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ISCApad Archive  »  2017  »  ISCApad #224  »  Jobs  »  (2016-11-09) Internship on Search Engine Development at ELDA in Paris (France),

ISCApad #224

Saturday, February 11, 2017 by Chris Wellekens

6-7 (2016-11-09) Internship on Search Engine Development at ELDA in Paris (France),

ELDA is opening an internship on Search Engine Development in Paris (France), starting on January 2017 for 6 months.


  • MSc. in Computer Science;
  • Basic knowledge in data structures and algorithms;
  • Basic knowledge in Web applications architecture;
  • Python and / or JavaScript language skills;
  • Technical English
  • Hands-on knowledge of a database system (ideally PostgreSQL);
  • Knowledge of a search engine (Solr, Elasticsearch, Lucene) will be appreciated.


In the software development team at ELDA and under the supervision of an Engineer specialised in Natural Language Processing and Web Application Development, you will participate in the following tasks:

  • produce a state-of-the-art overview on most powerful research engines that are currently available, such as Solr, Elasticsearch, or the full-text search features provided by current database systems, such as PostgreSQL.
  • help specifying the full-text search needs for the LREC conference proceedings;
  • help choosing the technical solution that best fits the context;
  • participate in the design of a database structure (data schema) for the contents of the LREC proceedings web sites;
  • harvest the LREC proceedings sites and populate the aforementioned database with all the relevant information extracted from the contents of the LREC proceedings sites;
  • implement a search solution that is exhaustive, robust and works throughout all the LREC proceedings.

You will also participate in the regular meetings of the software development team at ELDA.


This 6-month internship is based in Paris 13th district (Les Gobelins).
It should start in January 2017.

Applicants should email a cover letter addressing the points listed above together with a curriculum vitæ to Vladimir Popescu (

The internship is subject to a monthly allowance, commensurate with the candidate's educational qualifications and according to the French laws.


ELDA ('Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency') is a key player of the Human Language Technology domain. Operational body of ELRA, the European Language Resources Association, a European not-for-profit organisation promoting language resources in a European context, ELDA is in charge of executing a number of tasks on behalf of ELRA, including both the distribution and the production of Language Resources. Within the production projects, ELDA is often in the position of coordinating resource annotations, as well as performing quality control of these annotations.

Thus, ELDA supports the organization of ELRA?s biannual international scientific conference, LREC, the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, which brings together, an increasing number (1200+) of top-tier researchers from all over the world, who submit and present scientific research articles.

In order to ease the navigation in this thesaurus of scientific articles, ELDA has set up a set of Web sites gathering the articles themselves, as well as the corresponding metadata (authors, titles, article abstracts, etc.).

In this context, ELDA wants to consolidate these sites, allowing the users to rely on a robust and exhaustive search throughout the article collections for all the editions of the LREC conference.

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