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ISCApad Archive  »  2017  »  ISCApad #225  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2017-09-12) CfP 19th International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM 2017), Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK

ISCApad #225

Saturday, March 11, 2017 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-11 (2017-09-12) CfP 19th International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM 2017), Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK

SPECOM 2017: 19th International Conference on Speech and Computer

12-16 September 2017, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK


Important Dates

March 12, 2017 ....... Submission of full papers

May 15, 2017 ............. Notification of acceptance

May 26, 2017 ............. Final papers (camera ready)

May 26, 2017 ............. Early registration

Sept 12-16, 2017 ??? Conference dates



The SPECOM conference is devoted to issues of human-machine interaction, particularly:

Affective computing; Applications for human-machine interaction; Audio-visual speech processing; Automatic language identification; Corpus linguistics and linguistic processing; Forensic speech investigations and security systems; Multichannel signal processing; Multimedia processing; Multimodal analysis and synthesis; Signal processing and feature extraction; Speaker identification and diarization; Speaker verification systems; Speech analytics and audio mining; Speech and language resources; Speech dereverberation; Speech disorders and voice pathologies; Speech driving systems in robotics; Speech enhancement; Speech perception; Speech recognition and understanding; Speech translation automatic systems; Spoken dialogue systems; Spoken language processing; Text mining and sentiment analysis; Text-to-speech and speech-to-text systems; Virtual and augmented reality.


Special Session 1: Natural Language Processing for Social Media Analysis

The exploitation of natural language from social media data is an intriguing task in the fields of text mining and natural language processing (NLP), with plenty of applications in social sciences and social media analytics. In this special session, we call for research papers in the broader field of NLP techniques for social media analysis. The topics of interest include (but are not limited to): sentiment analysis in social media and beyond (e.g., stance identification, sarcasm detection, opinion mining), computational sociolinguistics (e.g., identification of demographic information such as gender, age), and NLP tools for social media mining (e.g., topic modeling for social media data, text categorization and clustering for social media).


Vasiliki Simaki and Carita Paradis (Lund University, Sweden)

Fragkiskos D. Malliaros (UC San Diego, USA)

Andreas Kerren (Linnaeus University, Sweden)

Michalis Vazirgiannis (École Polytechnique, France)


Special Session 2: Multilingual and Low-Resourced Languages Speech Processing in Human-Computer Interaction

Multilingual speech processing has been an active topic for many years. Over the last few years, the availability of big data in a vast variety of languages and the convergence of speech recognition and synthesis approaches to statistical parametric techniques (mainly deep learning neural networks) have put this field in the center of research interest, with a special attention for low- or even zero-resourced languages. In this special session, we call for research papers in the field of multilingual speech processing. The topics include (but are not limited to): multilingual speech recognition and understanding, dialectal speech recognition, cross-lingual adaptation, text-to-speech synthesis, spoken language identification, speech-to-speech translation, multi-modal speech processing, keyword spotting, emotion recognition and deep learning in speech processing.


Alexandros Lazaridis (Idiap Research Institute, Switzerland)

Ivan Himawan (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)

Blaise Potard (CereProc Ltd, Edinburgh, UK)

Kate Knill (Cambridge University Engineering Department)

Peter Bell (University of Edinburgh, UK)


Special Session 3: Real-Life Challenges in Voice and Multimodal Biometrics

Complex passwords or cumbersome dongles are now obsolete. Biometric technology offers a secure and user friendly solution to authenticate and have been employed in various real-life scenarios. This special session seeks to bring together researchers, professionals, and practitioners to present and discuss recent developments and challenges in Real-Life applications of biometrics. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

Biometric systems and applications; Identity management and biometrics; Fraud prevention; Anti-spoofing methods; Privacy protection of biometric systems; Uni-modalities, e.g. voice, face, fingerprint, iris, hand geometry, palm print and ear biometrics; Behavioural biometrics; Soft-biometrics; Multi-biometrics; Novel biometrics; Ethical and societal implications of biometric systems and applications.


Saeid Safavi (School of Engineering and Technology, University of Hertfordshire, UK)

Lily Meng (School of Engineering and Technology, University of Hertfordshire, UK)

Maryam Najafian (CSAIL Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)

Mohamad Hassan Bahari (Centre for processing speech and images, KU Leuven, Belgium)

Abosoud Hanani (Department of Computer Systems Engineering, Birzeit University, Palestine)

Hossein Zeinali (Computer and Engineering Department, Sharif University of Technology, Iran)


Satellite Event

The 2nd International conference on interactive collaborative robotics (ICR 2017)


Topics: Assistive robots; Child-robot interaction; Collaborative robotics; Educational robotics; Human-robot interaction; Medical robotics; Robotic mobility systems; Robots at home; Robot control and communication; Social robotics; Safety robot behaviour.




On behalf of the Organising Committee,

Iosif Mporas



19th International Conference on Speech and Computer

SPECOM 2017,


Dr Iosif Mporas, Dipl-Eng, PhD

Senior Lecturer in Information Engineering


Information Engineering and Processing Architectures Group

School of Engineering and Technology

University of Hertfordshire

College Lane Campus

Hatfield AL10 9AB, UK

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