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ISCApad Archive  »  2017  »  ISCApad #223  »  Editorial

ISCApad #223

Saturday, January 14, 2017 by Chris Wellekens

1 Editorial

Dear Members,

I hope you all started 2017 in good health conditions and that you are full of very attractive projects. I wish you a very prosperous year.

Interspeech 2017 is on a very good track: have a glance to the already planned sattelite events!

Please do not forget to nominate candidates for Distinguished Lectures (see below under ISCA News).

I take the opportunity of this beginning of year to remind the objectives and rules of this newsletter:

- the first aim is to establish a monthly social contact with the members by informing about ISCA life, planned conferences on speech processing and related domains, job offers, available tools and data bases, new books on speech processing, recent theses,...

-a tentative date for releasing the newsletter on the is the 10th of each month: as a consequence, I would appreciate to receive your announcements not later than the 5th of the month of publication. Of course you may contact me in case of urgency (cancellation, relocation of a conference for instance)

-your messages to me are not acknowledged but the publication of your announcements in the next issue is better than an ackowledgement.

-all annoucements are free: this is a service to the members without any commercial goal

-the announced conferences are listed according to the date of the conference (not according to submission deadlines) and are skipped from the list after this date.

-job offers are listed according the the date they have been sent to me and will be kept on line during 6 months except if I am informed earlier that the position has been filled; this is the best practice to avoid useless out-of-time applications.

-data base offers are updated at the pace decided by the authors.

-recent books and theses are announced at least during one year

-announcements of special issues of journals are kept on line up to the end of the editing process

but the most important requirement is your active participation by sending me your announcements in time to be useful for all ISCA members. Information comes from you and returns to you!

Happy New Year!

Chris Wellekens

ISCApad editor

Professor emeritus Institut Eurecom

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