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ISCApad #224

Saturday, February 11, 2017 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-30 (2017-07-03) eNTERFACE '17, Porto, Portugal

CfP eNTERFACE'17 Workshop: International Summer Workshop on Multimodal


eNTERFACE workshops aim at establishing a tradition of collaborative,
localized research and development work by gathering, in a single
place, a team of senior project leaders in multimodal interfaces,
researchers, and (undergraduate) students, to work on a pre-specified
list of challenges, for 4 weeks.

Following the success of the previous eNTERFACE workshops held in Mons
(Belgium, 2005), Dubrovnik (Croatia, 2006), Istanbul (Turkey, 2007),
Paris (France, 2008), Genova (Italy, 2009), Amsterdam (Netherlands,
2010), Plzen (Czech Republic, 2011), Metz (France, 2012), Lisbon
(Portugal, 2013), Bilbao (Spain, 2014), Mons (Belgium, 2015), Twente
(Netherlands 2016), the Digital Creativity Centre (CCD), Universidade
Catolica Portuguesa, has the pleasure to host eNTERFACE?17, the 13th
Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, to be held in Porto,
Portugal from July 3rd to 28th, 2017.

The eNTERFACE'17 committee now invites researchers to submit project
proposals that will be evaluated by the scientific committee. All the
information asked to submit a project is available on the website of
the workshop. The proposals should contain a full description of the
project's objectives, required hardwares/softwares and relevant

Participants are organized in teams, attached to specific projects,
working on free software. Each week will typically consist of working
sessions by the teams on their respective projects plus a tutorial
given by an invited senior researcher and a presentation of the
results achieved by each project group. The last week will be devoted
to writing an article on the results obtained by the teams plus a big
session where all the groups will present their achievements.

Proceedings are expected to be published by CITAR Journal. CITAR
Journal was recently (July 2016) accepted for inclusion in a new index
of the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection: the Emerging Sources
Citation Index (ESCI), and has also been accepted for indexing by
Elsevier's Scopus.


Although not exhaustive, the submitted projects can cover one or
several of the topics : Art and Technology, Affective Computing,
Assistive and Rehabilitation Technologies, Assistive Technologies for
Education and Social Inclusion, Augmented Reality, Conversational
Embodied Agents, Human Behavior Analysis, Human Robot Interaction,
Interactive Playgrounds, Innovative Musical Interfaces, Interactive
Systems for Artistic Applications, Multimodal Interaction, Signal
Analysis and Synthesis, Multimodal Spoken Dialog Systems, Search in
Multimedia and Multilingual Documents, Smart Spaces and Environments,
Social Signal Processing, Tangible and Gesture Interfaces,
Teleoperation and Telerobotics, Wearable Technology, Virtual Reality


20 January 2017: Notification of interest for a project proposal with
a summary of project goals, work-packages and deliverables (1-page)
10 February 2017: Submission deadline: Final project proposal
20 February 2017: Notification of acceptance to project leaders
06 March 2017: Start Call for Participation, participants can apply for projects
21 April 2017: Call for Participation is closed
28 April 2017: Teams are built, notification of acceptance to participants
03 ? 28 July 2017: eNTERFACE?17 Workshop


The general procedure of the eNTERFACE workshop series is as follows.
Researchers are invited to submit project proposals. The project
proposals will be evaluated by the eNTERFACE steering committee. If
accepted, the projects will be published and researchers and students
are invited to apply for up to 3 projects they would like to be part
of. After notifying the applicants, the project leaders can start
building their teams.

Notifications of interest and final project proposals must be
submitted by email (PDF) to

Instructions for the 1-page notification of interest: give the title,
a short summary of the proposed research and project, and the names
and affiliations of the main researchers.
Instructions for the final proposal: please go to the website
guidelines-for-authors-of-final-project-proposals for detailed
instructions on how to submit your final project proposal.

Scientific Committee

Prof. Albert Ali Salah, University of Bogazici, Turkey
Prof. Alvaro Barbosa, University of Saint Joseph, Macao, China
Prof. Andrew Perkis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Prof. Antonio Camurri, University of Genova, Italy
Prof. Benoit Macq, Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium
Prof. Bruce Pennycook, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Prof. Christophe d'Alessandro, CNRS-LIMSI, France
Dr. Daniel Erro, Cirrus Logic, Spain
Prof. Dirk Heylen, University of Twente, Netherlands
Prof. Gualtiero Volpe, University of Genova, Italy
Prof. Igor S. Pand?i?, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Prof. Inma Hernaez, University of the Basque Country, Spain
Prof. Jean Vanderdonckt, Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium
Prof. Jorge C. S. Cardoso, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Prof. Khiet Truong, University of Twente, Netherlands
Prof. Kostas Karpouzis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Prof. Ludger Brümmer, ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhey, Germany
Prof. Luis Teixeira, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), Portugal
Prof. Martin Kaltenbrunner, Kunstuniversität Linz, Austria
Prof. Maureen Thomas, Cambridge University Moving Image Studio, UK
Prof. Milos Zelezny, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Prof. Nuno Guimarães, Information Sciences, Technologies and
Architecture Research Center (ISTAR-UL), Portugal
Prof. Olivier Pietquin, University of Lille | Google DeepMind, France
Prof. Sandra Pauletto, University of York, UK
Prof. Stefania Serafin Professor, Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark
Prof. Thierry Dutoit, University of Mons, Belgium
Prof. Yves Rybarczyk, New University of Lisbon, Portugal


eNTERFACE?17 will be held in the Digital Creativity Centre located on
the campus of the Catholic Portuguese University in the city of Porto,
Portugal. The Digital Creativity Centre is a center of competence and
creative excellence with an infrastructure equipped with cutting edge
technology in the areas of Digital and Interactive Arts, Computer
Music, Sound Design, Audiovisual and Cinematic Arts, Computer

Facilities include experiment spaces, meeting rooms, as well as a
Motion Capture (MoCap) Lab equipped with a Vicon Motion Capture
System, a Digital and Interactive Arts (Yamaha Disklavier Grand Piano
Robotic Performance System, a Notomoton Percussion Robot, two
Reactable Live and one Reactable Media Bench Systems, various
Microsoft Kinects, Nintendo Wiimotes, LeapMotion sensors, Webcameras,
3d-printers, Arduino and Raspberry Pi systems).


eNTERFACE?17 will be organized and hosted by the Digital Creativity
Centre, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa - School of Arts.

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