse dès le 1er Mai.

Comité d'Organisation : Olivier Crouzet, Cécile Fougeron, Nathalie
Henrich-Bernardoni, Christophe Savariaux.

Contact :

Programme préliminaire (sous réserve) :

11h-13h : Les bases de la Statistique (intervenants à confirmer).
Introduction et rappels des problématiques fondamentales en analyse
statistique des données.

1- Variables et distributions (Nature des variables -données
continues / non-continues / temporelles ; transformation de variables ;
Distributions -loi normale, intervalles de confiance, autres
distributions) ;
2- La notion d'effet (Relation entre variables -covariation,
dépendantes / indépendantes, réponses / prédicteurs-, Nature des effets
-fixes, aléatoires) ;
3- Problématiques courantes en Statistique (types d'erreurs
statistiques, intervalles de confiance d'une mesure, tests
d'hypothèse) ;

14h-18h : Analyse de données atypiques en phonétique (intervenants à

Les données seront issues de projets de recherche en phonétique ayant
donné lieu à des analyses statistiques réelles et correspondant à des
mesures 'atypiques' dans le sens où elles ne correspondent pas
nécessairement aux données traditionnelles décrites dans les manuels
(données non-Gaussiennes, petits échantillons, 'single-case' studies,
comparaison de points dans le temps, mesures répétées...). Sans pouvoir
assurer une formation qui aboutirait à la mise en oeuvre pratique de
ces méthodes, l'objectif pédagoqique de cette demi-journée sera
d'illustrer quelques unes des méthodes disponibles et les choix qui
président à leur mise en oeuvre dans le cadre d'une démarche de

Pour vous inscrire, merci de remplir le formulaire disponible
à l'adresse ci-dessous.

Si vous êtes membre AFCP, vous devrez entrer votre numéro de membre.
Celui-ci peut-être consulté sur le site de l'AFCP
colonne jaune du fichier PDF).

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3-3-7(2017-06-29) JPC7 - 7èmes Journées de Phonétique clinique, Paris France

----- Dernier Appel à Communication -----


JPC7 -  7èmes Journées de Phonétique clinique

Paris,  29 juin - 30 juin 2017


Organisées pour la première fois à Paris en 2005 puis rééditées successivement à Grenoble (2007), Aix-en-Provence (2009), Strasbourg (2011) et Liège  (2013), Montpellier (2015), les Journées de Phonétique Clinique (JPC) réunissent des chercheurs et des ingénieurs, des médecins, et des orthophonistes s?intéressant tous aux questions liées au fonctionnement normal et pathologique de la voix, de la parole et du langage.


Les 7èmes Journées de Phonétique Clinique se dérouleront à Paris du 29 juin au 30 juin 2017.
Elles sont organisées par le Laboratoire de Phonétique et de Phonologie (LPP-UMR7018), avec la collaboration de l?Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, l?Université Paris Descartes, l?Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou HEGP (service ORL et l?unité d?exploration fonctionnelle des troubles de la voix, de la parole et de la déglutition), le LabEx EFL, le Département d?Orthophonie de l?Université Pierre et Marie Curie.


Deux conférences plénières seront organisées avec la présence des Professeurs Jody Kreiman (UCLA, USA) ?Perception of normal and disordered Voice and Speech? et Hermann Ackermann (Tuebingen, Allemagne) ?Disorders of spoken language in neurological diseases?


L?objectif de ces Journées interdisciplinaires sera de faire progresser les connaissances fondamentales relatives aux troubles phonétiques de la voix et de la parole et les interactions avec d'autres troubles dans le but de mieux comprendre, évaluer, diagnostiquer et remédier aux troubles de la production et de la perception de la voix et de la parole, chez les sujets pathologiques. Dans ce contexte, cette série de colloques internationaux Francophone représente une opportunité pour des professionnels, des chercheurs confirmés et des jeunes chercheurs de formations différentes de présenter des résultats expérimentaux nouveaux et d?échanger des idées de diverses perspectives.


Les propositions de communications porteront ainsi sur les études de la voix et de la parole normale et pathologiques, chez l?adulte et chez l?enfant.  Les thèmes des 7èmes Journées de Phonétique Clinique incluront donc, de façon non exhaustive, les problématiques suivantes :

- troubles phonétiques / phonologiques

- troubles de la production / de la perception

- troubles voix / parole

- communication verbale / non verbale

- troubles moteurs de la parole  

- Instrumentation et ressources en phonétique clinique


Pour cette 7° édition, une attention toute particulière sera accordée au control moteur de la parole et ses perturbations.


Dates Importantes

15 février 2017 : Date limite de soumission des propositions de communication sous forme de résumé de 500 mots (hors bibliographie)

15 mars 2017 : Notification aux auteurs

15 avril 2017 : Fin des inscriptions au tarif réduit

29-30 juin 2017 : Conférence à l?Auditorium de l?Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou
20 rue Leblanc, 75015 Paris



Frais d'inscriptions prévisionnels (incluant pauses café, déjeuners des 29 et 30, soirée du 29)


Pour une inscription jusqu'au 15 avril (puis +20 euros sur tous les tarifs)


tarif étudiant membres (AFCP, APB, SFP, UNADREO*)

70 euros

tarif étudiant

90 euros

tarif plein  membres (AFCP, APB, SFP, UNADREO*)

170 euros

tarif plein

190 euros


* tarif préférentiel pour les membres des associations partenaires : l?AFCP (Association Francophone de la Communication Parlée), l?APB (Association Parole Bégaiement), la SFP (Société Française de Phoniatrie et des pathologies de la communication), l?UNADREO (Union Nationale pour le Développement de la Recherche et de l?Evaluation en Orthophonie)



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3-3-8(2017-07-02) 2017 Jelinek Summer Workshop on Speech and Language Technology.

The 2017 Jelinek Summer Workshop on Speech and Language Technology.  It will be held this year at CMU in Pittsburgh.

The CFP with more details can be found here:

More information (and maybe inspiration) about previous workshops can be found here:

 Andrew Rosenberg & Izhak Shafran

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3-3-9(2017-07-03) eNTERFACE '17, Porto, Portugal

CfP eNTERFACE'17 Workshop: International Summer Workshop on Multimodal


eNTERFACE workshops aim at establishing a tradition of collaborative,
localized research and development work by gathering, in a single
place, a team of senior project leaders in multimodal interfaces,
researchers, and (undergraduate) students, to work on a pre-specified
list of challenges, for 4 weeks.

Following the success of the previous eNTERFACE workshops held in Mons
(Belgium, 2005), Dubrovnik (Croatia, 2006), Istanbul (Turkey, 2007),
Paris (France, 2008), Genova (Italy, 2009), Amsterdam (Netherlands,
2010), Plzen (Czech Republic, 2011), Metz (France, 2012), Lisbon
(Portugal, 2013), Bilbao (Spain, 2014), Mons (Belgium, 2015), Twente
(Netherlands 2016), the Digital Creativity Centre (CCD), Universidade
Catolica Portuguesa, has the pleasure to host eNTERFACE?17, the 13th
Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, to be held in Porto,
Portugal from July 3rd to 28th, 2017.

The eNTERFACE'17 committee now invites researchers to submit project
proposals that will be evaluated by the scientific committee. All the
information asked to submit a project is available on the website of
the workshop. The proposals should contain a full description of the
project's objectives, required hardwares/softwares and relevant

Participants are organized in teams, attached to specific projects,
working on free software. Each week will typically consist of working
sessions by the teams on their respective projects plus a tutorial
given by an invited senior researcher and a presentation of the
results achieved by each project group. The last week will be devoted
to writing an article on the results obtained by the teams plus a big
session where all the groups will present their achievements.

Proceedings are expected to be published by CITAR Journal. CITAR
Journal was recently (July 2016) accepted for inclusion in a new index
of the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection: the Emerging Sources
Citation Index (ESCI), and has also been accepted for indexing by
Elsevier's Scopus.


Although not exhaustive, the submitted projects can cover one or
several of the topics : Art and Technology, Affective Computing,
Assistive and Rehabilitation Technologies, Assistive Technologies for
Education and Social Inclusion, Augmented Reality, Conversational
Embodied Agents, Human Behavior Analysis, Human Robot Interaction,
Interactive Playgrounds, Innovative Musical Interfaces, Interactive
Systems for Artistic Applications, Multimodal Interaction, Signal
Analysis and Synthesis, Multimodal Spoken Dialog Systems, Search in
Multimedia and Multilingual Documents, Smart Spaces and Environments,
Social Signal Processing, Tangible and Gesture Interfaces,
Teleoperation and Telerobotics, Wearable Technology, Virtual Reality


20 January 2017: Notification of interest for a project proposal with
a summary of project goals, work-packages and deliverables (1-page)
10 February 2017: Submission deadline: Final project proposal
20 February 2017: Notification of acceptance to project leaders
06 March 2017: Start Call for Participation, participants can apply for projects
21 April 2017: Call for Participation is closed
28 April 2017: Teams are built, notification of acceptance to participants
03 ? 28 July 2017: eNTERFACE?17 Workshop


The general procedure of the eNTERFACE workshop series is as follows.
Researchers are invited to submit project proposals. The project
proposals will be evaluated by the eNTERFACE steering committee. If
accepted, the projects will be published and researchers and students
are invited to apply for up to 3 projects they would like to be part
of. After notifying the applicants, the project leaders can start
building their teams.

Notifications of interest and final project proposals must be
submitted by email (PDF) to

Instructions for the 1-page notification of interest: give the title,
a short summary of the proposed research and project, and the names
and affiliations of the main researchers.
Instructions for the final proposal: please go to the website
guidelines-for-authors-of-final-project-proposals for detailed
instructions on how to submit your final project proposal.

Scientific Committee

Prof. Albert Ali Salah, University of Bogazici, Turkey
Prof. Alvaro Barbosa, University of Saint Joseph, Macao, China
Prof. Andrew Perkis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Prof. Antonio Camurri, University of Genova, Italy
Prof. Benoit Macq, Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium
Prof. Bruce Pennycook, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Prof. Christophe d'Alessandro, CNRS-LIMSI, France
Dr. Daniel Erro, Cirrus Logic, Spain
Prof. Dirk Heylen, University of Twente, Netherlands
Prof. Gualtiero Volpe, University of Genova, Italy
Prof. Igor S. Pand?i?, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Prof. Inma Hernaez, University of the Basque Country, Spain
Prof. Jean Vanderdonckt, Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium
Prof. Jorge C. S. Cardoso, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Prof. Khiet Truong, University of Twente, Netherlands
Prof. Kostas Karpouzis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Prof. Ludger Brümmer, ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhey, Germany
Prof. Luis Teixeira, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), Portugal
Prof. Martin Kaltenbrunner, Kunstuniversität Linz, Austria
Prof. Maureen Thomas, Cambridge University Moving Image Studio, UK
Prof. Milos Zelezny, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Prof. Nuno Guimarães, Information Sciences, Technologies and
Architecture Research Center (ISTAR-UL), Portugal
Prof. Olivier Pietquin, University of Lille | Google DeepMind, France
Prof. Sandra Pauletto, University of York, UK
Prof. Stefania Serafin Professor, Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark
Prof. Thierry Dutoit, University of Mons, Belgium
Prof. Yves Rybarczyk, New University of Lisbon, Portugal


eNTERFACE?17 will be held in the Digital Creativity Centre located on
the campus of the Catholic Portuguese University in the city of Porto,
Portugal. The Digital Creativity Centre is a center of competence and
creative excellence with an infrastructure equipped with cutting edge
technology in the areas of Digital and Interactive Arts, Computer
Music, Sound Design, Audiovisual and Cinematic Arts, Computer

Facilities include experiment spaces, meeting rooms, as well as a
Motion Capture (MoCap) Lab equipped with a Vicon Motion Capture
System, a Digital and Interactive Arts (Yamaha Disklavier Grand Piano
Robotic Performance System, a Notomoton Percussion Robot, two
Reactable Live and one Reactable Media Bench Systems, various
Microsoft Kinects, Nintendo Wiimotes, LeapMotion sensors, Webcameras,
3d-printers, Arduino and Raspberry Pi systems).


eNTERFACE?17 will be organized and hosted by the Digital Creativity
Centre, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa - School of Arts.

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3-3-10(2017-07-05) REP 2017: 15th annual conference of the French Phonology Network, Grenoble, France

RFP 2017 First call for abstracts
15th annual conference of the French Phonology Network

Grenoble, France, July, 5-7, 2017

The French Phonology Network (Réseau français de phonologie) is launching a call for papers for its 2017 annual conference. Building on the success of the previous conferences organized in Orléans (2010), Tours (2011), Paris (2012), Nantes (2013), Lille (2014), Bordeaux (2015) and Nice (2016), the 2017 edition will be organized by GIPSA-lab and will take place from 5 to 7 July at the Grenoble Alpes University, France.

Keynote speakers
?    Sabrina Bendjaballah, LLING & Univ. Nantes
?    Monik Charette, SOAS London
?    John Harris, UCL London
?    Rachid Ridouane, LPP & Univ. Paris 3

Main session

Submissions from any school or theoretical framework of phonology are welcome. Topics of interest may relate to phonology in general or in specific language, in synchronic or in diachronic dimensions. Issues focusing on phonology and its interfaces, epistemology, descriptive phonology, experimental phonology,  phonological modeling or formalism are awaited.

Thematic session

This year's conference, we especially encourage submissions focusing on the two following topics:
?    Multi-level approach of the phonology-phonetic interface and / or description of minority languages, dialects, spatial variation, phonological changes, language and sound system typologies;
?    Development and acquisition of phonological representations.

Abstract submission and review
Abstracts can be written in either French or English. Abstracts should not exceed two pages in length (A4 pages, TimesNewRoman or similar, size 11, single-spaced), including references, tables and figures. Anonymous PDF abstracts should mention under the title the request for an oral or poster presentation (or without notice) and should be submitted on the RFP2017 site at the following address:
All abstracts will be reviewed by at least two referees.

Oral presentations will be scheduled for 35-minute time slots (25 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion).
A poster session will be set up. 

Important dates
Call for papers:  December 10th 2016
Deadline for submission: March 3rd 2017
Notification of acceptance: April 28th 2017
Conference: July 5th-7th 2017

Scientific Committee
J.-P. Angoujard (U. de Nantes, PR)    B. Laks (U. Paris 10, PR)
X. Barillot (U. de Nice, MCF)    N. Lampitelli (U. de Tours, MCF)
J.-M. Beltzung (U. de Nantes, MCF)    J.-L. Léonard (U. Paris 4, PR)
S. Bendjaballah (U. de Nantes, DR)    J. Lowenstamm (U. Paris 7, PR)
G. Bergounioux (U. d?Orléans, PR)    X. Luo (U. d?Orléans, Post-doc)
J. Brandao de Carvalho (U. Paris 8, PR)    N. Nguyen (U. d?Aix-Marseille, PR)
J. Bucci (U. de Grenoble Alpes, Post-doc)    R. Noske (U. Lille 3, MCF)
E. Caratini (U. de Poitiers, MCF)    D. Passino (U. de Nice, PR)
C. Dos Santos (U. de Tours, MCF)    C. Patin (U. Lille 3, MCF)
J. Dufour (U. de Strasbourg, MCF)    A. Rialland (U. Paris 3, DR)
C. Dugua (U. d?Orléans, MCF)    R. Ridouane (U. Paris 3, CR)
J. Durand (U. Toulouse 2, PR)    O. Rizzolo (U. de Nice, MCF)
R. Fathi (U. de Nantes, Post-doc)    M. Russo (U. Lyon 3, PR)
N. Faust (U. Paris 8, MCF)    T. Scheer (U. de Nice, DR)
S. Ferré (U. de Tours, MCF)    Ph. Ségéral (U. Paris 7, MCF)
J.-M. Fournier (U. de Tours, PR)    A. Tifrit (U. de Nantes, MCF)
D. Le Gac (U. de Rouen, MCF)    F. Torres-Tamarit (U. Paris 8, CR)
S. Herment (U. d?Aix-Marseille, PR)    N. Trapateau (U. de Nice, MCF)
M. D?Imperio (U. d?Aix-Marseille, PR)    S. Ulfsbjorninn (U. Lyon 3, Post-doc)
H. Jacobs (U. Radboud (NL), PR)    N. Vallée (U. de Grenoble Alpes, CR)
L. Labrune (U. Bordeaux 3, PR)    S. Wauquier (U. Paris 8, PR)
M. Lahrouchi (U. Paris 8, CR)    N. Yamaguchi (U. Paris 3, MCF)

Conference Organizers
Responsibles : Nathalie Vallée (CR), Julien Meyer (CR)
Permanents :  Elisabetta Carpitelli (PR), Giovanni Depau (MCF), Jean-Pierre Lai (IE), Thi Thuy Hien Tran (MCF), Anne Vilain (MCF)
Non-permanents :  Ekaterina Biteeva Lecoq (IE),  Jonathan Bucci (Post-doc),  Silvia Gally (Doc),  Bénédicte Grandon (Doc)

Contact :

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3-3-11(2017-07-06) SpeD 2017, 9th Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue, at Bucharest, Romania.


The SpeD 2017 Organizing Committee invites you to attend the 9th Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue, at Bucharest, Romania. SpeD 2017 will bring together academics and industry professionals from universities, government agencies and companies to present their achievements in speech technology and related fields.

?SpeD 2017? is a conference and international forum which will reflect some of the latest tendencies in spoken language technology and human-computer dialogue research as well as some of the most recent applications in this area.

?SpeD 2017? is intended to be an IEEE and EURASIP sponsored Conference. As all previous editions since 2009, the Proceedings are intended to be indexed by the IEEE Xplore database and Thomson Conference Proceedings Citation Index.

Organized by

  • University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
    Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology
  • Institute for Computer Science ? Romanian Academy, Ia?i Branch
  • Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence ?Mihai Draganescu?- Romanian Academy, Bucharest

Under the Aegis of

  • Romanian Academy ? Section of Information Science and Technology

Technical sponsorship

  • IEEE
  • The European Association for Signal and Image Processing (EURASIP)


  • Speech Analysis, Representations and Models
  • Spoken Language Recognition and Understanding
  • Text-to-Speech Synthesis
  • Machine Translation for Speech
  • Affective Speech Recognition, Interpretation and Synthesis
  • Speaker Identification and Verification in Biometric Systems and Security
  • Audio Based Solutions for Intruder Detection
  • Algorithms for Acoustic Echo Cancellation
  • Filtering and Transforms for Speech Technology
  • Spoken Language Based Systems
  • Speech Interface Design and Human Factors Engineering
  • Speech Interface Implementation for Embedded / Network-Based Applications
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Speech Data Mining
  • Spoken Dialogue Systems
  • Educational/Healthcare Applications
  • Assistive Technologies
  • Multimodal Processing
  • Spoken Language Databases
  • Speech Analysis for Linguistics and Phonetics

Preliminary Schedule

  • Submission of camera-ready papers (information for authors is provided on the Conference WEB site): February 13, 2017.
  • Notification of acceptance and reviewers? comments: April 10, 2017.
  • Submission of final papers: April 24, 2017.
  • Conference: July 6-9, 2017.
Laurent Besacier
Professeur à l'Univ. Grenoble Alpes (UGA)
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble (LIG)
Membre Junior de l'Institut Universitaire de France (IUF 2012-2017)
Responsable équipe GETALP du LIG
Directeur de l'école doctorale (ED) MSTII
!! Nouvelles coordonnées !!: LIG 
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble
Bâtiment IMAG
700 avenue Centrale
Domaine Universitaire - 38401 St Martin d'Hères
Pour tout contact concernant ED MSTII: passer par
Nouveau tel: 0457421454
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3-3-12(2017-07-07) Séminaire Traitement de l'Information Multimodale TIM2017, Paris

Appel à communications

Séminaire Traitement de l'Information Multimodale  TIM2017, Paris

Dates importantes?:


    • Soumission des résumés?: au plus tard le 29/01/2017



    • Notification aux auteurs?: fin 02/2017



    • Date du séminaire?: du 05 au 07/07/2017



Le séminaire Traitement de l?Information Multimodale est organisé chaque année par la Direction Générale de l?Armement (DGA) et rassemble les acteurs industriels, académiques et Défense du traitement de l?information afin de favoriser les échanges au sein de la communauté.

Ce séminaire vise à présenter un panorama des problématiques de recherche scientifique et industrielle au travers de sessions de présentations orales et de posters sur des projets de recherche et développement en cours. Il s?adresse à un public large allant du chercheur confirmé à l?utilisateur final des technologies développées. La présentation de produits existants, déjà commercialisés n?est pas souhaitée.

Le séminaire TIM2017 sera orienté selon trois grands axes?: le traitement automatique des langues (le 05/07/2017), le «?Big Data?» (le 06/07/2017) et le traitement d?images (le 07/07/2017). Dans chacun de ces domaines, le séminaire se focalise sur les technologies susceptibles d?assister les opérateurs dans le traitement de l?information en masse pour extraire du renseignement à forte valeur ajoutée et faire ressortir les informations les plus pertinentes.



    • Traitement automatique des langues?(TAL) :



      • Traitement de langues à faibles ressources linguistiques



      • Traitement des langues sans forme écrite normalisée (dont messages de type réseaux sociaux)



      • Adaptation des modules TAL à des variantes dialectales ou accentuées



      • Extraction d?informations, traitement sémantique (entités nommées, ontologies, résumé automatique,?)



    • Réseaux sociaux?:



      • Visualisation et interprétation de graphes sociaux (caractérisation de communautés, influenceurs, évolution temporelle,?)



      • Propagation de l?information, quantification de la véracité de l?information



      • Détection de signaux faibles



    • Architectures de gestion de données?:



      • Garanties de l?intégrité et de la confidentialité des données



      • Technologies de gestion et de traitement des séries temporelles et spatio-temporelles, caractérisation de comportements normaux/anormaux



      • Agrégation, fusion et consolidation d?informations multi-sources



    • Traitement d?images?:



      • Détection d?images et de vidéos falsifiées



      • Segmentation d?images et indexation sémantique



      • Résumé vidéo



      • Reconnaissance faciale



    • Apprentissage automatique?(appliqué aux thématiques précédentes) :



      • Apprentissage profond



      • Apprentissage non supervisé ou faiblement supervisé, apprentissage actif



      • Apprentissage par transfert


Contact et soumission

Un résumé des présentations doit être proposé avant le 29 janvier 2017 (1 page maximum, en français de préférence) avec les noms des auteurs des présentations,?en indiquant une préférence entre présentation orale ou poster.

L?envoi des soumissions, ainsi que toute demande d?information, se fait par mail à contact?[at]?

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3-3-13(2017-07-17) DeepLearn2017, INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL ON DEEP LEARNING, Bilbao, Spain


DeepLearn 2017
Bilbao, Spain
July 17-21, 2017
Organized by:
University of Deusto
Rovira i Virgili University
--- Early registration deadline: June 16, 2017
DeepLearn 2017 will be a research training event with a global scope aiming at updating participants about the most recent advances in the critical and fast developing area of deep learning. This is a branch of artificial intelligence covering a spectrum of current exciting machine learning research and industrial innovation that provides more efficient algorithms to deal with large-scale data in neuroscience, computer vision, speech recognition, language processing, drug discovery, biomedical informatics, recommender systems, learning theory, robotics, games, etc. Renowned academics and industry pioneers will lecture and share their views with the audience.
Most deep learning subareas will be displayed, and main challenges identified through 4 keynote lectures, 30 six-hour courses, and 1 round table, which will tackle the most active and promising topics. The organizers are convinced that outstanding speakers will attract the brightest and most motivated students. Interaction will be a main component of the event. An open session will give participants the opportunity to present their own work in progress in 5 minutes.
In principle, graduate students, doctoral students and postdocs will be typical profiles of participants. However, there are no formal pre-requisites for attendance in terms of academic degrees. Since there will be a variety of levels, specific knowledge background may be assumed for some of the courses. DeepLearn 2017 is also appropriate for more senior academics and practitioners who want to keep themselves updated on recent developments and future trends. All will surely find it fruitful to listen and discuss with major researchers, industry leaders and innovators.
In addition to keynotes, 3-4 courses will run in parallel during the whole event. Participants will be able to freely choose the courses they wish to attend as well as to move from one to another.
DeepLearn 2017 will take place in Bilbao, the largest city in the Basque Country, famous for its gastronomy and the seat of the Guggenheim Museum. The venue will be:
DeustoTech, School of Engineering
University of Deusto
Avda. Universidades, 24
48014 Bilbao, Spain
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: (to be completed)
Richard Socher (Salesforce), Tackling the Limits of Deep Learning
Narendra Ahuja (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), [introductory/intermediate] Basics of Deep Learning with Applications to Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision
Pierre Baldi (University of California, Irvine), [intermediate/advanced] Deep Learning: Theory and Applications to the Natural Sciences
Sven Behnke (University of Bonn), [intermediate] Visual Perception using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks 
Mohammed Bennamoun (University of Western Australia), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Learning for Computer Vision
Hervé Bourlard (Idiap Research Institute), [intermediate/advanced] Deep Sequence Modeling: Historical Perspective and Current Trends
Thomas Breuel (NVIDIA Corporation), [intermediate] Segmentation, Processing, and Tracking, with Applications to Video, Gaming, VR, and Self-driving Cars
George Cybenko (Dartmouth College), [intermediate] Deep Learning of Behaviors
Rina Dechter (University of California, Irvine), [introductory] Algorithms for Reasoning with Probabilistic Graphical Models
Li Deng (Microsoft Research), tba
Jianfeng Gao (Microsoft Research), [introductory/intermediate] An Introduction to Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
Michael Gschwind (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center), [introductory/intermediate] Deploying Deep Learning Applications at the Enterprise Scale
Yufei Huang (University of Texas, San Antonio), [intermediate/advanced] Deep Learning for Precision Medicine and Biomedical informatics
Soo-Young Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), [intermediate/advanced] Multi-modal Deep Learning for the Recognition of Human Emotions in the Wild
Li Erran Li (Columbia University), [intermediate/advanced] Deep Reinforcement Learning: Recent Advances and Frontiers
Michael C. Mozer (University of Colorado, Boulder), [introductory/intermediate] Incorporating Domain Bias into Neural Networks
Roderick Murray-Smith (University of Glasgow), [intermediate] Applications of Deep Learning Models in Human-Computer Interaction Research
Hermann Ney (RWTH Aachen University), [intermediate/advanced] Speech Recognition and Machine Translation: From Statistical Decision Theory to Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks
Jose C. Principe (University of Florida), [intermediate/advanced] Cognitive Architectures for Object Recognition in Video
Marc?Aurelio Ranzato (Facebook AI Research), [introductory/intermediate] Learning Representations for Vision, Speech and Text Processing Applications
Maximilian Riesenhuber (Georgetown University), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Learning in the Brain
Ruslan Salakhutdinov (Carnegie Mellon University), [intermediate/advanced] Foundations of Deep Learning and its Recent Advances
Alessandro Sperduti (University of Padua), [intermediate/advanced] Deep Learning for Sequences
Jimeng Sun (Georgia Institute of Technology), [introductory] Interpretable Deep Learning Models for Healthcare Applications
Julian Togelius (New York University), [intermediate] (Deep) Learning for (Video) Games
Joos Vandewalle (KU Leuven), [introductory/intermediate] Data Processing Methods, and Applications of Least Squares Support Vector Machines
Ying Nian Wu (University of California, Los Angeles), [introductory/intermediate] Generative Modeling and Unsupervised Learning
Eric P. Xing (Carnegie Mellon University), [intermediate/advanced] Statistical Machine Learning Perspectives of Extending Deep Neural Networks: Kernels, Logics, Regularizers, Priors, and Distributed Algorithms
Georgios N. Yannakakis (University of Malta), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Learning for Games - But Not for Playing them
Scott Wen-tau Yih (Microsoft Research), [introductory/intermediate] Continuous Representations for Natural Language Understanding
Richard Zemel (University of Toronto), [introductory/intermediate] Learning to Understand Images and Text
An open session will collect 5-minute voluntary presentations of work in progress by participants. They should submit a half-page abstract containing title, authors, and summary of the research to david.silva409 (at) by July 9, 2017.
A specific session will be devoted to demonstrations of practical uses of deep learning in industrial processes. Companies/people interested in contributing are welcome to submit a 1-page abstract containing the program of the demonstration, the duration requested and the logistics necessary. At least one of the people participating in the demonstration should have registered for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david.silva409 (at) by July 2, 2017.
Firms searching for personnel well skilled in deep learning will have a space reserved for one-to-one contacts. At least one of the people in charge of the search should have registered for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david.silva409 (at) by July 2, 2017.
Pablo García Bringas (co-chair)
José Gaviria
Carlos Martín (co-chair)
Manuel Jesús Parra
Iker Pastor
Borja Sanz (co-chair)
David Silva
It has to be done at
The selection of up to 8 courses requested in the registration template is only tentative and non-binding. For the sake of organization, it will be helpful to have an approximation of the respective demand for each course.
Since the capacity of the venue is limited, registration requests will be processed on a first come first served basis. The registration period will be closed and the on-line registration facility disabled when the capacity of the venue will be complete. It is much recommended to register prior to the event.
Fees comprise access to all courses and lunches. There are several early registration deadlines. Fees depend on the registration deadline.
A suggestion for accommodation is available on the website.
Participants will be delivered a certificate of attendance indicating the number of hours of lectures.
david.silva409 (at)
Universidad de Deusto
Universitat Rovira i Virgili

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3-3-14(2017-08-14) Course: Machine Learning Applied to Bioinformatics and Speech Technology, Univ. Joensuu, Finland
UEF SUMMER SCHOOL 2017 Joensuu, Finland August 14-25, 2017 ***** Registration deadline: May 26, 2017 ***** -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Course: Machine Learning Applied to Bioinformatics and Speech Technology Course has two options: * Lectures + learning diary (August 14 - 18), total 2 ECTS * Lectures + learning diary + individual project (August 14 - 25), total 5 ECTS Teaching language: English Level: Doctoral, Master University of Eastern Finland (UEF) hosts a number of different summer courses in August 2017. The course on Machine Learning Applied to Bioinformatics and Speech Technology is co-organized by the School of Computing (Speech track) and Institute of Biomedicine (Bioinformatics track). Contact teaching takes place from August 14th to 18th. Individual optional project work is from August 21th to 25th. Contents The first two days include a general introduction to machine learning including topics such as deep learning, Bayesian graphical models and modeling sequential data. Course is intended to be self-contained with no prior knowledge of machine learning required. After the introductory part, the participants will choose one of the alternative course tracks (speech technology or bioinformatics). The lectures are delivered physically in two different locations of the UEF campuses, Joensuu and Kuopio (150 km apart). But it is possible to attend the lectures of either course from both campuses remotely through a video connection provided by UEF. The speech processing teaching takes place in Joensuu and bioinformatics teaching in Kuopio. In the speech/audio track we focus on state-of-the-art automatic speaker verification (ASV) and spoken language identication (LID) technology. In addition to introducing the basic models and software tools for session/channel compensation to increase robustness (e.g. factor analysis and i-vectors), the topics include also audio forensics and speech anti-spoofing (or presentation attack detection) techniques, including the ASVspoof challenge series. Using these techniques system would be able to know whether recorded audio was tampered somehow or that the spoken by a human or produced by a machine. Open-source software tools will also be introduced. The speech track is recommended especially for PhD students (and MSc students close to graduation) who might be already familiar with the basics of speech processing and interested in obtaining a quick overview of both basic principles, state-of-the-art techniques and selected emerging trends in speaker and language recognition. Speech processing confirmed lecturers: Cemal Hanilci, Bursa Technical University, Turkey Ville Hautamäki, University of Eastern Finland (organizer) Tomi Kinnunen, University of Eastern Finland (organizer) Kong Aik Lee, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore Modes of study: Lectures (4 days), hands on practicals (1 day), project work (1 week) and learning diary Social program: We will also organise some guided social programme in the evenings and during the weekend. This will include a welcome dinner, a guided city tour by bus, sauna evening, a one-day trip to Koli national park during the weekend etc. The activities will mostly be included in your course fee, but some of them may have a small participation fee. Assessment: pass/fail. Students who pass will receive certificate. Registration: Registration fee: 500 EUR Accommodation: More information: and
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3-3-15(2017-08-15 )CfP SigDial 2017 Special Session: Natural Language Generation for Dialogue Systems, Saarbrüken, Germany


SigDial 2017 Special Session:

Natural Language Generation for Dialogue Systems

First Call for Papers

Paper Submission: 18th April 2017





While natural language generation (NLG) for dialogue interaction has been a long-standing research topic, there has been a recent explosion of work due to industrial interest in conversational assistants such as Alexa, Siri, Cortana and Google Assistant. Recent advances in the field of deep learning together with the availability of large corpora of human dialogues from social media has also contributed to new research techniques for language generation. However, to date, neural methods have not been able to replicate much of the rich dialogue phenomena targeted by previous rule-based, statistical and data-driven approaches for language generation for dialogue.




We invite submissions which address specific issues including but not limited to:

- Generation in the context of a dialogue with appropriate use of anaphoric forms, such as pronouns and ellipses;

- Generation of turns where information is structured using rhetorical relations, as in the case of recommendations or other persuasive genres;

- Selection and organization of content in a dialogue turn;

- Sentence planning and lexical choice for dialogue interaction;

- Evaluation of language generation for dialogue systems;

- Corpus-based analyses of human-human dialogue to inform NLG for dialogue systems;

- Critical comparison between capabilities of different kinds of models.

- Providing and investigating new resources, such as data sets and tools.

- We also welcome submissions which make use of the new E2E NLG challenge data set (




Long paper submissions will follow the SigDial 2017 format and will be part of the general conference submission and review system. They will be treated as regular SIGDIAL papers and become archival.


- Long papers must be no longer than eight pages + unlimited pages for references + 2 additional pages for appendix (linguistic examples, algorithms etc.)

- Short position papers (2 pages + unlimited pages for references) with a single point to make, e.g. a proposal for a shared task for NLG for dialogue. These will be presented as short talks or posters, and the papers will be added to the web page for the special session (TBA), but will not count as an archival publication.



We will follow the SigDial 2017 schedule, and papers should be submitted using the SIGDIAL conference submission site.


Paper Submission Deadline: Tuesday, 18 April 2017 (23:59, GMT-11)

Paper Notification: Friday, 9 June 2017

Final Paper Submission: Friday, 7 July 2017

Conference: Tuesday, 15 August 2017 to Thursday, 17 August 2017



Marilyn Walker



Marilyn Walker, University of California Santa Cruz (Chair)

Verena Rieser, Heriot-Watt University

Vera Demberg, Universität des Saarlandes

Dietrich Klakow, Universität des Saarlandes

Dilek Hakkani-Tur, Google Research

David M. Howcroft, Universität des Saarlandes

Shereen Oraby, University of California Santa Cruz

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3-3-16(2017-08-16) PACLING 2017, Yangon, Myanmar

August 16 - 18, 2017, Sedona Hotel, Yangon, Myanmar


PACLING 2017 will be a high-quality, workshop-style conference whose aim is to promote friendly scientific interaction relating to computational linguistics among Pacific Rim countries. The emphasis of the conference is on interdisciplinary scientific exchange demonstrating openness towards original high-quality research including one which might fall outside current dominant schools of thought, and on technological transfer within and across the Pacific region.
The conference represents a unique forum for scientific and technological exchange, being smaller than ACL and COLING, and more regional with extensive representation from the Pacific.

Substantial, original, and unpublished research is welcome on any topics in computational linguistics, including, but not limited to the following:

  •     Phonology and Phonetics
  •     Morphology and Morphological Analysis
  •     Syntax and Syntactic Analysis
  •     Semantics and Semantic Analysis
  •     Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis
  •     Spoken Language and Dialogue
  •     Language Resources
  •     Corpora and Corpus-based Language Processing
  •     Text and Message Understanding
  •     Text and Message Generation
  •     Information Extraction and Text Mining
  •     Information Retrieval and Question-Answering
  •     Text Summarization
  •     Language Learning
  •     Machine Translation
  •     Natural Language Interfaces
  •     Semantic Web and Semantic Computation


Submission deadline: April 19, 2017
Notification of acceptance: May 25, 2017
Camera-ready copy due:    July 10, 2017
Conference dates: August 16 - 18, 2017

Authors should prepare submissions in English of up to 6 pages including references. Guidelines and style sheets (based on the IEEE format) are available here:

[LaTex style files]

[MS Word example file]

Papers that are being submitted to other conferences, whether verbatim or in essence must declare this fact. If a paper appears at another conference, it must be withdrawn from PACLING 2017. Papers that violate these requirements are subject to rejection without review.

The submitted papers need not be anonymous.

All papers will be submitted electronically in PDF format, through the web-based conference management system called EasyChair. To submit through EasyChair, go to the PACLING 2017 EasyChair page:

    Login using your existing EasyChair account, or create a new account following the instructions on the site.
    Once you have logged in, click on the 'New Submission' link located in the top-left corner of the menu bar, and then follow the instructions to submit your paper.

Awards for best paper and best student paper will be selected based on the reviews by the program committee.

All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings in CD-ROM and made available on the website (after a given date).


Program Chair: Koiti Hasida, Professor, Social ICT Research Center University of Tokyo

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3-3-17(2017-08-20) CfP INTERSPEECH 2017 Special session on 'Incremental Processing and Responsive Behaviour'

Call for Paper INTERSPEECH 2017 Special session on Incremental Processing and Responsive Behaviour

Incremental processing ? i. e., the online, and ideally real-time processing of streams of information about an ongoing event, as it happens ? has become a highly relevant research area. Is is particularly true for speech, which is an inherently sequential medium, and in interactive situations, where responsivity is key. Incremental processing techniques are used across speech recognition and synthesis, voice conversion, understanding, generation, syntax parsing, machine translation, and in applications such as dialogue systems, situated and multimodal interaction, robotics, or speech-to-speech translation.

The aspect of incrementality is largely orthogonal to the typical session/topic layout at Interspeech and hence work on incremental processing is usually spread over a multitude of sessions at Interspeech (and related conferences), which leads to a fragmentation of expertise and discussions. Our special session sets out to unite the spread-out field in order to provide a venue for joint discussion of incrementality itself rather than having to focus on the individual problems tackled.

We are inviting researchers interested in incrementality in all its aspects such as:
·      solving specific problems of automatic speech and language processing in an incremental fashion
·      methodology and theory of incremental processing including its evaluation
·      psycholingiustic findings and interaction of modalities
·      predictive/reactive frameworks and the integration of incrementality into systems
·      researching the influence on interactions in end-to-end systems (as well as human-human interaction)
·      reactive/human-centered machine learning
·      reactive behaviour based on partial understanding, and more.

The topic of our special session is to be connected with a follow-up special issue in Computer, Speech & Language.

We invite you to submit original papers on any of the research themes listed above. When submitting papers, please make sure that you select scientific area topic: [11.13] Special Session on ' Incremental Processing and Responsive Behaviour' in the INTERSPEECH 2017 submission system.

Sincerely yours,

Timo Baumann, Thomas Hueber, David Schlangen

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3-3-18(2017-08-25) 1st International Workshop on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots (VIHAR-2017), university of Skövde, Sweden


1st International Workshop on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between
Humans, Animals and Robots (VIHAR-2017)

25-26 August 2017
University of Skövde, Sweden

Almost all animals exploit vocal signals for a range of
ecologically-motivated purposes: from detecting predators/prey and
marking territory, to expressing emotions, establishing social
relations and sharing information. Whether it?s a bird raising an
alarm, a whale calling to potential partners, a dog responding to
human commands, a parent reading a story with a child, or a
businessperson accessing stock prices using Siri on an iPhone,
vocalisation provides a valuable communications channel through which
behaviour may be coordinated and controlled, and information may be
distributed and acquired. Indeed, the ubiquity of vocal interaction
has led to research across an extremely diverse array of fields, from
assessing animal welfare, to understanding the precursors of human
language, to developing voice-based human-machine interaction.
Clearly, there is potential for cross-fertilisation between
disciplines; for example, using robots to investigate contemporary
theories of language grounding, using machine learning to analyse
different habitats or adding vocal expressivity to the next generation
of autonomous social agents. However, many opportunities remain
unexplored, not least due to the lack of a suitable forum.

VIHAR-2017 aims to bring together researchers studying vocalisations
and speech-based interaction in-and- between humans, animals and
robots from a variety of different fields. The workshop is being
organised by participants of a recent Dagstuhl Seminar on the same
topic, and follows the publication of a short review article:
VIHAR-2017 will provide a timely opportunity for scientists and
engineers from different fields to share theoretical insights, best
practices, tools and methodologies, and to identify common principles
underpinning vocal behaviour in a multi-disciplinary environment.

We invite original submissions of four-page INTERSPEECH-style papers
(plus one page of references) or two-page extended abstracts
(including references) in all areas of vocal interactivity. Suggested
workshop topics may include, but are not limited to, the following
* physiological and morphological similarities/differences between
vocal systems in animals
* properties and functions of animal signals
* evolution of vocal interactivity
* vocal imitation and learning
* conveyance of emotion
* comparative analyses of human and animal vocalisations
* use of vocalisation
* vocal interactivity between non-conspecifics
* spoken language systems
* technology-based research methods

Paper submissions should conform to the format as detailed in the
INTERSPEECH 2017 Author?s Kit

Key Dates:
Submission deadline - 2 June 2017
Notification of acceptance - 30 June 2017
Workshop - 25-26 August 2017

Robert Eklund, Linköping University
Angela Dassow, Carthage College
Ricard Marxer, University of Sheffield
Roger K. Moore, University of Sheffield
Bhiksha Raj, Carnegie Mellon University
Rita Singh, Carnegie Mellon University
Serge Thill, University of Skövde
Benjamin Weiss, Technical University of Berlin

VIHAR-2017 takes place immediately after INTERSPEECH in Stockholm
( and is supported by the International
Speech Communication Association (

For details, visit the VIHAR-2017 website:

If you wish to join the VIHAR community, please subscribe to our
mailing list by entering your e-mail address at and then responding to the
confirmation e-mail that you will receive from the list server.

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3-3-19(2017-08-25) AVSP2017-The International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing, Stockholm, Sweden
AVSP 2017
The International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing
Stockholm, Sweden, August 25 & 26, 2017 
Paper Submission Deadline: May 7th, 2017
Call For Papers 
AVSP is a uniquely interdisciplinary conference, focusing on the effects of auditory and visual speech information on human perception, machine recognition, and human-machine interaction. AVSP conferences attract many researchers from various fields, such as psychology, computer engineering, neuroscience, linguistics, and robotic engineering. AVSP 2017 is a satellite workshop of INTERSPEECH 2017, one of the largest conferences on speech communication.
The AVSP conference will be held in Stockholm, Sweden, August 25 & 26, 2017.
Submission of papers are invited in all areas of auditory-visual speech processing and facial animation and including but not limited to: 
- Human recognition of audio-visual speech
- Machine recognition of audio-visual speech
- Human and machine models of multimodal integration
- Multimodal processing of spoken events
- Cross-linguistic studies
- Developmental studies
- Role of gestures accompanying speech
- Modeling, synthesis and recognition of facial gestures
- Audio-visual speech synthesis
- Audio-visual prosody
- Emotion and Expressivity modeling
- Neuropsychology and neurophysiology of audio-visual speech processing
- Scene analysis using audio and visual speech information
Sonja A Kotz
Professor and Chair in Neuropsychology and Translational Cognitive Neuroscience
Maastricht University
- Paper Submission Deadline: May 7th, 2017
- Notification of Acceptance: June 15th, 2017
- Camera-ready Paper: June 22nd, 2017
- Conference: August 25 & 26, 2017
All the information can be found here: 
The organizing committee of AVSP 2017 is looking forward to your submissions.
Christopher Davis, University of Western Sydney (Australia)
Jonas Beskow, KTH Speech Music and Hearing (Sweden)
Slim Ouni , University of Lorraine (France)
Alexandra Jesse, University of Massachusetts Amherst (USA)
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3-3-20(2017-08-25) CfP First International Workshop on Grounding Language Understanding (GLU 2017), Stockholm, Sweden

Call for papers GLU 2017
First International Workshop on
Grounding Language Understanding (GLU 2017)

ISCA Satellite Workshop of Interspeech 2017
Stockholm University, August 25th 2017

Important Dates
Paper Submission: **Wednesday, 31 May 2017**
Paper Notification Acceptance: **Wednesday, 28 June 2017**
Publication of Full Programme: **Wednesday, 12 July 2017**
Camera-ready Paper Due: **Wednesday, 26 July 2017**
Registration Deadline: **Wednesday, 2 August 2017**
Workshop: **Friday, 25 August 2017**

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers from different disciplines (linguistics, language, robotics, systems neuroscience, cognitive science, signal processing, etc.) working with modeling different aspects of grounding language acquisition and understanding.
Although speech and language technology have reached a level of maturity, machines still fall short of human performance, especially when considering flexibility and robustness. It is therefore desirable to extend the machine learning approach which has been applied to speech and language technology, and emulate more closely the way humans and living systems acquire language. Desirable properties of the new learning approaches would include:
* being less dependent on annotated data,
* acquiring knowledge from multimodal inputs (acoustic, visual, tactile),
* learning from interaction,
* relating learning to the situational context,
* grounding language in the perceptual, emotional and sensorimotor experience of the agent
This requires a highly multidisciplinary approach, combining the field of human language processing, speech technology, machine learning, developmental robotics and cognitive and systems neuroscience.

Confirmed keynote speakers:
* Emmanuel Dupoux, École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France.
* Katerina Pastra, Cognitive Systems Research Institute, Athens, Greece
* Robert Legenstein, Graz University of Technology, Austria

Scientific Area Topics
* Language Learning via Grounded Dialogue
* Language Generation for Embodied Tasks
* Grounded Knowledge Representations
* Skill Learning via Interactive Dialogue
* Aligning and Translating Language to Situated Actions
* Instructions for Navigation/Articulation/Manipulation
* Mapping Language and World
* Grounded Reinforcement Learning
* Language-based Game Playing for Grounding
* Structured and Deep Learning Models for Embodied Language
* New Datasets for Embodied Language
* Better Evaluation Metrics for Embodied Language

Submission and Format
We invite original submissions from 3 pages including references to 4 pages of text, plus one page (maximum) for references in the INTERSPEECH format. Each submission will be reviewed by at least two members of the Scientific Review Committee.

Submit your paper through EasyChair:

Proceedings and Publication
Accepted papers will be published in the open access GLU2017 (indexed)

We are trying to keep the costs as low as possible. Registration fees should be around 150?. These will include the lunch, coffee breaks and the evening dinner on the day of the workshop.

GLU2017 is supported by the CHIST-ERA/IGLU consortium and is an ISCA sponsored event and a satellite event for Interspeech 2017 in Stockholm.

MORE Details at the workshop website:

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3-3-21(2017-08-27) CfP 20th International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD 2017), Praha (Prague), Czech Republic

                 TSD 2017 - PRELIMINARY CALL FOR PAPERS

           The twentieth anniversary International Conference on
                   TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD 2017)
                      Praha (Prague), Czech Republic
                            August 27-31, 2017


* Invited speakers: Tomas Mikolov and other eminent personages with various
  expertise covering speech modeling, acoustic-phonetic decoding, dialogue
  systems, and semantics have been asked to give their respective pieces of
* TSD is traditionally published by Springer-Verlag and regularly listed in
  all major citation databases: Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings
  Citation Index, DBLP, SCOPUS, EI, INSPEC, COMPENDEX, etc.
* TSD offers high-standard transparent review process - double blind, final
  reviewers discussion.
* TSD will take place in the historical centre of Prague, the Capital of
  the Czech Republic in co-operation with the Institute of Formal and
  Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles
* TSD provides an all-service package (conference access and material, all
  meals, one social event, etc.) for an easily affordable fee starting at
  290 EUR for students and 360 EUR for full participants.


TSD series have evolved as a prime forum for interaction between
researchers in both spoken and written language processing from all over
the world. Proceedings of the TSD conference form a book published by
Springer-Verlag in their Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI)
series. The TSD proceedings are regularly indexed by Thomson Reuters
Conference Proceedings Citation Index. LNAI series are listed in all major
citation databases such as DBLP, SCOPUS, EI, INSPEC, or COMPENDEX.


Topics of the 20th anniversary conference will include (but are not limited

    Speech Recognition (multilingual, continuous, emotional speech,
    handicapped speaker, out-of-vocabulary words, alternative way of
    feature extraction, new models for acoustic and language modelling).

    Corpora and Language Resources (monolingual, multilingual, text, and
    spoken corpora, large web corpora, disambiguation, specialized
    lexicons, dictionaries).

    Speech and Spoken Language Generation (multilingual, high fidelity
    speech synthesis, computer singing).

    Tagging, Classification and Parsing of Text and Speech (multilingual
    processing, sentiment analysis, credibility analysis, automatic text
    labeling, summarization, authorship attribution).

    Semantic Processing of Text and Speech (information extraction,
    information retrieval, data mining, semantic web, knowledge
    representation, inference, ontologies, sense disambiguation, plagiarism

    Integrating Applications of Text and Speech Processing (machine
    translation, natural language understanding, question-answering
    strategies, assistive technologies).

    Automatic Dialogue Systems (self-learning, multilingual,
    question-answering systems, dialogue strategies, prosody in dialogues).

    Multimodal Techniques and Modelling (video processing, facial
    animation, visual speech synthesis, user modelling, emotion and
    personality modelling).


All program committee members are listed on the conference web pages:


The official language of the event is English, however, papers on issues
related to text and speech processing in languages other than English are
strongly encouraged.


March 31, 2017 ............ Deadline for submission of contributions
May 10, 2017 .............. Notification of acceptance or rejection
May 31, 2017 .............. Deadline for submission of camera-ready papers

August 27-31, 2017 ........ TSD2017 conference date

The proceedings will be provided on flash drives in form of navigable
content. Printed books will be available for extra fee.


The conference fee depends on the date of payment and on the participant's
status (full or student). It includes one copy of the conference
proceedings (on a USB flash drive), refreshments/coffee breaks, lunches and
dinners, opening dinner, welcome party, mid-conference social event
admissions, and organizing costs. In order to lower the fee as much as
possible, the accommodation and the conference trip are not included in it
this time.

Full participant:
    early registration by May 31, 2017 -  CZK   10 000 (approx. 360 EUR)
    late registration by August 1, 2017 - CZK   11 000 (approx. 400 EUR)
    on-site registration -                CZK   12 000 (approx. 444 EUR)

Student (reduced):
    early registration by May 31, 2017 -  CZK    8 000 (approx. 290 EUR)
    late registration by August 1, 2017 - CZK    8 700 (approx. 322 EUR)
    on-site registration -                CZK   10 000 (approx. 360 EUR)

Please, keep in mind that the fees are preliminary and they may slightly
change in the future.  We are also doing our best to find a way to reduce
the fees for students.


Praha (Prague)--also called The City of a Hundred Spires or The Heart of
Europe--is situated in the very centre of Bohemia on the banks of the river
Vltava. There live more than 1.2 million people in the metropolitan area.
Thus, Praha is considered the centre of science, higher education, culture,
economy and authorities.

The city is divided into ten districts. Each of them offers its own
charming atmosphere predicated upon its rich history.  A good example can
be the Jewish Quarter (Josefov) known especially for the legend of Golem
and famous writer Franz Kafka. Then, walking the Parizska street (said to
be the most luxurious street in the city), there is the Old Town Square.
One of the most important squares of the city renowned for the rare Prague
Astronomical Clock (Orloj), number of galleries, Bethlehem Chapel and
a monument of religious reformer Jan Hus.

The next place of interest can be found in the area of the New Town. The
Wenceslas square with the monument of St. Wenceslas, the patron saint of
the Czech state, is the longest square of the republic. Its capacity is
fully used by various shops, restaurants, clubs and street artists. Also
the renaissance revival-styled building of National Museum, which is now
under reconstruction, is situated on the upper end of the square.

Modern art and architecture together with technical mastery demonstration
are represented by the Zizkov Television Tower, the Dancing House (Fred and
Ginger Building) or the Stefanik's Observatory on the Petrin hill located
in the neighbourhood of the quarter Hradcany. Also Krizik's light fountain
or Industrial Palace in the area of the Holesovice Showground are worth

However, the dominant feature of the skyline is still created by the Prague
Castle and the Gothic St. Vitus Cathedral spires. The Golden Lane heading
down to the Lesser Town shows the tiny and colorful medieval houses.  There
are many bridges connecting the banks of the Vltava River.

However, only one of them is well known in the whole world--the Charles
bridge. Czech King and Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV promoted its
construction in the 14th century. The bridge is 520 metres long and stands
for a connection between the Lesser Town and the Old Town. It was built in
the Gothic style as well as the St. Vitus Cathedral.

Charles IV was also the founder of the University, which now proudly bears
his name--The Charles University. It is one the world's oldest universities
and with 17 faculties, 3 institutes, 6 centres of teaching, research and
development it is also the largest and best rated university in the Czech
Republic. The students can choose some of the 642 courses within 300 of
accredited degree programmes in the field of medicine, law, theology,
pharmacy, arts, science, mathematics and physics, education, social
sciences, physical education and sports, and humanities.

We are justifiably very proud of the fact that the campus of the Charles
University is going to host the TSD2017 conference.


The conference is organized by the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University
of West Bohemia, Pilsen, the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University,
Brno, and the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of
Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University.

The TSD2017 organizing committee has again applied for TSD2017 to be
recognized as an INTERSPEECH 2017 satellite event.

    Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University
    Mala Strana Campus - 'S' Building
    Malostranske nam. 2/25
    CZ-118 00 Praha 1

    Orea Hotel Pyramida ****
    Belohorska 24
    CZ-169 00 Praha 6


The preferred way of contacting the conference organizing committee is
writing an e-mail to:
    Mrs Romana Strapkova, TSD2017 Conference Secretary
    Phone: (+420) 736 664 500

All paper correspondence regarding the conference should be addressed to:

    TSD2017 - KIV
    Fakulta aplikovanych ved
    Zapadoceska univerzita v Plzni
    Univerzitni 8
    CZ-306 14 Plzen
    Czech Republic

    Fax: (+420) 377 632 402 -- Please, mark the faxed material with large
    capitals 'TSD' on top.

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3-3-22(2017-08-28) CfP EUSIPCO 2017, KOS ISLAND, GREECE

28th AUGUST- 2nd SEPTEMBER 2017

The 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2017) will be held in the Greek island of Kos from August 28 to September 2, 2017, at the Kos International Convention Center. The flagship conference of the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP) will offer a comprehensive technical program addressing all the latest developments in research and technology for signal processing and its applications. It will feature world-class speakers, oral and poster sessions, keynotes and plenaries, exhibitions, demonstrations, tutorials and satellite workshops, and is expected to attract many leading researchers and industry figures from all over the world.

Technical scope: We invite the submission of original, unpublished technical papers on topics including but not limited to:
- Audio and acoustic signal processing
- Speech and language processing
- Image and video processing
- Multimedia signal processing
- Signal processing theory and methods
- Sensor array and multichannel signal processing
- Signal processing for communications
- Radar and sonar signal processing
- Signal processing over graphs and networks
- Nonlinear signal processing
- Statistical signal processing
- Compressed sensing and sparse modeling
- Optimization methods
- Machine learning
- Bio-medical image and signal processing
- Signal processing for computer vision and robotics
- Information forensics and security
- Signal processing for power systems
- Signal processing for education
- Bioinformatics and genomics
- Signal processing for big data
- Signal processing for the internet of things
- Design and implementation of signal processing systems
- Other signal processing areas

Accepted papers will be included in IEEE Xplore®. EURASIP Society enforces a ?no-show? policy. Procedures to submit papers, proposals for special sessions, tutorials and satellite workshops are detailed at the EUSIPCO website (

Special Session proposals: 30 December 2016 (closed)
Satellite Workshop proposals: 20 February 2017   
Tutorial proposals: 5 March 2017 
Full paper submissions: 5 March 2017
Notification of paper acceptance: 25 May 2017
Camera-ready papers: 17 June 2017

STUDENT PAPER AWARDS: ?EUSIPCO Best Student Paper Awards? will be presented at the conference banquet. Papers will be selected by a committee composed of area and technical chairs.

PLACE: Kos has direct airport connections to many European cities and is located in the middle of the Dodecanese group of islands at the southeast part of the Aegean archipelagos. Rich in historic heritage, it has been a crossroad of many civilizations and was the birthplace of Hippocrates, the father of western medicine, and his ancient school of medicine. It offers a cosmopolitan mix of a vibrant city lifestyle, idyllic beaches, historic tours, easy access to other Greek islands and many other Mediterranean attractions.

TUTORIAL AND SPECIAL SESSION PROPOSALS: Tutorials will be held on August 28, 2017. Brief tutorial proposals should include title, outline, contact information, biography and selected publications for the presenter(s), and a description of the tutorial and material to be distributed to participants. Special session proposals should include title, rationale, session outline, contact information, and a list of invited papers.

The 2017 edition of EUSIPCO is proud to organize a full day of thematic workshops after the end of the main conference, which will provide a forum to participate in specific scientific events and present research focused on current innovative topics in signal processing technology and its extension to other fields.

EUSIPCO 2017 is offering a 3 Minutes Thesis contest, where PhD students have three minutes to present a compelling oration on their thesis and its significance. It is an exercise for students to consolidate their ideas so they can present them concisely to an audience specialized in different signal processing fields.

Please refer to the EUSIPCO 2017 website for additional information.

Petros Maragos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Sergios Theodoridis, National Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

Konstantinos Diamantaras, Alexander Tech. Educ. Inst. of Thessaloniki, Greece
Stefanos Kollias, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Constantine Kotropoulos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Gerasimos Potamianos, University of Thessaly, Greece

Nikos Sidiropoulos, University of Minnesota, USA
Shri Narayanan, University of Southern California, USA

Béatrice Pesquet-Popescu, Télécom ParisTech, France
Aggelos Pikrakis, University of Piraeus, Greece

Kostas Berberidis, University of Patras, Greece
Iasonas Kokkinos, CentraleSupelec, France

Costas Tzafestas, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Petros Boufounos, Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, USA
Elias Manolakos, National Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

Giorgos Stamou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Panagiotis Tsakalides
University of Crete, Greece

North America: Georgios Giannakis, University of Minnesota, USA
South America: Paulo Diniz, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Asia: Hideaki Sakai, Kyoto University, Japan
EuCNC: Luis M. Correia, IST-University of Lisbon, Portugal


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3-3-23(2017-08-28) Cf Proposals EUSIPCO 2017 Satellite Workshops -Deadline Extension


EUSIPCO 2017 Satellite Workshops - Call for Proposals : Deadline Extension
We solicit proposals for half- or full-day workshops that will be held together with the European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) in Kos Island, Greece, from August 28 to September 2, 2017.
Workshops will take place on Saturday, September 2, 2017, at the same venue as the main conference, that is the Kos International Convention Center. 
We welcome proposals on emerging topics that are not anticipated to be fully explored in the main conference, as well as topics of focused interest, including presentations related to international, European and bilateral projects, or other collaborative projects. 
The purpose of workshops is to provide a comprehensive forum and encourage in-depth discussion of various technical and application issues in our research field. Workshop registration and venue will be handled as part of the main conference by the EUSIPCO organizers.
The topic coverage, the proposers? credential, the interested audience, and relevance of the topic will all be considered in the selection process. Proposers may be asked to provide additional information, modify part of the proposals, or combine with another one.
Workshop proceedings will be handled by EURASIP and will be publicly available through the repository of EURASIP.  Workshop organizers, who have followed a peer-review process and wish to have proceedings, should meet the camera-ready deadline for workshop papers, which is anticipated to be on July 3, 2017. The published workshop papers should follow the EUSIPCO template with a maximum number of pages that will be defined by the Workshop organizers (but it should not be more than 8 pages).
Submission guidelines
Proposals should be submitted by email to by February 20, 2017. The candidate workshop organizers will be notified of the decision on February 27, 2017. 
Proposals should be in PDF format and include the following information:
-Workshop title.
-Proposers? names, titles, affiliations, and primary contact email.
-Experience that makes the proposers well suited for organizing the workshop.
-Topics that will be covered and relevance to the signal processing community.
-Program outline (including preference for half- or full-day event, and if appropriate estimated numbers of orals, posters, and invited talks).
-Names and bios of any tentative/confirmed invited speakers.
-Anticipated target audience as well as expected number of attendees.
-Any special space or equipment requests.
Organizers of each accepted proposal are expected to announce a Call-for-Papers including basic information about the Woskshop (description, main topics, Organizing and Program Committees, important dates). 
For any questions, please contact the workshop chairs, Kostas Berberidis and Iasonas Kokkinos, via
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3-3-24(2017-08-28) Cf Tutorials EUSIPCO 2017, Kos Island Greecel



Organizing Tutorials in the 25th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2017, Kos island, Greece ( .

Prospective tutorial speakers are invited to submit their proposals via e-mail in PDF by February 17, 2017, to the Tutorials Chairs, Béatrice Pesquet-Popescu and Aggelos Pikrakis (, indicating:

- Title for the proposed tutorial, its outline and motivation

- List of presenters, including their CVs in a total of at most two pages

- A short description of the tutorial goal, content and the material to be covered

EUSIPCO'2017 tutorial proposals will be judged notably by their technical quality, relevance and timeliness of the topic, quality of the proposal, qualification of the speakers, and presence of similar topics or same speakers at recent EUSIPCOs or other conferences. 

Eight half-day tutorials are foreseen which will be held on Monday, August 28, 2017. Tutorials with less than 10 registrations a week after the early registration deadline will not be run unless otherwise explicitly decided by the Tutorials Chairs.

For details regarding the Tutorial Proposal Form, please visit:

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3-3-25(2017-08-28) EUSIPCO 2017 Announcement: CALL FOR SPECIAL SESSIONS



Organizing Special Sessions in the 25th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2017, Kos island, Greece ( . 

Prospective Researchers are invited to submit proposals for Special Sessions related to an emerging area in signal processing and to its applications by December 12th 2016, via e-mail in PDF to the Special Session chairs  Alex Potamianos and Maurizio Omologo (

EUSIPCO has an excellent track record over the years for organizing Special Sessions in new or emerging areas. This year we are seeking innovative, high-quality and potentially interdisciplinary proposals for Special Sessions that complement the regular program of the conference. Special Sessions should be focused and provide both an overview of the state-of-the-art, as well as highlight the most promising research directions, trends and challenges in the proposed field of signal processing.

Proposers should submit the following information with their submission: 

  1. Special Session title 
  2. Short description of proposed field (one paragraph)
  3. Novelty and motivation (one to two paragraphs), including why this topic is of interest to the EUSIPCO community
  4. Short biography of the organizers
  5. List of four (4) contributed papers (titles, authors w. affiliations, and a short abstract), excluding state-of-the art review and papers contributed by organizers 

Proposals will be evaluated based on topic novelty and associated impact, organizing committee qualifications, as well as the proposed list of contributed papers.

Special Session submissions at EUSIPCO 2017 are reviewed via the same exact process as submissions to the regular program, and papers are expected to meet the same quality standards. For Special Sessions that are somewhat undersubscribed (due to paper rejections or limited number of submissions), an effort will be made to identify regular submission papers to complete the session, as deemed appropriate by the conference organizers. If a Special Session is seriously undersubscribed the Special Session may be canceled, in which case the accepted papers from the canceled Special Session will be placed into the regular program.

The EUSIPCO 2017 Organizing Committee

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3-3-26(2017-09-12) Joint SPECOM 2017 and ICR 2017, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK

Joint SPECOM 2017 and ICR 2017

SPECOM 2017: 19th International Conference on Speech and Computer  

ICR 2017: 2nd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Robotics



SPECOM 2017: 19th International Conference on Speech and Computer

12-16 September 2017, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK


Important Dates

April 15, 2017 ......... Submission of full papers (final date)

May 15, 2017 ............. Notification of acceptance

May 26, 2017 ............. Final papers (camera ready)

May 26, 2017 ............. Early registration

Sept 12-16, 2017 ??? Conference dates



The SPECOM conference is devoted to issues of human-machine interaction, particularly:

Affective computing; Applications for human-machine interaction; Audio-visual speech processing; Automatic language identification; Corpus linguistics and linguistic processing; Forensic speech investigations and security systems; Multichannel signal processing; Multimedia processing; Multimodal analysis and synthesis; Signal processing and feature extraction; Speaker identification and diarization; Speaker verification systems; Speech analytics and audio mining; Speech and language resources; Speech dereverberation; Speech disorders and voice pathologies; Speech driving systems in robotics; Speech enhancement; Speech perception; Speech recognition and understanding; Speech translation automatic systems; Spoken dialogue systems; Spoken language processing; Text mining and sentiment analysis; Text-to-speech and speech-to-text systems; Virtual and augmented reality.


Special Session 1: Natural Language Processing for Social Media Analysis

The exploitation of natural language from social media data is an intriguing task in the fields of text mining and natural language processing (NLP), with plenty of applications in social sciences and social media analytics. In this special session, we call for research papers in the broader field of NLP techniques for social media analysis. The topics of interest include (but are not limited to): sentiment analysis in social media and beyond (e.g., stance identification, sarcasm detection, opinion mining), computational sociolinguistics (e.g., identification of demographic information such as gender, age), and NLP tools for social media mining (e.g., topic modeling for social media data, text categorization and clustering for social media).


Vasiliki Simaki and Carita Paradis (Lund University, Sweden)

Fragkiskos D. Malliaros (UC San Diego, USA)

Andreas Kerren (Linnaeus University, Sweden)

Michalis Vazirgiannis (École Polytechnique, France)


Special Session 2: Multilingual and Low-Resourced Languages Speech Processing in Human-Computer Interaction

Multilingual speech processing has been an active topic for many years. Over the last few years, the availability of big data in a vast variety of languages and the convergence of speech recognition and synthesis approaches to statistical parametric techniques (mainly deep learning neural networks) have put this field in the center of research interest, with a special attention for low- or even zero-resourced languages. In this special session, we call for research papers in the field of multilingual speech processing. The topics include (but are not limited to): multilingual speech recognition and understanding, dialectal speech recognition, cross-lingual adaptation, text-to-speech synthesis, spoken language identification, speech-to-speech translation, multi-modal speech processing, keyword spotting, emotion recognition and deep learning in speech processing.


Alexandros Lazaridis (Idiap Research Institute, Switzerland)

Ivan Himawan (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)

Blaise Potard (CereProc Ltd, Edinburgh, UK)

Kate Knill (Cambridge University Engineering Department)

Peter Bell (University of Edinburgh, UK)


Special Session 3: Real-Life Challenges in Voice and Multimodal Biometrics

Complex passwords or cumbersome dongles are now obsolete. Biometric technology offers a secure and user friendly solution to authenticate and have been employed in various real-life scenarios. This special session seeks to bring together researchers, professionals, and practitioners to present and discuss recent developments and challenges in Real-Life applications of biometrics. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

Biometric systems and applications; Identity management and biometrics; Fraud prevention; Anti-spoofing methods; Privacy protection of biometric systems; Uni-modalities, e.g. voice, face, fingerprint, iris, hand geometry, palm print and ear biometrics; Behavioural biometrics; Soft-biometrics; Multi-biometrics; Novel biometrics; Ethical and societal implications of biometric systems and applications.


Saeid Safavi (School of Engineering and Technology, University of Hertfordshire, UK)

Lily Meng (School of Engineering and Technology, University of Hertfordshire, UK)

Maryam Najafian (CSAIL Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)

Mohamad Hassan Bahari (Centre for processing speech and images, KU Leuven, Belgium)

Abosoud Hanani (Department of Computer Systems Engineering, Birzeit University, Palestine)

Hossein Zeinali (Computer and Engineering Department, Sharif University of Technology, Iran)


Invited Speakers

Prof Mark Gales, University of Cambridge: ?Low-Resource Speech Recognition and Keyword-Spotting?.

Prof Björn Schuller, University of Passau and Imperial College London: ?Big Data, Deep Learning ? At the Edge of X-Ray Speaker Analysis?.



Satellite Event

2nd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Robotics (ICR 2017)


Topics: Assistive robots; Child-robot interaction; Collaborative robotics; Educational robotics; Human-robot interaction; Medical robotics; Robotic mobility systems; Robots at home; Robot control and communication; Social robotics; Safety robot behaviour.



On behalf of the Organising Committee,

Iosif Mporas



19th International Conference on Speech and Computer

SPECOM 2017,


Dr Iosif Mporas, Dipl-Eng, PhD

Senior Lecturer in Information Engineering


Information Engineering and Processing Architectures Group

School of Engineering and Technology

University of Hertfordshire

College Lane Campus

Hatfield AL10 9AB, UK


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3-3-27(2017-09-20) 11th Oxford Dsfluency Conference (ODC), Oxford, UK

In 2017 the goal of the 11th Oxford Dysfluency Conference (ODC) is to encourage discussion and debate that will challenge and enhance our perspectives and understanding of research; the nature of stuttering and / or cluttering; and management across the ages.

We would like to remind you to submit your oral and poster abstracts on the conference topics below. Please submit via the abstract submission system by the 31 March 2017.

  • New perspectives on assessment and therapy: -Issues, variables, and controversies in assessment and outcome
    • in children
    • in adolescents
    • in adults
  • Supporting the next generation of clinicians and researchers
  • Evidence in practice
  • Neurological foundations

Register for the Clinical Excellence Network (CEN) Study Day on the 20th of September. For further details click here.

Junior Researcher Forum

We are giving junior researchers at the start of their research career the opportunity to present and discuss their research plans or current results to a panel of international specialists in a supportive, constructive, and dynamic environment. For more information please visit our website.

We look forward to meeting you in Oxford!


Conference Chairs
Sharon Millard, The Michael Palin Centre for Stammering, UK
Shelley B. Brundage, George Washington University, USA

To receive email updates for this event please sign up now! For further information and to register for email updates visit:
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3-3-28(2017-09-28) Workshop at BICLCE2017 (7th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English), Vigo, Spain

Speech Rhythm in L1, L2 and Learner Varieties of English

Workshop at BICLCE2017 (7th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English) in Vigo, 28-30 September 2017

Convenor: Robert Fuchs (Hong Kong Baptist University)


Speech rhythm has long been recognised as an important supra-segmental category of speech, yet its measurement, relevance and the theoretical soundness of the concept continue to be hotly debated. The arguably most widely supported approach considers speech rhythm to consist of a continuum ranging from (1) a syllable-timed pole, with relatively small differences in prominence between syllables, to (2) a stress-timed pole, with relatively large differences in prominence between syllables. Most L1 varieties of English are widely regarded to be more stress-timed than most L2 and learner varieties, and this is supported by a considerable amount of empirical evidence (e.g. Deterding 1994, 2001, Fuchs 2016, Gut 2005, Gut and Milde 2002, Low 1998).

Yet, upon closer inspection, many of the concepts underlying this research appear to be contested. For one, L1 varieties of English are themselves heterogeneous in their rhythm. There is, for example, regional variation, with some dialects spoken in the British Isles being more syllable-timed than others (Ferragne 2008, Ferragne and Pellegrino 2004, White and Matty 2007a, 2007b, White et al. 2007). Similarly, in L2 varieties, sociolinguistic differences such as that between acrolect and basilect might go hand in hand with a difference in speech rhythm. As for learner Englishes, while there is good evidence of the transfer of rhythmic characteristics from L1 to L2 (e.g. Dellwo et al. 2009, Gut 2009, Jang 2008, Sarmah et al. 2009), more research is needed to show that this has consequences in terms of foreign accent and accent recognition. More generally, research on speech rhythm would benefit from studies showing that quantitative measures of speech rhythm (so-called rhythm metrics) are perceptually relevant and psychologically ?real? in the sense that what is measured is reflected in a certain kind of percept. Finally, the very nature and reliability of these rhythm metrics has been discussed extensively, but arguably inconclusively, in the past years, with some researchers attempting to identify those duration-based metrics that are most reliable (White and Mattys 2007a, White et al.2007, Wiget et al. 2010), others concluding that none of them are reliable (Arvaniti 2009, 2012, Arvaniti et al. 2008), and yet others suggesting metrics that focus on acoustic correlates of prominence other than duration, such as intensity (Fuchs 2016, He 2012, Low 1998), loudness (Fuchs 2014a), f0 (Cumming 2010, 2011, Fuchs 2014b) and sonority (Galves et al. 2012).


In order to address these issues, this workshop aims to bring together researchers working on one or more of the following aspects:

  • Applications of rhythm metrics that measure speech rhythm based on acoustic correlates of prominence other than duration
  • Comparative tests of the validity and reliability of existing rhythm metrics
  • Perceptual relevance and psychological reality of speech rhythm
  • Relevance of speech rhythm in Second Language Acquisition/learner Englishes, e.g. its contribution to foreign accent as well as pedagogical approaches
  • Differences in speech rhythm between varieties previously thought to be in the same 'rhythm class'
  • Sociolinguistic relevance of speech rhythm in indexing e.g. lectal differences or ethnic subvarieties within the same national variety of English

Apart from addressing one or more of the issues above, papers need be concerned with (a variety of) English or a language contact situation involving English (in keeping with the scope of the conference).


The workshop will consist of full papers and work in progress reports, which will be allotted 20 minutes for presentation (plus 10 minutes for discussion). The deadline for submission of abstracts (ca. 500 words, excluding title, references and keywords) is 15 December 2016. Notification of acceptance will be sent out by the end of January 2017. Abstracts should be sent to .




Arvaniti, Amalia. 2009. Rhythm, timing and the timing of rhythm. Phonetica 66(1/2): 46?63.

Arvaniti, Amalia. 2012. The usefulness of metrics in the quantification of speech rhythm. Journal of Phonetics 40: 351?373.

Arvaniti, Amalia, Tristie Ross, and Naja Ferjan. 2008. On the reliability of rhythm metrics. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124(4): 2495.Dellwo, Volker, Francisco Gutiérrez Diez, and Nuria Gavalda. 2009. The development of measurable speech rhythm in Spanish speakers of English. In Actas de XI Simposio Internacional de Comunicacion Social, Santiago de Cuba, 594?597.

Cumming, Ruth E. 2010. The language-specific integration of pitch and duration. PhD thesis. University of Cambridge.

Cumming, Ruth E. 2011. Perceptually informed quantification of speech rhythm in pairwise variability indices. Phonetica 68(4): 256?277.

Deterding, David. 1994. The rhythm of Singapore English. In Proceedings of the fifth Australian international conference on speech science and technology, ed. Roberto Togneri, 316?321. Perth: Uniprint.

Deterding, David. 2001. The measurement of rhythm: A comparison of Singapore and British English. Journal of Phonetics 29: 217?230.

Ferragne, Emmanuel. 2008. Etude Phonétique des Dialectes Modernes de l?Anglais des Iles Britanniques: Vers l?Identification Automatique du Dialecte. PhD thesis. Université Lumière Lyon 2.

Ferragne, Emmanuel, and François Pellegrino. 2004. A comparative account of the suprasegmental and rhythmic features of British English dialects. Actes de Modelisations pour l?Identification des Langues, Paris, 121?126.

Fuchs, Robert. 2014a. Integrating variability in loudness and duration in a multidimensional model of speech rhythm: Evidence from Indian English and British English. In Proceedings of speech prosody 7, Dublin, ed. Nick Campbell, Dafydd Gibbon, and Daniel Hirst, 290?294.

Fuchs, Robert. 2014b. Towards a perceptual model of speech rhythm: Integrating the influence of f0 on perceived duration. In Proceedings of interspeech 2014, ed. Haizhou Li, Helen Meng, Bin Ma, Eng Siong Chng, and Lei Xie, Singapore, 1949?1953.

Fuchs, Robert. 2016. Speech Rhythm in Varieties of English: Evidence from Educated Indian English and British English. Singapore: Springer.

Galves, Antonio, Jesus Garcia, Denise Duarte, and Charlotte Galves. 2002. Sonority as a basis for rhythmic class discrimination. In Proceedings of speech prosody 2002, Aix-en-Provence, 323?326.

Gut, Ulrike. 2005. Nigerian English prosody. English World-Wide 26(2): 153?177.

Gut, Ulrike. 2009. Non-native speech. A corpus-based analysis of phonological and phonetic properties of L2 English and German. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

Gut, Ulrike, and Jan-Torsten Milde. 2002. The prosody of Nigerian English. In Proceedings of the speech prosody 2002 conference, ed. Bel Bell and Isabelle Marlien, 367?370. Aix-en-Provence: Laboratoire Parole et Langage.

He, Lei. 2012. Syllabic intensity variations as quantification of speech rhythm: Evidence from both L1 and L2. In Proceedings of the 6th international conference on speech prosody, Shanghai, 22?26 May 2012, ed. Qiuwu Ma, Hongwei Ding, and Daniel Hirst, 466?469. Shanghai: Tongji University Press.

Jang, Tae-Yeoub. 2008. Speech rhythm metrics for automatic scoring of English speech by Korean EFL learners. Malsori Speech Sounds 66: 41?59.

Low, Ee Ling. 1998. Prosodic Prominence in Singapore English. PhD thesis. University of Cambridge.

Sarmah, Priyankoo, Divya Verma Gogoi, and Caroline Wiltshire. 2009. Thai English. Rhythm and vowels. English World-Wide 30(2): 196?217.

White, Laurence, and Sven L. Mattys. 2007a. Calibrating rhythm: First language and second language studies. Journal of Phonetics 35(4): 501?522.

White, Laurence, and Sven L. Mattys. 2007b. Rhythmic typology and variation in first and second languages. Segmental and Prosodic Issues in Romance Phonology 282: 237?257.

White, Laurence, Sven L. Mattys, Lucy Series, and Suzi Gage. 2007. Rhythm metrics predict rhythmic discrimination. In  Proceedings of the 16th international congress of phonetic sciences, Saarbrücken, 1009?1012.

Wiget, Klaus, Laurence White, Barbara Schuppler, Izabelle Grenon, Oleysa Rauch, and Sven L. Mattys. 2010. How stable are acoustic metrics of contrastive speech rhythm? Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127(3): 1559?1569.


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3-3-29(2017-10-16) 11th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP-2017), Tianjin, China

 We take great pleasure to invite you to submit research article in the 11th International
Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP-2017) which will be held on October 16-19, 2017 in
Tianjin, China. ISSP is a triennial conference with the aim of providing an
interdisciplinary forum for researchers working on all aspects of speech production from
fields as diverse as phonology, phonetics, prosody, mechanics, acoustics, physiology,
motor control, neuroscience, computer science and human interaction. ISSP has been held
over the word since 1988.

The ISSP-2017 will be hosted by Tianjin University and Institute of Linguistics of
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Tianjin was the ancient port city to Beijing, and is
the 3rd largest city of China with a population of over 15 million. It has a rich history
and remains characteristics of old British and Italian architecture. The famous Italian
concession area has the largest cluster of old Italian architecture outside of Italy.
Located 85 miles east of Beijing, Tianjin is the largest coastal city in northern China.
Tianjin is now a modern, developed city. Tianjin has a reputation throughout China for
being extremely friendly, safe and a place of delicious food. Welcome to Tianjin.

The proceeding will be published by Springer and indexed by EI. Papers with high quality
will be included in a special issue of ?Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing
Research?/ ?Journal of Phonetics? after revision.

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not restricted to the following:

?        Perception-action control
?        Intra- and inter-speaker variability
?        Articulatory synthesis
?        Mapping between articulatory and acoustic events
?        Acoustic-to-articulatory inversion
?        Coarticulation
?        Prosody
?        Biomechanical modeling
?        Models of motor control
?        Audiovisual synthesis
?        Aerodynamic models
?        Cerebral organization and neural correlates of speech
?        Disorders of speech motor control
?        Instrumental techniques
?        Speech and language acquisition
?        Audio-visual speech perception
?        Plasticity of speech production and perception

    For more information about ISSP2017, please refer to the conference webpage:

Important Dates:

2-page abstract submission deadline       1 March 2017

Notification of paper acceptance             1 May 2017

Full paper upload deadline                       1 August 2017

Author?s registration deadline                 1 September 2017


Qiang Fang
Phonetics Lab.
Institute of Linguistics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
No.5, Jian Guo Men Nei Da Jie, Beijing, China


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3-3-30(2017-10-23) 3rd International Workshop on Emotion and Sentiment in Social and Expressive Media (ESSEM 2017), San Antonio, TX, USA

----------------2nd CALL FOR PAPERS------------------------------------

3rd International Workshop on
Emotion and Sentiment in Social and Expressive Media (ESSEM 2017):
User Engagement and Interaction

Co-located with the seventh International Conference on Affective
Computing and Intelligent Interaction
ACII 2017 (, San Antonio, Texas
October 23, 2017

***Submission deadline: June 15, 2017***

Keynote speaker: Georgios Yannakakis, Institute of Digital Games, Univ.
of Malta


- ESSEM 2017 is supported by: CELI Language Technology -
- Workshop Proceedings will be published by IEEE Xplore (indexed by Scopus)


The role of emotional intelligence is increasing at fast speed in
everyday computer-mediated interactions, thanks to the integration of
more or less explicit affective elements in social networks, apps,
virtual assistants, etc. Expressed through emojis, color, tags or
speech, affect has become part of our relationships with computers,
adding depth and involvement to them. The technical advancement of the
available expressive means, from 3D to language technologies, is one of
the key factors of this process.
ESSEM 2017 addresses the expression of emotions in many-to-many
interaction and in one-to-one interaction as a tool for promoting,
analysing and measuring user engagement. In particular, we are
interested in tools and models that rely on NLP, acoustic and video
analysis; theories and methods that bridge the expression of emotions
from language to media are especially needed to overcome the limitations
of language-specific and media-specific approaches.
ESSEM 2017 focuses on interaction as a testbed for the models and tools
developed for social and expressive media. The ultimate goal is to
devise socio-emotional strategies to foster user engagement. We
encourage contributions on applications that specifically address the
role of sentiment and emotions in the interactions that occur through
social and expressive media, with a special focus on cultural heritage,
artistic expression, education and entertainment (e.g., storytelling,
artistic curation, audience development, games and edutainment). ESSEM
aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners both from
academia and industry. It wants to take an active part in growing a new
field in terms of multidisciplinary research and to investigate open
issues by cross-validating different approaches in emotion research.
Topics include, but are not limited to:

- Affect-related phenomena in social media
- Affect-related phenomena in expressive media
- Affect-related phenomena in the user's engagement process
- Subjectivity, sentiments and emotions in social & expressive media
- Affect and figurative language, stance or deception in social &
expressive media
- Design of engaging agents
- Socio-emotional strategies for user engagement
- User engagement in human-human and human-agent interactions using NLP
& audio-video analysis
- Grounding affect in conversational context
- Affect and regulation of human-agent interaction
- Affect and emotions in embodiment
- Affect in interactive entertainment (drama, storytelling, games, etc.)
and art (artistic curation, audience development, etc.)
- Applications of affective computing in multimodal interaction
- Applications of sentiment analysis and emotion detection in social &
expressive media

*Important dates*

- June 15, 2017: Paper submission deadline
- July 15, 2017: Notification of acceptance
- August 18, 2017: Final manuscripts due (hard deadline for all workshops)
- Workshop date: October 23, 2017)

*Paper submission*

Standard research papers should be a maximum of 6 pages long. We also
encourage submission of short research papers (including opinion
statements) of maximum 3 pages long.
Submissions must be anonymous and follow the ACII 2017 formatting

All papers should be electronically submitted in PDF format via the main
conference platform:, (track ESSEM).

Workshop Proceedings will be published by IEEE Xplore.


Cristina Bosco, University of Torino, Italy
Erik Cambria, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Chloé Clavel, LTCI, Telecom-ParisTech, Paris-Saclay University, Paris,
Rossana Damiano, University of Torino, Italy
Viviana Patti, University of Torino, Italy
Paolo Rosso, Technical University of Valencia, Spain

*Programme Committee*

Alexandra Balahur, European Commission Joint Research Centre
Andrea Bolioli, CELI, Italy
Zoraida Callejas, University of Granada, Spain
Lea Canales, Universitat d?Alacant, Spain
Paula Carvalho, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Marc Cavazza, Teesside University, UK
Antonio Chella, University of Palermo, Italy
Giuseppe Riccardi, University of Trento, Italy
Dipankar Das, Jadavpur University, India
Berardina Nadja De Carolis, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
Guillaume Dubuisson-Duplessis, Telecom-ParisTech, Paris-Saclay
University, France
Elisabetta Fersini, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Dirk Heylen, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Carlos A. Iglesias, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Aditya Joshi IITB-Monash Research Academy, Mumbai, India
Emiliano Lorini, IRIT-CNRS, Toulouse, France
Alessandro Moschitti, University of Trento, Italy
Malvina Nissim, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Nicole Novielli, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
Magalie Ochs, LSIS, University of Aix Marseille, France
Paolo Petta, Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence,
Rémi Ronfard, INRIA, France
Saif Mohammad, National Research Council, Canada
Björn Schuller, University of Passau, Germany, Imperial College London, UK
Candace Sidner, WPI, US
Mariët Theune, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Marko Tkalcic, Free University of Bozen, Italy
Serena Villata, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France
Emilio Vivancos, UPV, Spain
Gualtiero Volpe, University of Genova, Italy
Enrico Zovato, Nuance Communications, USA

**Follow us!* *

Spread the news: #essem2017



If have any enquiries/comments about the workshop or the submission
procedure, please just contact us via email:

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SLSP 2017
Le Mans, France
October 23-25, 2017
Organized by:
Computer Science Lab (LIUM)
University of Le Mans
Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)
Rovira i Virgili University
SLSP is a yearly conference series aimed at promoting and displaying excellent research on the wide spectrum of statistical methods that are currently in use in computational language or speech processing. It aims at attracting contributions from both fields. Though there exist large, well-known conferences and workshops hosting contributions to any of these areas, SLSP is a more focused meeting where synergies between subdomains and people will hopefully happen. In SLSP 2017, significant room will be reserved to young scholars at the beginning of their career and particular focus will be put on methodology.
SLSP 2017 will take place in Le Mans, in the region Pays de la Loire, a city with well-preserved Gallo-Roman remnants. The venue will be:
Claude Chappe Informatics Institute
University of Le Mans
Avenue Laënnec
72085 Le Mans Cedex 9
The conference invites submissions discussing the employment of statistical models (including machine learning) within language and speech processing. Topics of either theoretical or applied interest include, but are not limited to:
anaphora and coreference resolution
authorship identification, plagiarism and spam filtering
computer-aided translation
corpora and language resources
data mining and semantic web
information extraction
information retrieval
knowledge representation and ontologies
lexicons and dictionaries
machine translation
multimodal technologies
natural language understanding
neural representation of speech and language
opinion mining and sentiment analysis
part-of-speech tagging
question-answering systems
semantic role labelling
speaker identification and verification
speech and language generation
speech recognition
speech synthesis
speech transcription
spelling correction
spoken dialogue systems
term extraction
text categorisation
text summarisation
user modeling
SLSP 2017 will consist of:
invited talks
peer-reviewed contributions
PROGRAMME COMMITTEE: (to be completed)
Robert Gaizauskas (University of Sheffield, UK)
Keikichi Hirose (University of Tokyo, JP)
Gareth Jones (Dublin City University, IE)
Tomi Kinnunen (University of Eastern Finland, FI)
Elizabeth D. Liddy (Syracuse University, US)
Xunying Liu (Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK)
Carlos Martín-Vide (Rovira i Virgili University, ES, chair)
Yuji Matsumoto (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, JP)
Marie-Francine Moens (KU Leuven, BE)
Preslav Nakov (Qatar Computing Research Institute, QA)
Hermann Ney (RWTH Aachen University, DE)
Holger Schwenk (Facebook, FR)
Phil Woodland (University of Cambridge, UK)
Walid Aransa (Le Mans)
Adrien Bardet (Le Mans)
Abdessalam Bouchekif (Le Mans)
Fethi Bougares (Le Mans)
Nathalie Camelin (Le Mans)
Yannick Estève (Le Mans, co-chair)
Mercedes García Martínez (Le Mans)
Sahar Ghannay (Le Mans)
Anthony Larcher (Le Mans)
Antoine Laurent (Le Mans)
Carlos Martín-Vide (Tarragona, co-chair)
Salima Mdhaffar (Le Mans)
Manuel J. Parra Royón (Granada)
Simon Petitrenaud (Le Mans)
David Silva (London)
Natalia Tomashenko (Le Mans)
Kévin Vythelingum (Le Mans)
Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English presenting original and unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 12 single-spaced pages (including eventual appendices, references, proofs, graphics, etc.) and should be prepared according to the standard format for Springer Verlag's LNCS series (see
Submissions have to be uploaded to:
A volume of proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS/LNAI series will be available by the time of the conference.
A special issue of a major journal will be later published containing peer-reviewed substantially extended versions of some of the papers contributed to the conference. Submissions to it will be by invitation.
The registration form can be found at:
DEADLINES (all at 23:59 CET):
Extended paper submission: June 18, 2017
Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: July 11, 2017
Final version of the paper for the LNCS/LNAI proceedings: July 21, 2017
Early registration: July 21, 2017
Late registration: October 9, 2017
Submission to the journal special issue: January 25, 2018
SLSP 2017
Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)
Rovira i Virgili University
Av. Catalunya, 35
43002 Tarragona, Spain
Université du Maine
Universitat Rovira i Virgili

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3-3-32(2017-10-23) CfP Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2017) , San Antonio, Texas, USA

ACII 2017 – Call for Papers

Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction

October 23-26, 2017 San Antonio, Texas or follow us on Twitter @acii2017


Call for papers

The Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing (AAAC) invites you to join us at our seventh International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), which will be held in San Antonio, Texas on October 23-26, 2017. The Conference series is the premier international forum for interdisciplinary research on the design of systems that can recognize, interpret, and simulate human emotions and related affective phenomena.


A selection of the best articles will appear in a “Best of ACII2017” special section of IEEE’s Transactions on Affective Computing. Proceedings will be submitted for inclusion to IEEE Xplore. The theme of ACII2017 is “Affective Computing in Action,” highlighting the impact of affective computing technologies in the wider world.



ACII2017 will feature a broad program, with regular talks, posters, demos, workshops, special sessions, a doctoral consortium, special industry panel session on affective computing applications and keynote talks by James Russell (Boston College), Tanzeem Choudhury (Cornell University) and Thomas R. Insel (former NIHM). We will have two special sessions: “Emotions in Cognition, Adaptive Behavior and Action Selection” and “Utilising Big Unlabelled and Unmatched Data for Affective Computing”.



Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Recognition of Human Affect: Uni- or multimodal recognition of affect from face, body, gesture, voice text, or physiology; affective face/body animation; expression and gesture recognition; sentiment analysis
  • Synthesis of Human Affect: Affective speech synthesis, modeling and animation, synthesis of auditory affect bursts, synthesis of multimodal affective behavior
  • Affective Interfaces: Affective brain-computer interfaces, design of affective loop and affective dialog systems; mobile, tangible, haptic and virtual/augmented interfaces; affectively-smart environments; affectively proactive interfaces
  • Social and Behavioral Science Involving Affective Computing: Cognitive affective models; models of moral decision-making; tools for social science research; computational models of emotion; psychological factors in affective computing (personality, culture); ethical issues; dyadic and group affective processes
  • Affective and Social Robotics and Virtual Agents: Emotions in robot cognition and action, embodied issues in emotion; affective virtual agents; memory, reasoning, and learning of affective systems; affective architectures for virtual & robotic systems
  • Affective Applications: Databases and tools; biometrics; medical; assistive; virtual reality; entertainment; education; ambient intelligence; industrial


Important dates

Proposals for workshops: February 24, 2017

Proposals for tutorials: April 21, 2017

Regular paper submission: May 2, 2017

Doctoral consortium submission: June 9, 2017

Demos submission: July 21, 2017



General Chairs: Carlos Busso and Julien Epps

Program Chairs: Hayley Hung, Emily Mower Provost and Mohammad Soleymani

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3-3-33(2017-11-13) International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), Glasgow, Scotland, UK

International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI)

Glasgow, Scotland. November 13-17th, 2017


First Call for Papers

Due May 12th, 2017. Rebuttals July 21st-July 25th. Decisions on August 25th. Camera Ready due Sept 22nd.




The 19th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2017) will be held in Glasgow, Scotland. ICMI is the premier international forum for multidisciplinary research on multimodal human-human and human-computer interaction, interfaces, and system development. The conference focuses on theoretical and empirical foundations, component technologies, and combined multimodal processing techniques that define the field of multimodal interaction analysis, interface design, and system development.


This year, ICMI welcomes contributions on human-computer interaction as a particular topic of interest. We are keen to showcase novel input and output modalities and interactions to the ICMI community.  ICMI 2017 will feature a single-track main conference which includes: keynote speakers, technical full and short papers (including oral and poster presentations), demonstrations, exhibits and doctoral spotlight papers. The conference will also feature workshops and grand challenges. The proceedings of ICMI'2017 will be published by ACM as part of their series of International Conference Proceedings and Digital Library.


Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Affective Computing and interaction

  • Cognitive modeling and multimodal interaction

  • Gesture, touch and haptics

  • Healthcare, assistive technologies

  • Human communication dynamics

  • Human-robot/agent multimodal interaction

  • Interaction with smart environment

  • Machine learning for multimodal interaction

  • Mobile multimodal systems

  • Multimodal behavior generation

  • Multimodal datasets and validation

  • Multimodal dialogue modeling

  • Multimodal fusion and representation

  • Multimodal interactive applications

  • Speech behaviors in social interaction

  • System components and multimodal platforms

  • Visual behaviors in social interaction

  • Virtual/augmented reality and multimodal interaction


Submission Process

There are two different submission categories:

  • Long paper :The maximum length is 8 pages in the two-column ACM conference format (excluding references). An accompanying demonstration can be presented during the demo session (see Demonstration section). Accepted long papers will be presented as either a long talk or a poster.

  • Short paper :The maximum length is 4 pages in the two-column ACM conference format (excluding references). Accepted short papers will be presented as either a short talk or a poster.


There will be a mixture of oral and poster presentations at the conference. The decision of a poster or an oral presentation will be made by the program committee. Please note that the main difference between short and long papers is in the size of contributions and not in the importance of the contributions. In other words, a paper in eight pages will be expected to have more contribution than one with four pages. Rejected long papers will not be considered for acceptance as short papers, unless the reviewers unanimously believe this is the right decision. Authors are asked to carefully consider the category of each submitted paper.


Rebuttal Period

During this period (from July 21st to July 25th, 2017), authors will be able to see the reviews and post a short rebuttal addressing any major misinterpretation or error. The rebuttal period will be followed by a discussion period between the reviewers and Senior Program Committee members (not visible to authors). Authors will be notified of the final decision on August 25th, 2017.


Online Submission

For online paper submissions is through Precision Conference:

Extra material (e.g. videos) up to 40MB can be attached in the same submission website.


Important Dates

Paper submission: 12th May 2017

Rebuttal period: July 21st to July 25th

Notification of acceptance: 25th August 2017

Camera-ready submission: September 22nd, 2017

Conference dates: 13th-17th November 2017


More info:



General Conference Information

The 2017 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, ICMI 2017, which will be held in Glasgow, Scotland between 13th and 17th November 2017. ICMI is the premier international forum for multidisciplinary research on multimodal human-human and human-computer interaction, interfaces, and system development. The conference focuses on theoretical and empirical foundations, component technologies, and combined multimodal processing techniques that define the field of multimodal interaction analysis, interface design, and system development. ICMI 2017 will feature a single-track main conference which includes: keynote speakers, grand challenges (due Jan 13th), workshops (due Feb 22nd), technical full and short papers (including oral and poster presentations, due May 12th), exhibits and doctoral consortium papers (due July 3rd) and demonstrations (due August 11th). The proceedings of ICMI'2017 will be published by ACM as part of their series of International Conference Proceedings and Digital Library.


For up to date information, see the conference website:

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3-3-34(2017-11-23) Journée scientifique:Développement de l'articulation : du développement typique à la dyspraxie verbale, Grenoble, France
Appel à communication 
Journée Scientifique
Développement de l?articulation : du développement typique à la dyspraxie verbale 
23 novembre 2017, Grenoble
Le CRTLA-CHU Grenoble Alpes, le laboratoire LPNC, le laboratoire GIPSA-lab, et l?Association Coridys-Isère organisent 3 événements autour du développement de l?articulation de parole typique et pathologique, à destination des personnels de santé (orthophonistes, médecins, psychologues, etc.), des chercheurs et des étudiants :

Le mercredi 22 novembre 2017: un atelier sur le logiciel PHON, animé par Yvan Rose

Le jeudi 23 novembre 2017 : une journée scientifique sur les nouvelles approches théoriques, les nouveaux outils technologiques d?aide à l?identification, l?évaluation et l?intervention, ainsi que des études cliniques, avec les conférences plénières de Andrea McLeod (U. Montréal, Canada), Christelle Maillart (U. Liège, Belgique), Line Charron (U. Laval, Canada), Yvan Rose (U. Memorial Terre-Neuve, Canada)

Les 24 et 25 novembre 2017 : un atelier sur la dyspraxie verbale, animé par Line Charron      (à destination du public orthophoniste)
Au cours de la journée scientifique du 23 novembre, est prévue une session posters, permettant de présenter les études récentes sur le développement typique et atypique de l'articulation chez l?enfant.
Les participants à cette journée sont invités à soumettre leur proposition de poster, sous forme d'un résumé de 500 mots, à envoyer à .
La date limite de soumission est fixée au 15 juin 2017.

Pour plus d?informations :

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3-3-35(2017-12-01) The 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP 2017), Taipei, Taiwan
Call for Papers: The 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP 2017), Taipei, Taiwan, November 27 °V December 1, 2017 (

The 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP 2017) invites the submission of long and short papers reporting substantial, original, and unpublished research in all aspects of automated language processing. Relevant topics for the conference include, but are not limited to the following areas:

* Cognitive modeling and psycholinguistics
* Dialog and interactive systems
* Discourse and pragmatics
* Document analysis including text categorization, topic models, and retrieval
* Generation
* Information extraction, text mining, and question answering
* Machine learning in NLP
* Machine translation and Multilinguality
* Phonology, morphology, and word segmentation
* Resources and evaluation
* Semantics
* Sentiment analysis and opinion mining
* Social media
* Speech
* Summarization
* Tagging, chunking, syntax, and parsing

Important Dates

Submission deadline for long and short papers: July 7, 2017
Author response period: August 7 - 9, 2017
Notification of acceptance: September 1, 2017
Camera ready due: September 30, 2017

** All deadlines are calculated at 11:59pm Pacific Daylight Savings Time (UTC-7).

Workshops, tutorials and shared tasks: November 27, 2017 and December 1, 2017
Main conference: November 28 - 30, 2017

Submission Information
Paper submission for IJCNLP will be handled by the Softconf START system. The submission deadline is July 7, 2017.

Long Papers
IJCNLP 2017 long paper submissions must describe substantial, original, completed and unpublished work. Wherever appropriate, concrete evaluation and analysis should be included. Each long paper submission consists of a paper of up to eight (8) pages of content, plus two pages for references; final versions of long papers will be given one additional page (up to nine pages with unlimited pages for references) so that reviewers°¶ comments can be taken into account.

Short Papers
IJCNLP 2017 also solicits short papers. Short paper submissions must describe original and unpublished work. A short paper is not a shortened long paper and should have a point that can be made in a few pages. For example:
* A small, focused contribution
* Work in progress
* A negative result
* An opinion piece
* An interesting application nugget

Each short paper submission consists of up to four (4) pages of content, plus 2 pages for references; final versions of short papers will be given one additional page (up to five pages in the proceedings and unlimited pages for references) so that reviewers°¶ comments can be taken into account.

Submission Format
Submissions must be in PDF, and must conform to the official style guidelines in two-column format for IJCNLP 2017. We ask you to use the provided LaTeX style files (they will be posted on the conference site). Authors are strongly discouraged from modifying the style files. Please do not use other templates (e.g., Word). Submissions that do not conform to the required styles, including paper size, margin width, and font size restrictions, will be rejected without review.

As the reviewing will be blind, papers should not include the authors' names and affiliations. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the author's identity, e.g., °ßWe previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...°®, should be avoided. Instead, use citations such as °ßSmith (1991) previously showed ...°®. Acknowledgments of funding or assistance should be omitted. Submissions that do not conform to these requirements will be rejected without review. Separate author identification information is required as part of the online submission process.
IJCNLP 2017 encourages the submission of supplementary material such as software and data mentioned in the paper. The supplementary material should be supplementary (rather than central) to the paper. It may include explanations or details of proofs or derivations that do not fit into the paper, lists of features or feature templates, sample inputs and outputs for a system, pseudo-code or source code, and data. It may also include reports on preprocessing decisions, model parameters, and other details necessary for the exact replication of the experiments described in the paper. The paper should be self-contained and not rely on the supplementary material. Reviewers are not asked to review or even download the supplemental material. If the pseudo-code or derivations or model specifications are an important part of the contribution, or if they are important for the reviewers to assess the technical correctness of the work, they should be a part of the main paper, not as appendices.
Multiple Submission Policy
Papers that have been or will be submitted to other meetings or publications must indicate this at submission time, and must be withdrawn from the other venues if accepted by IJCNLP 2017. We will not accept for publication or presentation papers that overlap significantly in content or results with papers that will be (or have been) published elsewhere. Authors submitting more than one paper to IJCNLP 2017 must ensure that submissions do not overlap significantly (>25%) with each other in content or results.

Preprint servers such as and workshops that do not have published proceedings are not considered archival for purposes of submission. To preserve the spirit of blind review, authors are encouraged to refrain from posting until the completion of the review process. Otherwise, authors must state in the online submission form the name of the workshop or preprint server and title of the non-archival version. The submitted version should be suitably anonymized and not contain references to the prior non-archival version. Reviewers will be told: 'The author(s) have notified us that there exists a non-archival previous version of this paper with significantly overlapping text. We have approved submission under these circumstances, but to preserve the spirit of blind review, the current submission does not reference the non-archival version.'
Presentation Requirement
All accepted papers must be presented at the conference to appear in the proceedings. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for IJCNLP 2017. Accepted papers will be presented orally or as a poster (at the discretion of the program chairs based on the nature rather than the quality of the work). There will be no distinction in the proceedings between papers presented orally or as posters.

Program Co-Chairs
Greg Kondrak, University of Alberta,
Taro Watanabe, Google,

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Institute for Anthropomatics
Research Group 3-01 'Multilingual Speech Recognition'
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Stüker
research group leader
Adenauerring 2, Building 50.20, Room 231
76131 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49 721 608 46284
Fax: +49 721 607 721
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3-3-36(2017-12-08) Dialog System Technology Challenge 6 (DSTC6) at NIPS; Call for Track Proposals

DSTC6: Call for Track Proposals

Dialog System Technology Challenge 6
The DSTC shared task has now been running since 2013. This year?s challenge has been renamed to Dialog System Technology Challenge, which reflects the wider scope we aim for.  The DSTC6 workshop will be co-located to one of conferences such as NIPS or IWSDS.
The challenge will include 3-4 tracks, which should reflect the interests of the community. We will ask the community to cast expressions of interest via an online voting system in order to ensure sufficient numbers of participants per track. 
We would like to encourage you to submit a 2-page proposal (+ unlimited references, + an appendix of unlimited size containing examples of the data, annotations, and expected output to be generated), including but not limited to:
- end-to-end systems
- dialogue state tracking
- spoken language understanding
- natural language generation for SDS
- dialogue breakdown detection
- automatic evaluation metrics
- question-answering
- text to API call
Your proposal should contain:
1) The names and affiliations of the organisers;
2) A description of the task, with particular reference to its relevance for the dialog community;
3) A description of the data that will be provided for participants;
4) A description of the evaluation methods that will be used to compare peer systems;
5) An appendix of unlimited size containing examples of the data, annotations, and expected output to be generated
Send your proposal document as an attached PDF file (no specific format required) to the DSTC distribution list See instructions on how to join the mailing list at
Important Dates:
 - 13 Feb 2017: Track Proposal Submission
 - 15 Feb - 1 March: Voting Period
 - 3 Mar 2017: Notification
 - mid-Mar to mid-Jun 2017: Challenge Preparation
 - mid-Jun to mid-Sep 2017: Challenge Period
 - mid-Sep to mid-Oct 2017: Paper Preparation 
 - Dec 8-9 2017: NIPS Workshop
DSTC6 Organising Committee:
- Chiori Hori - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, USA
- Julien Perez - Xerox Research Centre Europe, France
- Koichiro Yoshino - Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
- Seokhwan Kim - Institute for Infocomm Research (A*STAR), Singapore
DSTC6 Steering Committee:
- Rafael E. Banchs - Institute for Infocomm Research (A*STAR), Singapore
- Julien Epps - The University of New South Wales, Australia
- Luis Fernando D'Haro - Institute for Infocomm Research (A*STAR), Singapore
- Matthew Henderson - Google, USA
- Verena Rieser, Heriot-Watt University
- Jason Williams - Microsoft Research, USA

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3-3-37(2017-12-16)CfP IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, Okinawa, Japan
ASRU 2017 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop December 16-20, 2017 Okinawa, Japan CALL FOR PAPERS The biennial IEEE ASRU workshop has a tradition of bringing together researchers from academia and industry in an intimate and collegial setting to discuss problems of common interest in automatic speech recognition, understanding, and related fields of research. The workshop includes keynotes, invited talks, poster sessions and will also feature challenge tasks, panel discussions, and demo sessions. TOPICS AND FOCUS We invite papers in all areas of spoken language processing, with emphasis placed on the following topics: - Automatic speech recognition (ASR) - ASR in adverse environments - New applications of ASR - Speech-to-speech translation - Spoken document retrieval - Multilingual language processing - Spoken language understanding - Spoken dialog systems - Text-to-speech systems VENUE The ASRU workshop will take place in Okinawa, Japan. Okinawa is a subtropical island located roughly 640 kilometers (400 mi) south of the main islands of Japan. It is one of Japanfs main tourist destinations because of its warm weather, its rich natural resources, and its unique blend of cultures that evolved through centuries of trade with China, Korea and other Southeast Asian countries. FORMAT The workshop features one keynote and one or two invited talks a day. Regular papers are presented as posters. ASRU 2017 will also include challenge tasks, panel discussions and demo sessions. SCHEDULE Paper Submission............. June 29, 2017 Paper Notification........... August 31, 2017 Early Registration Period:... August 31 - Oct 5, 2017 Camera Ready Deadline........ Sept 21, 2017 Workshop..................... Dec 16-20, 2017 MORE INFORMATION For updates see
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3-3-38(2018-05-07) LREC 2018, 11th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - Phoenix Seagaia Resort, Miyazaki, Japan

LREC 2018, 11th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation -
Phoenix Seagaia Resort, Miyazaki, Japan

7-12 May 2018

Main Conference: 9-10-11 May 2018
Workshops and Tutorials: 7-8 & 12 May 2018

Conference web site:
Twitter: @LREC2018


The European Language Resource Association (ELRA) is glad to announce the 11th edition of LREC, organised with the support of international organisations ? many from Asia: the Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing (AFNLP), Oriental COCOSDA, the Association of Natural Language Processing - Japan, the Chinese Information Processing Society of China, the Linguistic Data Consortium, ...

LREC is the major event on Language Resources (LRs) and Evaluation for Human Language Technologies (HLT). LREC aims to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art, explore new R&D directions and emerging trends, exchange information regarding LRs and their applications, evaluation methodologies and tools, communicate on-going and planned activities, identify industrial uses and needs, and address requirements from e-science and e-society, with respect to scientific, technology, policy and organisational issues.

For this edition, LREC goes East in order to support a stronger interaction and synergy with the Asian NLP community and to help promoting Asian Language Resources and Language Technologies.

LREC provides a unique forum for researchers, industrials and funding agencies from a wide spectrum of related disciplines to discuss issues and opportunities, find new synergies and promote initiatives for international cooperation, in support of investigations in language sciences, progress in language technologies (LTs) and development of corresponding products, services and applications, and standards.

Issues in the design, construction and use of LRs: text, speech, sign, gesture, image, in single or multimodal/multimedia data
* Guidelines, standards, best practices and models for LRs interoperability
* Methodologies and tools for LRs construction and annotation
* Methodologies and tools for extraction and acquisition of knowledge
* Ontologies, terminology and knowledge representation
* LRs and Semantic Web
* LRs and Crowdsourcing
* Metadata for LRs and semantic/content mark-up

Exploitation of LRs in systems and applications
* Sign language, multimedia information and multimodal communication
* LRs in systems and applications such as: information extraction, information retrieval, audio-visual and multimedia search, speech dictation, meeting transcription, Computer Aided Language Learning, training and education, mobile communication, machine translation, speech translation, summarisation, web services, semantic search, text mining, inferencing, reasoning, sentiment analysis/opinion mining, etc.
* Interfaces: (speech-based) dialogue systems, natural language and multimodal/multisensory interactions, voice-activated services, etc.
* Use of (multilingual) LRs in various fields of application like e-government, e-participation, e-culture, e-health, mobile applications, digital humanities, social sciences, etc.
* Industrial LRs requirements
* User needs, LT for accessibility

Issues in LT evaluation

* LT evaluation methodologies, protocols and measures
* Validation and quality assurance of LRs
* Benchmarking of systems and products
* Usability evaluation of HLT-based user interfaces and dialogue systems
* User satisfaction evaluation

General issues regarding LRs & Evaluation

* International and national activities, projects and initiatives
* Priorities, perspectives, strategies in national and international policies for LRs
* Multilingual issues, language coverage and diversity, less-resourced languages
* Open, linked and shared data and tools, open and collaborative architectures
* Replicability and reproducibility issues
* Organisational, economical, ethical and legal issues


Asian Language Resources

Special attention will be devoted to highlight the wide variety of initiatives for the creation, use and evaluation of Asian Language Resources and Technologies. Special attention will be paid to Less-Resourced Languages in the Asian area, including (local) Sign Languages.

International Contribution to Olympics 2020
LREC 2018 would like to promote all LTs that would support better interactions and communications between the Olympics 2020 visitors and the local hosts. This involves all speech- and text-based computer interactions, speech/sign to speech/sign translations, human-human communications mediated by computers, etc. Assessment of the above mentioned technologies is also an important area within LREC 2018.

Language Resources in the Online World
In a time in which more and more (language) data are generated, either by human beings or by machines, and directly streamed, the question arises how LRs and LTs can cope with this development. A first challenge is to address and to provide for correctives to hate speeches, cyberbullying, fake news, etc. Can LT provide means to process and respond in a timely manner to such language data streamed in a huge amount at high speed? In this context, language technologists have to intensify cooperation with humanities, especially social and political sciences, psychology but also economics, and more.


In addition to describing your LRs in the LRE Map ? now a normal step in the submission procedure of many conferences ? LREC recognises the importance of sharing resources and making them available to the community.
When submitting a paper, you will be offered the possibility to share your LRs (data, tools, web-services, etc.), uploading them in a special LREC repository set up by ELRA. Your LRs will be made available to all LREC participants before the conference, to be re-used, compared, analysed. This effort of sharing LRs, linked to the LRE Map for their description, contributes to creating a common repository where everyone can deposit and share data.


The Scientific Programme will include invited talks, oral presentations, poster and demo presentations, and panels, in addition to a keynote address by the winner of the Antonio Zampolli Prize.
We will also organise an Industrial Track.

Submission of proposals for oral and poster (or poster+demo) papers: September 25, 2017
* LREC2018 asks for extended abstracts of no less than 3000 words (references excluded), which must strictly follow the LREC stylesheet which will be available on the conference website. Extended abstracts should be submitted through START and will be peer-reviewed.
Submission of proposals for panels, workshops and tutorials: September 25, 2017
* Proposals should be submitted via an online form on the LREC website and will be reviewed by the Programme Committee.


The Proceedings will include both oral and poster papers, in the same format. Final papers will range from 4 to 8 pages, with no difference in quality between shorter and longer submissions.
There is also no difference in quality between oral and poster presentations. Only the appropriateness of the type of communication (more or less interactive) to the content of the paper will be considered.
The importance of LREC in Natural Language Processing is reflected by the H5-Index citation ranking in Google Scholar: LREC is ranked 3rd among Computational Linguistics conferences. In addition, since 2010, LREC Proceedings are included in the Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index.

Nicoletta Calzolari ? CNR, Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale ?Antonio Zampolli?, Pisa - Italy (Conference chair)
Khalid Choukri ? ELRA, Paris - France
Christopher Cieri ? Linguistic Data Consortium, Philadelphia - USA
Thierry Declerck ? DFKI GmbH, Saarbrücken - Germany
Koiti Hasida ? The University of Tokyo, Tokyo - Japan
Hitoshi Isahara ? Toyohashi University of Technology, Toyohashi - Japan
Bente Maegaard ? Centre for Language Technology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen - Denmark
Joseph Mariani ? LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay - France
Asuncion Moreno ? Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona - Spain
Jan Odijk ? UIL-OTS, Utrecht - The Netherlands
Stelios Piperidis ? Athena Research Center/ILSP, Athens - Greece
Takenobu Tokunaga ? Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo ? Japan

Sara Goggi, CNR, Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale ?Antonio Zampolli?, Pisa, Italy
Hélène Mazo, ELDA/ELRA, Paris, France

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