Li Deng and Dong Yu, Deep Learning: Methods and Applications, Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing
Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing ( has published the following issue:
Volume 7, Issue 3-4
Deep Learning: Methods and Applications
By Li Deng and Dong Yu (Microsoft Research, USA)
O.Niebuhr, R.Skarnitzl, 'Tackling the Complexity in Speech', Prague University Press
Tackling the Complexity in Speech
Oliver Niebuhr, Radek Skarnitzl (eds)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta
Release year
Opera Facultatis philosophicae
The present volume is meant to give the reader an impression of the range of questions and topics that are currently subject of international research in the discovery of complexity, the organization of complexity, and the modelling of complexity. These are the main sections of our volume. Each section includes four carefully selected chapters. They deal with facets of speech production, speech acoustics, and/or speech perception or recognition, place them in an integrated phonetic-phonological perspective, and relate them in more or less explicit ways to aspects of speech technology. Therefore, we hope that this volume can help speech scientists with traditional training in phonetics and phonology to keep up with the latest developments in speech technology. In the opposite direction, speech researchers starting from a technological perspective will hopefully get inspired by reading about the questions, phenomena, and communicative functions that are currently addressed in phonetics and phonology. Either way, the future of speech research lies in international, interdisciplinary collaborations, and our volume is meant to reflect and facilitate such collaborations.
Barbosa, P. A. and Madureira, S. Manual de Fonética Acústica Experimental. Aplicações a dados do português. 591 p. São Paulo: Cortez, 2015. [In Portuguese]
Barbosa, P. A. and Madureira, S. Manual de Fonética Acústica Experimental. Aplicações a dados do português. 591 p. São Paulo: Cortez, 2015. [In Portuguese]
This manual of Experimental Acoustic Phonetics is conceived for Undergraduate and Graduate classes on areas such as Acoustic Phonetics, Phonology, Communications Engineering, Music, Acoustic Physics, Speech Theraphy, among others. Starting with a theoretical and methodological presentation of Acoustic Phonetics Theory and Techniques in five chapters, including a chapter on experimental methods, the book follows with detailed acoustic analysis of all classes of sounds using audio files from both European and Brazilian Portuguese as data. All analyses are explained step by step using Praat. The audiofiles are available on the book web site and can be downloaded. All techniques can be applied to any language, of course. Proposed exercices at the end of each chapter allow the teacher o evaluate the student progress.
Damien Nouvel, Inalco, Maud Ehrmann, EPFL,Sophie Rosset, CNRS. Les entités nommées pour le traitement automatique des langues
Les entités nommées pour le traitement automatique des langues
Damien Nouvel, Inalco, Maud Ehrmann, EPFL Sophie Rosset, CNRS
Le livre est disponible en ebook au prix de 9,90 euros. (prix réservé aux particuliers - PDF lisible sur tout support - uniquement disponible sur Le livre est disponible en version papier au prix de 40,00 euros.
Le monde numérisé et connecté produit de grandes quantités de données. Analyser automatiquement le langage naturel est un enjeu majeur pour les applications de recherches sur le Web, de suivi d'actualités, de fouille, de veille, d'opinion, etc.
Les recherches menées en extraction d'information ont montré l'importance de certaines unités, telles que les noms de personnes, de lieux et d’organisations, les dates ou les montants. Le traitement de ces éléments, les « entités nommées », a donné lieu au développement d'algorithmes et de ressources utilisées par les systèmes informatiques.
Théorique et pratique, cet ouvrage propose des outils pour définir ces entités, les identifier, les lier à des bases de connaissance ou pour procéder à l’évaluation des systèmes.
1. Les entités nommées pour l’accès à l’information 2. Les entités nommées, des unités référentielles 3. Ressources autour des entités nommées 4. Reconnaître les entités nommées 5. Lier les entités nommées aux référentiels 6. Évaluation de la reconnaissance des entités nommées
168 pages - Octobre 2015 Ouvrage papier - broché ISBN 978-1-78405-104-4
An overview on the challenging new topic of phase-aware signal processing
Speech communication technology is a key factor in human-machine interaction, digital hearing aids, mobile telephony, and automatic speech/speaker recognition. With the proliferation of these applications, there is a growing requirement for advanced methodologies that can push the limits of the conventional solutions relying on processing the signal magnitude spectrum.
Single-Channel Phase-Aware Signal Processing in Speech Communication provides a comprehensive guide to phase signal processing and reviews the history of phase importance in the literature, basic problems in phase processing, fundamentals of phase estimation together with several applications to demonstrate the usefulness of phase processing.
Key features:
Analysis of recent advances demonstrating the positive impact of phase-based processing in pushing the limits of conventional methods.
Offers unique coverage of the historical context, fundamentals of phase processing and provides several examples in speech communication.
Provides a detailed review of many references and discusses the existing signal processing techniques required to deal with phase information in different applications involved with speech.
The book supplies various examples and MATLAB® implementations delivered within the PhaseLab toolbox.
Single-Channel Phase-Aware Signal Processing in Speech Communication is a valuable single-source for students, non-expert DSP engineers, academics and graduate students.